
1 Introduction

S-boxes are widely used in modern block ciphers and hash functions. Substitution-Permutation (SP) and Feistel network are the most common structures. In these structures, S-boxes are usually the only non-linear part. Therefore, S-boxes have to be chosen carefully to optimize the security-performance tradeoff. The most common sizes of S-boxes are 8-bit and 4-bit. AES [14] uses an 8-bit S-box, which has influenced many subsequent ciphers; while Serpent [2] and NOEKEON [13] use 4-bit S-boxes. In the past few years, as the need for security in RFID and sensor networks is dramatically increasing, many lightweight constructions have been proposed. Since a 4-bit S-box is usually much more compact in hardware than an 8-bit S-box, many lightweight block ciphers and hash functions use 4-bit S-boxes, such as LED [15], PHOTON [16], PRESENT [10], RECTANGLE [28] and SPONGENT [8].

For 4-bit S-boxes, the optimal values are known with respect to differential and linear cryptanalysis, an S-box attaining these optimal values is called an optimal S-box. In [18], Leander et al. classified all optimal 4-bit S-boxes into 16 affine equivalences; this result can be used to efficiently generate optimal S-boxes fulfilling additional criteria. However, for many constructions, the design criterion of being an optimal S-box is not enough, there are other important properties the designers should take into account. For example, the design criteria of the Serpent S-box require that a 1-bit input difference must cause an output difference of at least two bits.

Given an S-box S, let \(CarD1_S\) denote the number of times that a 1-bit input difference causes a 1-bit output difference, and \(CarL1_S\) the number of times that a 1-bit input selection pattern causes a 1-bit output selection pattern. We refer to Sect. 2.1 for a precise definition of \(CarD1_S\) and \(CarL1_S\). For the PRESENT S-box, \(CarD1_S = 0\) and \(CarL1_S=8\). In [22], linear hulls were used to mount an attack on 25-round PRESENT. Later, a multidimensional linear attack on 26-round PRESENT was given in [12], which is the best shortcut attack on PRESENT so far. Both of the above attacks use the fact that the value of \(CarL1_S\) of the PRESENT S-box is relatively high, i.e., \(CarL1_S=8\), which leads to a significant clustering of linear trails. For comparison, the value of \(CarD1_S\) of the PRESENT S-box is zero, the best shortcut differential attack on PRESENT only reaches 18 rounds [26]. It can be seen that, with respect to security margin, there is a big gap between differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis on PRESENT. More recently, Blondeau and Nyberg [7] showed that there exists a chosen-plaintext truncated differential attack for any known-plaintext multidimensional linear attack, hence, they have successfully derived a truncated differential attack on 26-round PRESENT from the multidimensional linear attack on 26-round PRESENT [12]. From this result, we can learn that a block cipher had better have almost the same security margin against differential-like attacks and linear-like attacks. Now, the questions come up. Is there any optimal S-box satisfying \(CarD1_S=0\) and \(CarL1_S=0\)? Is there a better S-box for PRESENT with respect to the security against differential and linear cryptanalysis? These questions are part of motivation of this paper.

SPONGENT is a family of lightweight hash functions based on PRESENT. The internal permutation of each variant uses SP-network with 4-bit S-boxes and a bit permutation. For the SPONGENT S-box, \(CarD1_S=0\) and \(CarL1_S=4\). RECTANGLE is designed with bit-slice technique. RECTANGLE also uses SP-network with 4-bit S-boxes and a bit permutation. For the RECTANGLE S-box, \(CarD1_S=2\) and \(CarL1_S=2\). Then, one may wonder if the security margin of PRESENT can be improved when replacing its S-box by the SPONGENT or RECTANGLE S-box. Moreover, is the S-box selection of SPONGENT and RECTANGLE optimal with respect to differential and linear cryptanalysis? In this paper, we will partly answer these questions.

1.1 Contributions

In Sect. 3 of this paper, we firstly prove that \(CarL1_S \ge 2\) for any optimal S-box. Moreover, if \(CarL1_S = 2\), then the S-box must be in 4 (out of 16) affine equivalent classes; if \(CarL1_S = 3\), then the S-box must be in 8 (out of 16) affine equivalent classes. We call the subset of optimal S-boxes with the same values of \(CarD1_S\) and \(CarL1_S\) a Num1-DL category. We show that all optimal 4-bit S-boxes can be classified into 183 different Num1-DL categories. Among all the 183 Num1-DL categories, there are 3 categories with the minimal value of \(CarD1_S + CarL1_S\), we call the 3 categories platinum Num1-DL categories.

There are 4 measures to evaluate the security of a cipher against differential and linear cryptanalysis. In Sect. 4, we give a brief discussion on the 4 measures, and show why it is appropriate to use the heuristic measure for the study in this paper.

In Sect. 5, we consider PRESENT and 5 variants of SPONGENT. There are 8064 S-boxes (up to adding constants before and after an S-box, similarly hereinafter) satisfying the design criteria of the PRESENT (or SPONGENT) S-box. The 8064 S-boxes belong to 3 different categories. We show that, for each of the 6 fixed permutation layers, if the S-box comes from 2 out of the 3 categories, then there exists a linear trail with only one active S-box in each round. Hence, for SP-network schemes with the PRESENT or SPONGENT permutation layer, for better resistance against linear cryptanalysis, the S-box should be chosen from 1 out of the 3 categories or other categories.

