
Logical orthodoxy has it that valid arguments preserve truth (see e.g. Etchemendy 1990; Harman 1986, 2009):

( VTP):

If an argument is valid, then, if all its premises are true, then its conclusion is also true.

Intuitive as it may seem, this claim, on natural enough interpretations of ‘if’ and ‘true’, turns out to be highly problematic. Hartry Field has argued that its most immediate justification requires all the logical and semantic resources that yield the standard semantic version of Curry’s Paradox. Worse yet, both Field and Jc Beall have observed that the claim that valid arguments preserve truth almost immediately yields absurdity via Curry-like reasoning in most logics (Field 2008; Beall 2007, 2009). Moreover, Field has argued that, by Gödel’s Second Incompleteness Theorem, any semantic theory that declares all valid arguments truth-preserving must be inconsistent (Field 2006, 2008, 2009b, 2009a). We can’t coherently require that valid arguments preserve truth, or so the thought goes.Footnote 1

Two main ingredients are required for this conclusion: that the conditional occurring in \(\mathsf{VTP}\) detaches, i.e. satisfies Modus Ponens, and the naïve view of truth, viz. that (at the very least) the truth predicate must satisfy the (unrestricted) T-Scheme

$$(\text{\emph{T-Scheme}})\, Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha}\urcorner) \leftrightarrow \alpha,$$

where Tr(...) expresses truth, and \(\ulcorner{\alpha}\urcorner\) is a name of α. Both assumptions lie at the heart of the leading contemporary revisionary approaches to semantic paradox. These include recent implementations (see e.g. Brady 2006; Field 2003, 2007, 2008; Horsten 2009) of the paracomplete approach inspired by Martin and Woodruff (1975) and Kripke (1975), as well as paraconsistent approaches (see e.g. Asenjo 1966; Asenjo and Tamburino 1975; Priest 1979, 2006a, 2006b); Beall 2009). Paracomplete approaches solve paradoxes such as the Liar by assigning the Liar sentence a value in between truth and falsity, thus invalidating the Law of Excluded Middle. Paraconsistent approaches solve the Liar by taking the Liar sentence to be both true and false, avoiding absurdity by invalidating the classically and intuitionistically valid principle of Ex Contradictione Quodlibet. Both approaches have sought to preserve room for a detaching conditional that underwrites the T-Scheme. And when such a conditional threatens to reintroduce absurdity through Curry’s Paradox, both approaches have offered a common diagnosis: they take it to show that this conditional cannot satisfy the law of contraction:

$$(\text{\emph{Contraction}})\, (\alpha \to (\alpha \to \beta)) \to (\alpha \to \beta).$$

More generally, they require that a theory of truth be robustly contraction free (‘rcf’, for short); free, essentially, of a conditional satisfying Contraction and other natural principles such as Modus Ponens (Restall 1993).

In this paper, we assume for argument’s sake the naïve view of truth, and argue that this view doesn’t in fact require rejecting \(\mathsf{VTP}\). However, maintaining \(\mathsf{VTP}\) requires more than revising logic so as to ensure that Contraction is no longer a theorem. Rather, it involves adopting a logic that lacks one or more of the rules usually thought to correspond to basic features of reasoning in the context of assumptions. We will focus on the structural rule of contraction

$$(\mathsf{SContr})\frac{\Upgamma, \alpha, \alpha \vdash \beta}{\Upgamma, \alpha \vdash \beta}$$

Once \(\mathsf{SContr}\) is rejected, we will see, the standard objections against \(\mathsf{VTP}\) all break down. The standard arguments against \(\mathsf{VTP}\) at best support the weaker conclusion that, given the naïve view of truth, either \(\mathsf{VTP}\) or \(\mathsf{SContr}\) (or perhaps some other structural feature of the consequence relation) should be rejected.

To be sure, rcf theorists, especially Field, are aware of the existence of substructural revisionary approaches. Field dismisses them, though, as “radical” (Field 2008, p. 10), and as “very desperate measures” that are, ultimately, not needed (Field 2009a, p. 350). He writes:

I haven’t seen sufficient reason to explore this kind of approach (which I find very hard to get my head around), since I believe we can do quite well without it.... [Hence] I will take the standard structural rules for granted. (Field 2008, pp. 10–11; also 283n)

However, while we agree with Field that more work needs to be done to make sense of a failure of \(\mathsf{SContr}\), we’d like to stress that giving up \(\mathsf{VTP}\) is also a radical move. What is more, revisionary theorists have at least one powerful reason to reject \(\mathsf{SContr}\). Let us assume, as is often done, that the “valid” arguments include those whose goodness depends on rules governing the truth and validity predicates (McGee 1991; Whittle 2004; Priest 2006a, 2006b; Field 2007, 2008; Zardini 2011). Then there exist validity-involving versions of Curry’s Paradox which cannot be solved by revising the logic’s operational rules (those governing the behavior of logical vocabulary) to ensure that the theory is robustly contraction free. This is because the only operational rules these versions of Curry’s Paradox employ are a pair of rules governing a validity predicate, rules that are arguably essential to that predicate’s expressing validity (Shapiro 2011; Beall and Murzi 2013).It has long been known that Curry-paradoxical reasoning can be blocked by adopting a “substructural” logic lacking \(\mathsf{SContr}\).Footnote 2 Yet we’re not aware of any detailed examinations of how the various challenges to \(\mathsf{VTP}\) are affected by adopting such logics.Footnote 3 What makes matters delicate is that all the challenges to \(\mathsf{VTP}\) involve arguments with multiple premises. Hence how we may respond to the challenges depends crucially on howwe understand what it means for a conclusion to follow validly from all of the premises taken jointly. Even stating what truth-preservation amounts to requires us to represent such joint consequence using some logical connective in place of the above informal ‘all’ or (in the case of arguments with finitely many premises) in place of the corresponding ‘and.’ Once \(\mathsf{SContr}\) is rejected, various possibilities open up for the logical behavior of such an ‘and’, with different choices having different implication for the challenges to \(\mathsf{VTP}\). Moreover, the possibility arises that there are two suitable connectives, corresponding to different modes in which premises may be understood as taken jointly. Our chief aim is to clarify this poorly understood complex of issues and challenge the received wisdom that \(\mathsf{VTP}\) is incompatible with revisionary approaches to paradox.Two final qualifications. The structural feature of validity encapsulated in \(\mathsf{SContr}\) isn’t the only standardly accepted structural feature whose rejection would block the validity-involving versions of Curry’s Paradox and allow a defense of \(\mathsf{VTP}\) against the standard objections. An alternative “substructural” strategy, proposed by Ripley (2013), involves restricting the transitivity of validity as reflected in the structural rule of \(\mathsf{Cut}\).Footnote 4 While we will occasionally remark on this approach, we do not have space to compare it with the strategy of giving up \(\mathsf{SContr}\).Footnote 5 In what follows, we will assume (as rcf theorists typically do) that validity is transitive. Likewise, we won’t here be able to discuss the various ways in which one might try to make sense of and motivate the failure of \(\mathsf{SContr}\).Footnote 6The remainder of this paper is structured thus. § 1 introduces the standard arguments in favor of rejecting \(\mathsf{VTP}\). § 2 observes that \(\mathsf{VTP}\) follows from what we call the naïve view of validity, viz. that the validity predicate satisfies (generalisations of) the Rule of Necessitation and the \(\mathsf{T}\) axiom. It then rehearses some reasons for thinking that the naïve view of validity is in tension with \(\mathsf{SContr}\), and considers a couple of possible objections to this claim. § 3 examines various possible interpretations of \(\mathsf{VTP}\), interpretations that become available once \(\mathsf{SContr}\) is rejected. Specifically, it considers different ways of understanding the claim that an argument’s premises are all true, as one finds in linear logic and what we call dual-bunching logics. It then argues that, once \(\mathsf{SContr}\) is rejected, the standard objections to \(\mathsf{VTP}\) are all blocked. § 4 offers some concluding remarks.

