
1 Introduction

Working life is increasingly in turbulence. Whole traditional professional fields disappear as new ones emerge. Within traditional professions technological and organisational development often means rapid changes in knowledge, skills, and working attitudes required from workers. All of this results in a challenge to develop vocational and professional education, and models of workplace learning that respond to these changes. The central questions are how new generations should be prepared for a future, at least partly unknown, working lives and how old workers should be supported in the necessary updating of their knowledge and skills during their work careers are added challenges. The aim of this chapter is to analyse how adequate the contemporary theories of learning are for dealing with these challenges.

Certainly, a great deal of the changes requiring gradual or more radical reconsidering of professional practices and competences, takes place within existing professions. New technologies, increasingly complex production methods, marketing and distribution networks, internationalization and globalization change not only influence the work of those professionals in higher positions within work hierarchies, but have an influence throughout the work organizations (Harkin 2004). Moreover, Globalization, changes in communication technologies, and unexpected consequences of previous and contemporary technologies result in deep reaching changes in society and modify our daily lives. Increasing market competition and companies’ attempts to profit from rapidly changing products and reduced production costs also lead to pressures towards innovation and the restructuring of organizations. Many researchers have analysed conditions and processes that cause such radical changes in working life and which result in the emergence of new professional fields (e.g., Talwar and Hancock 2010; Redecker et al. 2010; Davies et al. 2011). Studies such as these have identified several ‘change drivers’ that require co-ordinated, often global solutions, e.g., in the fields of environment, finance and security.

Indeed, various threats and possibilities, demographic change, economic turbulence, political change, norms, and legislation have resulted in the creation of totally new jobs, or hybridized existing jobs in complex ways. Hybrids, such as personal debt advisors, game addiction therapists or energy efficiency experts can all be institutionalized as a subfield of existing disciplines, or a permanent cross-disciplinary program, or they can remain informal (Klein 2010). Talwar and Hancock (2010) analysed how new jobs arise as a consequence of opportunities and implications for science and technology, which lead them to present quite exotic examples of future professions (e.g., body part maker, nano-medic, farmer of genetically engineered crops and livestock, social ‘networking’ analyst). In general, these new jobs seem to emerge at the edge of and in between various professional domains (Palonen et al., 2014). Multi-scientific and multi-disciplinary domains such as sustainability science have arisen to address the impacts of climate change and redress other sustainability challenges. These are sometimes attempts to bridge the natural and social sciences in responding to these complex challenges (Jerneck et al. 2011). Some of the changes to existing professions and the creation of new professional fields augment and build on previous fields of expertise and only require gradual enrichment of previous knowledge and accepted competences. However, in many cases new emerging professions or deeply changed work requirements in existing professions cannot be dealt with using monotonic learning – based on existing knowledge, skills and practices – but require non-monotonic learning – creating a radically new knowledge base and processional practice (Ohlsson 2011).

The orthodox way to consider education, vocational training and expertise development assumes that there is a known societal context, working life or professional practice for which learning in educational programmes should prepare students. Analogously, learning in workplaces is deeply embedded in the existing structures and practices of workplaces or relatively well known intentional plans and arrangements to change or develop some of the practices in those workplaces. The very nature of general education and institutionally-based vocational education is to transmit established knowledge and culturally-formed practices to new generations (Pring 2004). Historically, the dominating model of vocational training is based on apprenticeship in workplaces, and this continues to be the practice in many countries. However, vocational training in special institutions dominates training for occupations on higher levels of the occupational hierarchy (Powell and Solga 2008). Also, with vocational and professional learning taking place in educational institutions, there are also often practical training experiences provided in work environments and which are now considered as fundamental elements of initial occupational preparation. The role of these workplace experiences is to provide students with experiences that familiarize them with authentic work practices and experiences of working life. All this is aimed at transmitting existing knowledge, skills and practices to new generations of workers. These orthodox conceptions of schooling and training might work relatively well in preparing newcomers to professions where changes are slow and incremental and the occupational requirements have remained relatively stable. That is, without deep reaching qualitative changes.

In these circumstances, the content of the curriculum is based on a consensus among societally recognized domain experts about the competences needed in particular fields (Billett 2003). In the best cases, the content of vocational and professional education programs, particularly when connected with well-organized practice in workplaces, provide novice workers with sound bases for their professional careers in the assumption that no radical changes in the nature of the work are likely to occur. However, outside of such circumstances, the limited capabilities of educational institutions and traditional teaching methods to adequately prepare new generations for the challenges and potentiality of a rapidly changing working life in the future are widely recognized. A frequently enacted response to this challenge is to provide students with what are referred to as transferable ‘soft skills’ – the kinds of capacities associated with communicativity and adaptability (Fallows and Steven 2000). Globalisation, information and communication technologies and new forms of organisations as well as rapid change of professions and work practices have changed the way work competences are defined. It has particularly resulted in a strong emphasis on soft skills as the key issues which explain employability and productivity in contemporary and future work. Large international projects have focused in defining the future competences and particularly the soft or generic skills needed in the future (Markes 2006).

Although soft skills may be useful in a variety of work situations and occupational practices, they are not a sufficient solution for helping new generations or older workers to cope with the more radical qualitative changes in work. For instance, an ability to apply disciplinary knowledge (e.g. mathematics) and work specific skills in meaningful ways is held to be fundamental for successful work processes (Stasz and Brewer 1999). The requirements for coping with rapid and unexpected changes is not what kinds of soft skills workers have, but how they are able to restructure their basic disciplinary knowledge and work-specific skills in adaptive ways to respond to these changes. Based on his analysis of the nature of changes in a turbulent world, Ohlsson (2011) concluded that coping with radical changes requires non-monotonous learning which is not constrained by the experience that are similar to what has traditionally been described as learning. Instead, he defines this approach called “Deep Learning” as follows:

In the course of shifting the basis for action from innate structures to acquired knowledge and skills, human beings evolved cognitive processes and mechanisms that enable them to suppress their experience and over-ride its imperative for action. (Ohlsson 2011, p. 21)

The key premise in this definition is that in the history of humankind there have always been groups or individuals who have been able to surpass the immediate experience in their acting and thinking, resulting in novel ways of interpreting the world and these stand as powerful tools for overcoming the constrains of human’s biologically-determined limitations. With the term monotonic learning Ohlsson (2011) refers to additive cognitive growth of knowledge, which is consistent with what is known before. In an analogous way, two decades ago Hatano and his collaborators (Hatano and Inagaki 1986) introduced the term Adaptive Expertise, which approaches the same questions as Ohlsson’s definition of Deep Learning from a somewhat different perspective. Adaptive Expertise is an integrating concept that consists of cognitive, motivational, and personality-related aspects of orientation to approaching novel tasks and challenges. Problem-solvers generally demonstrate adaptive expertise when they are able to efficiently solve previously encountered tasks and generate new procedures for new tasks (See also the flexibility concept of Feltovich et al. 1997). Here it is proposed that, respectively, Ohlsson and Hatano conceptions of Deep Learning and Adaptive Expertise are needed for coping with radical changes taking place in working life. However, it is far from easy to describe what Deep Learning or Adaptive Expertise means in concrete terms and applicable terms. Thus, it is important to analyse if contemporary theories of learning can adequately describe the processes through which individuals and collectives secure or fail to learn the knowledge needed in radically changing circumstances.

