
1 Introduction

Biometric authentication is becoming a ubiquitous component of any modern systems, such as mobile phone, smart TV, computer, etc. There is a set of unique biometric features, such as fingerprints, faces, retinas, DNA samples, ears, etc. Among these features, faces are the most easily available and easily recognizable feature. The valuable part of any face biometrics is that the recognition or authenticate can be done without any expertise. However, by the naked eye without an expert, it is quite impossible to authenticate depending on fingerprints, DNA samples, retinas and ears. Another advantage of face biometric is that a single face consists of a bundle of unique biometric features like eyes, nose, etc. Therefore, in recent years, a lot of work has been done on face biometric authentication based on real life applications. Depending on the broad range of applications, different face recognition algorithms have already been proposed by many researchers [43,44,45]. The performances of these algorithms are primarily tested on face images collected under well-controlled studio conditions. In effect, most of them have found difficulty in the case of handling natural images, which are captured under different illumination variations. With the variations of illumination, the result degrades drastically. On the other hand, different real life applications need faces captured in different situations. Near-infrared cameras are used to capture faces at night, and for illumination-invariant face recognition [1]. To detect liveness by capturing body heat, thermal-infrared (TIR) cameras are used. Often, it may happen that there are no available fingerprints, no available DNA samples and devices, which are present, have captured poor quality images. In those situations, the only solution is the use of face sketches generated by interviewing the eye witness. Hence we can say that various scenarios and necessities create different modalities of faces. In situations like this, it becomes difficult to use conventional face recognition systems. Therefore, an interesting and challenging field of face biometric recognition has emerged for forensics, called heterogeneous face recognition (HFR) [2].

The problem of heterogeneous face recognition has received increasing attention in recent years. Up to now, many different techniques has been proposed in the literature to solve the problem. We can easily classify these solutions into three broad categories: image synthesis based methods, common subspace learning based methods and modality-invariant feature representation based methods.

  • Image synthesis: In this category, a pseudo-face or pseudo-sketch is generated using synthesis techniques to transform one modality image into another modality and then some classification technique is used. The pioneering work of Tang and Wang [3], where they introduced an eigen transformation based sketch-photo synthesis method. The same mechanism was also used by Chen et al. [4] for NIR-VIS synthesis. Gao et al. [5] proposed an embedded hidden markov model and a selective ensemble strategy to synthesise sketches from photos. Wang and Tang [6] again proposed a patch based Markov Random Field (MRF) model for the sketch-photo synthesis. Li et al. [7] used the same MRF model for TIR-VIS synthesis. Gao et al. [8] proposed a sparse representation based pseudo-sketch or pseudo-photo synthesis. Another sparse feature selection (SFS) and support vector regression for synthesis was proposed by Wang et al. [9]. Wang et al. [10] proposed a transductive learning based face sketch-photo synthesis (TFSPS) framework. Recently, Peng et al. [11] proposed a multiple representation based face sketch-photo synthesis.

  • Common Subspace learning: In this category, different modality face images are projected into a subspace for learning. Lin and Tang [12] introduced a common discriminant feature extraction (CDFE) for face sketch-photo recognition. Yi et al. [13] proposed a canonical correlation analysis based regression method for NIR-VIS face images. A coupled spectral regression (CSR) based learning for NIR-VIS face images was proposed by Lei and Li [14]. A partial least square (PLS) based subspace learning method was proposed by Sharma and Jacobs [15]. Mignon and Jurie [16] proposed a cross modal metric learning (CMML) for heterogeneous face matching. Lei et al. [17], proposed a coupled discriminant analysis for HFR. A multi-view discriminant analysis (MvDA) technique for single discriminant common space generation was proposed by Kan et al. [18].

