
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

As explained throughout this part, trust and reputation play a crucial role in the Agreement Technologies. This is because agents usually need to assess either the trustworthiness or the reputation of other agents in a given system. Trust and reputation are even more important in open systems, in which previously unknown parties may interact. For instance, if a buyer agent enters an e-marketplace for the first time, it will need to choose among all of the available seller agents. As the buyer agent has no previous interactions with the seller agent, the reputation of the seller agent in the e-marketplace can play a crucial role for the buyer agent to choose a specific seller agent.

The agent community has developed a vast number of trust and reputation models (Pinyol and Sabater-Mir, 2011; Sabater and Sierra, 2005). However, most of them suffer from some common vulnerabilities. This means that malicious agents may be able to perform attacks that exploit these vulnerabilities. Therefore, malicious agents may be able to modify the expected behavior of these models at will. As a result, these models may even become completely useless. For instance, in our previous example, a seller agent may be able to cheat the reputation model used by the buyer agent. Thus, the buyer agent may end up interacting with a malicious agent instead of what it believes a reputable agent. This has the potential to cause much harm such as monetary losses. Therefore, these vulnerabilities have the potential to place the whole system in jeopardy.

In this chapter, we detail some of the most important vulnerabilities of current trust and reputation models. We also detail examples of attacks that take advantage of these vulnerabilities in order to achieve strategic manipulation of trust and reputation models. Moreover, we review in this chapter works that partially/fully address these vulnerabilities, and thus, prevent possible attacks from being successful. We particularly focus on two general kinds of vulnerabilities that have received much attention from the agent community because of their fatal consequences: identity-related vulnerabilities and collusion. We firstly detail identity-related vulnerabilities and available solutions (Sect. 27.2). Secondly, we explain how reputation can be manipulated by means of collusion and how this can be partially addressed (Sect. 27.3). Then, we briefly outline other possible attacks and vulnerabilities of trust and reputation models (Sect. 27.4). Finally, we present some concluding remarks (Sect. 27.5).

2 Identity-Related Vulnerabilities

Current trust and reputation models are based on the assumption that identities are long-lived, so that ratings about a particular agent from the past are related to the same agent in the future. However, when such systems are actually used in real domains this assumption is no longer valid. For instance, an agent that has a low reputation due to its cheating behavior may be really interested in changing its identity and restarting its reputation from scratch. This is what (Jøsang et al., 2007) called the change of identities problem. This problem has also been identified by other researchers under different names (e.g. whitewashing Carrara and Hogben (2007)).

The work of Kerr and Cohen (2009) shows that trust and reputation models exhibit multiple vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attacks performed by cheating agents. Among these vulnerabilities, the re-enter vulnerability exactly matches the change of identities problem exposed by Jøsang et al. They propose a simple attack that takes advantage of this vulnerability: An agent opens an account (identity) in a marketplace, uses her account to cheat for a period, then abandons it to open another.

Kerr and Cohen (2009) also point out the fact that entities could create new accounts (identity in the system) at will, not only after abandoning their previous identity but also holding multiple identities at once. This is known as the sybil attack (Jøsang and Golbeck, 2009). An example of this attack could be an agent that holds multiple identities in a marketplace and attempts to sell the same product through each of them, increasing the probability of being chosen by a potential buyer.

It is worth mentioning that this is not an authenticity problem. Interactions among entities are assured,Footnote 1 i.e, an agent holding an identity is sure of being able to interact with the agent that holds the other identity. However, there is nothing which could have prevented the agent behind that identity from holding another identity previously or holding multiple identities at once. For instance, let us take a buyer agent and a seller agent in an e-marketplace. The buyer has an identity in the e-marketplace under the name of buy1 and the seller two identities in the e-marketplace seller1 and seller2. Authentication in this case means that if buy1 is interacting with seller1, buy1 is sure that it is interacting with the agent it intended to. However, buy1 has no idea that seller1 and seller2 are, indeed, the very same agent.

These vulnerabilities can be more or less harmful depending on the final domain of the application. However, these vulnerabilities should be, at least, considered in domains in which trust and reputation play a crucial role. For instance, in e-marketplaces these vulnerabilities can cause users to be seriously negatively affected through losing money. This is because a seller agent could cheat on a buyer agent, e.g., a seller may not deliver the product purchased by the buyer agent. If the seller agent repeats this over a number of transactions with other buyer agents, it could gain a very bad reputation. The point is that when the seller agent gets a very bad reputation because it does not deliver purchased products, it could simply change its identity and keep on performing the same practices, causing buyer agents to lose money.

