
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

For mobile robot applications such as multi-robot surveillance, search and rescue, patrol, and inspection tasks, problems are often formulated as graph coverage problems. In many such applications, the robots may navigate in dynamic environments that can change unpredictably during navigation, but conventional static graph formulations do not represent those essential dynamics. We address this issue by adopting recent formulations of time-varying graphs (TVGs) to enable analysis of multi-robot team navigation in dynamic environments. In particular, in this paper we present results for the multi-robot, multi-depot Dynamic Map Visitation Problem (DMVP), in which a team of robots must visit a collection of critical locations on a map (graph) as quickly as possible, but the environment may change during navigation. We present efficient offline algorithms, including a fixed parameter tractable solution, for an arbitrary number of robots over a range of topologies motivated by border coverage (Sect. 2), and for two robots on a tree (Sect. 3); details of our main results are summarized in Sect. 1.2.

Many approaches to coverage problems [10, 11] (including border coverage [14, 23]) are based on static graph representations, as are related combinatorial optimization problems such as the \(k\)-traveling repairman problem, \(k\)-traveling salesman problem, etc. [4, 15]. DMVP is distinct from these other problems, with crucial and distinguishing aspects of DMVP including (1) robots can start at any number of distinct depots, and (2) robots need not return to their depot after completion of coverage. Permitting multiple depots allows for the teaming of geographically disjoint robots; while completing a series of heterogeneous tasks, robots may not be together when a map visitation call is warranted. The absence of a requirement for return ensures that the singular goal is timely coverage completion, which is important for time-sensitive inspection tasks or other applications.

The most fundamental difference between DMVP and related problems is that DMVP employs a TVG representation of the environment, which can capture variation in graph structure over time in ways that static graphs cannot. A TVG [8] is a five-tuple \(\mathcal {G} = (V, E, \mathcal {T}, \rho , \zeta )\), where \(\mathcal {T} \subseteq \mathbb {T}\) is the lifetime of the system, presence function \(\rho (e,t) = 1 \iff \) edge \(e \in E\) is available at time \(t \in \mathcal {T}\), and latency function \(\zeta (e,t)\) gives the time it takes to cross \(e\) if starting at time \(t\). The graph \(G = (V,E)\) is called the underlying graph of \(\mathcal {G}\), with \(|V |= n\). As in [2, 16, 20], we consider the discrete case in which \(\mathbb {T} = \mathbb {N}\), edges are undirected, and all edges have uniform travel cost 1. If agent \(a\) is at \(u\), and edge \((u,v)\) is available at time \(\tau \), then \(a\) can take \((u,v)\) during this time step, visiting \(v\) at time \(\tau +1\). As \(a\) traverses \(\mathcal {G}\) we say \(a\) both visits and covers the vertices in its traversal, and we will henceforth use these terms interchangeably. \(\mathcal {J} = \{(e_1,t_1),...,(e_k,t_k)\}\) is a journey \(\iff \{e_1,...,e_k\}\) is a walk in \(G\) (called the underlying walk of \(\mathcal {J}\)), \(\rho (e_i,t_i) = 1\) and \(t_{i+1} \ge t_i + \zeta (e_i,t_i)\) for all \(i < k\). The topological length of \(\mathcal {J}\) is \(k\), the number of edges traversed. The temporal length is the duration of the journey: \((arrival \ date) - (departure \ date)\). Given a date \(t\), a journey from \(u\) to \(v\) departing on or after \(t\) whose arrival time is soonest is called foremost; whose topological length is minimal is called shortest; and whose temporal length is minimal is called fastest.

