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Design for Values in ICT

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Handbook of Ethics, Values, and Technological Design


Information and communication technologies (ICT) are becoming pervasive. ICT development has accelerated, and within a few decades its use has expanded from particular work domains to diverse areas of work and everyday life. Consequently, the range of ICT stakeholders expanded from highly trained experts to all kinds of people with varying expertise and abilities. Sometimes, even people, who are not active users, are affected by the surrounding ICT.

Since ICT influences stakeholders’ lives and in particular also their values, the ethical impact of ICT and the active consideration of values throughout design of ICT have become topics for research in several disciplines, including among others computer ethics, social informatics, or human-computer interaction. This chapter provides an overview of the history of ICT; different approaches to investigating, analyzing, and incorporating values in ICT; and practical methods to account for values in the ICT design process.

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Huldtgren, A. (2014). Design for Values in ICT. In: van den Hoven, J., Vermaas, P., van de Poel, I. (eds) Handbook of Ethics, Values, and Technological Design. Springer, Dordrecht.

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