2 A Systemic Approach to Theories of Learning

Since the nineteenth century there have been serious attempts to study learning by using scientific methods. This long tradition has resulted in a large number of theories, some of which have become widely accepted in the research and educational communities. However, it is clear that there is no one theory, which explains learning (Lehtinen 2012). The most obvious reason for this is that situation is that there is no consensus on a theory of learning because learning is not a specific phenomenon but a kind of metaphoric concept. Moreover, it is a term used in everyday language and scientific literature to refer to very different processes from simple behavioural change in animals to learning abstract mathematics in the university, or learning as organisational change in enterprises (Lehtinen 2012; Säljö 2009). It has been common for the theoretical developments in learning research that when new approaches have been developed there have been intensive, critical and often unfruitful discussions between the advocates of the “old” and the “new” theories. During the last few years, there have been several attempts to analyse the diverse and complex field of theories and approaches of learning research from a meta-theoretical point of view (Lehtinen 2012). In her widely cited article, Sfard (1998) argued that certain kinds of metaphors underline the development of all theoretical thinking and proposed that it is possible to organize the field of learning research by classifying the dominating approaches into two loose categories, characterized as acquisition and participation metaphors of learning. Acquisition and participation metaphors are ontologically different ways to define what we mean with learning.

Sfard’s metaphor idea was later elaborated and extended further by Paavola et al. (2004), who proposed a third metaphor that they called the knowledge creation metaphor. None of these models construes the different metaphors as mutually exclusive. Indeed, learning is a complex phenomenon and different theoretical approaches are needed in analysing it in different situations (Lehtinen 2012). A very different approach was used by Alexander et al. (2009) who proposed a model that they called a topographical framework of approaches and theories of learning. They identified a set of principles that are common for most of the known theoretical approaches to learning (Alexander et al. 2009, p. 178). When commenting on the article of Alexander et al. (2009), Säljö (2009) highlighted that the model of Alexander et al. did not take into account the differences in the units of analysis of different approaches and the ontological and epistemological suppositions related to the use of these units in research.

Here, our aim is not to choose a theoretical camp or propose any “unified” theory. Instead, we propose a complex system view for dealing with the different theoretical approaches. The main theoretical approaches are typically attempts to answer different questions and they focus on different units of analyses (Lehtinen 2012; Säljö 2009). According to idea of complex systems, these approaches represent different systemic levels, which are mutually dependent, but not reducible to each other (Lehtinen 2012; Ohlsson 2011). In human learning, there are several system levels which all have their own characteristic properties that extend from primary concerns on neural processes through to cultural activity systems. As parts of a complex system, the properties of one level are interacting with properties of the other levels.

The complex system approach indicates that it is important to study the characteristic properties of different systemic levels and the interactions between them (Ohlsson 2011). A further assumption here is that cultural or situated activities and mental cognitive processes are two distinct, but interrelated levels of the learning system and both are particularly relevant when our aim is to understand how individuals or larger social communities are able to cope with rapid change. This coping requires developing new knowledge and skills that go beyond previous experience and monotonic enrichment of prior knowledge and practices. In this chapter, the principal focus is on individual level cognitive processes. But, before reviewing the cognitive literature, we will briefly discus how socio-cultural theories are dealing with the challenges of a turbulent world.

3 Do Theories of Learning Give Tools for Preparing People for a Turbulent World?

In his recent book “Deep Learning” Stellan Ohlsson (2011) argues that the seventeenth century scientific revolution in the natural sciences lead to successful findings about the regular and predictive nature of many physical phenomena. In line with these findings, highlighting the regularity of physical world through a clockwork system became a general metaphor for science and it has dominated scientific thinking for centuries. Recently, alternative theoretical traditions have developed in natural sciences, which deal with chaos, complex systems and emerging processes. The focus is in phenomena and processes that do not follow clockwork type regularities (Ohlsson 2011). However, most of the existing approaches or theories of learning describe learning, which follows a clockwork-like model where learning is described as acquiring representations of known regularities and causal relations. This type of learning can also be characterized as monotonic additive change acquiring of knowledge or practices. However, in a turbulent world, it is becoming more and more important to ask how theories of learning help us understand flexible and adaptive forms of learning. In particular, it assists understand how non-monotonic learning that creates new knowledge and skills thereby enabling people to cope with emerging and surprizing phenomena in their environment (Ohlsson 2011). In what follows, we review how sociocultural theories and theories describing individual level cognitive and constructive processes deal with the challenge of rapid and radical change.

3.1 Sociocultural Theories and the Challenge of Change

Most dominant ways of conceptualizing learning in sociocultural and situated theories emphasize a conservative rather than a radically changing or creative nature of learning. The Vygotskian (1978) idea of the zone of proximal development describes learning as a process in which new knowledge or skills first appear on the social level in interactions with a more knowledgeable collaborator (e.g. parent, teacher or experienced professional) and are afterwards internalized by the individual. In the seminal contemporary descriptions of situated learning theories, such as legitimate peripheral participation within a community of practice, the conservative nature of learning is even more obvious (Lave and Wenger 1991). The relevant knowledge and skills already exist in the communities and newcomers become competent members of the community through the process of a gradually deepening participation.

However, more general level sociocultural approaches include a strong idea of qualitative change in the course of history. One of the approaches is Donald’s (2000) theoretical description of how culture literally reformats and re-programs the human cognitive architecture. As a consequence of extensive cultural re-shaping, cultural resources became internalized as a part of human cognitive architecture and drastically affect the available cognitive resources on many levels. Because human cognitive capacities are not only biologically given, but also culturally-mediated, biologically equivalent brains adapt by sustained cultivation of expertise to prehistoric hunter-gatherer culture, the concurrent knowledge-intensive society, and to whatever will emerge in the future. Expertise in this way can be seen as a cultural-historically evolving interface between humans and the cultural environment of their activity. It represents a set of culturally programmed capacities that allow human beings utilize their cultural-historically accumulated knowledge and know-how and to goes beyond biological limitations of intellectual achievement. There are a few more concrete theories that aim at describing how the creation of new knowledge could take place in social-cultural context.