1 Three Challenges to \(\mathsf{VTP}\)

We focus on three challenges to \(\mathsf{VTP}\): that the most obvious argument in defense of this principle rests on inconsistent premises, that \(\mathsf{VTP}\) yields triviality via Curry-like reasoning, and that Gödel-like reasoning shows that no consistent recursively axiomatizable semantic theory can endorse \(\mathsf{VTP}\).

1.1 The Validity Argument and Curry’s Paradox

Field (2008,§ 2.1, § 19.2) considers an argument, which he calls the Validity Argument, to the effect that “an inference is valid if and only if it is logically necessary that it preserves truth” (Field 2008, p. 284). If sound, the argument for this biconditional’s ‘only if’ direction would seem to establish \(\mathsf{VTP}\). However, Field argues, it can’t be sound. Let’s use \(\alpha_1,..., \alpha_n \vdash \beta\) to mean that “the argument from the premises \(\alpha_1,..., \alpha_n\) to the conclusion β is logically valid” (Field 2008, p. 42). And let Tr-I and Tr-E, respectively, be the rules that one may infer \(Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha}\urcorner)\) from α in any context of assumptions, and vice versa. Then Field reasons thus (we have adapted his terminology):

‘Only if’ direction: Suppose \(\alpha_1,..., \alpha_n \vdash \beta\). Then by Tr-E, \(Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_1}\urcorner),..., Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_n}\urcorner) \vdash \beta\); and by Tr-I, \(Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_1}\urcorner),...,Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_n}\urcorner) \vdash Tr(\ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\). By α-E, \(Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_1}\urcorner) \land... \land Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_n}\urcorner) \vdash Tr(\ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\). So by α-I, \(\vdash Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_1}\urcorner) \land... \land Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha _n}\urcorner) \to Tr(\ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\). That is, the claim that if the premises \(\alpha_1,..., \alpha_n\) are true, so is the conclusion, is valid, i.e. holds of logical necessity. ‘If’ direction: Suppose \(\vdash Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_1}\urcorner) \land... \land Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_n}\urcorner) \to Tr(\ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\). By Modus Ponens, \(Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_1}\urcorner) \land... \land Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha _n}\urcorner) \vdash Tr(\ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\). So by α-I, \(Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_1}\urcorner),...,Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_n}\urcorner) \vdash Tr(\ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\). So by Tr-I, \(\alpha_1,..., \alpha_n \vdash Tr(\ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\); and by Tr-E, \(\alpha_1,..., \alpha_n \vdash \beta\). (Field 2008, p. 284).Footnote 7

Two features of this Validity Argument call for comment. First, notice that it is conducted in a metalanguage containing a validity predicate (the turnstile), but no truth predicate. In taking the argument to establish \(\mathsf{VTP}\), then, Field is assuming that the object-language sentence \(Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_1}\urcorner) \land... \land Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_n}\urcorner) \to Tr(\ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\) expresses the claim that if \(\alpha_1,..., \alpha_n\) are all true, so is β. In § 3, we will see that once giving up structural contraction is an option, it becomes controversial whether the claim that “all premises are true” should be expressed using a connective for which the inferences Field justifies using κ-I and κ-E are valid. Second, one might worry that the Validity Argument presupposes its own conclusion. The argument establishes that if an argument is valid, then the conditional claiming that the argument preserves truth will likewise be valid. But we couldn’t take this as establishing \(\mathsf{VTP}\) itself unless we took for granted that valid sentences are true—a claim that is a special case of \(\mathsf{VTP}\). Still, even if the Validity Argument doesn’t suffice to establish \(\mathsf{VTP}\), it does undermine the objections that have been offered against \(\mathsf{VTP}\). That is because these objections (which all involve multi-premise arguments) don’t purport to challenge the claim that valid sentences are true. Thus the Validity Argument should count as a defense of \(\mathsf{VTP}\).Footnote 8

Field suggests that the Validity Argument, though it “looks thoroughly convincing at first sight,” can’t be accepted, since it relies on Tr-I, Tr-E, κ-I, and κ-E, “which the Curry Paradox shows to be jointly inconsistent” (Field 2008, pp. 43, 284). Let us unpack this a little. The Diagonal Lemma allows us to construct a sentence κ which, up to equivalence, intuitively says that, if it’s true, then (say) you will win the lottery. Assuming that our theory of truth T is strong enough to prove the Diagonal Lemma, this means that

$$\vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} \kappa \leftrightarrow (Tr(\ulcorner{ \kappa}\urcorner) \rightarrow \bot).$$

Let Π now be the following derivation of the further theorem \(Tr(\ulcorner{\kappa}\urcorner) \to \bot\):

figure b

Using Π, we can then ‘prove’ that you will win the lottery:

figure c

This is the (standard) conditional-involving version of Curry’s Paradox, or c-Curry, as we’ll call it.Footnote 9 The derivation makes use of Tr-I, Tr-E, Π-I and Π-E, just like the Validity Argument. Hence, Field argues, one can’t accept the latter without thereby validating the former. Rcf theorists invalidate c-Curry by rejecting Π-I, thus resisting Π’s final step (Priest 2006b; Field 2008; Beall 2009; Beall and Murzi 2013). Therefore, Field suggests, they must reject the ‘only if’ direction of the Validity Argument, too.

However, as Field notes, the above derivation makes use of the rule \(\mathsf{SContr}\). Hence if \(\mathsf{SContr}\) is rejected—as proposed in this context by Brady (2006), Zardini (2011), Shapiro (2011), and Beall and Murzi (2013)—Curry’s paradox no longer stands in the way of our embracing the principles used in the Validity Argument for \(\mathsf{VTP}\). One complication: we should note in advance that it isn’t clear that all types of contraction-free logics we will be considering support theories of arithmetic that prove a Diagonal Lemma. Where this isn’t the case, the reader should suppose that some other means of self-reference built into our semantic theory is responsible for the Curry paradoxes we will be considering. In what follows, we will ignore this complication, and assume that T has the resources for at least simulating self-reference.

Will rejecting \(\mathsf{SContr}\) allow us to endorse the Validity Argument, then? As we will see below, matters are not this simple. Field’s argument makes crucial use of rules governing the conjunction symbolized by →. Once we no longer accept the standard structural rules, however, the rules for conjunction can take non-equivalent forms, and the soundness of the Validity Argument now depends on which of the available rules for → we accept. In § 3, we will examine which of the contraction-free logics that have been proposed in response to semantic paradox underwrite the Validity Argument.Footnote 10

1.2 From \(\mathsf{VTP}\) to Absurdity via the Modus Ponens Axiom

In addition to criticizing the most obvious defense of \(\mathsf{VTP}\), Field offers two arguments according to which \(\mathsf{VTP}\) can’t be embraced without absurdity. In the remainder of this section, then, let us examine whether we can at least affirm that valid arguments preserve truth. For simplicity’s sake, we focus for now on arguments with only one premise. (Issues raised by multiple-premise arguments will be considered in detail in § 3 below.) We will try to affirm \(\mathsf{VTP}\) in the object-language itself, by introducing a predicate Val( \(x, y\) ) which intuitively expresses that the argument from x to y is valid. \(\mathsf{VTP}\) may now be naturally represented thus (see Beall 2009):

$$(\mathsf{V0})\, Val(\ulcorner{ \alpha}\urcorner, \ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner) \rightarrow (Tr(\ulcorner{ \alpha}\urcorner) \rightarrow Tr(\ulcorner{ \beta}\urcorner)).$$

As Field and Beall point out, \(\mathsf{V0}\) Footnote 11entails absurdity, based on principles accepted by rcf theorists (Field 2006, 2008; Beall 2007, 2009;).