In [8], a hierarchy of thirteen TVG classes is presented. In related work on exploration [2, 16, 19], broadcast [7], and offline computation of optimal journeys [6], focus is primarily on the chain \(\mathcal {R} \supset \mathcal {B} \supset \mathcal {P}\), which enforce natural constraints for mobile robot applications: \(\mathcal {R}\) (recurrence of edges) is the class of all TVG’s \(\mathcal {G}\) such that \(G\) is connected, and \( \forall e \in E, \forall t \in \mathcal {T}, \exists t' > t\) s.t. \( \rho (e,t') = 1\); \(\mathcal {B}\) (time-bounded recurrence of edges) is the class of all TVG’s \(\mathcal {G}\) such that \(G\) is connected, and \( \forall e \in E, \forall t \in \mathcal {T}, \exists t' \in [t, t + \varDelta )\) s.t. \(\rho (e,t') = 1\), for some \(\varDelta \); \(\mathcal {P}\) (periodic edges) is the class of all TVG’s \(\mathcal {G}\) such that \(G\) is connected, and \( \forall e \in E, \forall t \in \mathcal {T}, \forall k \in \mathbb {N}, \rho (e,t) = \rho (e,t + kp)\) for some \(p\), the period of \(\mathcal {G}\).

We are interested in solving the following problem:

Problem. Given a TVG \(\mathcal {G}\) (in class \(\mathcal {R},\) \(\mathcal {B}\) or \(\mathcal {P}\) ) and a set of starting locations \(S\) for \(k\) agents in \(\mathcal {G},\) the TVG foremost coverage or Dynamic Map Visitation Problem ( DMVP ) is the task of finding journeys starting at time 0 for each of these \(k\) agents such that every node in \(V\) is in some journey, and the maximum temporal length among all \(k\) journeys is minimized. The decision variant asks whether this coverage can be completed in no more than a given \(t\) time steps, that is, these journeys can be found such that no journey has arrival date later than \(t\).

For the minimization version of the problem \(\text{ DMVP }\) \((\mathcal {G},S)\) and the corresponding decision problem \(\text{ DMVP }(\mathcal {G},\) \(S,t)\), the input is viewed as a sequence of graphs \(G_i\) each represented as an \(n \times n\) adjacency matrix, with an associated integer duration \(t_i\), i.e., \(\mathcal {G} = (G_1,t_1),(G_2,t_2),\) \(...,(G_m,t_m)\), where \(G_1\) appears initially at time zero (see [9, 21, 22] for alternative views of TVGs). Let \(T = \sum _{i=1}^{m} t_i\). We know from [2] that we can run an \(O(nm)\) preprocessing step that lets us presume that \(T <2\) nm–3 m, (that is, \(T\) is at worst linear in \(\mathcal {G}\)), and enables \(O(1)\) edge presence lookups \(\rho (e,\tau )\), without affecting asymptotic runtime of any of the algorithms presented below. We think of the input \(\mathcal {G}\) as a temporal subgraph of some TVG \(\mathcal {G}_\infty \) with lifetime \(\mathbb {N}\) and the same edge constraints as \(\mathcal {G}\). Thus, the limited information provided in \(\mathcal {G}\) is used to find journeys (which may have temporal length greater than \(T\)) that cover \(G\), for agents in \(\mathcal {G}_\infty \).

1.1 Related Results

The problem most similar to (but distinct from) DMVP is the minmax \(k\)-traveling salesman problem [12, 27], in which all robots start at and return to a single depot on a static graph. Approximation algorithms have been given that forgo the single depot requirement, but still require a return to multiple initial depots [4, 26]. To the best of our knowledge, no previous work has addressed the case of exact algorithms for multiple agents either without return or with multiple depots, even for the static case. A pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for any constant \(k > 1\) agents on a tree for the \(k\)-traveling salesman problem (single depot with return) is presented in [12]. A pseudo-polynomial solution for the weighted tree case is given in [27]. This algorithm runs in \(O(n^3)\) for the restriction to two robots and unweighted edges (Lemma 1). We sequentially generalize this to DMVP by (1) allowing multiple depots, (2) not requiring robots to return to their depots, and (3) incorporating TVG models, namely, \(\mathcal {P}\) and \(\mathcal {B}\) (Sect. 3).

Heuristics for boundary coverage for multiple robots are considered in [14], in which the problem is reduced to \(k\)-rural postman over a static graph extracted from a continuous environment. This graph extraction procedure motivates our result on “border coverage” graphs in \(\mathcal {R}\) (Theorem 3).