3.1.1 From Tacit to Explicit Cycle as Innovation Creation Process

Within the sociocultural tradition there are many attempts to describe processes that not only mediate existing knowledge and practices, but also create new practices and innovations. Nonaka’s model of knowledge transformation and innovation has been largely cited as a model of how new conceptual knowledge and practices emerge in an organisational context. According to Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995), western ways of thinking have been too concentrated on explicit knowledge. Explicit knowledge means all that knowledge which is easy to articulate and express formally and in clear terms. But in innovation, tacit knowledge is much more important. Tacit knowledge means personal and subjective knowledge that is embedded in individual experience and action; it involves personal intuition, ideas, and values. Due to its very nature, tacit knowledge is difficult to communicate to others. It especially addresses the dynamics of knowledge creation. In their model, knowledge creation is based on the interaction between tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge. Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) also proposed that such creation involves passing through several “ontological” levels, i.e. individual, group, organizational, and inter-organizational levels, in order to be effective for all people and for whole organizations. The basic question in innovation is how this personal know-how and experience can be transformed so as to be useful for the whole group, and, conversely, how explicit knowledge in the group can be transformed into personal know-how and experience.

Nonaka and Takeuchi’s solution is based on four “modes” of knowledge conversion. Knowledge can be transformed: (a) from tacit knowledge to tacit knowledge (a phase which is called socialization); (b) from tacit to explicit knowledge (externalization); (c) from explicit to explicit knowledge (combination); and (d) from explicit to tacit knowledge (internalization). These are four phases of the “knowledge creation” spiral, which commence when tacit knowledge and experiences are socially-shared at the group level. The idea is that the conversion involved in the knowledge spiral is a social process between people rather than one that takes place within people. In these processes analogies and metaphors are used to articulate ideas for innovation (Hakkarainen et al. 2004b).

3.1.2 Activity Theory and Expansive Learning

Engeström (1999) shares the same aim of describing the collective process of innovation creations with Nonaka and Takeuchi’s (1995) but he criticizes their theory for not taking into account the key aspects of the innovative learning process. He has studied innovative learning cycles in work teams using cultural-historical activity theory and the theory of expansive learning as a framework for his analysis (see Engeström 1987). His main critique of Nonaka and Takeuchi’s (1995) model is that it does not take into account those phases of knowledge creation where problems are formulated and analysed in the first place. According to Engeström, innovative learning starts by criticizing, questioning, and analysing existing practices. A particular aspect of Engeström’s theory is in its focus on dialectical tensions, contradictions, and conflicts within communal activities; these are usually ignored (and considered nuisances) by other approaches focusing on immediate empirical generalizations. As an alternative to Nonaka and Takeuchi’s model, Engeström (1999, pp. 383–384) has provided his own model of an expansive learning cycle. It starts by (1) individual subjects questioning and criticizing some accepted practices, which is followed by (2) analysis of the situation, i.e. analysis of those (historical) causes that have led to the situation in question, followed by (3), modelling of a new solution to the problems, and (4) examining the new model by experimenting and seeing how it works, and what potentialities as well as limitations it has. Next is (5) implementing the new model in practical action and applications, and (6) reflecting on and evaluating the process. Finally there is (7), consolidating a new form of practice. Different phases do not necessarily take place in a fixed sequence but Engeström emphasizes the flexible nature of the process in contrast to the mechanical order of the Nonaka and Takeuchi model.

However, despite their claims, both models have been successfully used in describing processes of change and innovation creation in organizations. The examples of the new innovations, boundary crossing processes and organizational changes described in the case studies of Nonaka’s and Engeström’s research groups are, however, closer to the monotonic extensions of existing knowledge than to non-monotonic creation of radically different ways to understand the world (Ohlsson 2011).

3.1.3 Knowledge-Creating Metaphor of Learning

A more ambitious attempt to theoretically describe how building fundamentally new knowledge occurs in collaborative processes has been presented by Hakkarainen and his collaborators (Hakkarainen et al. 2004a, Paavola and Hakkarainen 2005). Hakkarainen and his colleagues have proposed that professional learning in an advanced knowledge society can neither be reduced to the assimilation of already existing information (as assumed by the knowledge acquisition metaphor) nor growing up within prevailing community practices (as is often assumed by the participation metaphor). They propose a third, knowledge-creating metaphor of learning (Paavola et al. 2004) according to which learning may be seen as a process of deliberately creating new knowledge or transforming social practices in an interaction between individuals and communities. This process is driven by a central characteristic of adaptive experts’ activity. That is the systematic working at the edge of competence, pursuing novelty and innovation. Their approach examines learning (a) in terms of building and extending shared knowledge artefacts, such as ideas, theories, or products, (b) creating collectively shared knowledge practices (making pursuit of innovation and novelty a social practice), and (c) interaction between personal and collaborative knowledge-creating efforts (transactive development of expertise).

Knowledge creation, in this way, may be seen as a collaborative process of working with a shared object and growing through the process. To solve complex and partially unforeseen problems at the edge of their competence, knowledge workers have to create, extend, and build shared knowledge artefacts (Bereiter 2002), such as texts, graphs and models, that crystallize their evolving knowledge and understanding. Pursuit of such artefacts is critical in knowledge creation because they can be endlessly re-interpreted and their evolving network used as a starting point of articulating and iteratively improving novel epistemic artefacts (Bereiter 2002; Paavola and Hakkarainen 2005; Skagestad 1993). As claimed by Knorr-Cetina (2001), creative knowledge work focuses on incomplete epistemic objects, objects that are open-ended and constantly generating novel questions and becoming more and more complex when pursued. Knorr-Cetina (1999) also pointed out that epistemic objects involve “pointers” (e.g. hints, guidelines, directions) regarding how further activities should be focused. These objects imply what is missing from the picture, and, thereby, guide further inquiries. Consequently, the epistemic objects created provide intuitive support, suggesting which way to look. Epistemic artefacts generated by knowledge communities’ participants also appear to function as boundary objects (Star 1989) that assist multiple communities in carrying out coordinated inquiries, cross-fertilizing their knowledge, and hybridizing expertise across two or more domains of knowledge (Howells 1999). Knowledge-creating processes involve deliberate efforts in spanning boundaries of prevailing knowledge by creating novel and often far-reaching networking linkages to experts, communities, and networks representing heterogeneous knowledge and competence. The participants appear to co-evolve with the growing network of epistemic artifacts created in the course of their activity.

