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Toxins and Food Safety

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Biological Toxins and Bioterrorism


Foodborne illness in humans is an important global public health issue. This is primarily caused by pathogenic microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses) and toxins from natural source and microorganisms. Toxins are lethal to humans and vary in severity based on their interaction to target sites. They can be either non-proteinaceous small molecule or peptides and proteins. Some important toxins derived from bacteria (e.g., botulinum neurotoxins, staphylococcal enterotoxins), plants (e.g., ricin and abrin), and seafood toxins (e.g., saxitoxins, tetrodotoxins, brevetoxins, ciguatera, domoic acid, okadaic acid, azaspiracids, and palytoxins) causing foodborne illness in humans are of major concern. The annual incidence of foodborne illness has been estimated to affect 5–10 % of the world population in the developed countries, and the incidence rate is even higher in the developing countries. Among the majority of foodborne illness, a limited number of cases are attributed to toxin poisoning. The prevention of foodborne illness relies on good practices of food safety programs; proper handling procedure, good sanitation, and hygiene; and implication of standard food analysis techniques at each step of food processing. Workers in food industries and public services are key players in safe food supply. Government regulations and recommendations are designed and managed by a number of government agencies to ensure the composition and quality of food is safe for consumers.

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Singh, A.K., Garber, E.A.E., Principato, M.C., Hall, S., Sharma, S.K. (2014). Toxins and Food Safety. In: Gopalakrishnakone, P. (eds) Biological Toxins and Bioterrorism. Springer, Dordrecht.

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