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Magnetic Domain Imaging with Spin-Polarized SEM

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  • First Online:
Handbook of Spintronics
  • 368 Accesses


In spintronics research, high-spatial-resolution, quantitative, (and in some cases) low-temperature observation of magnetic domains together with elements and crystal-direction distribution is important. As per this point of view, spin-polarized scanning electron microscopy is a significantly powerful method. In this section, the principle, apparatus, capabilities and some representative applications of this microscopy method are described.

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American Society for Testing and Materials


Electron backscattering diffraction


Scanning Auger microscopy or scanning Auger microscope


spin-polarized scanning microscopy or spin-polarized scanning microscope


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Koike, K. (2015). Magnetic Domain Imaging with Spin-Polarized SEM. In: Xu, Y., Awschalom, D., Nitta, J. (eds) Handbook of Spintronics. Springer, Dordrecht.

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