Hakkarainen and his colleagues (2011) argue, further, that professional creativity needed for encountering novel and unanticipated challenges does not only lie within the human mind but is embedded in shared knowledge practices cultivated by such knowledge communities. They use the term “knowledge” in the broadest sense, to include what is explicit or stated in official discourse (e.g., approved texts), to what is implicit, informing one’s habits (perhaps pre-reflectively) of expert working; and further still to that which underlies the competencies of experts, for example, so called “procedural knowledge.” They argue that concurrent expert communities rely on “weakly determined, unstable, explorative, and problem-laden practices that are once in a while innovative” (Knorr-Cetina 2001). Knowledge practices, while sometimes just supporting routine learning (transmission), at their creative edge diverge from other routine social practices in that they take place in specific purposefully dynamic and fluid settings designed for the furtherance of innovation and knowledge (Knorr-Cetina 1999, 2001). Rather than merely relying on mundane habits or repeated routines (that may also be needed), such practices are aimed at solving emergent problems and constantly pursuing novelty and innovation. Professional experts have to increasingly meet novel challenges and engage in systematic creative reinvention of their shared practices so as to elicit novelty and innovation (Knorr-Cetina 1999, 2001). It is held that in the case of communities that follow such practices, innovation and the pursuit of novelty are themselves transformed to shared social practices through the cultivation of corresponding personal and collective competencies and patterns of shared activity (Knorr-Cetina 1999, 2001; Simon 2002). Whenever such innovative practices are encountered, we are dealing with innovative knowledge communities and their networks (Hakkarainen et al. 2004a).

Hence, the subject of knowledge creation is a collective rather than an individual. While individual experts often have a critical role in the pursuit of novelty and innovation, it takes place on a fertile ground provided by collaborative activity (Paavola et al. 2004). In parallel with social communities, adaptive experts may appropriate innovative knowledge practices to the extent that the pursuit of transformations relevant for knowledge-creation becomes their second nature, i.e., an integral aspect of their activity. There appears to be a dynamic and fluid reciprocally effective interaction between personal and collective practices that drives the development of collective activity. The development of expertise is a long-standing process involving profound personal transformations. Such a process cannot be understood by examining mere personal drives for developing expertise or stable features of the social and cultural environments but rather the dynamic “transactional” interaction between these two poles of development (Sameroff and Mackenzie 2003).

A sustained pursuit of deliberate practice enhances and augments the participants’ cognitive capabilities for adapting to the environment of their activity and allows them to address problems at higher and more complex levels. By systematically building their personal learning networks that reach beyond the boundaries of their immediate community, participants are transforming the ecology of their development. In order to orient towards constantly working at the edge of competence, experts have to develop dynamically evolving and gradually tightening criteria of assessing and evaluating their performance. Bereiter and Scardamalia (1993) distinguished between first- and second-order environments. First-order environments are static in nature, and adaptation in these environments is oriented toward meeting a fixed set of conditions. In second-order environments, on the contrary, the conditions to which an agent must adapt change dynamically as a function of the other actors’ (individuals or organizations) progress in the environment. High-tech companies or scientific research communities represent such second-order environments with progressively changing requirements. Exceptional competencies emerge collaboratively in second-order cultures in which the environment of adaptation transforms and the acceptable level of performance is dynamically growing as a function of other communities’ success. This framework is compatible with an idea that individual, community, and larger knowledge networks constitute different systemic levels that are reciprocally dependent on one another.

3.2 How Individual (Mental) Level Theories Are Able to Explain Radical Change?

Following the approach that views theories of learning as conceptual tools for dealing with phenomena (i.e. units of analysis) on different levels of a complex system, we now focus on theories describing individual level cognitive processes. This approach reveals that individual cognitive processes are not independent of culturally and socially shared knowledge and practices. Worthwhile creative insights do not emerge accidentally or randomly. Creativity, intuition, and innovation are not based on spontaneous, unique, and in accessible subjective processes (Ohlsson 2011; Simon 1977). Even if new ideas may arise as sudden insights, these ideas are often held to be preceded by relatively long periods of collective work dealing with the problems under investigation (Csikszentmihalyi and Sawyer 1995; Gruber 1981, 1995).

A fundamental feature of generally accepted models of human cognitive and constructive processes is that situations and new information are interpreted within the frames of already existing mental representations. A consequence of that interpretation is the conservative nature of cognitive processes. How is qualitatively new knowledge possible if perception and thinking is based on already existing knowledge? Based on formal logic some philosophers (Gödel 1962; Fodor 1976) have concluded that a symbol system or a system of axioms can only generate sub-systems, which are not more powerful than the original system. When applied to learning and knowledge construction this means that there is a learning paradox, which questions the possibility of constructing fundamentally new knowledge (Ohlsson 2011).

However, it is clear that people are somehow able to break out of the initial frameworks and create radically new ways of thinking and acting (Ohlsson 2011). Many approaches in the cognitive tradition have focused on explaining change in knowledge and skills. The question of how the human mind is capable of going beyond its existing skills and experiences is not new. This type of learning and problem solving was clearly the aim for the psychological tradition, which was labelled gestalt psychology (Wertheimer 1959). Innovative studies about problem solving and insight carried out by the gestalt psychologists in the first half of twentieth century are still topical, but this tradition failed to present a solid theory because it didn’t have an established “language” for describing mental processes (Langley and Jones 1988; Ohlsson 2011; Simonton 2000). Piaget’s accommodation concept and particularly the idea reflective abstraction and the characteristics of formal operation level thinking are attempts at describing how the human mind develops new forms of thinking, which make a higher level interpretation of world possible (Piaget 1976, 1978). However, the aim of Piaget’s theoretical work was to explain general (epistemological) transitions between forms of thinking in the course of human development, from infancy to adolescence, and it is questionable how well these theoretical models can be used to describe the nature of learning concrete tasks.