Since rcf theorists do not accept the rule →-I, we will need two additional ingredients to obtain paradox from \(\mathsf{V0}\). First, the rules Tr-I and Tr-E no longer suffice; our semantic theory T needs to underwrite all instances of the T-Scheme. Second, we will use the principle that if \(\vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} \alpha \leftrightarrow \beta\), then α and β are intersubstitutable within conditionals.Footnote 12 Given these presuppositions, \(\mathsf{V0}\) entails

$$(\mathsf{V1})\, Val(\ulcorner{ \alpha}\urcorner, \ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner) \rightarrow ( \alpha \rightarrow \beta ).$$

Now let us assume, as rcf theorists do, that our theory T implies the validity of a single-premise version of the Modus Ponens rule:

$$(\mathsf{VMP})\, Val(\ulcorner{( \alpha \rightarrow \beta) \land \alpha}\urcorner, \ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner).$$

Hence \(\mathsf{V1}\) in turn entails the Modus Ponens axiom:

$$(\mathsf{MPA})\, (\alpha \rightarrow \beta) \land \alpha \rightarrow \beta.<Footnote ID="Fn13"> <Para>Following Restall (<CitationRef CitationID="CR61">1994</CitationRef>), this is sometimes referred to as \emph{pseudo Modus Ponens}. See also Priest (<CitationRef CitationID="CR51">1980</CitationRef>), where it is described as the ``counterfeit'' \emph{Modus Ponens} axiom.</Para> </Footnote>$$

However, Meyer et al. (1979) show that \(\mathsf{MPA}\) generates Curry’s Paradox. The only additional ingredient we need is the claim that it is a theorem that “conjunction is idempotent,” i.e. that \(\vdash \alpha \leftrightarrow \alpha \land \alpha\).

To see why this is so, recall that we have assumed T is strong enough to ensure \(\vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} \kappa \leftrightarrow (Tr(\ulcorner{\kappa}\urcorner) \rightarrow \bot)\). Hence, given the T-Scheme and the above substitutivity principle, \(\vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} \kappa \leftrightarrow (\kappa \rightarrow \bot)\). We can now derive absurdity starting with the relevant instance of \(\mathsf{MPA}\):

$$(\kappa \rightarrow \bot) \land \kappa \rightarrow \bot.$$

Substituting κ for the equivalent \(\kappa \rightarrow \bot\) gives us \(\kappa \land \kappa \rightarrow \bot\). In view of our assumption that \(\vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} \kappa \leftrightarrow \kappa \land \kappa\), another substitution of equivalents yields \(\kappa \rightarrow \bot\). By substituting κ for \(\kappa \rightarrow \bot\) once again, we get κ. Finally, we use →-E to derive ⊥ from \(\kappa \rightarrow \bot\) together with κ.

Since \(\mathsf{VTP}\) and \(\mathsf{VMP}\) jointly entail the paradox-generating \(\mathsf{MPA}\), it would thus appear that rcf theorists can’t consistently assert that valid arguments preserve truth.Footnote 13 Field (2008, p. 377) and Beall (2009, p. 35) accept the foregoing argument, and consequently reject the claim that valid arguments are guaranteed to preserve truth (assuming, again, that truth-preservation is expressed using a detaching conditional that underwrites the T-Scheme). The need to reject \(\mathsf{VTP}\) is a perhaps surprising, although ultimately unavoidable, corollary of the revisionary approach to paradox, or so they argue.Footnote 14

1.3 From \(\mathsf{VTP}\) to Inconsistency via the Consistency Argument

A second argument for rejecting \(\mathsf{VTP}\) (Field 2006, 2008, 2009b) proceeds via Gödel’s Second Incompleteness Theorem, which states that no consistent recursively axiomatisable theory containing a modicum of arithmetic can prove its own consistency. Field first argues that if an otherwise suitable semantic theory could prove that all its rules of inference preserve truth, it could prove its own consistency. Hence, by Gödel’s theorem, no semantic theory that qualifies as a “remotely adequate mathematical theory” can prove that its rules of inference preserve truth. Yet insofar as we endorse the orthodox semantic principle \(\mathsf{VTP}\), Field says, we should be able to consistently add to our semantic theory an axiom stating that its rules of inference preserve truth (see Field 2009a, p. 351n10). Hence, he concludes, we should reject \(\mathsf{VTP}\).

To establish the first step in this argument against \(\mathsf{VTP}\), Field considers what he calls the Consistency Argument (Field 2006, pp. 567–568). This is an argument which, one might think, one should be able to run within any theory T containing a truth predicate satisfying the unrestricted T-Scheme. The argument proceeds by “(i) inductively proving within T that all its theorems are true, and (ii) inferring from the truth of all theorems of T that T is consistent.” Though intuitively sound, the Consistency Argument must fail if T is to be consistent.

Field’s claim is that the failure of the Consistency Argument must be blamed on an illicit appeal to \(\mathsf{VTP}\). He observes that (ii) can’t be problematic for those who hold that “inconsistencies imply everything.” The target theories “certainly imply \(\lnot Tr(\ulcorner{0 = 1}\urcorner)\), so the soundness of T would imply that ‘0 = 1’ isn’t a theorem of T; and this implies that T is consistent” (Field 2008, p. 286–287). However, (ii) will be equally unproblematic for any paraconsistent theorist who holds that an adequate semantic theory must imply the universal generalization over instances of the schema \(\lnot Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha \land\lnot \alpha}\urcorner)\). In this case as well, if T could prove that all its theorems are true, it would thereby prove that no contradiction is a theorem (Field 2006, pp. 593–595). Field therefore concludes that the problem with the Consistency Argument must lie with (i). The argument by induction alluded to in (i) proceeds as follows: “(1) Each axiom of T is true, (2) Each rule of inference of T preserves truth [in the sense of \(\mathsf{VTP}\), whence] (3) All theorems of T are true.” Field argues persuasively that “[t]he only place that the argument can conceivably go wrong is... in (2)” (Field 2008, p. 287). This conclusion is endorsed by Beall (2009, pp. 115–116).

In sum, not only does the seemingly obvious Validity Argument in favor of \(\mathsf{VTP}\) fail, but there are at least two arguments against accepting \(\mathsf{VTP}\)—or so contemporary revisionary wisdom goes. As Beall writes: “such a claim … needs to be rejected, and I reject it” (Beall 2009, p. 35).

2 Naïve Validity and Validity Curry

What role, then, if any, is left for the notion of validity, if we can no longer affirm that valid arguments preserve truth? Field (2008, 2009b, 2015) suggests that validity normatively constrains belief: very roughly, one shouldn’t fully believe the premises of a valid argument without fully believing its conclusion. We take no position here on whether the role of the notion of validity can be explained without recourse to truth-preservation.Footnote 15 Instead, we’ll suggest in the remainder of this paper that revisionary theorists need not and should not reject \(\mathsf{VTP}\). Provided they accept certain basic principles that would appear to govern the notion of validity, revisionary theorists are required on pain of paradox to adopt the very kind of logic that allows them to embrace \(\mathsf{VTP}\).