  • Modality-invariant feature representation: In this category, images of different modalities are represented using some modality-invariant feature representation. Liao et al. [19] used difference of Gaussian (DoG) filter and multi-block local binary pattern (MB-LBP) features for both NIR and VIS face images. Klare et al. [20] employed the scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) and multi-scale local binary pattern (MLBP) features for forensic sketch recognition. A coupled information-theoretic encoding (CITE) feature was proposed by Zhang et al. [21]. Bhatt et al. [22] used a multi-scale circular Weber’s local descriptor (MCWLD) for semi-forensic sketch matching. Klare and Jain [23] proposed a kernel prototype random subspace (KP-RS) on MLBP features. Zhu et al. [24] used a Log-DoG filter based LBP and a histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) features with transductive learning (THFM) for NIR-VIS face images. Gong et al. [25] combined histogram of gradients (HOG) and multi-scale local binary pattern (MLBP) with canonical correlation analysis (MCCA). Roy and Bhattacharjee [26] proposed a geometric edge-texture (GETF) based feature with hybrid multiple fuzzy classifier for HFR. Roy and Bhattacharjee [27] again proposed an illumination invariant local gravity face (LG-face) for HFR. A local gradient checksum (LGCS) feature for face sketch-photo matching was proposed by Roy and Bhattacharjee [28]. Another local gradient fuzzy pattern (LGFP) based on restricted equivalent function for face sketch-photo recognition was again proposed by Roy and Bhattacharjee [29]. A graphical representation based HFR (G-HFR) was proposed by Peng et al. [31]. Recently, Roy and Bhattacharjee [30] proposed another edge texture based feature called quaternary pattern of local maximum quotient (QPLMQ) for HFR.

In the synthesis based category, more concentration is applied in the synthesis. The synthesis method itself is a time-consuming technique, where synthesis technique is repeated several times to get a better pseudo sketch or photo. Again, the synthesis mechanism is depending on image quality, and modality i.e. “task-specific”. In the common subspace learning category, both modality images are projected into another domain. The projection technique requires huge training data and also generates some loss of information. Due to the loss of information, the accuracy of recognition is also reduced. In the modality-invariant feature representation, local hand-crafted features are directly used, which means no loss of local information and algorithms are more time saving than the other two categories. One and the only problem in this category is to recognize or search features, which are either common to different modalities or invariant in different modalities.

Modality-invariant feature representation methods are neither time-consuming and task-specific synthesis, nor common subspace based learning, but able to consider the local spatial features. Motivated by the advantages of modality-invariant feature representation, in this paper, we propose a modality-invariant feature representation for different modality images. The existing modality-invariant methods [19,20,21,22,23,24,25] tried to generate modality-invariant features using the existing popular hand-crafted features. More emphasis is given on classifier. No one tried to develop new modality-invariant features, except [31]. In [26,27,28,29], we developed some new hand-crafted features which are actually modality-invariant. From our visual inspection, we conclude that edges are the most important modality-invariant feature. Psychological studies also says that we can recognize a face from its edges only [32]. It is easy to understand that facial components in a face have maximum edges and they belong to high-frequency components of an image. Another feature i.e. texture information is also important for face matching. Since edges and textures in a face image are sensitive to illumination variations, an illumination-invariant domain with the capability of capturing high-frequency information is necessary. LGCS [28] was only applied on sketch-photo recognition CHUCK database. LGFP [29] was developed only for sketch-photo recognition. In GETF [26] and LG-face [27], we tested the features for both sketch-photo and NIR-VIS recognition. Although the results were impressive, the NIR-VIS existing database (CASIA-HFB) has a very small size and still the result was not 100%. Therefore, we need new methods to handle huge databases, where faces not only have variation in modality, but also in pose, illumination, expression and the obstacle. The goal of the proposed method is to recognize the facial features, which are invariant in different modalities, and illumination.

The artist gives more attention towards edges and texture information at the time of drawing a sketch. In the case of NIR images, the high-frequency information is captured. Therefore, selection of edge and texture features for modality-invariant representation is correct in the sense. We propose an illumination-invariant image representation called local extremum logarithm difference (LELD), which is a modification of the work explained in [33]. LELD gives only high-frequency image representation at a coarse level. A local micro level feature representation is also important to capture local texture information. Motivated by the superior output results of the local binary pattern (LBP) [34] and LBP-like features in face and texture recognition, we propose one novel local zig zag binary pattern (LZZBP). LZZBP measure the binary relation between pixels, which are in a zigzag position in a local square window. LZZBP captures more edge and texture patterns than LBP. Finally, the combination of LELD and LZZBP gives the proposed modality-invariant feature representation for HFR and we call it a zigzag pattern of local extremum logarithm difference (ZZPLELD). Experimental results on different HFR databases show the excellent performance of the proposed methodology. The major contributions are:

  1. 1.

