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Electrical, Calcium, and Metabolic Oscillations in Pancreatic Islets

Islets of Langerhans, 2. ed.


Oscillations are an integral part of insulin secretion and are due ultimately to oscillations in the electrical activity of pancreatic β-cells, called bursting. We discuss the underlying mechanisms for bursting oscillations in mouse islets and the parallel oscillations in intracellular calcium and metabolism. We present a unified biophysical model, called the Dual Oscillator Model, in which fast electrical oscillations are due to the feedback of Ca2+ onto K+ ion channels and the slow component is due to oscillations in glycolysis. The combination of these mechanisms can produce the wide variety of bursting and Ca2+ oscillations observed in islets, including fast, slow, compound, and accordion bursting. We close with a description of recent experimental studies that have tested unintuitive predictions of the model and have thereby provided the best evidence to date that oscillations in glycolysis underlie the slow (~15 min) component of electrical, calcium, and metabolic oscillations in mouse islets.

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The authors thank Bernard Fendler, Pranay Goel, Matthew Merrins, Craig Nunemaker, Morten Gram Pedersen, Brad Peercy, and Min Zhang, who each collaborated on some of the work described herein. RB is supported by NIH grant DK80714. AS is supported by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH (NIDDK). LS is supported by NIH grant RO1 DK 46409.

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Bertram, R., Sherman, A., Satin, L.S. (2013). Electrical, Calcium, and Metabolic Oscillations in Pancreatic Islets . In: Islam, M. (eds) Islets of Langerhans, 2. ed.. Springer, Dordrecht.

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    Electrical, Calcium, and Metabolic Oscillations in Pancreatic Islets
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    14 February 2014
