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Computational Modeling of DNA and RNA Fragments

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Handbook of Computational Chemistry


A comprehensive analysis of the benefits and pitfalls of quantum chemical methods used to determine the structures, properties, and functions of DNA and RNA fragments is presented. Main emphasis is given to the application of different ab initio quantum chemical methods. An overview of computations reveals that quantum chemical methods provide an important means to investigate structures and interactions in nucleic acids. However, judicious selection of computational approach is necessary, depending upon the nature of the problem under investigation.

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JS acknowledges the support from the Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (grant IAA400040802), Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (grant 203/09/1476), Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (LC06030), and Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (grants AV0Z50040507 and AV0Z50040702). MKS and JL are thankful for supports from NSF-CREST (grant HRD-0833178) and NSF EPSCoR (grant 362492-190200-01\NSFEPS-0903787) and computational support from Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research (MCSR).

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Šponer, J., Shukla, M.K., Wang, J., Leszczynski, J. (2016). Computational Modeling of DNA and RNA Fragments. In: Leszczynski, J. (eds) Handbook of Computational Chemistry. Springer, Dordrecht.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Dordrecht

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