In Sect. 6, we investigate how the S-boxes in the 3 platinum Num1-DL categories influence the security of PRESENT, RECTANGLE and SPONGENT against differential and linear cryptanalysis. We focus on 64- and 88-bit block length. Consider the following SP-network schemes. For 64-bit block length, the S-box is chosen from the 3 platinum Num1-DL categories, the diffusion layer is either the PRESENT permutation or the RECTANGLE permutation. Thus, there are 6 combinations. Similarly, for 88-bit block length, there are also 6 combinations. For each of these 12 combinations, we use the heuristic measure to evaluate which are the best possible S-box candidates. Our results show that the S-box selection has a significant influence on the security of the 3 primitives. For PRESENT, there are 336 potentially best S-boxes, which does not include the PRESENT S-box. For RECTANGLE, there are 128 potentially best S-boxes, which includes the RECTANGLE S-box. For SPONGENT\(_{88}\), we present 4 potentially better S-boxes when considering differential cryptanalysis more important than linear cryptanalysis. We want to point out that these results do not mean any security weakness of PRESENT, RECTANGLE or SPONGENT. However, these results show that there are potentially better S-box selections for PRESENT and SPONGENT, which means, by choosing another S-box, it is possible to improve the hardware/software performance of PRESENT and SPONGENT with a fixed level of security margin. Since any platinum Num1-DL category is not always the best choice, we suggest that designers can extend the range of the S-box selection to the 3 platinum Num1-DL categories and select their S-box carefully, when designing a block cipher or a hash function using 4-bit S-boxes as confusion layer and a bit permutation as diffusion layer.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Optimal S-box, Affine and PE Equivalence, m-resilient Boolean Function

Given an S-box mapping n bits to m bits \(S: F_2^n\rightarrow F_2^m\), we call S an \(n\times m\) S-box. In this paper, we only concentrate on \(4\times 4\) S-boxes.

Let S denote a \(4\times 4\) bijective S-box. Let \(\bigtriangleup I, \bigtriangleup O\in F_2^4\), define \(ND_S(\bigtriangleup I, \bigtriangleup O)\) as:

$$\begin{aligned} ND_S(\bigtriangleup I, \bigtriangleup O)=\sharp \{x\in F_2^4|S(x)\oplus S(x\oplus \bigtriangleup I )=\bigtriangleup O\}. \end{aligned}$$

Let \(\varGamma I, \varGamma O\in F_2^4\), define the imbalance \(Imb_S(\varGamma I, \varGamma O)\) as:

$$\begin{aligned} Imb_S(\varGamma I, \varGamma O)=|\sharp \{x\in F_2^4|\varGamma I \cdot x = \varGamma O \cdot S(x)\}-8|. \end{aligned}$$

where “\(\cdot \)” denotes the inner product on \(F_2^4\).

Define the differential-uniformity of S as:

$$\begin{aligned} Diff(S)= \max _{\bigtriangleup I\ne 0, \bigtriangleup O}ND_S(\bigtriangleup I, \bigtriangleup O) \end{aligned}$$

Define the linearity of S as:

$$\begin{aligned} Lin(S)= \max _{\varGamma I, \varGamma O\ne 0}Imb_S(\varGamma I, \varGamma O) \end{aligned}$$

For any bijective \(4\times 4\) S-box, \(Diff(S) \ge 4\) and \(Lin(S)\ge 4\) [18]. An S-box attaining these minima is called an optimal S-box.

Definition 1

([18]) . Let S be a \(4\times 4\) S-box. S is called an optimal S-box if it satisfies the 3 conditions:

  1. 1.

    S is bijective, i.e., \(S(x)\ne S(x')\) for any \(x \ne x'\).

  2. 2.


  3. 3.


Let wt(x) denote the Hamming weight of a binary vector x. Define \(SetD1_S\) [28] as:

$$\begin{aligned} SetD1_S=\{(\bigtriangleup I,\bigtriangleup O) \in F_2^4\times F_2^4|wt(\bigtriangleup I)=wt(\bigtriangleup O)=1\,\, and \,\,\, ND_S(\bigtriangleup I, \bigtriangleup O)\ne 0 \}. \end{aligned}$$

Define \(SetL1_S\) [28] as:

$$\begin{aligned} SetL1_S=\{(\varGamma I,\varGamma O)\in F_2^4\times F_2^4|wt(\varGamma I)=wt(\varGamma O)=1\,\,\, and \,\,\, Imb_S(\varGamma I,\varGamma O)\ne 0\}. \end{aligned}$$

Let \(CarD1_S\) denote the cardinality of \(SetD1_S\), and \(CarL1_S\) the cardinality of \(SetL1_S\).

Definition 2

([18]) . Two S-boxes S and \(S'\) are called affine equivalent if there exist two invertible \(4\times 4\) matrices AB over \(F_2\), and constants \(a,b\in F_2^4\) such that \(S'(x)=B(S(A(x)\oplus a))\oplus b\).

Given an S-box S, the values of Diff(S) and Lin(S) both remain unchanged when applying an affine transformation in the domain or co-domain of S [11, 21].

Theorem 1

([18]) . Let S and \(S'\) be two affine equivalent S-boxes. If S is an optimal S-box, then \(S'\) is an optimal S-box as well.

According to Theorem 1, all optimal S-boxes can be divided into equivalence classes using affine equivalence relation. All \(4\times 4\) optimal S-boxes can be split into only 16 affine equivalence classes [18]. Let \(\{G_i, 0 \le i \le 15\}\) denote the representatives for the 16 equivalence classes, we refer to [18] for the 16 representatives.

Definition 3

([18]) . Two S-boxes S and \(S'\) are called permutation-then-XOR equivalent if there exist two \(4\times 4\) permutation matrices \(P_0,P_1\) over \(F_2\), and constants \(a,b\in F_2^4\) such that \(S'(x)=P_1(S(P_0(x)\oplus a))\oplus b\). The equivalence is called PE equivalence.

Note that if two S-boxes are PE equivalent, then they must be affine equivalent.