    LELD is proposed for capturing illumination-invariant image representation.

  2. 2.

    LZZBP is developed to capture the relation between pixels in a zigzag position of a square window.

  3. 3.

    ZZPLELD is developed to capture the local texture and edge patterns of the modality-invariant key facial features.

  4. 4.

    Weights learning model is developed to enhance the discrimination power of the proposed ZZPLELD.

This paper is organized as follows: in Sect. 2, the proposed ZZPLELD is described in detail. Experimental results and comparisons are presented in Sect. 3, and finally, the paper concludes with Sect. 4.

2 Proposed Work

In this section, we introduce the way we extract the modality-invariant features for HFR. We start with a detailed idea about illumination-invariant LELD based image representation. Finally, we conclude with a detail description of the proposed ZZPLELD feature.

2.1 Local Extremum Logarithm Difference Based Image Representation

In any face recognition system, one of the main problems is the presence of illumination variations. Due to the presence of illumination variations, the intra-class variation between faces also increase heavily. At the same time, we consider edges as our modality-invariant feature and edges are also sensitive towards illumination. Therefore, we need an illumination-invariant image representation for extracting better edge information. According to the Illumination-Reflectance Model (IRM) [35, 36], a gray face image I(xy) at each point (xy) is expressed as the product of the reflectance component R(xy) and the illumination component L(xy), as shown in Eq. 1

$$\begin{aligned} I(x,y)=R(x,y)\times L(x,y) \end{aligned}$$

Here, the R component consists of information about key facial points, and edges, whereas the L component represents only the amount of light falling on the face. Now, after the elimination of the L component from a face image, the R component is still able to represent the key facial features and edges, which are the most important information for our modality-invariant feature representation. Moreover, the L component corresponds to the low-frequency part of an image, whereas the R component corresponds to the high-frequency part. One widely accepted assumption in the literature [27, 37] is that L remains approximately constant over a local \(3\times 3\) neighborhood.

In literature, a wide range of approaches has been proposed to reduce the illumination effect. In those methods, mainly two different mathematical operations are used: division and subtraction. Methods like [37, 38] used division operation and methods like [33, 42] used subtraction operation. In the case of subtraction operation, at first, the image is converted to the logarithmic domain to convert the multiplicative IRM into an additive one, as shown in Eq. 3. Since, the division operation is “ill-posed and not robust in numerical calculations” [33] due to the problem of divided by zero, it is better to apply subtraction operation to eliminate the L component.

Lai et al. [33] proposed a multiscale logarithm difference edgemaps (MSLDE), which used logarithmic domain and subtraction operation to compensate the illumination effect. They calculated a local logarithm difference using the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} MSLDE=\sum _{(\hat{x}, \hat{y})\epsilon \aleph _{(x, y)}}\left( I_{log}(x, y)-I_{log}(\hat{x}, \hat{y})\right) , \forall x, \forall y \end{aligned}$$

where \(\aleph _{(x, y)}\) is a square neighborhood surrounding a center pixel at (xy). In MSLDE, only the R component is present. Therefore, MSLDE is an illumination-invariant method. In this method authors considered a long range of square neighborhood from \(3\times 3\) to \(13\times 13\) and all the logarithm difference values are added together. Now, the question is does the L component be constant for such a long neighborhood i.e. \(13\times 13\). We know that R component belongs to high-frequency. Similarly edge and noise also belong to high-frequency. There is no doubt that MSLDE increases the edge information, which is very important in face recognition, by adding all logarithm differences. However, it is also increasing the noise, which causes degradation in true edge detection. The effect of noise is clearly visible in Fig. 2(d), where the proposed MSLDE provides too much false edge information and which are nothing but noise. To solve both the problems i.e. large neighborhood size and presence of noise, we consider the maximum and minimum logarithm difference in a \(3\times 3\) neighborhood (as shown in Fig. 1) and we call it local extremum logarithm difference (LELD).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Central pixel and its \(3\times 3\) neighborhood.

Theorem 1

Given an arbitrary image I(xy) with illumination effect. The local extremum logarithm difference (LELD) between central pixel and its \(3\times 3\) neighborhood is an illumination invariant feature.