The complexity of DMVP for a single agent was explored in [2], in which it was shown that in the edge-recurrent TVG class \(\mathcal {R}\) it is NP-hard to approximate within any factor, even over max-degree 3 trees, and stars (i.e., trees with at most one vertex of degree greater than 1). (A related result was derived independently in [25].) The periodic case \(\mathcal {P}\), even with period \(p=2\), was shown to be NP-hard over a larger class of graphs than the static case MVP, which is hard even over trees when \(k\) is part of the input [1]. Other hardness results for problems over TVGs have been shown for computing strongly connected components [5] and dynamic diameter [18].

1.2 Main Results

We present algorithms for DMVP for \(k\) agents in \(\mathcal {R}\) over a range of topologies motivated by border coverage: an \(O(Tn)\) algorithm to optimally solve DMVP on a path, an \(O(T\frac{n^2}{k}\)) algorithm on a cycle, a polynomial solution for the border graph of a planar region divided into a constant number of components, and a fixed parameter tractable solution for any \(m\)-leaf \(c\)-almost tree, for parameters \(m\) and \(k\), and constant \(c\). We demonstrate a fundamental hardness separation between \(\mathcal {P}\) and static graphs for all fixed \(k\). We then consider the case of trees in \(\mathcal {P}\) with \(p=2\) and give a \(O(n^5)\) algorithm for the case of two agents. We also give an \(O(n^3)\) algorithm for tight approximation for two agents on a tree in \(\mathcal {B}\). Finally, we present a linear-time \(\frac{12 \varDelta }{5}\) approximation for two agents on general graphs in \(\mathcal {B}\) with edge-recurrence bound \(\varDelta \). Corresponding generalizations to \(k\) agents are outlined here and will appear in the full version of this paper.

2 \(k\)-Agent Border Coverage in \(\mathcal {R}\)

DMVP on paths, cycles and more general classes of graphs is motivated by border coverage, e.g., for security. Coverage of a path corresponds to securing critical points along the border between any two adjacent connected planar regions, neither of which surrounds the other, while coverage of a cycle corresponds to securing the complete border of any simply connected planar region.

Theorem 1

DMVP for \(k\) agents in \(\mathcal {R}\) on a path is solvable in \(O(Tn)\) time.


Consider DMVP with underlying graph the path \(P = v_1...v_n\) and \(k\) agents \(a_1,...,a_k\) starting at locations \(s_1,...,s_k\), respectively. Orient \(P\) left-to-right, with \(v_1\) the leftmost vertex. Without loss of generality, suppose \(s_1,...,s_k\) are ordered from left to right. Note that if two or more agents start at the same vertex \(s_i\), simply sending two of them in opposite directions will be trivially optimal, thereby reducing the problem to two instances of DMVP over edge-disjoint subpaths \(v_1...s_i\) and \(s_i...v_n\), which can be solved independently.

figure a

Assume no two agents start at the same node. The idea is to compute for each vertex \(u \in s_1...v_n\) the optimal cost of the solution to the DMVP subproblem over \(v_1...u\) for all agents starting on or to the left of \(u\). Call this cost \(c(u)\). We can compute all \(c(u)\) from left to right, and finally get the result \(c(v_n)\) for DMVP for all \(k\) agents over \(P\) (Algorithm 1). On a path, it is never advantageous for any two agents to cross over one another, since they could simply each turn around instead. As a result, agent \(a_1\) must cover \(v_1\). Let \(v\) be the node directly to the left of \(s_2\). The subproblems to be computed from \(c(s_1)\) to \(c(v)\) concern only agent \(a_1\). \(c(s_1)\) is the time it takes \(a_1\) to reach \(v_1\) by simply traveling left starting at time 0. For all \(u\) strictly between \(s_1\) and \(s_2\), \(a_1\) can cover \(v_1...u\) either by going left first or right first. We can compute all left-first journeys in a single pass in \(O(T)\) by going left until hitting \(v_1\), then turning around and recording the time at which each \(u\) is reached. For the journeys that go right first, \(a_1\) travels right to \(u\), turns around and travels left until \(v_1\) is reached. For each \(u\), the minimum of the left-first and right-first journey is stored as \(c(u)\). Doing this for each \(u\) takes overall \(O(T |s_1...s_2 |)\).