3.2.1 Reconsidering the Concept of Transfer: From Immediate Transfer Towards Preparation for Future Learning

The issue of transfer is normally discussed in the context of education. However, it is even more important in the development of generalized knowledge and skills, including varying attempts to apply prior knowledge in different transitions from school to work, or from one working place to another. Firstly, it raises the question of the existence and role of abstract knowledge. Secondly, it highlights the role of people’s own activity and agency in these transitions. Thirdly, it questions the immediate and correct application of previous knowledge as the main criterion for transfer.

According to De Corte (1999), the problem of transfer and general applicability of knowledge and skills has been on the agenda of research in educational psychology and learning research throughout the previous century, and the interest in the issue has increased during last 10–15 years. In their review article on transfer, Bransford and Schwartz (1999) emphasize the importance of transfer for the very idea of schooling. A belief in positive effects that extends beyond the exact conditions of initial learning underlie the very rationale of educational institutions and teaching activities. Educators are hopeful that students will show evidence of (positive) transfer in various situations. As far as vocational education and professional training is concerned the success depends on students’ ability make use of their school learning in future work. However, the issue of transfer is very controversial and it has been the subject of many critical debates among researchers (see Anderson et al. 1996; De Corte 1999, 2003; Detterman 1993; Lave 1988; Ohlsson and Lehtinen 1997). The critical discussion is partly based on experimental empirical findings, often showing failures of transfer (e.g. Detterman 1993), and on theoretical analyses emphasizing the situated nature of activity and cognition, which call the whole meaning of transfer into question (e.g. Lave 1988).

In their frequently cited analysis of types of transfer, Salomon and Perkins (1989) distinguished between a ‘low’ and a ‘high road’ to transfer. The ‘low road’ transfer takes place when conditions in the transfer context are sufficiently similar to those in a prior context of learning. These can more or less automatically trigger responses similar to the learned processes in the initial situation. This type of transfer can be explained in Thorndike’s traditional terms of identical elements between initial and target situations or tasks. Singley and Anderson (1989) have reinterpreted Thorndike’s behaviouristic view into cognitive language within the frames of their ACT* theory, and defined transfer in terms of identical cognitive productions. The traditional Thorndikean view and its modern cognitivist version highlight the objective similarity of the situations, and they pay less attention to the subjective interpretations of the learners. From the point of view of understanding learning radically new ways to understand situations the traditional transfer concept doesn’t provide very much because it refers to a simple repetition of previously learned knowledge or at the most gradual monotonic change.

Institutional vocational education and formal professional training are based on the assumption that knowledge and skills learned in these situations are widely applicable to diverse situations. However, the dominant traditions of learning and expertise research have emphasized more restricted possibilities of transfer. Theories of development of expertise (e.g. Ericsson et al. 1993; Lave 1988; Lave and Wenger 1991) and laboratory experiments on transfer (e.g. Detterman and Sternberg 1993) all seem to concur that activity in a particular situation depends on knowledge and skills that are situation specific and highly particular (Billett 2001). The ability to perform a given task resides primarily in how much one knows about that particular task in a certain context, not in general principles or in any capacity for abstract thinking (Lenat and Feigenbaum 1991).

Many current ideas emphasize the use of concrete, episodic and socio-culturally embedded information without the involvement of general principles and abstract knowledge that have traditionally been connected to higher-order thinking. Lave’s (1988) widely cited descriptions of the use of situated strategies instead of formal school mathematics in grocery shopping or preparing meals at home have been used as a proof that “abstract” school mathematics does not transfer to practical situations. However, the examples could also be explained differently. They all include several aspects of formal mathematical knowledge, which are used as a part of the situational strategies to solve the particular problems. From this point of view, the examples describe creative ways of transferring abstract mathematical knowledge to concrete situations and embed them in activities and tools available in these situations. Recent findings of the use of mathematical knowledge in different professions refer to this kind of interpretation. Formal mathematical concepts and procedures are very important in a range of professions, but these are applied very differently depending on the requirements of the particular tasks. Mathematical knowledge (i.e. that typically learned in general education) is used in relation to a particular work process or technological application. In boundary crossing communication between different professionals formal mathematical and scientific concept serve as a commonly shared basis, helping to avoid misunderstandings (Stasz and Brewer 1999).

Greeno and his collaborators (Greeno et al. 1993) have proposed an approach, which deals with the similarity of the situations from the point of view of the learner’s activity in them. The activity in the learning situation occurs under certain affordances and constraints. Transfer is possible, if the new situation contains sufficiently similar constraints and affordances to the initial context, or if the learner interprets them similarly. This view also highlights the similarity of the situations but not so much as an objective condition than as a set of features of the situation interpreted from the point of view of the learner’s intentional activity. However, the critical question here is that what happens when no immediate similarity can be perceived.

There are theoretical approaches to transfer, which can be used to analyse situations in which there is no immediate similarity. The second road to transfer in the model of Salomon and Perkins (1989), namely the “high road” describes these kinds of situations. They argue that there is also a higher level of transfer, which depends on abstraction from the context of learning or application and a more or less conscious attempt to find general patterns and principles that go beyond the surface features of the situations. This type of transfer is not immediate but demands time for exploration and mental effort. It is not the similarity in any superficial feature of the initial and target problems or situations that characterize transfer but the thinking and knowledge which is transferred to new situation can be on a very high level of abstraction. Bransford and Schwartz (1999) argue very similarly that effective transfer requires a sufficient degree of original learning, which leads to relevant abstractions. For Bransford and Schwartz (1999), meaningful transfer is not only the immediate application of previously learned knowledge in new situations, but they broaden the conception of transfer by emphasizing that transfer should be conceptualized in terms of “preparation for future learning”. Here, the focus shifts to the assessment of individuals’ abilities to learn according to the future demands and opportunities arising in new situations. In addition, they point out that an important aspect of active transfer involves people’s willingness to deal with novel and challenging tasks in social interaction situations and to understand others’ ideas and perspectives. Bransford and Schwartz (1999) exemplify the preparation for future learning approach to transfer by describing teachers’ transition from teacher education to work.