Definition 4

Let f be a Boolean function \(f: F_2^n \rightarrow F_2 \), define the Walsh Coefficient of f at a as:

$$\begin{aligned} f^W(a) = \sum _{x\in F_2^n}(-1)^{f(x) \oplus a \cdot x}. \end{aligned}$$

An n-variable Boolean function f is balanced if its output in the truth table contains equal number of 0 and 1. f is balanced if and only if \(f^W(0) = 0\).

Definition 5

([27]) . A Boolean function f is m-resilient if and only if its Walsh Coefficient satisfy \(f^W(a) = 0\) for any \(0\le wt(a) \le m\).

Table 1. ([18]) Number of \(b\in F_2^4 \setminus \{0\}\) such that \(deg(S_b)=2, 3\)

For any \(b\in F_2^4\), define the corresponding component Boolean function \(S_b\) of an S-box S as:

$$\begin{aligned} S_b: F_2^4 \rightarrow F_2, \,\, S_b(x) = b\cdot S(x). \end{aligned}$$

Let deg(f) denote the algebraic degree of the Boolean function f, the algebraic degree is invariant under affine equivalence. Table 1 [18] gives the number of \(b\in F_2^4 \setminus \{0\}\) such that \(deg(S_b)=2, 3\) for the 16 representative optimal S-boxes.

2.2 Differential Trail, Difference Propagation, Linear Trail and Linear Propagation

Differential cryptanalysis (DC) [5] and linear cryptanalysis (LC) [19] are among the most powerful techniques available for block ciphers. Let \(\beta \) be a Boolean transformation operating on n-bit vectors that is a sequence of r transformations:

$$\begin{aligned} \beta = \rho ^{(r)} \circ \rho ^{(r-1)}\circ \cdots \circ \rho ^{(2)} \circ \rho ^{(1)}. \end{aligned}$$

In this paper, \(\beta \) refers to a key-alternating block cipher [14] or a permutation of a hash function, the round keys (or constants) are added to the state by means of an XOR. Thus, a difference is referred to as an XOR.

A differential trail [14] Q over an iterative transformation consists of a sequence of \(r+1\) difference patterns:

$$\begin{aligned} Q = (q^{(0)}, q^{(1)}, q^{(2)}, \cdots , q^{(r-1)}, q^{(r)}). \end{aligned}$$

The probability of a differential step is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} Prob(q^{(i-1)}, q^{(i)})= 2^{-n} \times \sharp \{x\in F_2^n|\rho ^{(i)} (x)\oplus \rho ^{(i)} (x\oplus q^{(i-1)} )=q^{(i)}\}. \end{aligned}$$

Assuming the independence of different steps, the probability of a differential trail Q can be approximated as:

$$\begin{aligned} Prob(Q) = \prod _{i} Prob(q^{(i-1)}, q^{(i)}). \end{aligned}$$

A difference propagation [14] is composed of a set of differential trails, the probability of a difference propagation \((a\,',b\,')\) is the sum of the probabilities of all r-round differential trails Q with initial difference \(a\,'\) and terminal difference \(b\,'\):

$$\begin{aligned} Prob(a', b') = \sum _{q^{( 0)}=a\,', q^{( r)}=b\,'} Prob(Q) \end{aligned}$$

The correlation C(fg) between two binary Boolean functions f(a) and g(a) is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} C(f,g) = 2\times Prob(f(a)=g(a))-1. \end{aligned}$$

A linear trail [14] U over an iterative transformation consists of a sequence of \(r+1\) selection patterns (also known as linear mask):

$$\begin{aligned} U = (u^{(0)}, u^{(1)}, u^{(2)}, \cdots , u^{(r-1)}, u^{(r)}). \end{aligned}$$

The correlation contribution [14] of a linear trail is the product of the correlation of all its steps:

$$\begin{aligned} Cor(U) = \prod _{i} C(u^{(i)} \cdot \rho ^{(i)}(a), u^{(i-1)}\cdot a). \end{aligned}$$

A linear propagation is composed of a set of linear trails, the correlation of a linear propagation (uw) is the sum of the correlation contributions of all r-round linear trails U with initial selection pattern w and final selection pattern u:

$$\begin{aligned} Cor(u, w) = \sum _{u^{( 0)}=w, \, u^{( r)}=u} Cor(U). \end{aligned}$$

The square of a correlation (contribution) is called correlation potential. The following theorem gives the expected value of the correlation potential \(Cor(u, \,w)^2\) over all possible values of the expanded key.

Theorem 2

([14]) . The average correlation potential between an input and an output selection pattern is the sum of the correlation potentials of all linear trails between the input and output selection patterns:

$$\begin{aligned} E(Cor_t\,^2)=\sum _{i}(Cor_i)^2 \end{aligned}$$

where \(Cor_t\) is the overall correlation, and \(Cor_i\) the correlation contribution of a linear trail.

To attack a b-bit block cipher using DC, there must be a predictable difference propagation over all but a few rounds with a probability significantly larger than \(2^{-b}\). To attack a b-bit block cipher using LC, there must be a predictable linear propagation over all but a few rounds with a correlation potential significantly larger than \(2^{-b}\).

2.3 An Extension of RECTANGLE - RECTANGLE\(_{88}\)

Based on the design criteria of RECTANGLE, we present an extension of RECTANGLE to 88-bit block length, denoted as RECTANGLE\(_{88}\). A 88-bit cipher state is pictured as a \(4\times 22\) rectangular array of bits. The SubColumn is 22 parallel applications of S-boxes to the 22 columns. The ShiftRow step is defined as follows: row 0 is not rotated, row 1 is left rotated over 1 bit, row 2 is left rotated over 8 bits, row 3 is left rotated over 17 bits.

3 A New Classification of 4-bit S-boxes

The subset of \(4\times 4\) optimal S-boxes with the same values of \(CarD1_S\) and \(CarL1_S\) is called a category, the following is a formal definition.

