
1 Introduction

Software system development starting from the natural system concepts facilitates the system designer work and its understanding. KDE – Knowledge Driven Engineering – is a generalization of MDE (or MDA [6]) to a higher abstraction level than UML models, exactly to support a conceptually neat approach to system development.

From a slightly different point of view, “earlier bug discovery reduces costs”, is a widely accepted wisdom [5]. Within KDE earlier means higher abstraction levels. Thus, also from this aspect, KDE offers novel development perspectives.

Exman et al. [9] have recently proposed Runnable Knowledge – bare concepts and their states – as the highest system abstraction level. Exman and Yagel [10] made a further step by proposing their Runnable Ontology Model, starting from ontologies and ontology states, and incorporating concrete scenario files for code generation and testing.

This paper embodies the latter proposal in the KODEGEN tool. One assumes for a certain domain the a priori given relevant ontology and its states. KODEGEN generates, from the ontology and its states, classes of the system under development (SUD), while submitting them to tests to be applied according to given scenario specifications.

KODEGEN is being built to gradually develop software systems in a semi-automatic approach, at times with human intervention. The interactions refine the SUD and KODEGEN itself. The ultimate goal in our vision is to automatically generate the running code from the abstract model and its tests.

1.1 Related Work: From Executable Specifications to Code Generation

A concise literature review is presented here. The Agile software movement has stressed in recent years early testing methods, e.g. Freeman and Pryce [11]. Its main purposes are faster understanding of the software under development obtained by short feedback loops, and guiding the software system development in rapidly changing environments.

Early testing methods stemmed from Test Driven Development (TDD), the unit-testing practice by Beck [4]. In such methods, scripts demonstrate the various system behaviors, instead of just specifying the interface and a few additional modules. Since the referred scripts’ execution can be automated, the referred methods are also known as automated functional testing.

Among TDD extensions one finds Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) also known as Agile Acceptance Testing, see e.g. Adzic [2]. Another such extension is Behavior Driven Development (BDD) North [14], emphasizing readability and understanding by stakeholders. Recent representatives are Story Testing, Specification with examples Adzic [3] or Living/Executable Documentation, e.g. Smart [19].

There exist common tools to implement TDD practices. FitNesse by Martin [1] is a wiki-based web tool for non-developers to write formatted acceptance tests, e.g. tabular example/test data. The Cucumber (Wynne and Hellesoy [21], see also [8]) and SpecFlow [20] tools directly support BDD. They accept stories in plain natural language (English and a few dozen others). They are easily integrated with unit testing and user/web automation tools. Yagel [22] reviews extensively these practices and tools.

An introductory overview of ontologies in the software development context is found in Calero et al. [7]. Ontology-driven software development papers are found in Pan et al. [16]. The combination of ontology technologies with Model Driven Engineering is discussed at length in Pan et al. [16] and in Parreiras [17].

In the remaining of the paper we introduce the Ontology abstraction level (Sect. 2), describe testing with the modified Gherkin syntax of the Cucumber tool (Sect. 3), study code generation implemented in the KODEGEN tool (Sect. 4), describe three case studies (Sect. 5) and conclude with a discussion (Sect. 6).

2 Runnable Knowledge: The Ontology Abstraction Level

Runnable Knowledge (Exman et al. [9]) is an abstraction level above standard UML models. Since UML models separate modeling structure and behavior into different diagrams – typically class diagrams and statecharts – Runnable Knowledge, the highest abstraction level, is also designed to separate structure from behavior.

Ontologies – mathematical graphs with concepts as vertices and relationships as edges – represent the static semantics of software systems. From ontologies one can, by means of appropriate tools, to naturally generate UML structures, viz. classes.

Ontology states – mathematical graphs with concepts’ states as vertices and labeled transitions as edges – are our representation of the dynamic semantics of software systems. From ontology states one can, by means of appropriate tools, to naturally generate UML behaviors, viz. statecharts. Ontology states are a higher abstraction of statecharts, abstracting detailed attributes, functions and parameters. Ontology states are not the only alternative to represent dynamic semantics (see e.g. Pan et al. [16]).

For illustration, Fig. 1 displays a graphical representation of a simplified version of an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) ontology. An ATM appears later on in the case studies – in Sect. 5.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An ontology for an ATM – Five concepts standing for five possible ATM operations are displayed, besides the ATM concept itself.

3 Modified Gherkin Syntax for Testing

To test ontologies and ontology states, we use a modified Gherkin Syntax specification as in Fig. 2. This file is usually developed by the system’s stakeholders.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

ATM withdrawal operation specification – It specifies successful cash withdrawal from an ATM. It is expressed in the modified Gherkin style. Tags are added by the developer – marked in bold red within angular brackets – to facilitate test script generation (see Sect. 5).

The keywords shown in blue in Fig. 2 are:

  1. (a)

    Feature – provides a general title to the specification;

  2. (b)

    Scenario – provides a title for a specific walk through;

  3. (c)

    Given – pre-conditions before some action is taken;

  4. (d)

    When – an action that triggers the scenario;

  5. (e)

    Then – the expected outcome.

