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Si- and Ge-based Magnetic Semiconductors

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Handbook of Spintronics
  • 346 Accesses


The efforts over the past decade to identify and characterize magnetic semiconducting systems that would be compatible with present-day silicon technologies are reviewed. Investigations that have explored transition metal doping of the group IV semiconductors silicon and germanium are discussed along with intermetallic compounds such as silicides and germanides that may play the role of a magnetic semiconducting source of polarized electrons. Thin films and nanostructures of these materials have been grown by a number of synthesis techniques, and the resulting structural properties, including the important issue of homogeneity of dopants, are critically surveyed. The resulting magnetic and carrier transport properties are also reviewed.

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Chemical vapor deposition


Field cooled






High-resolution transmission electron microscopy


Molecular beam epitaxy


Magnetic force microscopy


Pulsed laser deposition


Reactive deposition epitaxy


Solid-phase epitaxy


Superconducting quantum interference device


Scanning transmission electron microscopy


Scanning tunneling microscopy

T c :

Curie temperature


Transmission electron microscopy

TM :

Transition metal


X-ray diffraction


Zero field cooled



μB :

Bohr magneton




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Further Reading

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DiTusa, J.F. (2015). Si- and Ge-based Magnetic Semiconductors. In: Xu, Y., Awschalom, D., Nitta, J. (eds) Handbook of Spintronics. Springer, Dordrecht.

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    Si- and Ge-based Magnetic Semiconductors
    02 July 2015


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    Si-Based Magnetic Semiconductors
    17 February 2015