Definition 6

An ( nd nl )-Num1-DL category is defined as a subset of all \(4\times 4\) optimal S-boxes which satisfy \(CarD1_S=nd\) and \(CarL1_S=nl\). The category is also called a Num1-DL category for short.

We are especially interested in those categories with low \(CarD1_S\) and low \(CarL1_S\). It can be easily seen that \(0 \le CarD1_S \le 16\) and \(0 \le CarL1_S \le 16\).

Theorem 3

Let S denote an optimal S-box, then \(CarL1_S \ge 2\). In other words, there does not exist an optimal S-box with \(CarL1_S = 0\) or \(CarL1_S = 1\).

Proof: Let \(x=(x_3,x_2,x_1,x_0)\) and \(S(x)=(f_3(x),f_2(x),f_1(x),f_0(x))\), where \(x_i\) is the i-th bit of x, and \(f_j(x)\) the j-th bit of S(x). Since S is bijective, each Boolean function \(f_j\) (\(0 \le j\le 3)\)) is balanced.

Firstly, we show that there exist at least 2 Boolean functions \(f_{j_1}\) and \(f_{j_2}\) (\(0\le j_1,\,j_2 \le 3\)) with algebraic degree 3, equivalently speaking, there exist at most 2 Boolean functions with algebraic degree less than 3. Proof by contradiction. Assume that there exist 3 (or 4) out of the 4 Boolean functions \(f_j\) (\(j=0,1,2,3\)) with algebraic degree less than 3. Then, for each of the 7 (or 15) non-zero linear combinations of these 3 (or 4) functions, the algebraic degree is also less than 3. However, according to Table 1, for any optimal S-box, there are at most 3 out of the 15 component functions with algebraic degree less than 3, which is a contradiction.

According to Siegenthaler’s inequality [25], an n-variable Boolean function with degree \(n-1\) is not 1-resilient. Particularly, if the degree of \(f_j\) is 3, then there exists \(0\le i \le 3\) such that \(f_j(x) \oplus x_i\) is not balanced, which means that \((2^i, 2^j) \in SetL1_S\). Since there exist at least 2 functions \(f_{j_1}\) and \(f_{j_2}\) with algebraic degree 3, we can get that there are at least 2 elements in \(SetL1_S\), i.e., \(CarL1_S \ge 2\).   \(\square \)

Similar to the proof of Theorem 3, we can prove the following 2 theorems.

Theorem 4

Let S denote an optimal S-box. If S is affine equivalent to \(G_9, \,G_{10},\, G_{14}\) or \(G_{15}\), then \(CarL1_S\ge 3\).

Theorem 5

Let S denote an optimal S-box. If S is affine equivalent to \(G_3, \,G_4,\, G_5, \, G_6, \, G_7,\,G_{11},\, G_{12}\) or \(\, G_{13}\), then \(CarL1_S\ge 4\).

According to Theorems 4 and 5, we can get the following corollary.

Corollary 1

If \(CarL1_S = 2\), then S is in the 4 affine equivalence classes corresponding to \(G_0, \,G_1,\, G_2\) and \(G_8\); if \(CarL1_S = 3\), then S is in the 8 affine equivalence classes corresponding to \(G_0, \,G_1,\, G_2, \, G_8, \, G_9, \,G_{10},\, G_{14}\) and \(G_{15}\).

Corollary 1 indicates that we can restrict the search of S-boxes with \(CarL1_S=2\) (or \(CarL1_S=3\) ) within the 4 (or 8) affine equivalence classes. In the following, we present an efficient way which can experimentally classify all \(4\times 4\) optimal S-boxes into different categories.

The values of \(CarD1_S\) and \(CarL1_S\) are not generally invariant under the affine equivalence relation, but the two values are invariant under the PE equivalence relation.

Theorem 6

Let S and \(S'\) be two PE equivalent S-boxes, then \(CarD1_S=CarD1_{S'}\) and \(CarL1_S=CarL1_{S'}\).

Every \(4\times 4\) optimal S-box can be written as \(B(G_i(A(x)\oplus a))\oplus b\), where \(G_i\) (\(0\le i \le 15\)) is the representative S-box, A and B are two invertible \(4\times 4\) matrices over \(F_2\), a and b are two constants over \(F_2^4\). The number of \(4\times 4\) invertible matrices is \(\prod _{i=0}^{3}(2^4-2^i) = 20160\). At the first sight, up to adding constants, we need to consider \(16 \times 20160 \times 20160 \approx 2^{32.6}\) S-boxes. However, this number can be decreased greatly.

Lemma 1

Let M denote a \(4\times 4\) matrix over \(F_2\):

$$\begin{aligned} \small M=\left( \begin{array}{cccc} a_{03} &{} a_{02} &{} a_{01} &{} a_{00} \\ a_{13} &{} a_{12} &{} a_{11} &{} a_{10} \\ a_{23} &{} a_{22} &{} a_{21} &{} a_{20} \\ a_{33} &{} a_{32} &{} a_{31} &{} a_{30} \\ \end{array} \right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(a_{ij}\in F_2\), \(0\le i,j \le 3\). Let \(r_i = a_{i3} || a_{i2} || a_{i1} || a_{i0} \) denote the nibble consisting of the 4 bits in the i-th row, \(a_{i0}\) is the least significant bit. There are 840 matrices satisfying the following 2 conditions:

  1. 1.


  2. 2.

    \(r_0 < r_1 < r_2 < r_3\).

we call such a matrix a row-increasing matrix.