Let us consider a local \(3\times 3\) window and the center pixel is ‘c’, as shown in Fig. 1. Applying logarithmic domain, the IRM (1) multiplicative model is converted to additive model as follows

$$\begin{aligned} I_{log}(x,y)=log\left( R\left( x,y\right) \times L\left( x,y\right) \right) \nonumber \\ \Rightarrow I_{log}(x,y)=log\left( R\left( x,y\right) \right) +log\left( L\left( x,y\right) \right) \end{aligned}$$

where, \(I_{log}(x,y)\) is the logarithm representation of the image pixel I(xy). Now, let us measure the difference between central pixel against all its \(3\times 3\) neighbors and the logarithm differences (LD) are represented as follows

$$\begin{aligned} LD=\left\{ I_{log}(x_i, y_i) - I_{log}(x_c, y_c)\right\} , (x_i, y_i)\epsilon \aleph _{(x_c, y_c)} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\aleph _{(x, y)}\) is a \(3\times 3\) square neighborhood surrounding a center pixel at \((x_c, y_c)\). Putting the representation of \(I_{log}(x,y)\) Eq. (3) into Eq. 4, we have:

$$\begin{aligned} LD=\left\{ \left( log\left( R\left( x_i,y_i\right) \right) +log\left( L\left( x_i,y_i\right) \right) \right) -\left( log\left( R\left( x_c,y_c\right) \right) +log\left( L\left( x_c,y_c\right) \right) \right) \right\} \nonumber \\ \Rightarrow LD=\left\{ \left( log\left( R\left( x_i,y_i\right) \right) -log\left( R\left( x_c,y_c\right) \right) \right) +\left( log\left( L\left( x_i,y_i\right) \right) -log\left( L\left( x_c,y_c\right) \right) \right) \right\} \end{aligned}$$

Based on the widely accepted assumption that L varies slowly, we can say L is almost equal to a local \(3\times 3\) window. Therefore, we can write:

$$\begin{aligned} L(x_i,y_i) = L(x_c,y_c)\nonumber \\ \Rightarrow log\left( L\left( x_i,y_i\right) \right) =log\left( L\left( x_c,y_c\right) \right) \nonumber \\ \Rightarrow log\left( L\left( x_i,y_i\right) \right) -log\left( L\left( x_c,y_c\right) \right) =0 \end{aligned}$$

Now, the Eq. 5 is modified using Eq. 6 as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} LD=\left\{ log\left( R\left( x_i,y_i\right) \right) -log\left( R\left( x_c,y_c\right) \right) \right\} \end{aligned}$$

The maximum and minimum logarithm differences are calculated as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} LD_{max}=max\left\{ log\left( R\left( x_i,y_i\right) \right) -log\left( R\left( x_c,y_c\right) \right) \right\} ,\forall x_c, \forall y_c \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} LD_{min}=min\left\{ log\left( R\left( x_i,y_i\right) \right) -log\left( R\left( x_c,y_c\right) \right) \right\} ,\forall x_c, \forall y_c \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, the local extremum logarithm difference (LELD) is as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} LELD=\left\{ LD_{max},LD_{min}\right\} ,\forall x_c, \forall y_c \end{aligned}$$

Now, in Eq. 10, we can see that ‘LELD’ consists of R-part of the IRM. According to this model, R is the illumination invariant feature. Thus, it is proved that the local extremum logarithm difference between central pixel and its \(3\times 3\) neighborhood is an illumination invariant feature.

Since we are considering the smallest square neighborhood i.e. \(3\times 3\), the assumption that L is constant in the neighborhood is theoretically true. Again, we are avoiding total sum of differences, therefore, presence of noise is reduced. The results of proposed LELD are shown in Fig. 2(e)–(h) and it gives better edge detection result than MSLDE. Finally, we have two different LELD methods to convert the different modality face images into an illumination-invariant domain, where important facial key values and edges are almost intact.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

(a) The original images with illumination variations, (b) The canny edge images for (a) images, (c) The corresponding MSLDE images of (a) images as proposed in [33], (d) The canny edge images of MSLDE images, (e) The proposed LELD images of (a) images with maximum difference, (f) The canny edge images of (e) images, (g) The proposed LELD images of (a) images with minimum difference, (h) The canny edge images of (g) images.