Now consider any agent \(a_i\) in \(\{a_2,...,a_{k-1}\}\), and suppose all subproblems to the left of \(s_i\) have already been computed. Let \(L_i\) be the path from the right neighbor of \(s_{i-1}\) to \(s_i\), and \(R_i\) be the path from \(s_i\) to the left neighbor of \(s_{i+1}\). In a full optimal solution over \(P\), the leftmost vertex \(a_i\) covers could be any vertex in \(L_i\), and the rightmost vertex could be any in \(R_i\). \(c(s_i)\) is the minimum over all \(v_j\) in \(L_i\), of the maximum of \(c(v_{j-1})\) and the time it takes \(a_i\) to reach \(v_j\) traveling left from time 0. This is computed in a single \(O(T)\) left pass. Now suppose the rightmost vertex \(a_i\) covers is not \(s_i\). Then, if \(a_i\) goes left first and turns around at \(l\), we can compute the cost of \(a_i\)’s journey ending at each vertex \(r \ne s_i\) in \(R_i\) in a single \(O(T)\) pass, in which \(a_i\) turns around at \(l\) and then travels right as far as possible. Doing this for each \(l\) takes overall \(O(T | L_i |)\). Similarly, if \(a_i\) goes right first and turns around at \(r\), we can compute the cost of \(a_i\)’s journey ending at each vertex \(l\ne s_i\) in \(L_i\) in a single \(O(T)\) pass, in which \(a_i\) turns around at \(r\) and then travels left as far as possible. Doing this for each \(r\) takes overall \(O(T | R_i |)\). For each \(r \in R_i\), \(c(r)\) is the minimum over all \(v_j \in L_i\), of the maximum of \(c(v_{j-1})\) and the minimum between the left-first and right-first journeys of \(a_i\) covering \(v_j...r\). \(c(r)\) can simply be updated immediately anytime a better solution is evaluated.

\(a_k\) faces a similar situation to \(a_1\), it must cover \(v_n\), so only needs to consider variable left endpoints. The cost of the optimal solution over all of \(P\) is then the minimum over all \(v_j \in L_k\) of the max of \(c(v_{j-1})\) and the minimum between the left-first and right-first journeys of \(a_k\) covering \(v_j...v_n\). Computation of the complete DMVP solution over \(P\) takes \(O(T | R_1 | ) + O(T | L_2 | ) + O(T | R_2 | ) + ... + O(T | L_{k-1} | ) + O(T | R_{k-1} | ) + O(T | L_k | ) = O(Tn)\).    \(\square \)

Theorem 2

DMVP for \(k\) agents in \(\mathcal {R}\) on a cycle is solvable in \(O(T\frac{n^2}{k})\) time.


Consider DMVP over the cycle \(C = v_0v_1...v_nv_0\) for \(k\) agents \(a_1,...,a_k\) ordered clockwise around the cycle at locations \(s_1,...,s_k\), respectively. If any two agents start at the same node, then sending them in opposite directions will be optimal, thereby reducing the problem to DMVP on a path, which can be solved with Algorithm 1 in \(O(Tn)\). If no two agents start at the same node, let \(d\) be the shortest distance between any two agents \(a_i\),\(a_{i+1}\). Since there are \(k\) agents, \(d \le \lfloor \frac{n}{k} \rfloor \). The furthest that \(a_{i+1}\) covers counter-clockwise can be any node from \(s_{i+1}\) to the immediate clockwise neighbor of \(s_i\). For each of these \(O(n/k)\) potential left endpoints \(v_j\), we can run Algorithm 1 on the path consisting of \(C\) with the edge \((v_{j-1},v_j)\) removed. Taking the minimum over all \(v_j\) results in an \(O(T\frac{n^2}{k})\) runtime.    \(\square \)

The next result corresponds to a more general notion of border coverage akin to that addressed in [14]. Consider any simply connected planar region divided by throughways into some number of subregions, e.g., a complex of secure buildings or zones. The border coverage graph of such a subdivided region is the graph induced by the coverage of critical points along the union of the subregions’ borders, e.g., Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Border coverage graph extracted from a planar region (gray) subdivided into four components.

Theorem 3

DMVP for \(k\) agents in \(\mathcal {R}\) is solvable in \(O(Tn^{6c+1})\) time, when \(G\) is the border coverage graph of a simply connected planar region divided into \(c\) subregions, for \(c\) constant.