2.1 Naïve Validity

Still restricting our attention to single-premise arguments, consider the following two principles for the use of the validity predicate: that, if one can derive ψ from φ, one can derive on no assumptions that the argument from φ to ψ is valid, and that, from φ and the claim that the argument from φ to ψ is valid, one can infer ψ.Footnote 16

Both rules are highly intuitive. If \(Val(x, y)\) expresses validity, it seems natural to assume that an adequate semantic theory T must include the following introduction rule for \(Val(x, y)\), which, by analogy with β-I or Conditional Proof, we’ll call Validity Proof:

$$(\mathsf{VP})\frac{\alpha \vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} \beta} {\vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}}Val(\ulcorner{\alpha}\urcorner, \ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)}$$

If T’s rules are valid, and we can derive β from α in T, then T must be able to assert the sentence \(Val(\ulcorner{\alpha}\urcorner, \ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\), expressing that the argument from α to β is valid. But it also seems natural to assume that \(T_{\text{\emph{}}}\) contains an elimination rule for \(Val(x, y)\), which we’ll call Validity Detachment:

$$(\mathsf{VD})\frac{\Upgamma \vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}}Val(\ulcorner{\alpha}\urcorner, \ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\Updelta \vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} \alpha} {\Upgamma, \Updelta \vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} \beta}$$

If, from a given context of assumptions, we can derive in T the sentence α and from another context we can derive that the argument from α to β is valid, then it must be possible (from the assumptions taken together) to derive β.Footnote 17

The rules \(\mathsf{VP}\) and \(\mathsf{VD}\) can also be viewed as generalizations of natural rules for a predicate that expresses logical truth: namely, analogues of the rule of Necessitation and of a rule corresponding to the \(\mathsf{T}\) axiom. To see this, it is sufficient to instantiate \(\mathsf{VP}\) and \(\mathsf{VD}\) using a constant \(\mathsf{T}\) expressing logical truth. Instantiating \(\mathsf{VP}\) yields a notational variant of Necessitation, rewritten using our two place predicate \(Val(x, y)\) in place of a necessity operator:

$$(\mathsf{NEC^*})\frac{\mathsf{T} \vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} \beta}{\vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}}Val(\ulcorner{\mathsf{T}\urcorner}, \ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)}$$

Likewise, instantiating \(\mathsf{VD}\) thus

$$\frac{\Upgamma \vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}}Val(\ulcorner{\top \urcorner}, \ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\top \vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}}\top}{\Upgamma, \mathsf{T} \vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} \beta}$$

yields a notational variant of a rule corresponding to the \(\mathsf{T}\) axiom for a necessity operator:

$$\mathsf{(T^*)} Val(\ulcorner{\mathsf{T}\urcorner}, \ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner), \mathsf{T} \vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} \beta$$

The intuitiveness of our rules \(\mathsf{VP}\) and \(\mathsf{VD}\) is thus underscored by the close connection they underwrite between the behavior of a predicate expressing logical truth and the behavior of an operator expressing logical necessity.

We will therefore call the view that ‘valid’ satisfies \(\mathsf{VP}\) and \(\mathsf{VD}\) the naïve view of validity (Murzi 2014). One first point that deserves emphasis is that, on the naïve view of truth we’ve assumed at the beginning of this paper, such a view entails \(\mathsf{V0}\), our object-language statement of \(\mathsf{VTP}\) for single-premise arguments. This can be shown using what is essentially a version of Field’s Validity Argument, except that the validity of the argument from α to β is now expressed using an object-language predicate rather than using a turnstile in the metalanguage:Footnote 18

figure d

A second point to notice is that, natural though they may seem, \(\mathsf{VP}\) and \(\mathsf{VD}\) lead us into trouble—which should of course be expected, since \(\mathsf{NEC^*}\) and \(\mathsf{T^*}\) are nothing but the key ingredients of the Myhill–Kaplan-Montague Paradox, or Paradox of the Knower (Myhill 1960; Kaplan and Montague 1960; Murzi 2014).Footnote 19

2.2 Validity Curry

The Diagonal Lemma allows us to construct a sentence π, which intuitively says of itself, up to equivalence, that it validly entails that you will win the lottery:

$$\vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} \pi \leftrightarrow Val(\ulcorner{\pi}\urcorner, \ulcorner{\bot}\urcorner)$$

Let Σ now be the following derivation of the further theorem \(Val(\ulcorner{\pi}\urcorner, \ulcorner{\bot}\urcorner)\):

figure e

Using Σ, we can then ‘prove’ that you will win the lottery

figure f

Our revisionary theory of truth and validity, \(T_{\text{\emph{}}}\), proves on no assumptions that you will win the lottery.Footnote 20 Call this the Validity Curry, or v-Curry, for short, to contrast it with the standard conditional-involving version of Curry’s Paradox, or c-Curry.Footnote 21

As we explained above, rcf theorists invalidate c-Curry by rejecting →-I. Unlike c-Curry, however, the v-Curry Paradox makes no use of →-I, and hence it cannot be invalidated by rejecting such a rule. On the other hand, the above derivation of v-Curry presupposes \(\mathsf{SContr}\) (Beall and Murzi 2013). Hence if \(\mathsf{VP}\) and \(\mathsf{VD}\) hold, there is only one revisionary way out of the v-Curry Paradox, viz. rejecting \(\mathsf{SContr}\), thus adopting a substructural logic—a logic where some of the standardly accepted structural rules fail (Shapiro 2011; Beall and Murzi 2013; Murzi 2014; Zardini 2011).Footnote 22

Before examining in § 3 how rejecting \(\mathsf{SContr}\) affects \(\mathsf{VTP}\) and the Validity Argument, we’d first like to offer a partial defence of our claim that v-Curry Paradox is a reason for revisionary logician to adopt a substructural logic. To this end, we’ll consider in the next section two natural responses to the claim that the Validity Curry is a genuine paradox of validity, and offer replies on the substructural logician’s behalf.

2.3 A Genuine Paradox of Validity

If the v-Curry Paradox isn’t a genuine paradox of validity, one of \(\mathsf{VP}\) and \(\mathsf{VD}\) must not unrestrictedly hold. As it turns out, there are prima facie compelling reasons for restricting both.Footnote 23 One argument against \(\mathsf{VP}\) runs thus. In order to establish \(Val(\ulcorner{\alpha}\urcorner, \ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\) as a theorem using “Validity Proof,” it is said, we should be required to produce a logically valid argument from α to β. Yet subderivation Σ above doesn’t establish the argument from π to ⊥ as logically valid, for two reasons. First, this subderivation relies on a substitution instance of the logically invalid biconditional proved by the Diagonal Lemma, viz. \(\pi \leftrightarrow Val(\ulcorner{\pi}\urcorner, \ulcorner{\bot}\urcorner)\). Second, it uses \(\mathsf{VD}\), and, it might be objected, surely such a rule isn’t logical. More precisely, Roy Cook (2012) has argued that the T-Scheme isn’t logically valid, if by logical validity one means truth under all uniform interpretations of the non-logical vocabulary. Using the same reasoning, we could conclude that \(\mathsf{VD}\) doesn’t preserve logical validity.Footnote 24

These objections have an important virtue: they help us understand what the v-Curry Paradox really is a paradox of. More precisely, they show that the v-Curry Paradox is not paradox of purely logical, or interpretational, in John Etchemendy’s term, validity (Etchemendy 1990).Footnote 25 Indeed, a recent result by Jeff Ketland shows that purely logical validity cannot be paradoxical. Ketland (2012) proves that Peano Arithmetic (\(\mathsf{PA}\)) can be conservatively extended by means of a predicate expressing logical validity, governed by intuitive principles that are themselves derivable in \(\mathsf{PA}\). It follows that purely logical validity is a consistent notion if \(\mathsf{PA}\) is consistent, which should be enough to warrant belief that purely logical validity simply is consistent.