2.2 Local ZigZag Binary Pattern for ZZPLELD Generation

Local binary pattern (LBP) [34] has been used successfully in many fields of image processing and pattern classification problems. It is capable to represent local features in micro structures. LBP implements the binary relation of each and every neighboring pixels with respect to center pixel i.e. if neighboring pixel is greater than or equal to center pixel, then binary value ‘1’ otherwise ‘0’. Although LBP captures the binary relations between surrounding neighboring pixels with the center pixel, it is not able to capture edge information properly, mainly in diagonal direction. Since our modality-invariant feature is edge related, a local pattern having good edge capturing capability is important. Inspired from the zigzag scanning pattern used for MPEG data compression in discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain, we developed a zigzag binary pattern for the pixels in a zigzag position of a square mask. Figure 3 shows the positions of \(3\times 3\) and \(5\times 5\) zigzag scanning used in our experiment. We use a left to right zigzag scanning (considering top left pixel as the starting point) and right to left zigzag scanning (considering top right pixel as the starting point) in each square mask. Figure 3(a) shows the \(3\times 3\) left zigzag scanning, Fig. 3(b) shows the \(3\times 3\) right zigzag scanning and Fig. 3(c) shows the \(5\times 5\) left zigzag scanning. Again, we consider only 8 bits binary patterns to make the histogram feature vector length up to 256 bins. In case of \(5 \times 5\) image pixels we can have a total of 24 bits binary string. To make it with in a small range, we divide it into three 8 bits binary string. Different arrows in Fig. 3(c) shows different sequences of binary string.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

(a) Zigzag scanning in a \(3\times 3\) window starting at top left corner, (b) Zigzag scanning in a \(3\times 3\) window starting at top right corner, (c) Zigzag scanning in a \(5\times 5\) window starting at top left corner. Here 3 different arrows are used to represent 3 different sequences of 8 bits binary strings.

Let, the image pixels in a square window are collected in a zigzag pattern, as shown in Fig. 3(a). Then, the pixels are stored in a linear array \(Z_P=\{g_1, g_2, g_3, \ldots , g_P\}\), where P is the number of pixels in a square window. For \(3\times 3\) window P is 9 and for \(5\times 5\) window it is 25. Then, we calculate the binary relation between those consecutive pixels according to the following equation (for \(P=8\)):

$$\begin{aligned} LZZBP&= \sum _{i=1}^{P-1}2^{(i-1)}\times f\left( g_{i+1}-g_i\right)&\nonumber \\ f(a)&= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1,&{} if \quad a\ge 0 \\ 0,&{} otherwise \end{array}\right. }&\end{aligned}$$

In case of \(5\times 5\) window the 24 bits binary string is first broken into 3 parts of 8 bits string and then converted to three separate patterns.

The proposed zigzag binary pattern gives better edge preserving texture information. The different LBP images and LZZBP images in Fig. 4 shows the edge preserving properties of LZZBP. The key facial features are preserved far better than normal LBP in LZZBP.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

(a) Sample image and its corresponding LBP and LZZBP images. The 2nd image is the \(3\times 3\) LBP image and rest 3rd–4th are \(3\times 3\) LZZBP images. (b) The 2nd image is the \(5\times 5\) LBP image and rest 3rd–8th are \(5\times 5\) LZZBP images.

Finally, the proposed LZZBP is applied on LELD image representation to measure the local patterns of LELD image and which give our proposed ZZPLELD. For two different extremum LELD i.e. maximum and minimum differences, we get 4 different ZZPLELD results after applying \(3\times 3\) LZZBP and 12 different ZZPLELD results after applying \(5\times 5\) LZZBP. Therefore, altogether 16 different ZZPLELD images. The image features are represented in the form of histogram bins.