As an illustration of transfer as PFL, imagine elementary education majors who graduate and become classroom teachers for the first time. By the standard DA (Direct Application theory of transfer) definition of transfer, the test of transfer would be whether the beginning teachers, without coaching, can apply to the classroom the methods they learned in school. As noted above, this is an important concern yet it is only one part of the larger story. The larger story involves whether the novice teachers have been prepared to learn from their new experiences, including their abilities to structure their environments in ways that lead to successful learning (e.g., arrange for peer coaching). There is no preliminary education or training that can make these people experts; it can only place them on a trajectory towards expertise. (Bransford and Schwartz 1999, p. 68)

This conception is consistent with the suggestions of Lobato and Siebert (2002) who hold that transfer should be reconceived along individual and cognitive dimensions, while also examining how transfer is situated in group practices and socio-cultural aspects of the environment. To understand learning and transfer in natural and complex situations, it is important to examine how people construe situations as similar or different, regardless of whether or not the generalizations that people make across situations lead to “correct” or normative performance. Lobato’s (2012) “actor-oriented transfer” perspective examines the processes by which actors form personal relations of similarity across situations. The actor-oriented transfer perspective argues that the basis for transfer is the learner’s construction of similarity rather than objectively given similar “elements” in the environment. This approach highlights the crucial question, which distinguishes the different theories of transfer: is transfer defined in terms of the qualities of the initial vs. the target situations and tasks, or is it mainly interpreted in terms of the immediate or long-term mental activities carried out by the learner in these situations?

The ‘applying knowledge’ metaphor of the orthodox transfer paradigm suggests that tasks across which transfer occurs remain unchanged during transfer, and that the “transfer” reproduces existing relations between fixed tasks (Beach 1999; Lehtinen and Hannula 2006). In contrast, in the actor-oriented transfer and preparation for future learning approach, the metaphor of construction replaces that of application. Relations of similarity are constructed or produced, not simply perceived or encoded. As a result, transfer situations are no longer viewed as static and unchanging but rather as dynamic sites for invention and reorganization (Lobato and Siebert 2002, p. 90).

How one recognizes the familiarity or similarity when entering new situations is important in these new approaches to transfer. If we shift our focus from very explicit experimental situations of typical transfer studies towards everyday situations or long-term learning of complex scientific or professional tasks, how people interpret the situations and recognize new phenomena with the help of their previously constructed mental concepts is far from trivial. In their article about the learning of abstract ideas, Ohlsson and Lehtinen (1997) claim that to recognize an object as an instance of abstraction, a person must already possess that abstraction. This is especially obvious in complex scientific theories like Darwinian evolution or Newtonian mechanics, as well as in many mathematical concepts. In the classical view, similarity is an epistemologically primitive category. The similarities between two particulars are the basis for creating a generalization. In contrast, Ohlsson and Lehtinen (1997) suggest that people experience particulars as similar to the extent that, and because, those particulars are recognized as instances of the same abstraction. Abstraction engenders similarity rather than vice versa.

These fresh approaches propose transfer as a preparation for future learning. They include learners’ active role, interpretation and modification of the situations in a new way. This along with integrating abstract knowledge to affordances of the situation is a potentially relevant approach for explaining how people are capable of non-monotonic creation of new knowledge and practices in rapidly changing situations.

3.2.2 Deliberate Practice and Expertise Development

The development from novices to experts means remarkable quantitative and qualitative change in knowledge and skills. One way to explain this development is Ericsson’s theory of deliberate practice.

Deliberate practice is practice, which intentionally aims at improving one’s skills and competencies (Ericsson 2006; Ericsson et al. 1993). It is not enjoyable, but involves effortfully and selectively improving critical aspects of the performance. It is not a mechanical and repetitive process of making performance more and more fluid, as some studies appear to indicate (Dreyfus and Dreyfus 1986). Instead, it involves a great deal of thinking, problem solving, and reflection for analyzing, conceptualizing, and cultivating a developing performance. This includes directing and guiding future training efforts that are then fine-tuned to dynamically evolving levels of performance. It often takes place under the guidance and coaching of old masters who have already gone through a similar process and gained a great deal of experience (Gruber et al. 2008). In the musical domain, it appears critical for one to undertake solitary training in order to improve specific aspects of one’s performance. Apparently, only “perfect practice” skilfully tailored to ones dynamically developing level of accomplishment makes one perfect (Ericsson 2006). Investigations indicate that human performance improves through extensive practice without any pre-given limitations. At the further stages of practice, individuals may have to invest more training in relation to each further step of improvement (Ericsson 2006). People do not become aware of the radical modifiability of their competencies because they deliberately give up training after achieving a satisfactory level of performance, which often takes place after a few dozens of hours of training.

Numerous studies carried out by Ericsson and his colleagues (Ericsson 2006; Ericsson and Lehmann 1996) indicate that the length and intensity of (masterful) deliberate practices alone explains exceptional performance and masterful accomplishments; we do not have to think (and there is no solid evidence) that even the highest performers and top masters were at the outset categorically different from other people (Ericsson 2006), i.e., were innately endowed with specific gifts or talents that would explain their excellence. The top performers have often started their practice earlier than those attaining a moderate level of performance and they have practiced much harder and more systematically (having several thousands of hours more of deliberate practice that their less accomplished colleagues, Ericsson and Lehmann 1996). All measures indicate that a superior expert engages in more intensive training rather than has any mysterious short-cuts to excellence based on their gifts. There are, furthermore, no reliable means of distinguishing those who will become elite performers during training; while many initially promising candidates fail (Starker and Ericsson 2003), some of those who do not initially show any promise may start excelling later on in training. Expert research problematizes the above mentioned cultural assumptions according to which creative achievements are based on fixed and innate gifts and talents that are trainable only to a limited extent (for criticism of such view, see Howe 1999).

It is difficult to evaluate the efficacy of the deliberate practice approach from the point of view of non-monotonic change. Definitions of deliberate practice clearly describe incremental learning which take place when people systematically practice on the limits of their existing skills and look for continues improvement. The improvement is, at least in most of the published examples, based on detailed feedback given by coaches, tutors or colleagues and is to some extent dependant on the knowledge these supporting people already have (Ericsson 2006). On the other hand, descriptions of deliberate practice include the idea of adaptive expertise by emphasizing the avoidance of automatisation of an acceptable level of performance and the need to maintain the ability to control the execution of the skills, making intentional modifications and adjustments difficult (Ericsson 2006, pp. 684–685). In some cases, deliberate practice leads to exceptional performance and people are able to do something in a novel way, which goes beyond the constraints of prior knowledge and practices.