Proof: Given a \(4\times 4\) invertible matrix, there are 24 different matrices obtained by permuting the 4 rows. Among the 24 matrices, only one matrix satisfies \(r_0 < r_1 < r_2 < r_3\). Hence there are \(20160/24 = 840\) invertible row-increasing matrices.   \(\square \)

According to Lemma 1, every \(4\times 4\) optimal S-box is PE equivalent to an S-box with the form \(M_1(G_i(M_0^T(x)))\), \(0\le i \le 15\), \(M_0\) and \(M_1\) are two row-increasing matrices. Hence, up to PE equivalence, we only need to consider \(16 \times 840 \times 840 = 11289600 \approx 2^{23.43}\) S-boxes. By exhaustively checking all the 11289600 S-boxes, we have the following result.

Result 1

All optimal \(4 \times 4\) S-boxes can be split into 183 different Num1-DL categories. Table 2 gives the details, the symbol “\(\checkmark \)” at position (ij) means that there exist optimal S-boxes satisfying \(CarD1_S=i\) and \(CarL1_S=j\). From Table 2, the following facts are of interest:

  1. 1.

    No Num1-DL category satisfies that \(CarL1_S=0\) or \(CarL1_S=1\).

  2. 2.

    The minimal possible value for \(CarD1_S\) is 0. When \(CarD1_S=0\), the minimal possible value for \(CarL1_S\) is 4, i.e., the (0, 4)-Num1-DL category.

  3. 3.

    The minimal possible value for \(CarL1_S\) is 2. When \(CarL1_S=2\), the minimal possible value for \(CarD1_S\) is 2, i.e., the (2, 2)-Num1-DL category.

Table 2. 183 Num1-DL Categories: marked by \(\checkmark \)
Table 3. Number of PE Classes in the 24 Num1-DL Categories satisfying \(CarD1_S+CarL1_S \le 8\)

Note that the first fact in Result 1 is in accordance with Theorem 3. For each Num1-DL category satisfying \(CarD1_S+CarL1_S \le 8\), by checking all the S-boxes (out of 11289600 S-boxes) in this category, we get the following result.

Result 2

There are 24 Num1-DL categories satisfying \(CarD1_S+CarL1_S \le 8\). Table 3 gives the number of PE classes for each of the 24 Num1-DL categories. Moreover, we have the following facts:

  1. 1.

    Consider the sum of the values in row 0, there are 20 PE classes satisfying \(CarD1_S=0\).

  2. 2.

    Restricting \(CarD1_S+CarL1_S \le 4\), there are 3 Num1-DL categories: (0, 4)-, (1, 3)-, (2, 2)-Num1-DL category. We call these 3 categories platinum Num1-DL categories. Table 4 lists representative S-boxes for each PE class in each of the 3 platinum Num1-DL categories.

Table 4. Representative S-boxes for the 3 platinum Num1-DL categories

Generally, the S-boxes in a Num1-DL category belong to many affine equivalence classes. For example, (0,8)-Num1-DL category includes 8 PE classes, and the 8 PE classes belong to 5 affine equivalence classes. In Result 2, the first fact is in accordance with Fact 4 in [18]. For the (2, 2)-Num1-DL category, the 4 representative S-boxes are respectively PE equivalent to the 4 representative S-boxes given in [28].

4 Measures for Evaluating the Security Against DC and LC

Kanda et al. [17] classified 4 measures to evaluate the security of a cipher against DC and LC as follows:

  1. 1.

    Precise measure: The maximum probability of difference propagations, and the maximum average correlation potential of linear propagations.

  2. 2.

    Theoretical measure: The upper bound of the maximum probability of difference propagations, and the upper bound of the maximum average correlation potential of linear propagations.

  3. 3.

    Heuristic measure: The maximum probability of differential trails, and the maximum correlation potential of linear trails.

  4. 4.

    Practical measure: The upper bound of the maximum probability of differential trails, and the upper bound of the maximum correlation potential of linear trails.

For many modern ciphers, such as AES and Serpent, it is almost computationally infeasible to perform an evaluation using the precise measure or the theoretical measure. For ciphers with good diffusion, such as Serpent [2], the heuristic measure is only effective for a small number of rounds. On the other hand, many ciphers evaluated with the practical measure are practically secure against DC and LC, such as AES and NOEKEON, hence the practical measure is the most common measure.

However, compared with the practical measure, the heuristic measure is more accurate. If the heuristic measure is feasible for a cipher, then both the cryptanalysts and designers can have a better understanding on the security of the cipher against DC and LC. Particularly, for PRESENT, RECTANGLE and SPONGENT, the heuristic measure is feasible, we will discuss this problem in Sect. 6.2.

Consider the following SP-network schemes. Fix the permutation layer of PRESENT, RECTANGLE or SPONGENT, the S-box can have many different choices. Then, for each scheme, we wonder which S-boxes are the best with respect to DC and LC? In this paper, we mainly concentrate on S-boxes in the 3 platinum Num1-DL categories. In Sects. 5 and 6, we adopt the heuristic measure for the study. One may say that, for such schemes, the clustering of differential/linear trails must not be neglected [6, 12, 22, 26, 28], hence it needs to use the precise (or the theoretical) measure. However, we think that it is still appropriate to use the heuristic measure for the study. The following gives the reasons.

The total number of schemes investigated in this paper is 4368 (see Table 5), it needs an extremely huge computational effort to evaluate the clustering of differential/linear trails for all the schemes investigated in this paper.