For further details see [21] and our previous work [10].

Running this specification alone fails as it lacks supporting code. A domain model is needed. A tool like Cucumber can suggest steps to satisfy the given specification. Mock objects could also stand for the concepts missing in the ontologies.

Cucumber’s mode of usage is iteration and refinement until the specification is complete. This is checked by test scripts. These may catch software regressions caused by new system features.

KODEGEN goes a step further and fills the generated steps with actual code that exercises the interactions between the ontology classes. The ontology may not be complete, or the specifications, sometimes written by non-technical persons, may contain yet more gaps. KODEGEN is designed to maximize automation with the known ontologies. Thus, KODEGEN hints to the developer to slightly modify the specification with tags to be used to generate the code.

4 KODEGEN Software Modules: Generation of Running Code

KODEGEN, whose software modules are seen in Fig. 3, has three inputs:

  • Initial Specification – a scenario obtained by elicitation of system requirements;

  • Ontology – obtained by specialization of generic domain ontologies;

  • Ontology States – obtained by setting transitions between concept states.

The fusion module coordinates two sub-modules: a model generator and a test generator. These use ontology concepts and their states to generate the outputs:

  • MUT – code skeletons of the Model Under Test;

  • Test Scripts – unit tests to test the MUT (using e.g. NUnit [15]).

If there are concepts in the scenario that do not appear in the ontologies, KODEGEN inserts them into the generated code by means of a Mock Objects library (see e.g. Moq [13], RSpec [18]). Mock objects are a fast and efficient addendum to Runnable Knowledge to obtain an actually running model.

If the tests results are negative, one should modify the specifications and/or the ontology and then repeat the loop. Otherwise the system model is approved.

The Runnable Knowledge model – i.e. the ontologies and their states – is the utmost abstract level in the software layers hierarchy. It is runnable in the sense that, a suitable tool can make transitions between states.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

KODEGEN software modules – modules are round (white) rectangles, while inputs and outputs are regular (yellow) rectangles. Mock-Objects may be needed to complement generated code. The wide arrow upwards means that test-script is used to the test the MUT (Model Under Test) (Color figure online).

5 Case Studies

Here we describe two case studies from the given input, to the generated code. The first is an ATM, Automatic Teller Machine, with cash withdrawal transactions. We further elaborate this example in Subsect. 5.3.

5.1 ATM

Two ontologies, ATM and bank Account, are used in the initial ATM example. In Fig. 4 these ontologies are displayed side-by-side in two formats: a- a schematic graphical format for easy reader comprehension (in the left-hand-side); b- a corresponding XML format, for internal KODEGEN usage, providing more details (in the right-hand-side). Both ontologies show their operations, such as withdraw and dispense-cash. The Account ontology also shows a property, viz. account Balance.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

ATM and bank account ontologies – a graphical representation is in the left hand side. The concepts in the ATM ontology (upper) are operations performed by the ATM. The concepts in the account ontology (lower) are operations (cash-operation and request-balance) and a property (balance) of the account. The XML representation is in the right hand side.

The respective ontology states are shown in Fig. 5. Also in this figure one discerns two formats: a- a schematic graphical format, purposefully very similar to a statechart; b- a corresponding XML format. The ATM and Account are parallel states, meaning that they are orthogonal or “independent”, as they should be. In other words, an Account can certainly exist independently of its use by means of an ATM. An ATM machine is certainly built and tested independently of any specific Account.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Ontology states of the ATM and bank account ontology – In the left hand side the ATM and account parallel states display the states for a cash withdrawal operation. In the right hand side an XML representation of the partial account ontology states, for internal manipulation within KODEGEN.

Generated Model and Running Code Implementation. KODEGEN is fed with an XML ontology and say, the ATM specification in Fig. 2. It generates model classes and a test script. Here the classes are in the Ruby language (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

ATM: Extracted model – Ruby generated classes.

KODEGEN also generates a test script, seen in Fig. 7, which realizes the specification – code snippets executed sequentially – and exercise the various classes.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

ATM: Runnable test script – The stub (here and in subsequent figures) is a method with a signature, but not implemented yet, needed to pass the test.

5.2 Internet Purchase

Here we describe an internet purchase case study. Its classes are the shopping cart and products (that can be put in the cart). We show its ontologies (in Fig. 8) and states (in Fig. 9), directly in the internal XML representation. Testing of these classes is shown by a transaction in which two product types are purchased.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

XML representation of shopping cart and product ontologies – The shopping cart ontology shows objects contained by the cart (product and items-per-product) and purchase properties (total-price, current-price and tax). The product concepts are just its properties.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

XML representation of shopping-cart ontology states – The cart default is empty. A product can be added, its price or final price-&-tax calculated, ending the transaction.