2.3 Similarity Measure

The whole ZZPLELD image is divided into a set of non-overlapping square blocks with dimension \(w_b\times w_b\). Then, the histogram of each square block is measured. Finally, all the histograms measured from all the blocks of all the different (16) ZZPLELD images are concatenated to obtain the final face feature vector. Here, we use the nearest neighbor (NN) classifier with histogram intersection distance measure. Therefore, for a query image (\(I_q\)) with a concatenated histogram \(H_q^{i,j}\) and a gallery image (\(I_G\)) with a concatenated histogram \(H_{G}^{i,j}\), the similarity measure for a particular level of ZZPLELD is given as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} S^k(I_q,I_G)=-\sum _{i,j}min \left( H_q^{i,j},H_{G}^{i,j}\right) \end{aligned}$$

where, \(S^k(I_q,I_G)\) is the similarity score of kth ZZPLELD level of both query and gallery image; (ij) is the jth bin of ith block. Square block selection is another essential task. In this paper, we chose \(3\times 3\) and \(5\times 5\) windows pixels for LZZBP and different block sizes \(w_b=6, 8, 10, 12\) for histogram matching.

2.4 Weighted ZZPLELD Model

To enhance the performance of ZZPLELD, we assign a weight value to each ZZPLELD patterns. A set of weight values is measured depending on the discriminating ratio proposed in the linear discriminating analysis (LDA). This weight calculation needs a training set consisting of few people and their corresponding different modality images. After calculating the weights from the training set, the values are applied to rest of the database images. A detail idea is given below.

Let, there are ‘C’ numbers of different persons i.e. ‘C’ number of different classes in the training set. We have 1 to N numbers of different ZZPLELD for one face image (where N is the number of different ZZPLELD patterns). Since there are two different LELD images, for each LELD two different \(3\times 3\) LZZBP and two different \(5\times 5\) LZZBP. Again, each \(5\times 5\) LZZBP is partitioned into three different 8-bits patterns. Therefore, altogether 10(\(2+2+3+3=10\)) different 8-bits patterns. Thus the value of N is 10. Now, we calculate the class-wise mean (\(\mu _{i}^{C}\)) and overall mean (\(\mu _i\)) for the ith ZZPLELD.

$$\begin{aligned} \mu _{i}^{C}=\frac{1}{n}\sum _{j=1}^{n}ZZPLELD_{i}^{C,j} \end{aligned}$$

where, ‘j’ denotes the jth number of different modality images (total number of images n, which is either 2 for sketch-photo and 4 for NIR-VIS) of a particular person ‘C’ and \(i\in (1, 2, \ldots , N)\).

$$\begin{aligned} \mu _{i}=\frac{1}{C\times n}\sum _{k=1}^{C}\sum _{j=1}^{n}ZZPLELD_{i}^{C,j} \end{aligned}$$

Then, we calculate within-class error (\(e_w\)) and between-class error (\(e_b\)):

$$\begin{aligned} e_w=\sum _{k=1}^{C}\sum _{j=1}^{n}|ZZPLELD_{i}^{C,j}-\mu _{i}^{C}| \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} e_b=n\times \sum _{k=1}^{C}|\mu _{i}^{C}-\mu _{i}| \end{aligned}$$

If the ZZPLELD has a high discriminating ability, then \(e_b\) should be relatively large compared with \(e_w\). Hence, we set the ratio between this two as our weights (\(\alpha _i\)). The normalized weights (\(\alpha _{i}^{norm}\)) are

$$\begin{aligned} \alpha _{i}=\frac{e_b}{e_w} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \alpha _{i}^{norm}=\frac{\alpha _i}{\sum _{i=1}^{P}\alpha _i} \end{aligned}$$

Therefore, for each different ZZPLELD pattern we have different \(\alpha _{i}^{norm}\). Now, the similarity between two images, as given in Eq. 12, is modified into the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} Sim(I_q,I_G)=\sum _{k=1}^{P}\alpha _k\times S^k(I_q,I_G) \end{aligned}$$

The value of \(\alpha \) also varies from database to database. Different \(\alpha \) values measured during training in different databases are shown in Table 1. The results of weighted ZZPLELD are superior than normal ZZPLELD. The recognition accuracy results on different databases are given in a form of tables in the next section and weight learning ZZPLELD is represented as ZZPLELD (weighted).

Table 1. Different level weight values for ZZPLELD, measured from training data of CMU-PIE, Extended Yale B, CUFSF, and CASIA NIR-VIS databases

3 Experimental Results

In this section, ZZPLELD is evaluated on one illumination variation scenario and two different HFR scenarios, i.e. face sketch vs. photo recognition and NIR image vs. VIS image recognition respectively on the existing benchmark databases. For illumination variation scenario, we tested our proposed method on CMU-PIE [46], and Extended Yale B Face Database [39, 40]. For face sketch vs. photo recognition, we tested the proposed method on the CUHK Face Sketch FERET Database (CUFSF) [21]. CASIA-HFB Face Database [41] is used for NIR face image vs VIS face recognition testing.