Let \(rD_p\) denote the highest number of rounds of an exploitable differential distinguisher by using the precise measure, and \(rL_p\) the highest number of rounds of an exploitable linear distinguisher by using the precise measure, define \(r_p \equiv \max \{ rD_p, rL_p\}\). For a fixed permutation, among all the S-box candidates, the smaller the value of \(r_p\), the better the scheme, because schemes with the minimal \(r_p\) need the least number of rounds to resist against DC and LC. Let \(rD_h\) denote the highest number of rounds of an exploitable differential distinguisher by using the heuristic measure, and \(rL_h\) the highest number of rounds of an exploitable linear distinguisher by using the heuristic measure, define \(r_h \equiv \max \{ rD_h, rL_h\}\). Based on Eqs. (1) and (4), we have \(rD_p \ge rD_h\) and \(rL_p \ge rL_h\), thus \(r_p \ge r_h\). The smaller the value of \(rD_p-rD_h\) (\(rL_p-rL_h\)), the less the clustering of differential (linear) trails. Based on the known results on PRESENT, RECTANGLE and SPONGENT [1, 6, 12, 22, 26, 28], the difference \(rD_p-rD_h\) (or \(rL_p-rL_h\)) between the two measures are as follows: For PRESENT against DC, the difference is \(16-14 = 2\); for PRESENT against LC, the difference is \(24-16 = 8\). For RECTANGLE against DC, the difference is \(14-14 = 0\); for RECTANGLE against LC, the difference is \(14-13 = 1\). For SPONGENT\(_{88}\) against LC, the difference is \(23-22 = 1\). Based on the above results, we expect that there exist S-boxes with a small value of both \(rD_p-rD_h\) and \(rL_p-rL_h\) for each fixed permutation layer. For such schemes, if \(r_h\) reaches the minimal, we expect that it is very likely that \(r_p\) also reaches the minimal. Hence, it is reasonable to make the following assumption:

Assumption 1

For each fixed permutation layer, consider the SP-network schemes investigated in this paper. Among those with a minimal value of \(r_h\), there exist some schemes satisfying \(rD_p-rD_h \le 2\) and \(rL_p-rL_h \le 2\).

By using the heuristic measure, for each combination of a fixed permutation layer and a platinum Num1-DL category, we can discard a large proportion of the S-box candidates and concentrate only on S-boxes with the minimal value of \(r_h\) (we will present the results in Sect. 6). We emphasize that this is the first step. For such cipher designs, designers must take differential/linear clustering into consideration. Ideally, designers can make a further selection from the schemes with the minimal value of \(r_h\) by selecting an S-box which has the minimal value of \(r_p-r_h\). Note that the minimal value of \(r_p - r_h\) is not more than 2 under Assumption 1.

5 A Relation of the S-box Selection, the Value of \(CarL1_S\) and the Security of PRESENT and SPONGENT

The block length of PRESENT is 64 bits. For SPONGENT [8], the block length of the internal permutation has 5 choices: 88, 136, 176, 240 and 272 bits Footnote 1, which are denoted as SPONGENT\(_{b}\) respectively, b is the block length. In this section, we focus on these 6 block lengths.

The design criteria of the PRESENT S-box are as follows:

  1. 1.


  2. 2.


  3. 3.

    For \(\varGamma I, \varGamma O\in F_2^4\) such that \(wt(\varGamma I)=wt(\varGamma O)=1\) it holds that \(Imb_S(\varGamma I, \varGamma O)=2\).

  4. 4.

    No fixed point, i.e., \(S(x)\ne x\) for any \(x \in F_2^4\).

There are 20 PE classes satisfying criteria 1 and 2. Among the 20 PE classes, 14 PE classes satisfy criterion 3. Up to adding constants before and after an S-box, which does not change any of the design criteria 1–3 of the PRESENT S-box and moreover does not change the probability of the best differential trail and the correlation potential of the best linear trail, there are \(14 \times 4! \times 4! =8064\) S-boxes. The 8064 S-boxes belong to 3 different categories. Fix the permutation of PRESENT (or the permutation layer of the SPONGENT internal permutation), we wonder which are the best choices among the 8064 S-boxes.

For the schemes investigated in this section, if the best r-round linear trail has only one active S-box in each round, then its correlation potential is \(2^{-4r+4}\). Thus, when \(r = \frac{b}{4}\), the correlation potential of such a linear trail is \(2^{-b+4}\), which means there exists a \(\frac{b}{4}\)-round exploitable linear distinguisher. For \(b=64\) and \(b=88\), our experiments show that there exist some S-boxes such that the correlation potential of the best \(\frac{b}{4}\)-round linear trail is less than or equal to \(2^{-b}\) (see Tables 7 and 9).

figure a

Based on the above discussion, we decide to discard the S-boxes which can result in a linear trail with only one active S-box in each round. Note that a r-round iterative linear trail can be used to construct a \(r\,'\)-round linear trail for any \(r\,'\ge r\). Algorithm 1 is designed to detect if an S-box can result in a r-round iterative linear trail with only one active S-box in each round, note that such a linear trail is connected by the elements in \(SetL1_S\). We only check up to 25 rounds for practical reasons (nevertheless, we point out that it can not exclude the possibility that more S-boxes may be discarded if more rounds are checked). Let \(e_i\) denote the vector with a single one at position i (counting from zero). Since all of the round input/output selection patterns belong to the set \(\{e_i\}\), for simplicity, we use In (Out) to denote the subscript of the input (output) selection pattern of the S-box layer. By running Algorithm 1, we get the following result.

Result 3

For each of the 6 block lengths, fix the corresponding permutation layer, when combining with the 8064 S-boxes, there are 8064 SP-network schemes. Discard the S-boxes which can result in a linear trail with only one active S-box in each round using Algorithm 1, we have the following facts:

  1. 1.

    Table 5 gives the number of the remaining S-boxes, which shows that more than 98.6 percent of the 8064 S-boxes are discarded for each block length.

  2. 2.

    For 64-, 88-, 136-, 176- and 240-bit block length, all of the remaining S-boxes belong to the (0, 4)-Num1-DL category; for 272-bit block length, there is no S-box left.