Another example can be a social network like Last.fmFootnote 2 in which users can recommend music to each other. A user who always fails to recommend good music to other users may gain a very bad reputation. If this user creates a new account in (a new identity in her reputation starts from scratch, and she is able to keep on recommending bad music. Users may be really bothered by such recommendations and move to other social networks. In this case it is the social network itself which is seriously damaged through losing users.

2.1 Problem Formulation

Such et al. (2011b) formulated the problem that is behind these vulnerabilities. To this aim, they used the concept of partial identity (Pfitzmann and Hansen, 2010): a set of attributesFootnote 3 that identify an entity in a given context. For instance, a partial identity can be a pseudonym and a number of attributes attached to it.

They also used the concept of unlinkability (Pfitzmann and Hansen, 2010): “Unlinkability of two or more items of interest (e.g., subjects, messages, actions, …) from an attacker’s perspective means that within the system (comprising these and possibly other items), the attacker cannot sufficiently distinguish whether these IOIs are related or not”.

Definition 27.1.

The partial identity unlinkability problem (PIUP) states the impossibility that an agent, which takes part in a system, is able to sufficiently distinguish whether two partial identities in that system are related or not.

This problem is what causes identity-related vulnerabilities of reputation models. It is easily observed that the change of identities problem is an instantiation of PIUP. For instance, an agent with an identity by which she is known to have a bad reputation, acquires another identity. From then on, other agents are unable to relate the former identity to the new acquired one. Therefore, this agent starts a fresh new reputation.

Regarding multiple identities, a similar instantiation can be made, so that an entity holds several identities and has different reputations with each of them. Thus, another entity is unable to relate the different reputations that the entity has because it is unaware that all of these identities are related to each other and to the very same entity.

2.2 Existing Solutions

There are many works that try to address the identity-related vulnerabilities of trust and reputation models. We now describe some of them based on the approaches that they follow:

A possible solution for these vulnerabilities is the use of once-in-a-lifetime partial identities (Friedman and Resnick, 1998). A model for agent identity management based on this has been proposed in Such et al. (2011b) and has been integrated into an agent platform as described in Such et al. (2012b). This model considers two kinds of partial identities: permanent and regular. Agents can only hold one permanent partial identity in a given system. Regular partial identities do not pose any limitation. Although both kinds of partial identities enable trust and reputation, only permanent partial identities guarantee that identity-related vulnerabilities are avoided. Then, agents that want to avoid identity-related vulnerabilities will only consider reputation when it is attached to a permanent partial identity. This model needs the existence of trusted third parties called Identity Providers to issue and verify partial identities. This may not be a difficulty in networks such as the Internet. However, this may not be appropriate in environments with very scarce resources such as sensor networks in which an identity infrastructure cannot be assumed.

When an identity infrastructure cannot be assumed, there are other approaches such as adding monetary cost for entering a given system (Friedman and Resnick, 1998). Thus, a potentially malicious agent would have a sufficient incentive (if the fee is high enough compared to the benefit expected) not to re-enter the system with a new identity. The main problem of this approach is that if the cost for entering the particular system is too high, even potentially benevolent agents may choose not to enter the system because of the high cost associated with it.

There are also other solutions for identity-related vulnerabilities of trust and reputation models that can be used when trusted third parties (such as an identity infrastructure or an entity that imposes monetary costs for entering a system) cannot be assumed (Hoffman et al., 2009). Yu et al. (2006) present an approach based on social networks represented as a graph in which nodes represent pseudonyms and edges represent human-established trust relationships among them in the real world. They claim that malicious users can create many pseudonyms but few trust relationships. They exploit this property to bound the number of pseudonyms to be considered for trust and reputation. However, this approach is not appropriate for open Multiagent Systems in which agents act on behalf of principals that may not be known in the real world.

There is another approach that consists of reputation models specifically designed to meet some mathematical properties that are proved to avoid identity-related vulnerabilities. For instance, Cheng et al. (2005) have demonstrated several conditions using graph theory that must be satisfied when calculating reputation in order for reputation models to be resilient to sybil attacks. The only drawback of these kinds of approaches is that they usually need a particular and specific way to calculate reputation ratings about an individual. Thus, this approach cannot be applied to reputation models that follow other approaches for managing reputation ratings.