Suppose \(R\) is a simply connected planar region divided into \(c\) subregions, for \(c\) constant. Call a path \(P \subset G\) a through-path if the endpoints of \(P\) have degree greater than two and all intermediate vertices of \(P\) have degree two. Let \(c_1\) be the number of through-paths in \(G\). \(c_1\) can be bounded by considering how \(R\) is subdivided. Let \(G_i\) be the border coverage graph corresponding to \(R\) divided into \(i<c\) subregions. We create a new subregion by adding a through-path \(P\) between two vertices of \(G_i\), such that all vertices of \(P\) are internal to \(R\) and no edge of \(P\) crosses an edge of \(G_i\). This addition creates another through-path for each endpoint of \(P\) that had degree two before the addition. Thus, at most three new through-paths are added for each subregion of \(R\), i.e., \(c_1 < 3c\).

In an optimal solution, the agents that start on a through-path \(P = u...v\) but never reach \(u\) or \(v\) must together cover a set of vertices whose induced graph is a subpath of \(P\). For each \(P\), there are \(O(n^2)\) such subpaths. It would never be better for an outside agent to enter \(P\) in order to cover a vertex between two disjoint subpaths, as it must cross over at least one agent that never leaves \(P\), and the remainder of their journeys could be swapped at no cost. So we forbid outside agents to travel along these subpaths. From Theorem 1, DMVP for each of these subpaths can be computed in \(O(Tn)\).

Selecting the subpath these agents cover for every through-path induces a subset of the remaining vertices that must be covered to complete coverage, namely, the vertices adjacent to but not included in any subpath. There are \(O(n^{2c_1})\) ways to make this selection. If the internally-covered subpath of a through-path \(P\) with endpoints \(u\) and \(v\) is empty, then it must be that no agents started between \(u\) and \(v\), so in addition to the \(O(n)\) choices for pairs of vertices adjacent to a subpath of \(P\) of length 0, there are two further ways for outside agents to complete coverage of \(P\): by at some point traveling directly from \(u\) to \(v\), or from \(v\) to \(u\), covering all of \(P\) along the way. At most two outside agents are required to cover the remainder of each path, so in an optimal solution at most \(2c_1\) agents leave their start paths. For any \(P\), the agents that could leave are each of the at most \(2c_1\) closest to \(u\) and \(v\), resp. There are \(c_2 = (2c_1)^{4c_1^2}\) ways to partition the remaining elements to cover between all agents that could leave their start paths, and after running an \(O(Tn^3)\) all-pairs-all-times-foremost-journey preprocessing step [2], DMVP for each agent can be computed in \(O(4c_1^22^{2c_1})\). Running this for each agent for the \(O(n^{2c_1})\) ways to cover all paths and computing internal path costs yields a total runtime of \(O(n^{2c_1})(O(4c_2c_1^22^{2c_1}) + O(c_1Tn)) + O(Tn^3)\) = \(O(Tn^{6c + 1})\).    \(\square \)

Pointing towards further generalizations, the following theorem extending Thm. 10 in [2] applies to a slightly larger classes of graphs and includes the number of agents as a parameter in an fixed parameter tractable (FPT) solution. We will give the complete proof in the full version.

Theorem 4

DMVP for \(k\) agents in \(\mathcal {R}\) is fixed parameter tractable, when \(G\) is an \(m\)-leaf \(c\)-almost-tree, for parameters \(m\) and \(k\), and \(c\) constant.

Proof sketch

For all \(t < T\), consider the decision variant over \(m\)-leaf trees. Partitioning the leaf set among agents (\(k^m\) ways) and using the single agent \(O(Tn^{3+c}f(m))\) algorithm [2] for each guarantees coverage of everything but the union of shortest paths between depots. If an edge in such a path has not already been covered this creates a cut with agents confined to subtrees. There are \(2^k\) ways to select which paths are cut. Such a selection induces a tree of subproblems which can be solved in a bottom-up fashion, fixing cut points along the way. There will always be an unsolved subproblem of degree no more than one. Fix the cut point for this subproblem as far as possible given the time bound \(t\) by testing the instance corresponding to each of the \(O(n)\) possible cut points along the path. This factor of \(n\) can be pulled out to keep the algorithm FPT for \(k,m\). It is straightforward to extend this idea to \(c\)-almost-trees.    \(\square \)