At first, proposed ZZPLELD is tested on illumination-invariant face recognition. We compared ZZPLELD with several other methods, namely LBP, Gradient-face [37], TVQI [38], HF+HQ [42], MSLDE [33] on CMU-PIE and Extended Yale B Face Databases. All the methods mentioned above are well tuned according to their respective published papers.

We compared ZZPLELD with several state-of-the-art methods, namely, PLS [15], CITE [21], MCCA [25], TFSPS [10], KP-RS [23], MvDA [18], G-HFR [31], and LGFP [28] on viewed sketch database. We also compared ZZPLELD with several state-of-the-art methods, namely, KP-RS, LCKS-CSR [17], and THFM [24] on NIR face image vs VIS face image database. Experimental setups (training and testing samples) and accuracies of the methods mentioned above, except LGFP, are taken from the published papers.

3.1 Rank-1 Recognition Results on CMU-PIE

This database contains 41368 images of 68 different subjects. We have tested our proposed method on the illumination subset “C27” with 1428 images of 68 subjects. All the images are in frontal face with pose 27 and 21 different lighting conditions. In each turn, one image per subject is chosen as the gallery, and the others are tested as query images. All total 21 rank-1 recognition rates for 21 turns. Figure 5 shows few sample face images and their corresponding ZZPLELD from CMU-PIE database at different illuminations.

Average rank-1 recognition is shown in Table 2 on CMU-PIE database of 68 subjects. Proposed method is better than other methods in average recognition.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

(a) Sample ZZPLELD images after applying \(3\times 3\) LZZBP on both extremum LELD from CMU-PIE Face database. (b) Sample ZZPLELD images after applying \(5\times 5\) LZZBP on maximum LELD from CMU-PIE Face database. (c) Sample ZZPLELD images after applying \(5\times 5\) LZZBP on minimum LELD from CMU-PIE Face database.

Table 2. Average rank-1 recognition rates for different methods on CMU-PIE database of 68 subjects

3.2 Rank-1 Recognition Results on Extended Yale B Database

This database contains total 2432 images of 38 subjects under 64 different illumination conditions and in a cropped form with a size of \(192\times 168\) pixels. Again, the database is divided into five different subsets according to the illumination angle: Subset 1 (\(0^\circ \) to \(12^\circ \), 7 images per subject), Subset 2 (\(13^\circ \) to \(25^\circ \), 12 images per subject), Subset 3 (\(26^\circ \) to \(50^\circ \), 12 images per subject), Subset 4 (\(51^\circ \) to \(77^\circ \), 14 images per subject), and Subset 5 (\(78^\circ \) and above, 19 images per subject). Figure 6 shows one sample face images under different illumination conditions from the Extended Yale B database and their corresponding ZZPLELD images. For the experiment, the image with the most neutral light condition without illumination for each subject from Subset 1 were defined as the gallery, and the remaining images from Subset 1 to Subset 5 were used as query images. A comparison on of the rank 1 accuracy achieved on this database of 38 subjects on the individual subset and after averaged over all subsets is shown in Table 3.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

(a) Sample ZZPLELD images after applying \(3\times 3\) LZZBP on both extremum LELD from Extended Yale B Face database. (b) Sample ZZPLELD images after applying \(5\times 5\) LZZBP on maximum LELD from Extended Yale B Face database. (c) Sample ZZPLELD images after applying \(5\times 5\) LZZBP on minimum LELD from Extended Yale B Face database.

Table 3. Rank-1 recognition rates for different methods on different subsets of Extended Yale B database of 38 subjects.