However, it seems to us that there are broader notions of validity than purely logical validity.Footnote 26 Thus, neither of the above objections applies to versions of the v-Curry Paradox in which ‘valid’ expresses representational validity, whereby (roughly) validity is equated with preservation of truth in all possible circumstances (Read 1988; Etchemendy 1990; McGee 1991). In this sense, at least intuitively, the arithmetic required to prove the Diagonal Lemma is valid and \(\mathsf{VD}\) is validity-preserving.Footnote 27 Nor does the objection that \(\mathsf{VP}\) cannot be legitimately applied to non-purely-logical subderivations apply to conceptions of validity which take ‘valid’ to express the consequence relation of one’s semantic theory, provided that the naïve validity rules and enough arithmetic are part of that relation.Footnote 28 Insofar as \(\mathsf{VD}\) preserves validity in one of these broader senses, and insofar as the \(\mathsf{VP}\) and \(\mathsf{VD}\) govern the use a predicate expressing validity in that sense, there is at least one—important—reading of ‘valid’ on which the use of \(\mathsf{VP}\) in the v-Curry derivation is sound. The v-Curry Paradox is a paradox of validity, not purely logical validity.

To be sure, one might instead either reject \(\mathsf{VP}\) on different grounds, or perhaps reject \(\mathsf{VD}\). One natural enough argument against the latter rule runs thus. Suppose validity is recursively enumerable. Then, one might argue, \(\mathsf{T}^*\), and hence \(\mathsf{VD}\), must fail. For, if validity is recursively enumerable, an argument is valid if and only if its conclusion can be derived from its premises in some recursively axiomatisable theory T. That is, the validity predicate \(Val(x, y)\) is just a notational variant of \(Prov_T(x, y)\), where this expresses that there is a T-derivation of y from x. Yet, the argument continues, we know from Löb’s Theorem that, if T contains enough arithmetic (if it proves the so-called derivability conditions), T cannot contain, on pain of triviality, all instances of the provability-in-T analogue of \(\mathsf{T}^*\), \(Prov_T(\ulcorner{\mathsf{T}\urcorner}, \ulcorner{\alpha}\urcorner) \to \alpha\). Hence, one might conclude, T may not contain all instances of \(\mathsf{T}^*\) either, and hence of \(\mathsf{VD}\), a fortiori.

We find this conclusion problematic. It seems to us that rejecting \(\mathsf{VD}\), or \(\mathsf{VP}\), for that matter, isn’t really a comfortable option for proponents of the naïve view of truth. In a nutshell, together with the naïve view of truth, the naïve view of validity is but an instance of the general thought underpinning the revisionary approach to paradox—what we may call the naïve view of semantic properties.Footnote 29 This is the view that one cannot revise naïve semantic principles without thereby also revising naïve semantic properties, and that, on pain of triviality, semantic properties should be held fixed, and logic must change. Arguably, the naïve view of semantic properties has it that validity is factive, and that we, and hence our semantic theory, must be able to say so, on pain of not being able to consistently assert what we know to be true. If T does indeed meet the conditions for Löb’s Theorem, we would like to suggest, then the correct reaction to the objection is instead to concede that \(Val(x, y)\) can’t be replaced with \(Prov_T(x, y)\), and hence that naïve validity is not recursively enumerable.Footnote 30

It might be objected that we could revise, or refine, our naïve conception of validity, which is after all naïve (McGee 1991, p. 45). But, then, a parallel argument would show that, when faced with the Liar Paradox, the c-Curry Paradox, and other paradoxes of truth, we should similarly revise our conception of truth, which is precisely what proponents of the naïve view of semantic properties take to be the wrong response to semantic paradox. For the time being, we’ll assume that the Validity Curry is a genuine paradox of validity, and that giving up \(\mathsf{SContr}\), as suggested in Shapiro (2011) and Zardini (2011), is a legitimate revisionary response to it, and to semantic paradoxes more generally. We shall now argue that, on this admittedly controversial assumption, of which we’ve only offered a partial defence, all three arguments for rejecting \(\mathsf{VTP}\) break down.

3 Validity and Truth-Preservation

All three challenges to \(\mathsf{VTP}\) turn out to rest crucially on how our object-language expresses validity and truth-preservation for arguments with multiple premises. First, recall that Field argues that the most obvious defense of \(\mathsf{VTP}\), the Validity Argument, rests on principles that yield paradox. As we have pointed out, the Validity Argument presupposes that the truth-preservingness of an inference from \(\alpha_1,..., \alpha_n\) to β can be expressed using the object-language sentence \(Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_1}\urcorner) \land... \land Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_n}\urcorner) \to Tr(\ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\). Second, the argument from \(\mathsf{VTP}\) to \(\mathsf{PMP}\) and absurdity used the simplifying assumption that the validity of the two-premise Modus Ponens rule can be expressed using a single-premise validity predicate as \(Val( \ulcorner{ \alpha \land ( \alpha \rightarrow\beta)}\urcorner, \ulcorner{ \beta}\urcorner).\) Finally, spelling out the Consistency Argument requires expressing in the object-language the claim that each of our semantic theory T’s rules of inference preserves truth, where these will include multi-premise rules such as Modus Ponens.

3.1 Premise-Aggregating Connectives

We will therefore assume that truth-preservation and validity for arguments with a finite number of premises can be expressed using some “premise-aggregating connective” β:Footnote 31

  • (a) The claim that the argument from premises \(\alpha_1,..., \alpha_n\), taken together, to conclusion β preserves truth can be expressed in the object-language as \(Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_1}\urcorner) \odot... \odot Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_n}\urcorner) \to Tr(\ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\).

  • (b) The claim that the argument from premises \(\alpha_1,..., \alpha_n\), taken together, to conclusion β is valid can be expressed using the object-language’s binary validity predicate as \(Val(\ulcorner{\alpha_1 \odot... \odot \alpha_n}\urcorner, \ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\).

Is there an understanding of the logical behavior of ⊗ on which (a) and (b) are true, but each of our three challenges to \(\mathsf{VTP}\) is blocked?

Before examining the three challenges in turn, we now consider the chief options for the rules governing ⊗ in the context of a substructural natural deduction system. For the time being, we will work within a structural framework in which the “taking together” of assumptions—which we have indicated with commas to the left of the turnstile—can be represented using “multisets.” These are structures that behave like sets except for the fact that they keep track of the number of occurrences of each member (Meyer and McRobbie 1982a, 1982b). The philosophical significance of multiset structure in natural deduction has been explained in many ways, and the same is the case for the more complex structure we will consider later. This isn’t the place to compare various interpretations or defend one of them.Footnote 32 Our aim, rather, is to explain how moving to a deduction system in which the structure referred to on the left of the turnstile is finer-grained than a set affects the standard objections to \(\mathsf{VTP}\).

Using multisets rather than (e.g.) sequences renders redundant Gentzen’s structural rule of exchange:

$$(\mathsf{SExch})\frac{\Upgamma, \alpha, \beta \vdash \gamma}{\Upgamma, \beta, \alpha \vdash \gamma}$$

By contrast, \(\mathsf{SContr}\) isn’t redundant, nor is the structural rule of weakening:

$$(\mathsf{SWeak})\frac{\Upgamma, \alpha \vdash \gamma}{\Upgamma, \beta, \alpha \vdash \gamma}$$

Indeed, once one or more of \(\mathsf{SContr}\) and \(\mathsf{SWeak}\) is rejected, one can formulate operational rules for two different connectives, rules that become equivalent only in the presence of both \(\mathsf{SContr}\) and \(\mathsf{SWeak}\). These are the rules that govern, respectively, the “multiplicative” and “additive” conjunctions of linear logic, a multiset-based logic in which both \(\mathsf{SWeak}\) and \(\mathsf{SContr}\) are rejected (Girard 1987):Footnote 33

$$\begin{aligned}(\otimes\!\!-\!\!{\rm{I}})\frac{{\Gamma \vdash \alpha \,\Delta \vdash \beta }}{{\Gamma ,\Delta \vdash \alpha \otimes \beta }}( \otimes\!\!-\!\!{\rm{E}})\frac{{\Gamma ,\alpha ,\beta \vdash \gamma \quad \Delta \vdash \alpha \otimes \beta }}{{\Gamma ,\Delta \vdash \gamma }}\\ (\&\!\!-\!\!{\rm{I}})\frac{{\Gamma \vdash \alpha \quad \Gamma \vdash \beta }}{{\Gamma \vdash \alpha \,{\mkern 1mu} \& \,{\mkern 1mu} \beta }}(\&\!\!-\!\!{\rm{E1}})\frac{{\Gamma \vdash \alpha {\mkern 1mu} \,\& {\mkern 1mu} \,\beta }}{{\Gamma \vdash \alpha }}(\&\!\!-\!\!{\rm{E2}})\frac{{\Gamma \vdash \alpha \,{\mkern 1mu} \& \beta }}{{\Gamma \vdash \beta }}\end{aligned}$$