Table 5. Number of the Remaining S-boxes using Algorithm 1 for the 6 Block Lengths

For each of the 6 block lengths, among the 8064 S-boxes, every S-box in (0, 6)-Num1-DL and (0, 8)-Num1-DL categories can result in a linear trail with only one active S-box in each round. For 272-bit block length, fix the permutation layer of SPONGENT\(_{272}\), for each of the 8064 S-box candidates, there exists a linear trail with only one active S-box in each round. Hence, we get a new design criterion for the S-box of PRESENT-like or SPOGNENT-like schemes.

Design Criterion 1

For 64-bit (88-, 136-, 176- and 240-bit respectively) block length, fix the permutation layer of PRESENT (the corresponding SPONGENT variant). For better resistance against LC, besides the 4 design criteria for the S-box, designers should add \(CarL1_S=4\) as a new design criterion.

For 272-bit block length, fix the permutation layer of SPONGENT\(_{272}\). For better resistance against LC, designers should change their design criteria \(CarD1_S = 0\) and choose an S-box with \(CarD1_S\ne 0\).

6 An Investigation of the S-box Selection of PRESENT, RECTANGLE and SPONGENT

Due to the huge computational effort required to run the experiments, we only focus on 64- and 88-bit block lengths in this section. Consider the following SP-network schemes. For 64-bit block length, the S-box is chosen from the 3 platinum Num1-DL categories, the diffusion layer is either the PRESENT or RECTANGLE permutation. Thus, there are 6 combinations. Similarly, for 88-bit block length, there are also 6 combinations. Hence, 12 combinations in total. In Sect. 6.3, we consider both DC and LC for the security of the 12 combinations using the heuristic measure. Since DC is more important than LC for hash functions, in Sect. 6.4, we only consider DC for the 12 combinations.

Definition 7

Let b denote the block length. For a b-bit block cipher (or permutation of a hash function), let \(Prob_{r}\) denote the probability of the best r-round differential trail, and \(Cor_r\) the correlation of the best r-round linear trail. Define \(r_{min}\) as

$$\begin{aligned} r_{min}= \min _{r}\{ Prob_{r} \le 2^{-b} \,\, and \,\, Cor_{r}\,^2 \le 2^{-b}\}. \end{aligned}$$

In this section, we use the values of \(r_{min}\), \(Prob_{r_{min}}\) and \(Cor_{r_{min}}\) for a comparative study. Generally speaking, the smaller the value of \(r_{min}\), the better the scheme against DC and LC. For schemes with the same value of \(r_{min}\), the smaller the value of \(Prob_{r_{min}}\) (or \(Cor_{r_{min}}\)), the better the scheme against DC (or LC).

6.1 Influence of S-box Selection and Differential/Linear Trails with One Active S-box per Round

According to Table 4, up to adding constants before and after an S-box, there are 1152, 2304 and 2304 S-boxes in the (0, 4)-Num1-DL category, the (1, 3)-Num1-DL category and the (2, 2)-Num1-DL category respectively. By checking all the 10 platinum representative S-boxes, we get the following result. For any of the investigated schemes, if a r-round linear trail has only one active S-box in each round, then its correlation potential is \(2^{-4r+4}\); if a r-round differential trail has only one active S-box in each round, then its differential probability is between \(2^{-3r}\) and \(2^{-3r+2}\).

For each of the 12 combinations, we firstly discard the S-boxes which can result in a differential/linear trail with only one active S-box in each round. For schemes using the PRESENT or SPONGENT\(_{88}\) permutation layer, we use Algorithm 1 to perform the filtering, note that Algorithm 1 can be modified a little for the differential case. For schemes using the RECTANGLE or RECTANGLE\(_{88}\) permutation, we extend the idea of Algorithm 2 in [28] to perform the filtering, the number of remaining S-boxes only depends on properties of the S-boxes and not on the block length. Table 6 presents our experimental results of the number of remaining S-boxes for the 12 combinations.

In [24], 4 PE classes are specified as “golden” S-boxes. For each of the 4 PE classes, \(CarD1_S=0\) and \(CarL1_S=8\). Fix the RECTANGLE permutation, when combining with these golden S-boxes, we get 2304 SP-network schemes. For each of the 2304 schemes, there exists a linear trail with only one active S-box in each round. Thus, together with Result 3, we get that all of the golden S-boxes are not good choices for the 3 primitives.

Table 6. Number of the Remaining S-boxes for the 12 Combinations

6.2 Search Algorithm for the Best Differential/Linear Trail

Matsui proposed a branch-and-bound search algorithm [20] for determining the best differential/linear trail of DES-like cryptosystems in 1994. Ohta et al. [23] improved Matsui’s algorithm by introducing the concept of search pattern to reduce unnecessary search candidates before the search, and applied their algorithm on DES and FEAL. Aoki et al. [3] further improved Ohta’s search algorithm by discarding more unnecessary search patterns, and applied their algorithm on FEAL. Based on these 3 previous work, we have written a program for the search of the best differential/linear trails for PRESENT, RECTANGLE and the internal permutation of SPONGENT respectively.

6.3 Experimental Results

In the following, we present our experimental results. The experiments have been performed using 4 computers: 3 with Intel Core i7 (or i5) CPU, and 1 with Intel Xeon E7-2820 (16 cores) CPU. It took us about 4 weeks to do all the experiments.

For each combination, let N denote the number of the remaining S-boxes (see Table 6), the permutation layer is fixed, thus we have N SP-network schemes. Here are some notations:

  • \(R_m\): the minimal value of \(r_{min}\) among the N schemes

  • \(Num_{R_{m}}\): the number of schemes that the corresponding \(r_{min}\) reach the minimum value \(R_{m}\)

  • num: the number of schemes with the values \(Prob_{R_{m}}\) and \( Cor_{R_{m}}^2\) in the same row

Tables 7, 8, 9, 10 summarize our experimental results for each fixed permutation. The result in Table 8 is in accordance with that in [28]. From Tables 7, 8, 9, 10, we get the following results:

  1. 1.

