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Upscaling Issues in Ecohydrological Observations

Observation and Measurement

Part of the book series: Ecohydrology ((ECOH))


Ecohydrological processes are strongly controlled by complex interactions between the subsurface or vadose zone, the vegetation, and the atmosphere. Upscaling of ecohydrological processes requires an understanding of the fundamental processes and states controlling water-related fluxes in vegetation and soils as well as the characterization of the inherent spatial variability occurring in these systems from the local to the catchment scale and beyond. In this chapter we address upscaling of soil water processes and hydraulic properties in the vadose zone, the upscaling of soil water-plant processes, the use of data assimilation techniques to estimate ecohydrologically relevant parameters, and the use of novel sensing techniques and observational platforms. The integration of novel upscaling approaches and novel sensing techniques will provide a unique opportunity to improve our understanding of ecohydrological processes.

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Vereecken, H., Pachepsky, Y., Bogena, H., Montzka, C. (2018). Upscaling Issues in Ecohydrological Observations. In: Li, X., Vereecken, H. (eds) Observation and Measurement. Ecohydrology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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    Upscaling Issues in Ecohydrological Observations
    11 August 2018


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    Upscaling Issues in Ecohydrological Observations
    13 October 2017