Since it will be important later, we note that the structural comma appears in the rules for the multiplicative ⊗, whereas it does not appear in the rules for the additive &. In the terminology of Belnap (1982, 1993), the additive rules are “structure-free” while the multiplicative rules are “structure-dependent.” Finally, in this structural setting, our assumption of the transitivity of validity can be codified using the following version of the cut rule:

$$(\mathsf{Cut})\frac{\Upgamma \vdash \alpha\quad\Updelta, \alpha \vdash \beta}{\Updelta, \Upgamma \vdash \beta}$$

3.2 The Validity Argument

The first point we would like to make is that, in the absence of \(\mathsf{SContr}\), the ‘only if’ direction of the Validity Argument (the direction that would establish \(\mathsf{VTP}\)) fails when the premise-aggregating connective ⊗ is construed as the additive & in a multiset-based logic.

To see why, note that when rewritten using &, this direction of the Validity Argument requires deriving \(Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_1}\urcorner) \, \& \,... \, \& \, Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_n}\urcorner) \vdash Tr(\ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\) from \(Tr(\alpha_1),..., Tr(\alpha_n) \vdash Tr(\beta)\). That in turn requires n − 1 uses of the inference pattern

$$(\mathsf{\&}\!\!-\!\!\text{L})\frac{\Upgamma, \alpha_1, \alpha_2 \vdash \beta}{\Upgamma, \alpha_1 \, \& \, \alpha_2 \vdash \beta}$$

Field himself justifies this inference by appeal to the rule &-E. Indeed, in the presence of \(\mathsf{SContr}\), either of our twin elimination rules &-E1 and &-E2 yields \(\mathsf{ \&}\)-L. Here is a derivation using &-E2, \(\mathsf{SContr}\), \(\mathsf{Cut}\), and the reflexivity of validity:

figure g

In a logic without \(\mathsf{SContr}\), on the other hand, \(\mathsf{ \&}\)-L fails. Moreover, this remains the case if we accept \(\mathsf{SWeak}\), thus strengthening linear logic into what is known as an “affine” logic.Footnote 34

Hence, insofar as we wish to preserve the Validity Argument while rejecting \(\mathsf{SCont}\) (and thus avoiding c-Curry and v-Curry), we ought not interpret the premise-aggregating ⊗ as the additive conjunction & of a multiset-based logic. On the other hand, both directions of the Validity Argument go through, even in the absence of \(\mathsf{SContr}\), provided that ⊗ is construed as the multiplicative ⊗. Given \(\alpha_1\otimes\alpha_2 \vdash \alpha_1\otimes\alpha_2\), the rule ⊗-E immediately yields the inference required for the argument’s “only if” direction:Footnote 35

$$(\mathsf{\otimes}\!\!-\!\!\text{L})\frac{\Upgamma, \alpha_1, \alpha_2 \vdash \beta}{\Upgamma, \alpha_1\otimes\alpha_2 \vdash \beta}$$

Indeed, with ⊗ as premise-aggregating connective, Elia Zardini (2011) has recently proved a generalization of the Validity Argument’s “only if” conclusion.Footnote 36 And the “if” direction is no harder to establish.

Summarizing, we can say that Field’s objection to the “only if” direction of the Validity Argument fails when our semantic theory is based on an underlying logic that lacks \(\mathsf{SContr}\), as long as this logic is multiset-based and we state the argument’s conclusion using multiplicative conjunction. Admittedly, this method of vindicating the Validity Argument carries a cost. Multiset-based logics can contain no connectives that behave like the conjunction or disjunction of classical logic (see e.g. Belnap 1993). In the case of the additive connectives, for example, we lose Distribution: \(\alpha \, \& \, (\beta \lor \gamma) \vdash (\alpha \, \& \, \beta) \lor (\alpha \, \& \, \gamma)\). On the multiplicative side, besides losing distribution of ⊗ over a corresponding multiplicative disjunction, we lose Simplification: \(\alpha \otimes \beta \vdash \alpha\). Adding the rule \(\mathsf{SWeak}\), as Zardini proposes, restores the latter. But, as we will see below, we still lose Square-increasingness: \(\alpha \vdash \alpha \otimes \alpha\).

However, adopting a multiset-based logic isn’t the only way to vindicate the Validity Argument by rejecting a structural contraction rule. A second way is to use one of the many substructural logics in which assumptions are regarded as “taken together” in two different ways. In such “dual-bunching” logics, the structures referred to on the left of the turnstile are not multisets, but rather finer-grained “bunches” specified using two different punctuation marks (Read 1988; Slaney 1990; Restall 2000). This alternative is of interest for two reasons. First, unlike multiset-based logics, dual-bunching logics do feature connectives whose behavior is classical to the extent that they satisfy Distribution, Simplification, and Square-increasingness. Secondly, as we will see in § 3.3, multiset-based and dual-bunching logics underwrite different interpretations of the way in which rejecting structural contraction blocks the argument against \(\mathsf{VTP}\) via the Modus Ponens axiom.

The first kind of bunching is used to formulate all the structure-dependent operational rules. For this reason, it will be convenient to indicate this kind of bunching using the comma (though the semicolon is more standard). That way, we can retain our rules →-I, →-E, \(\mathsf{VD}\) and ⊗-I, as long as ⊗ and ⊗ are now understood as bunches rather than multisets. On the other hand, we need a generalized version of ⊗-E, where \(\Updelta (\alpha, \beta)\) stands for any bunch of which \(\alpha, \beta\) is a subbunch:Footnote 37

$$(\otimes\!\!-\!\!E_{db})\frac{\Updelta (\alpha, \beta) \vdash \gamma\quad\Upgamma \vdash \alpha \otimes \beta}{\Updelta(\Upgamma) \vdash \gamma}$$

In dual-bunching logics, one or more of the standard structural rules \(\mathsf{SContr}\), \(\mathsf{SWeak}\) or \(\mathsf{SExch}\) is rejected for the comma.Footnote 38 Just as for multiset-based logics, rejecting \(\mathsf{SContr}\) suffices to block the above derivations of c-Curry and v-Curry.