    With the PRESENT permutation layer, the values of \(R_{m}\) are the same for the 3 combinations. There are 336 S-boxes (up to adding constants before and after an S-box, similarly hereinafter) such that the value of \(r_{min}\) reach the minimum \(R_m=16\).

  2. 2.

    With the RECTANGLE permutation layer, the (1,3)- and (2,2)-Num1-DL categories are better. There are 128 S-boxes such that the value of \(r_{min}\) reach the minimum \(R_m=15\). Note that RECTANGLE uses one of these 128 S-boxes.

  3. 3.

    With the SPONGENT\(_{88}\) permutation layer, the (1,3)- and (2,2)-Num1-DL categories are better. For the (1,3)-Num1-DL category, \(R_m=19\); for the (2,2)-Num1-DL category, \(R_m\le 19\).

  4. 4.

    With the RECTANGLE\(_{88}\) permutation layer, the (2,2)-Num1-DL category is the best. There is only one S-box such that the value of \(r_{min}\) reach the minimum \(R_m=17\).

Table 7. Experimental Results With the PRESENT Permutation
Table 8. Experimental Results With the RECTANGLE Permutation
Table 9. Experimental Results With the SPONGENT\(_{88}\) Permutation Layer
Table 10. Experimental Results With the RECTANGLE\(_{88}\) Permutation

In Table 9, for the two combinations marked with “*”, we have not finished the experiments for all of the corresponding S-boxes. However, we derived the value of \(R_m\) for one combination and a good estimate of \(R_m\) for the other, which are enough for us to derive the above results.

6.4 For Hash Functions - When DC Is More Important Than LC

According to the state-of-art security analysis on hash functions, DC is more important than LC. On the other hand, the permutation (or the compression function) of a hash function is normally required to be pseudo-random, which includes the requirement that there is no effective linear distinguisher. Therefore, we decide to consider the following question: For each of the 12 combinations, when only considering DC for the remaining S-boxes obtained in Sect. 6.1 (see Table 6), what results can we get? At first thought, the (0,4)-Num1-DL category should be the best choice, however, we will show that it is not always the case.

Table 11. Results for the 12 Combinations when only Considering DC

For each scheme, define \(r_{min}^D = \min _{r}\{ Prob_{r} \le 2^{-b} \,\}\). For each combination, let \(R_m^D\) denote the minimal value of \(r_{min}^D\) among the N schemes. Table 11 summarizes our experimental results, and we get the following results:

  1. 1.

    With the PRESENT permutation, the (1,3)-Num1-DL category is the best. The minimal value of \(r_{min}^D\) is \(R_m^D=15\).

  2. 2.

    With the RECTANGLE permutation, the (1,3)- and (2,2)-Num1-DL categories are better. The minimal value of \(r_{min}^D\) is \(R_m^D=14\).

  3. 3.

    With the SPONGENT\(_{88}\) permutation layer, it seems that the (0,4)-Num1-DL category is the best and the minimal value of \(r_{min}^D\) is \(R_m^D=17\).

  4. 4.

    With the RECTANGLE\(_{88}\) permutation, the (2,2)-Num1-DL category is the best. The minimal value of \(r_{min}^D\) is \(R_m^D=17\).

Potentially Better S-boxes for SPONGENT \(_{88}\) . For SPONGENT\(_{88}\), there exists a 17-round differential trail with probability \(2^{-86}\) [4], which is better than the one given by its designers in [9, Table 4]. Moreover, there exists a 22-round linear trail with correlation potential \(2^{-84}\) for SPONGENT\(_{88}\) (only one active S-box in each of the 22 rounds).

With the permutation layer of SPONGENT\(_{88}\), we found 4 S-boxes in the (0,4)-Num1-DL category such that the probability of the best 17-round differential trail is \(2^{-94}\) and the correlation potential of the best 21-round linear trail is \(2^{-88}\) for each of the 4 schemes. It can be seen that the 4 S-boxes are potentially better than the SPONGENT\(_{88}\) S-box with respect to the security against both DC and LC. The 4 S-boxes are listed in Table 12, which can be used for further investigation.

Table 12. 4 Potentially Better S-boxes for SPONGENT\(_{88}\)

6.5 A New Design Criterion

For SP-network schemes with the SPONGENT\(_{88}\) permutation layer, when considering both DC and LC, based on the results in Sect. 5 and Table 9, it can be deduced that an S-box with \(CarD1_S = 0\) is not an optimal choice, while (1, 3)- and (2, 2)- Num1-DL categories are better choices. On the other hand, when considering DC more important than LC, it seems that (0, 4)-Num1-DL category is the best choice. For SP-network schemes with RECTANGLE-like permutations, based on the results in Tables 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, it seems that the (2, 2)-Num1-DL category is always an optimal choice. We have the following design criterion.

Design Criterion 2

For block ciphers (or hash functions) using \(4\times 4\) S-boxes as confusion layers and bit permutations as diffusion layers, designers can extend the range of the S-box selection to the 3 platinum Num1-DL categories and select their S-box carefully.

7 Discussion

Based on our experimental results, there are 336 potentially best S-boxes for PRESENT, 128 potentially best S-boxes for RECTANGLE, and 4 potentially better S-boxes for SPONGENT\(_{88}\). To judge if a potentially best (better) S-box is a real best (better) S-box, it needs to investigate the clustering of differential/linear trails. In this respect, the approach used in [1] is of interest, we leave it for further study. The NOEKEON S-box belongs to the (7, 6)-Num1-DL category. Serpent uses 8 S-boxes, among them, 3 S-boxes belong to the (0, 6)-Num1-DL category, and the other 5 S-boxes belong to the (0, 8)-Num1-DL category. It is also interesting to investigate the influence of the 3 platinum Num1-DL categories on the security of NOEKEON and Serpent against DC and LC.