3 Collusion

Collusion means that a group of agents coordinate themselves to finally achieve the manipulation of either their reputation or the reputation of other agents from outside these group. Therefore, colluding agents are able to change reputation ratings at will based on attacks that exploit this vulnerability. There are two attacks that base on collusion: ballot stuffing and bad mouthing (Jøsang et al., 2007; Carrara and Hogben, 2007). These attacks mainly differ in the final objective of manipulating the reputation model. The first one attempts to gain the target agent a good reputation while the second one attempts to gain the target agent a bad reputation. They achieve this by means of providing false positive/negative ratings about the target agent. These two attacks are now described with further detail.

In ballot stuffing, a number of agents agree to spread positive ratings about a specific agent. Thus, this specific agent may quickly gain a very good reputation without deserving it. For instance, a number of buyer agents in an e-marketplace may spread positive ratings about fictitious transactions with a seller agent. Thus, this seller agent may gain a very good reputation. As a result, this seller agent can cheat other buyer agents that choose it because of its good reputation.

In bad mouthing, a number of agents agree to spread negative ratings about a specific agent, which is the victim in this case. Therefore, a reputable agent may quickly gain a bad reputation without deserving it. For instance, a number of buyer agents in an e-marketplace may spread negative untrue ratings about a seller agent. Thus, this seller agent may gain a very bad reputation so that other buyer agents will not be willing to interact with this seller agent.

There are some existing solutions to avoid collusion. All of these solutions try to avoid ballot stuffing and bad mouthing based on different approaches:

One of the approaches to avoid collusion is the discount of presumable unfair ratings. There are two main approaches to do this. According to Jøsang et al. (2007) there are approaches that provide what they call endogenous discounting of unfair ratings and others that provide what they call exogenous discounting of unfair ratings.

Endogenous approaches attempt to identify unfair ratings by considering the statistical properties of the reported ratings. This is why they are called endogenous, because they identify unfair ratings based on analyzing and comparing the rating values themselves. For instance, Dellarocas (2000) presents an approach based on clustering that divides ratings into fair ratings and unfair ratings, Whitby et al. (2004) proposes a statistical filtering algorithm for excluding unfair ratings, and (Chen and Singh, 2001) propose the use of collaborative filtering for grouping raters according to the ratings they give to the same objects. Although all of these approaches provide quite accurate results, they usually assume that unfair ratings are in a minority. If this assumption does not hold, these approaches are less effective and even counterproductive (Whitby et al., 2004).

Exogenous approaches attempt to identify unfair ratings by considering other information such as the reputation of the agent that provides the rating and the relationship of the rating agent to the rated agent. For instance, Buchegger and Boudec (2003) present an approach for classifying raters as trustworthy and not trustworthy based on a Bayesian reputation engine and a deviation test. Yu and Singh (2003) propose a variant of the Weighted Majority Algorithm (Littlestone and Warmuth, 1994) to determine the weights given to each rater. Teacy et al. (2006) present TRAVOS, a trust and reputation model. This model considers an initially conservative estimate of the reputation accuracy. Through repeated interactions with individual raters, this model learns to distinguish reliable from unreliable raters.

Another possible approach is to use controlled anonymity (Dellarocas, 2000). This approach is based on the anonymity of buyer agents and seller agents. This can potentially minimize bad mouthing because it could be very difficult (if not impossible) for colluding agents to identify the victim. However, this may not be enough to avoid ballot stuffing. This is because the seller agent may still be able to give some hidden indications of its identity to its colluding agents. For instance, the seller agent might signal its colluding agents by pricing its products at a price having a specific decimal point.

There is another approach to avoid collusion that is based on monetary incentives. In particular, monetary incentives are given to agents so that they find more profit providing real ratings rather than providing unfair ratings. For instance, the reputation model presented by Rasmusson and Jansson (1996) uses incentives to ensure that paid agents tell the truth when providing ratings. A similar mechanism is proposed by Jurca et al. (2007) for discouraging collusion among the agents that spread ratings. They focus on payment schemes for ratings that makes the strategy of not colluding and providing true ratings rational. Therefore, agents cannot spread false ratings without suffering monetary losses. Other very similar approaches have been provided in the existing literature. For instance, the authors of Bhattacharjee and Goel (2005) and Kerr and Cohen (2010) focus on discouraging ballot stuffing by means of transaction costs (e.g. commissions) that are larger than the expected gain from colluding.