3.2.3 Theories of Conceptual Change

Ohlsson (2011) discusses the possibilities and processes of non-monotonic change in turbulent contexts, which he claims require radically new forms of knowledge and thinking. Interestingly, the same question has been asked in the science learning context, where students are basically learning very established and well known scientific knowledge. However, from students’ view points, the learning of certain scientific concepts requires radical and non-monotonic restructuring of prior knowledge (Vosniadou 1994, 2008). The term “conceptual change” is used to characterize situations where learners’ prior knowledge is incompatible with the requirements of the new tasks they are confronted with. During the last decades, research on conceptual change has produced a rich variety of models of the development of students’ conceptual understanding and conceptual change (Chi 2008; Chi et al. 1994; Duit 1999; Ohlsson 2009; Vosniadou 1994, 1999). One of the important distinctions made by the researchers of conceptual change is the definition of learning as continuous growth or enrichment of knowledge, or as discontinuous change requiring radical restructuring of prior knowledge (Vosniadou 1994). The discontinuity of learning is defined similarly to the non-monotonic change by Ohlsson (2011) described earlier in this chapter and it occurs in a situation where prior knowledge is incompatible with the new tasks or information.

In learning certain scientific concepts, generally shared everyday beliefs or more trivial concepts learned during earlier school years are not enough to create an understanding of the requirements of the new tasks or knowledge, and in many cases prior knowledge is incompatible with the new tasks and may lead to systematic misconceptions. This means that misconceptions are not random products of insufficient learning, but have specific consequences of a particular prior knowledge. Intervention studies have indicated that when learning such scientific concepts in which systematic misconceptions frequently appear, students’ prior knowledge is often resistant to teaching efforts (Limon 2001).

There are several theoretical explanations of conceptual change, which also lead to somewhat different recommendations about the instructional strategies for helping students overcome conceptual change problems. Most of the theories are directly related to the conservative nature of cognitive processes described earlier in this chapter. When new knowledge or a task is interpreted within the existing representations, the properties of prior knowledge constrain the possibilities to interpret the situation of tasks in novel ways, which are incompatible with prior knowledge.

Ontological shift theory developed by Chi focuses on the role of ontological knowledge in conceptual change (Chi 2008; Chi et al. 1994). According to this theory, a learner locates concepts to ontological categories, such as: object, matter, event, process, mental state, and so on. When learners try to learn to understand a previously unfamiliar phenomenon, they assign it some of their ontological categories typically on the basis of the most salient features of the new phenomena. As a consequence of this categorisation, the learned phenomenon is connected to the characteristics of that category. In learning scientific concepts, learners often interpret the phenomena within a wrong category for example electricity within the category of matter rather than within the category of processes (Chi et al. 1994). Changing the initial ontological category to one that is adequate to the advanced scientific interpretation of the concept has proved to be difficult and due to that leaners have robust misconceptions. The theory of ontological category shift is a powerful tool for describing conceptual change problems in specific scientific concepts but it is difficult to se how widely applicable it is in the working life context.

Vosniadou (1994) has proposed an approach, which she calls framework theory. According to this view, people tend to develop relatively coherent explanatory mental models for phenomena they meet in their everyday environments. These subjective theoretical frameworks connect concrete experiences, and ontological and epistemological beliefs so that they form a sufficiently coherent model. New information is interpreted by individuals within this framework and if it conflicts with the framework it typically results only in peripheral changes in the mental models, but does not necessarily change the basic elements of the framework theory. Synthetic models described by Vosniadou (1994) are examples of situations in which conflicting information is assimilated within existing frameworks without changing it to meet the deeper requirements of the new information. When trying to understand astronomy, children today repeat the same difficulties that humankind has repeated in the course of our history. That is to understand the form of the earth and its location in the system of planets, they develop synthetic models (for example people living on an flat are inside the hollow sphere) in which the socially mediated information of earth as a sphere is connected to an initial mental model without changing the framework theory supporting the flat earth centred model. The framework theory approach and conceptual change research in general is considered to be a promising approach in studying professional learning but it has not yet been widely applied in empirical studies in working life context (Achtenhagen 1995; Tillema and Orland-Barak 2006; Sharpe 2004; Tynjälä et al. 1997).

Recent empirical research suggests that conceptual change is a very complex process that proceeds through the gradual replacement of prior beliefs and presumptions (e.g. Vosniadou 2008; Chi 2008). Researchers have agreed that these processes, which overcome serious conceptual change problems are influenced by motivational (e.g. Linnenbrink and Pintrich 2003) and metacognitive (Flavell 1979) processes. Intervention studies show that increasing a learner’s meta-conceptual awareness could be an effective way to support conceptual change (e.g. Mason 2001). This means learning environments and materials, which help learners to become aware of how they conceptualise the new phenomena and of the deeper differences between typical naïve concepts and the scientifically correct concept (Mikkilä-Erdmann 2001).

The conceptual change approach is an attractive possibility for analyzing learning, which results in radically new knowledge and skills. However, nearly all studies of this theoretical tradition have taken place in the formal science learning context. This means the presence of a more knowledgeable teacher or tutor who is able to analyse learners’ misconceptions and guide them towards more advances understanding of scientific concepts. However, this presence is not the case in turbulent working life situations in which radically new understanding should be developed. This raises the question of what triggers non-monotonic learning processes going beyond prior experience.

Early studies on conceptual change in science learning highlighted the importance of cognitive conflict as a key experience that triggers conceptual change processes (Posner et al. 1982). However, later experimental studies have shown that cognitive conflict doesn’t lead to conceptual change processes in most of the cases even if there is a knowledgeable teacher organizing a planned conflict experience for learners (Limon 2001; Merenluoto and Lehtinen 2004). In a turbulent working life situation it becomes even more challenging and it is important to analyse how people recognize the cognitive conflict between their prior knowledge and new demands in a way that results in adequate conceptual change process.

Merenluoto and Lehtinen (2004) proposed a theoretical model of the dynamics of motivational, metacognitive and cognitive processes in experiencing cognitive conflict and conceptual change. The starting point in the model is a learning situation, where learners engage with tasks and materials that include phenomena calling for new conceptual understanding. The mode is based on the assumption that the perception of the task (task situation) is influenced by students’ cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational sensitivity to the task. Sensitivity in this model refers to the extent to which students are aware of, and interested in the novel cognitive aspects of the phenomenon. Cognitive and metacognitive sensitivity refers to the relation between a learners’ prior knowledge and the cognitive demands of the task, and to the meta-conceptual awareness about their thinking about this relationship (e.g. Mason 2001). Motivational sensitivity describes the learners’ tendency to look for novel and surprising features during learning activities (Merenluoto and Lehtinen 2004). Low sensitivity (cognitive, metacognitive or motivational) means that a person doesn’t feel any need to develop new skills or acquire new knowledge, which would better enable them to manage new situations.