What is distinctive about dual-bunching logics is the introduction of a second kind of bunching of assumptions, which we will indicate using the colon. This “extensional” bunching obeys all the standard structural rules:

$$(\mathsf{eSContr})\frac{\Upgamma(\Updelta: \Updelta) \vdash \beta}{\Upgamma(\Updelta) \vdash \beta} (\mathsf{eSWeak})\frac{\Upgamma(\Updelta) \vdash \gamma}{\Upgamma(\Updelta': \Updelta) \vdash \gamma} (\mathsf{eSExch})\frac{\Upgamma(\Updelta: \Updelta') \vdash \gamma}{\Upgamma(\Updelta': \Updelta) \vdash \gamma}$$

Unlike the “intensional” comma, the colon need not get mentioned in operational rules for any connective.Footnote 39

We are now ready to consider how the Validity Argument fares for dual-bunching logics. First, the reasoning challenged by Field goes through provided the conclusion is formulated using the structural comma together with the multiplicative ⊗ as the premise-aggregating connective. That is because we retain ⊗-L, now generalizable to

$$(\mathsf{\otimes}\!\!-\!\!L_{db})\frac{\Upgamma(\alpha_1, \alpha_2) \vdash \beta}{\Upgamma(\alpha_1 \otimes \alpha_2) \vdash \beta}$$

Construed this way, the Validity Argument’s “only if” direction establishes that \(\alpha_1,...,\alpha_n \vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} \beta\) only if \(\vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_1}\urcorner) \otimes...\otimes Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_n}\urcorner) \rightarrow Tr(\ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\). Moreover, a parallel result now holds for the connective &, known in this structural context as “extensional” conjunction.Footnote 40 This is because the fact that the colon obeys \(\mathsf{eSContr}\) allows us to replicate the above derivation of \(\mathsf{ \, \&}\)-L, yielding

$$(\mathsf{ \&}\!\!-\!\!\text{L}_{db})\frac{\Upgamma(\alpha_1: \alpha_2) \vdash \beta}{\Upgamma(\alpha_1 \, \& \, \alpha_2) \vdash \beta}$$

Accordingly, the Validity Argument also goes through when the conclusion is formulated using the structural colon together with & as the premise-aggregating connective. Construed this way, it establishes that \(\alpha_1:...:\alpha_n \vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} \beta\) only if \(\vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_1}\urcorner) \, \& \,... \, \& \, Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha_n}\urcorner) \rightarrow Tr(\ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\).Footnote 41 According to dual-bunching logics, then, there are different kinds of multi-premise arguments, represented using different antecedent structure, and the validity of each kind of argument entails a different kind of truth-preservation, expressed in the object-language using different premise-aggregating connectives.

There are thus at least two general ways to vindicate the Validity Argument by rejecting \(\mathsf{SContr}\): one can use a multiset-based logic with multiplicative conjunction as premise-aggregating connective, or a dual-bunching logic. Versions of both approaches are known to make possible a naïve theory of truth (either a consistent paracomplete theory or a nontrivial paraconsistent theory).Footnote 42 We will return to the difference between the two approaches in the next section. For now, we merely note that they yield logics that conflict for the fragment of the language whose only connectives are & and the corresponding disjunction →. Recall that the rules for these connectives don’t even mention the nonstandard comma structure. It follows that on the dual-bunching approach, the single-premise validities of this fragment will be exactly those of the corresponding fragment of classical logic. As explained above, this stands in contrast to the conjunctive/disjunctive fragment of additive or multiplicative linear logic.Footnote 43 The philosophical interpretation of nonstandard antecedent structure—whether dual-bunching or multiset-based—remains a controversial and important issue. However, it isn’t one we can address in this paper, which has the more limited aim of exploring how such logics allow a defense of \(\mathsf{VTP}\) against the various challenges that have been raised against that thesis.Footnote 44

3.3 From \(\mathsf{VTP}\) to Absurdity via the Modus Ponens Axiom

We now turn to the objection that \(\mathsf{VTP}\) entails the Modus Ponens axiom, and thus absurdity via c-Curry reasoning. Using a generic premise-aggregating connective, we can state, respectively, the validity of Modus Ponens and the Modus Ponens axiom as follows:

$$(\mathsf{VMP_{\odot}})\, Val(\ulcorner{( \alpha \rightarrow \beta) \odot \alpha}\urcorner, \ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)$$
$$(\mathsf{MPA_{\odot}})\, (\alpha \rightarrow \beta) \odot \alpha \rightarrow \beta.$$

In § 1.2 we saw that \(\mathsf{VTP}\), when expressed in the object-language, implies

$$(\mathsf{V1})\, Val(\ulcorner{ \alpha}\urcorner, \ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner) \rightarrow ( \alpha \rightarrow \beta ).$$

It follows that if our naïve semantic theory implies \(\mathsf{VMP_{\odot}}\), it also implies the absurdity-threatening \(\mathsf{MPA_{\odot}}\). Thus, in order to evaluate the objection, we need to answer two questions:

  • (1) If we reject \(\mathsf{SContr}\), will our semantic theory still imply \(\mathsf{VMP_{\odot}}\)? Equivalently, in view of \(\mathsf{VP}\) and \(\mathsf{VD}\), will our underlying contraction-free logic still give us \((\alpha \rightarrow \beta) \odot \alpha \vdash \beta\)?

  • (2)If we reject \(\mathsf{SContr}\), will \(\mathsf{MPA}_{\odot}\) still yield absurdity?

A negative answer to (1) or (2) will show that the objection against \(\mathsf{VTP}\) fails.Footnote 45

The answers to these questions vary depending on which connective we employ as our ⊗. For the additive & of a contraction-free logic, the answer to (1) is negative (Restall 1994, pp. 35–36). It should help to display how \(\mathsf{SContr}\) is involved in the usual derivation:

figure h

But the objection to \(\mathsf{VTP}\) fails as well when we use the the multiplicative ⊗. This time, the answer to (1) is affirmative:

figure i

However, now the answer to (2) is negative. That is because, as already noted in Meyer et al. (1979), the argument from \(\mathsf{MPA}_{\odot}\) to absurdity depends essentially on the left-to-right direction of the Idempotence law \(\vdash \alpha \leftrightarrow \alpha \odot \alpha\). But when we use multiplicative conjunction in a contraction-free logic, we lose this law (Zardini 2011). Again, notice how \(\mathsf{SContr}\) is involved in its usual derivation:

figure j

In summary, to derive absurdity from \(\mathsf{VTP}\), the objector presupposes that there is some connective ⊗ that meets two conditions:

  • (a) it serves as premise-aggregator for the valid argument \(\alpha \to \beta, \alpha \vdash \beta\), so that we have the single-premise rule \((\alpha \rightarrow \beta) \odot \alpha \vdash \beta\) and \(\mathsf{VMP}_{\odot}\), and

  • (b) it satisfies the left-to-right direction of Idempotence, \(\vdash \alpha \rightarrow \alpha \odot \alpha\).

Yet we have now seen that one or the other of these conditions fails for each of our candidate connectives.Footnote 46

At this point, a critic of \(\mathsf{VTP}\) might object that the response just given is at best incomplete. We have shown that the argument from \(\mathsf{VTP}\) to absurdity fails, in the absence of \(\mathsf{SContr}\), when either & or ⊗ is used to state the premise \(\mathsf{VMP_{\odot}}\). Still, the critic insists, our task remains that of explaining why the argument fails when ⊗ expresses our ordinary notion of conjunction. After all, ordinary conjunction appears to satisfy both conditions (a) and (b): both single-premise Modus Ponens and Idempotence. If we are to avoid absurdity in the presence of a naïve theory of truth, we have argued, at least one of these appearances must be mistaken. The challenge is to explain which.

Zardini (2011, 2013) argues that condition (a) clearly holds for our “informal notion of conjunction.” Accordingly, he maintains that ordinary conjunction is best captured by the multiplicative connective ⊗ of an affine logic—where the presence of \(\mathsf{SWeak}\) guarantees such ordinary features as Simplification. Yet, as he recognizes, someone else might argue that condition (b) clearly holds for ordinary conjunction. More generally, we would add, one might maintain that the usual lattice properties are essential to our ordinary conjunction ∧, whence from \(\alpha \vdash \beta\) and \(\alpha \vdash \gamma\) it must follow that \(\alpha \vdash (\beta \wedge \gamma)\), even in the case where \(\alpha = \beta = \gamma\).