3.3 Rank-1 Recognition Results on Viewed Sketch Databases

A CUHK Face Sketch FERET (CUFSF) database has been used for the experimental study, which includes 1194 different subjects from the FERET database. For each person, there is a sketch with shape exaggeration drew by an artist when viewing this photo and a face photo with lighting variations. All the frontal faces in the database are cropped manually by setting approximately the same eye levels and resized to \(120\times 120\) pixels. The proposed method is tested with the existing state-of-the-art methods (PLS, CITE, MCCA, TFSPS, KP-RS, MvDA, G-HFR, and LGFP). Experimental setups and results of other state-of-the-art methods are collected from the published papers. The rank-1 recognition result of proposed ZZPLELD on CUFSF database is 96.35% at rank-1, and it is shown in the Table 4. Proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art methods. Figure 7 shows one sample face photo and sketch image from the CUFSF database and their corresponding ZZPLELD images.

Table 4. Rank-1 recognition rates for different methods on CUFSF database.
Fig. 7.
figure 7

Sample Sketch and photo images and their corresponding ZZPLELD images from CUFSF database. (a) Photo-ZZPLELD images after applying \(3\times 3\) LZZBP on both extremum LELD, (b) Sketch-ZZPLELD images after applying \(3\times 3\) LZZBP on both extremum LELD, (c) Photo-ZZPLELD images after applying \(5\times 5\) LZZBP on maximum LELD, (d) Sketch-ZZPLELD images after applying \(5\times 5\) LZZBP on maximum LELD, (e) Photo-ZZPLELD images after applying \(5\times 5\) LZZBP on minimum LELD, (f) Sketch-ZZPLELD images after applying \(5\times 5\) LZZBP on minimum LELD.

3.4 Rank-1 Recognition Results on NIR-VIS CASIA-HFB Database

This database has 200 subjects with probe images captured in the near-infrared and gallery images captured in the visible light. Each and every subject has 4 NIR images and 4 VIS images with pose and expression variations. All the frontal faces in the database are cropped manually by setting approximately the same eye levels and resized to \(120\times 120\) pixels. This database follows standard evaluation protocols.

Table 5. Rank-1 recognition rates for different methods on CASIA-HFB database of 200 subjects.
Fig. 8.
figure 8

Sample VIS and NIR images and their corresponding ZZPLELD images from CASIA-HFB database, (a) VIS-ZZPLELD images after applying \(3\times 3\) LZZBP on both extremum LELD, (b) NIR-ZZPLELD images after applying \(3\times 3\) LZZBP on both extremum LELD, (c) VIS-ZZPLELD images after applying \(5\times 5\) LZZBP on maximum LELD, (d) NIR-ZZPLELD images after applying \(5\times 5\) LZZBP on maximum LELD, (e) VIS-ZZPLELD images after applying \(5\times 5\) LZZBP on minimum LELD, (f) NIR-ZZPLELD images after applying \(5\times 5\) LZZBP on minimum LELD.

The output result is also tested against other state-of-the-art methods (KP-RS, LCKS-CSR, THFM). Table 5 shows the rank-1 accuracy of the proposed method and other state-of-the-art methods. The rank-1 recognition of all those methods, mentioned above, is found from different published papers. The rank-1 recognition accuracy of the proposed method is 99.39%, and it is better than other methods. One sample NIR-VIS pair image from CASIA-HFB database and its different levels of ZZPLELD is shown in Fig. 8.

4 Conclusion

We have presented a novel modality-invariant feature representation ZZPLELD for HFR. It is a combination of LELD and LZZBP to boost the performance of HFR. The proposed LELD is an illumination-invariant image representation. To capture the local patterns of LELD a novel zigzag binary pattern (LZZBP) is proposed. Since the entire database images used in the experiment are in a frontal mode without rotation, we have not thought about whether LZZBP will work good in huge rotation variations or not.

Experimental results on illumination variations, sketch-photo and NIR-VIS databases, it shows the supremacy in rank-1 recognition than other compared methods. The result shows ZZPLELD has a good verification and discriminating ability in heterogeneous face recognition.

LELD can easily be used as a preprocessing stage to remove illumination variations, and to enhance edge features. Therefore, it has a long range of applications for illumination variations to heterogeneous face recognition. Since the entire database images used in the experiment are in a frontal mode without rotation, we have not thought about whether LZZBP will work well on huge rotation variations or not. In future a rotation-invariant LZZBP can be thought of texture analysis. Again, how ZZPLELD will work on other facial variations like pose, expression, etc. that also need a further investigation. At the same time, a further investigation is also required to search other application domains for ZZPLELD.