High sensitivity means that a person has sufficient prior knowledge to understand the cognitive demands of the task, which go beyond his or her current conceptual understanding, and is disposed to pay attention to the unknown features of the situation (Merenluoto and Lehtinen 2004). This is related to the expert vs. novice differences. In new problem situations, novices tend to pay attention to the superficial features of the tasks, whereas experts perceive the tasks in terms of underlying general principles (Chi et al. 1988). In turbulent professional changes new aspects of situations requiring conceptual change lie typically on the conceptual level and are not necessary observable on the surface level. The definition of sensitivity is similar to the dynamic expertise model of Bereiter and Scardamalia (1993) where expertise is seen more as an orientation for seeking new challenges, than as a static state of established skills. A similar emphasis of sensitivity to new challenges is one of the key features the adaptive expertise model of Hatano and Inagaki (1986).

The experience of a cognitive conflict then leads to reduced certainty (e.g. Efklides et al. 1999; Merenluoto and Lehtinen 2004). This means that learners do not base their thinking merely on established knowledge, but are prepared to change their knowledge beliefs. Because in real professional situations the conceptual change process and construction of deeply new understanding takes time, learners needs to tolerate cognitive ambiguity (Frenkel-Brunswik 1948) when reconsidering prior knowledge and beliefs (e.g. Stark et al. 2002). Thus, coping with a new complex conceptual system is possible only if learner have sufficient metacognitive skills and motivational orientation to grasp novel and conflicting features of the situation (sensitivity). These skills are, however, not sufficient as they also need to be motivated to tolerate ambiguity, and to trust that the experienced conflicts are solvable.

4 Conclusions

In the course of its development, humankind has been able to cope with catastrophic changes in their environment and has managed to develop more advanced knowledge, skills, and understanding of the world. All of this has made it possible for us to overcome the constraints of physical environments and some biological properties. This has required learning, which goes beyond our previous experience and prior knowledge and enables a non-monotonic creation of completely new ways of understanding the world. The ability to cope with rapid changes and pro-actively create new innovative ideas has become increasingly important in the turbulent working life of today. In this chapter our aim was to review some of the theoretical approaches within learning research, which try to describe this type of learning.

When dealing with the challenges of changing situations the major problem with traditional theories of learning is that these are practically all focused on the mediation of existing knowledge, skills and practices to new generations. Behaviourist and association theories describe how people learn simple factual knowledge or desired behaviour as a consequence of a direct influence of their environment, cognitive theories describe how prior knowledge constrains the interpretation of new situations and explains learning as a gradual enrichment of existing representations, and socio cultural and situated theories base learning on gradually deepening participation in existing cultural activities. These theories provide a rich basis for organising education and learning opportunities within workplaces for learning established knowledge and practices. However, these mainstream theories fail to offer a solid basis for understanding how people should be educated to cope with rapid change and for a future working life which does not yet exist.

However, within cognitive and socio-cultural traditions there have been attempts to create approaches, which are aimed at describing how the expansion of knowledge, innovation, and radical change in the way in which people conceptualize phenomena would be possible. The examples of socio-cultural theories described in this chapter have been developed and applied in a professional context and are thus better known among the professional learning and development research community. Some of the individual level cognitive approaches described in this chapter have mainly been used among researchers studying children’s and adolescent’s learning and applied in a school context. However, the findings of conceptual change research and the new idea of transfer as an active process and as preparation for future learning would be helpful for addressing the challenges of professional and vocational training in rapidly changing situations.

In this chapter, we applied ideas of complex systems in organising different theoretical approaches to different interdependent but irreducible units of analysis. Promising theories describing radical and non-monotonic change have been developed within the sociocultural and individual cognition levels, but well elaborated models to describe the role of mutual interaction between the levels are still rare. For developing learning environments for professional and vocational learning that assist address rapid change needs well elaborated and empirically tested theories. These will need to deal with non-monotonic change on both, individual and sociocultural levels, and also a advanced conceptual understanding how these levels interact in different situations in workplaces and schools. To develop more powerful theoretical approaches to deal with rapid and deep going change we should consider the ways in which different theories describing individual learning could be integrated and how these individual level processes could be framed within the sociocultural context.

We propose that Ericsson’s theory of deliberate practice is a promising starting point for analysing possibilities of professional learning on the individual level when confronted with radically new challenges. Although most examples of deliberate practice describe expertise development in established fields of expertise with the help of knowledgeable coaching, deliberate practice seems to also have an important role in processes in which fundamentally new ideas and applications are developed (Ericsson 1999; Weisberg 2006). Deliberate practice provides individuals with techniques and skills needed in the process where new ideas and applications are developed (Weisberg 2006).

However, deliberate practice theory does not offer conceptual tools for analysing the nature of the cognitive processes needed in the non-monotonic learning processes. Based on the previous analyses of different theoretical approaches we propose that integration of the findings of conceptual change research and deliberate practice would be a promising approach for analysing professional learning which results in radically new knowledge and work practices. On the one hand, deliberate practice strengthens established processes and interpretation and thus, in principle, increases the probability of applying established interpretations and processes in changing situations in which they are not any longer adequate. On the other hand, deliberate practice may help people see more deeply the discrepancy between their prior knowledge and the requirements of the changed situations. This makes it possible for them to develop meta-conceptual awareness, which is the key aspect of successful conceptual change. Furthermore, the change of interpretations of the new professional situations on a merely conceptual level is not enough. A new level of deliberate practice is needed within the changed conceptual framework, which results in new innovations and work processes (c.f. Weisberg 2006). Furthermore, the ideas, reviewed earlier in this chapter, such as the alternative transfer theories describing transfer as actor oriented preparation for future learning may give valuable approaches for analysing the formation of deliberate practice within the changed conceptual frameworks.

Weisberg’s (2006) detailed analyses of the processes related to historically important innovations not only show the importance of deliberate practice but also the collective nature of innovations. The persons working on the problems are embedded in knowledge cultures and facilitated by existing cultural artefacts. The collaborative knowledge creation approach (Hakkarainen et al. 2004a; Paavola and Hakkarainen 2005) provides us with the conceptual tools for analysing how different aspects of individual level deliberate practice and conceptual change are supported by the collective processes typical for innovative knowledge creating communities.

It is, however, beyond the possibilities of this chapter to present an elaborated theoretical model of the relationships of learning processes at different levels within the complex system of individual and collaborative learning confronted with radically new challenges in working life. Nevertheless, we believe that in future research on professional and work place learning it is important to make use of a larger variety of theoretical ideas and empirical findings of learning research which focus on individual and collective learning processes. There are valuable theoretical approaches in different fields of learning research, which have not been widely used within the professional learning research community.