We don’t propose to settle this dispute about our informal notion of conjunction, or examine whether there is a univocal such notion.Footnote 47 Instead, we will now explain how the dispute is affected by the availability of dual-bunching logics. The chief reason Zardini insists that ordinary conjunction meets condition (a) is that he takes conjunction to be an all-purpose premise-aggregating connective. As he writes, conjunction is the connective we use to make explicit “how premises are combined in a multi-premise argument” (Zardini 2013). In order for ⊗ to be conjunction, he holds, it is non-negotiable that it satisfy the rule

$$(\mathsf{\odot}\!\!-\!\!L)\frac{\Upgamma, \alpha_1, \alpha_2 \vdash \beta}{\Upgamma, \alpha_1\odot\alpha_2 \vdash \beta}$$

In a multiset-based logic without \(\mathsf{SContr}\), we have seen, the additive connective & violates \(\mathsf{\odot}\)-L. We have a counterexample in the failure of \(\alpha \rightarrow \beta, \alpha \vdash \beta\) to yield \((\alpha \rightarrow \beta) \, \& \, \alpha \vdash \beta\). This is the chief reason why he concludes that ⊗ has a stronger claim than & to represent our informal notion of conjunction.Footnote 48

But once dual-bunching logics are an option, matters get more complicated. In such logics we have both \(\mathsf{\&}\)-L db and \(\mathsf{\otimes}\)-L db . The additive & corresponds to one mode in which premises may be combined, marked by our colon, while the multiplicative ⊗ corresponds to another mode, marked by our comma (Read 1988). According to dual-bunching logics, & doesn’t serve as premise-aggregating connective for Modus Ponens, since we don’t have \(\alpha \rightarrow \beta: \alpha \vdash \beta\). Yet & serves as premise-aggregating connective for other arguments, e.g. \(\alpha: \beta \lor \gamma \vdash (\alpha \, \&\, \beta) \lor \gamma\). Hence it is no longer clear that Zardini’s view, on which ordinary conjunction is multiplicative and obeys single-premise Modus Ponens but not Idempotence, holds an advantage over the alternative view on which ordinary conjunction is additive and satisfies Idempotence but not single-premise Modus Ponens. Giving up single-premise Modus Ponens, understood in terms of ordinary conjunction, needn’t amount to giving up conjunction’s role as a premise-aggregating connective in a natural deduction system. Of course, as we noted above, the philosophical significance of the twofold bunching of premises needs to be elucidated. But that is also the case for the simpler premise structure in multiset-based deduction systems.

In this section, we have shown that the standard argument from \(\mathsf{VTP}\) to absurdity breaks down in substructural theories which do not validate \(\mathsf{SContr}\), and have explained how the details of where it breaks down depend on which connective of the contraction-free logic we use to represent the conjunction appealed to in the standard argument.

3.4 The Consistency Argument

Let us finally turn to the Consistency Argument, and the resulting challenge to \(\mathsf{VTP}\) from Gödel’s Second Incompleteness Theorem. There are two ways one might respond: argue that Gödel’s limitative results don’t obtain for theories of arithmetic based on contraction-free logics, or argue that the Consistency Argument fails for such logics. Since there are contraction-free theories of arithmetic for which the results hold, we won’t rely exclusively on the former strategy.Footnote 49

The Consistency Argument requires one to prove, within one’s semantic theory T, the following induction step: if all conclusions of derivations of length \(\le n\) are true, then all conclusions of derivations of length n + 1 are true. To prove this, it suffices to prove, for each rule R, that

  • (\(\mathsf{TP}_R\)) If all the premises of an instance of R are true, then the corresponding instance of the conclusion will be true.Footnote 50

Now consider a rule R such that the theory proves that R has precisely two premises. To establish \(\mathsf{TP}_R\) we will then need to prove

  • (\(\mathsf{TP2}_R\)) For all x, y, z such that x and y are the two premises of an instance of R and z its corresponding conclusion: if x is true and y is true, then z is true.

But how are we to understand the ‘and’ in \(\mathsf{TP2}_R\)?

If ‘all’ in \(\mathsf{TP}_R\) is understood as the standard “lattice-theoretical” or additive quantifier (Paoli 2005), then \(\mathsf{TP2}_R\) will only help establish \(\mathsf{TP}_R\) provided ‘and’ is likewise construed as additive.Footnote 51 But when R is the two-premise Modus Ponens, we won’t be able to prove \(\mathsf{TP}_R\) on this construal. That is because we have already seen that we don’t have any instance of \(\vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} (\alpha \rightarrow \beta) \, \& \, \alpha \rightarrow \beta\). This should mean that we don’t have any instance of \(\vdash_{\text{\emph{T}}} Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha \rightarrow \beta}\urcorner) \, \& \, Tr(\ulcorner{\alpha}\urcorner) \rightarrow Tr(\ulcorner{\beta}\urcorner)\) either, whence we can’t prove the generalization \(\mathsf{TP}_R\). In fact, that is Field’s own explanation of how the Consistency Argument breaks down for paracomplete and paraconsistent theories (Field 2008, pp. 377–378). Unlike Field, we don’t attribute this breakdown to the argument’s illicit appeal to \(\mathsf{VTP}\). In our view, rather, the breakdown of the Consistency Argument (on the standard interpretation of the quantifier) results from the argument’s illicit use of & as premise-aggregator for the two-premise Modus Ponens rule.Footnote 52

Perhaps, then, we could rescue the Consistency Argument by interpreting the ‘all’ in \(\mathsf{TP}_R\) as some kind of multiplicative quantifier, one that stands to ⊗ the way the standard universal quantifier stands to &. Where R is Modus Ponens, we should indeed be able to prove \(\mathsf{TP2}_R\) with ‘and’ interpreted as ⊗, since ⊗ does serve as premise-aggregator for Modus Ponens. If this is to help establish \(\mathsf{TP}_R\), however, we would need to know more about the envisioned multiplicative quantifier. Paoli (2005) and Mares and Paoli (2014) note that there is no accepted theory of how such a quantifier should behave. One option is presented by Zardini (2011) in the context of a multiset-based logic. But Zardini’s multiplicative quantifier won’t serve the purposes of anyone who wishes to use the Consistency Argument to criticize \(\mathsf{VTP}\). For he characterizes the behavior of the multiplicative quantifier using an ω-rule as (right-)introduction rule. Hence, the semantic theory based on this logic won’t be recursively axiomatisable, and won’t satisfy the conditions for Gödel’s theorem.

4 Concluding Remarks

In this paper, we’ve argued for two main claims. First, the v-Curry Paradox shows that \(\mathsf{SContr}\) is in tension with natural principles governing some (intuitive enough) notions of validity. Hence, if, as we’ve assumed, the validity relation is transitive, revisionary theorists have strong reason to give up \(\mathsf{SContr}\). Second, the standard challenges to \(\mathsf{VTP}\) presented in §1 all break down once \(\mathsf{SContr}\) is dropped. Rejecting \(\mathsf{SContr}\) opens up non-classical ways of aggregating together premises—ways which no longer underwrite the objections to \(\mathsf{VTP}\). To be sure, it may be argued instead that the notion of validity that is shown to be paradoxical by the v-Curry Paradox should be rejected as incoherent. Validity, one might think, is interpretational, or purely logical, validity: truth on all uniform interpretations of the non-logical vocabulary. This, however, does not seem in line with the seemingly compelling thought, championed by rcf theorists such as Field (2007, 2008) and Priest (2006a, 2006b), that logical validity is a species of a more general notion of validity. Alternatively, it may be contended that paradox-prone notions of validity must be refined, and made less naïve (McGee 1991). But this, too, we’ve argued, doesn’t seem like a viable option for proponents of the revisionary approach to paradox, who rather recommend revising our theory of logic, while preserving the naïve semantic principles. If neither of these foregoing options is viable, then \(\mathsf{SContr}\) must be restricted on pain of triviality, and we can continue to maintain that valid arguments preserve truth.