4 Other Attacks and Vulnerabilities

4.1 Discrimination

Discrimination means that an agent provides services with a given quality to one group of agents, and services with another quality to another group of agents (Jøsang and Golbeck, 2009). Discrimination can be either positive or negative (Dellarocas, 2000; Fasli, 2007). On the one hand, negative discrimination is when an agent provides high quality services to almost every other agent except a few specific agents that it does not like. The problem is that if the number of agents being discriminated upon is relatively small, the reputation of the seller will remain good so that this agent is known to provide high quality services. On the other hand, positive discrimination is when an agent provides exceptionally high quality services to only a few agents and average services to the rest of the agents. If the number of buyers being favored is sufficiently large, their high ratings will inflate the reputation of the agent. Note that discrimination is different from unfair ratings because raters are providing their true/real/fair ratings about an agent. The point is that this agent behaves differently based on the specific agent it interacts with. However, some of the solutions that are used for preventing collusion can also be applied to avoiding discrimination. For instance, the controlled anonymity and the cluster filtering approaches presented by Dellarocas (2000) can be used to avoid negative discrimination and positive discrimination respectively.

4.2 Value Imbalance

In e-commerce environments, ratings do not usually reflect the value of the transaction that is being rated. This is what is known as value imbalance (Jøsang and Golbeck, 2009; Kerr and Cohen, 2009). An attack that can exploit this is the following. A seller agent in an e-marketplace can perform honestly on small sales. Thus, this seller agent can get a very good reputation on that e-marketplace at a very low cost. Then, this seller agent could use the reputation gained to cheat on large sales and significantly increase its benefits. Kerr and Cohen (2010) present a trust and reputation model called Commodity Trunits. This model avoids the exploitation of value imbalance because it explicitly considers the value of transactions.

4.3 Reputation Lag

There is usually a time lag between a sale and the corresponding rating’s effect on the agent’s reputation (Jøsang and Golbeck, 2009; Kerr and Cohen, 2009). A seller agent could potentially exploit this vulnerability by providing a large number of low quality sales over a short period just before suffering the expected reputation degradation. Commodity Trunits (Kerr and Cohen, 2010) provides an approach to solving this based on limiting the rate at which transactions can occur.

4.4 Privacy

Enhancing privacy is by itself of crucial importance in computer applications (Such et al., 2012a). Moreover, for the case of applications in which trust and reputation are fundamental, privacy is required in order for the raters to provide honest ratings on sensitive topics (Carrara and Hogben, 2007). If not, this could be the cause of some well-known problems. For instance, the eBay reputation system is not anonymous (i.e., the rater’s identity is known) which leads to an average 99% of positive ratings (Resnick and Zeckhauser, 2002). This could be due to the fact that entities in eBay do not negatively rate other entities for fear of retaliations which could damage their own reputation and welfare.

Pavlov et al. (2004) introduce several privacy-preserving schemes for computing reputation in a distributed scenario. They focus on reputation systems in which the reputation computation is very simple (e.g. the summation of reputation scores). Following a similar approach, Gudes et al. (2009) propose several methods for computing the trust and reputation while preserving privacy. In this case, they propose three different methods to carry out the computations of the Knots model (Gal-Oz et al., 2008). Two of them make use of a third party while the third one is based on one of the schemes proposed by Pavlov et al. (2004). Both approaches (that of Pavlov et al. and that of Gudes et al.) present works which are only suitable for a reduced subset of trust and reputation models because they assume a particular way of calculating trust and reputation scores.

There are also some works that focus on enhancing privacy in centralized reputation systems (Voss, 2004; Androulaki et al., 2008; Schiffner and Clau, 2009). In these systems, information about the performance of a given participant is collected by a central authority which derives a reputation score for every participant, and makes all scores publicly available. These works focus on providing raters with anonymity. They do not modify the computation of reputation measures but the protocols followed to carry out the computations. These protocols are based on anonymous payment systems (such as Chaum et al. (1990)).

5 Conclusions

Over the course of this chapter, some of the most important vulnerabilities of current trust and reputation models as well as existing works on different approaches to solving them have been detailed. While some of the works presented offer solutions to some of the aforementioned vulnerabilities which are suitable under certain conditions, further research is still needed in order to completely address them. For instance, the problem of identity-related vulnerabilities in environments in which an identity infrastructure cannot be assumed remains open.