A Gherkin specification file is given in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Shopping-cart – Adding items to a shopping cart. In the left-hand-side one sees a simple Gherkin specification. In the right-hand-side a tagged specification, augmented with modifier tags in bold red within angular brackets, to facilitate code generation.

Figure 11 contains the generated model classes.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Shopping-cart: Extracted model – Ruby generated classes.

Figure 12 displays the Shopping cart case study test script. In contrast to the ATM case study, here mock objects are applied (we used the RSpec-Mocks library [18]). The mock expectations are met by adding calls to stub objects – in bold red in Fig. 16. The script adds products A and B to empty cart, applies tax and make assertions.

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Shopping-cart: Runnable test script.

Once the mock expectations were set and the test script is ready, it only remains to run it in a test runner tool (see the screenshot in Fig. 13). This test script can later be reused and re-issued to check correctness of the actual developing implementation.

Fig. 13.
figure 13

Shopping-cart: Running test results – screenshot of running of the above test script with Cucumber. It is a passing test, since all expectations where met by the models, all of the steps in the test script were successfully done.

Lastly for this case study, Fig. 13 is a screenshot resulting from running the generated test script with Cucumber. The steps from the scenario are marked green meaning that the test tool could successfully run and all expectations were met.

5.3 Extended ATM-Account System with a Card

In this case study we extend the ATM-Account system (Sect. 5.1) with a Card, whose ontology is seen in Fig. 14. The respective ontology states are seen in Fig. 15.

Fig. 14.
figure 14

XML representation of card ontology – This is the third ontology to be added to the two ontologies of the ATM-account system.

Fig. 15.
figure 15

XML representation of card ontology states – The states are: insertion, validation, validated.

The next system input is the set of scenarios, now involving the Card, seen in Fig. 16.

Fig. 16.
figure 16

Scenarios involving a card in the ATM-account system – The card may be valid (in bold green color) and it is returned, but still there may be sufficient or insufficient funds for a withdrawal operation. If the card is not valid (in bold red color, within the last scenario), it is retained. This scenario is based upon a user story found in (Color figure online).

In the next Fig. 17, one can see the Ruby code generated by KODEGEN with the testing steps.

Fig. 17.
figure 17

KODEGEN generated Ruby code with testing steps – Mock objects for concepts (as printer and account_holder) not appearing in the system ontologies are stressed in bold red (Color figure online).

The work order in a test script (such as in Fig. 17) is as follows: objects are created in the Given part; messages are printed in the When part; verification occurs in the Then part. A metaclass is used to save a message to be verified in the Then part. This is an example of a Ruby meta-programming feature to dynamically add methods to (yet) non-existing model classes and later test the right interaction with them.

Finally, Fig. 18 displays a screenshot of the respective testing run.

Fig. 18.
figure 18

Account withdrawal test run for the four scenarios – A screenshot showing that all the steps in all the four scenarios were passed, after a few interactive improvement iterations.

6 Discussion

The KODEGEN tool, as applied to the case studies described in this work, clearly demonstrate the feasibility of the approach, for applications in their scale range. Thus, the concrete realization of a specification into a running test script is done through KODEGEN. We have opened and resolved a series of specific issues resulting into an evolution of the tool itself.

Next we discuss some of the characteristics of KODEGEN.

6.1 KODEGEN Characteristics

KODEGEN is written in Java, and the source code with the discussed examples can be obtained here [12].

KODEGEN embodies quite a significant knowledge as a set of rules to handle common patterns and idioms when dealing with inputs. For example, during the test script generation, an object under test is recognized according to the ontology and by its appearance in the specification. Thereafter, the actions performed in the following steps are related implicitly or explicitly to this object under test. We continue growing this set as we use the tool for different domains and input sizes.

A significant step taken in the tool evolution was the modification of the Gherkin syntax through the introduction of <tags>, needed to fill certain gaps between ontologies and executable specification.

Mock object libraries are not necessarily mandatory – as only concepts not essential for the system ontologies need to be implemented by mocks. But mock objects may be used to pass tests, to enable the system developer to test the model integrity.

6.2 Future Work

Among issues still open to investigation is the extent of KODEGEN automation: will it remain a useful quasi-automatic tool? Or will the automation gap be safely and significantly covered, approaching the efficiency and reliability of current compilers?

In this work the tools produce code in Ruby which is more concise than, e.g., C#/Java. One can also use specific language features to improve the produced scripts, e.g., using partial classes in C# to separate expectations from the test script. Will a certain language assume a definitive role for KDE?

The case studies in the current work still are of limited scope. Can we extend the current tool and techniques to industrial production of large scale software systems? We are also building a GUI based tool that will better support the iterative human aided process needed for growing the models for a large project.

Given a set of ontologies, how to determine the amount of scenarios needed to develop a consistent and stable system?

Finally, a most important issue is the ability to overcome gradual, ad hoc and localized improvements, to reach a stage of generalized techniques that are independent of specific applications.

6.3 Main Contribution

The main contribution of this work is the usage of code generation as a fast implementation means to check system design while still in the highest Runnable Knowledge abstraction level.