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Part of the book series: Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants ((SUCCPLANTS))

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A diagnostic description of the genus is given with special emphasis on the occurrence of succulence amongst its species. The geographical distribution is outlined, together with a selection of important literature, and an explanation of the etymology of the name. This is followed by a short summary of its position in the phylogeny of the family and of the past and present classification in a phylogenetic context. The succulent features present amongst the species of the genus are shortly explained as to morphology and anatomy.

This is followed by a synoptical treatment of the species (all succulent) of the genus, complete with typification details, full synonymy, geographical and ecological data, a diagnostic description, and, where applicable, notes on phylogenetic placement and relationships, as well as economic and/or horticultural importance.

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Thiede, J. (2019). Yucca AGAVACEAE. In: Eggli, U., Nyffeler, R. (eds) Monocotyledons. Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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