3 Two Agents on a Tree

We know from [2] that DMVP for \(k\) agents on a tree is hard in \(\mathcal {B}\), regardless of \(k\), even over spiders (i.e., trees in which at most one vertex has degree greater than 2). However, for a single agent in \(\mathcal {P}\), DMVP can be solved in polynomial time over spiders for fixed \(p\), and in linear time on arbitrary trees when \(p=2\). Since in \(\mathcal {P}\) we are able to efficiently solve DMVP over a wider range of graph classes than in \(\mathcal {B}\) or \(\mathcal {R}\) [2], to show that for multiple agents \(\mathcal {P}\) is fundamentally more complex than the class of static graphs, we demonstrate that for DMVP for \(k\) agents there is a hardness separation between \(\mathcal {P}\) with \(p=2\), and \(p=1\), for all \(k\). Note that when \(p=2\), edges can only be one of three possible dynamic types: (01) available only at odd times, (10) available only at even times, (11) available at all times.

Theorem 5

For all \(k \ge 1\), there is a class of graphs \(C\) such that DMVP in \(\mathcal {P}\) for \(k\) agents over graphs in \(C\) is trivial when \(p=1\), but NP-hard when \(p=2\).


For any graph \(G\) with an even number of vertices \(v_0,...,v_{n-1}\), take \(k\) copies of \(G\) and \(k\) copies of \(C_n = c_0...c_{n-1}c_0\), a cycle of length \(n\). Add edges to form a complete bipartite graph linking vertices in each \(C_n\) to each \(G\) (see Fig. 2). For \(p=2\), let all original edges of \(G\) be of type 11. Let all \((v_i,c_i)\) be of type 01 when \(i\) is even and type 10 when \(i\) is odd. Let \((v_i,c_{i+1})\) and \((c_i,c_{i+1})\) be of type 10 when \(i\) is even and 01 when \(i\) is odd, where indices are taken mod \(n\). Suppose each agent \(a_i\) starts at a distinct \(v_0\). If \(t = 2n-1\), \(a_i\) must completely cover \(G\) before moving to a \(C_n\), to avoid waiting at a vertex of \(C_n\) for a time step on the way back to a \(G\), and thus effectively solve HAM-PATH [17] on \(G\). However, when \(p=1\), each agent simply jumps repeatedly from a \(G\) to a \(C_n\), since every uncovered vertex across the bipartite cut is always available.    \(\square \)

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Graph class for which DMVP is NP-hard in \(\mathcal {P}\) with \(p=2\), but trivially in P when \(p=1\). Each thick edge represents the edges in the complete biparitite graph linking vertices in a \(C_n\) to vertices in a \(G\).

Now, even DMVP restricted to static graphs (also known as MVP) is in general NP-hard on trees for \(k\) agents, but for a single agent it can be solved in linear time [1]. What about DMVP when \(k=2\)? We build up to an exact polynomial solution for DMVP on a tree for two agents \(a_1,a_2\) in \(\mathcal {P}\) for the \(p=2\) case, and a tight approximation in \(\mathcal {B}\) for all \(\varDelta \), via a series of related lemmas partially-ordered by constraints, see Fig. 3. The base result (Lemma 1) is implied by an upper bound established in [27], but the further results are, to our knowledge, novel generalizations, with our main result being an \(O(n^5)\) solution for DMVP in \(\mathcal {P}\) for two agents with \(p=2\) (Theorem 7).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Poset of results leading to solutions for two-agent DMVP on a tree; arrows indicate increasing factors of complexity as constraints are loosened.

Lemma 1

MVP with return for two agents starting at a single depot on a tree can be solved in \(O(n^3)\) time.

Proof sketch

This result is implied as a special case in [27]. (An \(O(n^6)\) algorithm is given in [12].) We give the following proof idea:

At each node \(v\) (whose maximal subtree is denoted \(G^v\)) from the leaves up to the starting depot, i.e., root \(s\), we compute and store possible pairs of costs for \(a_1\) and \(a_2\) covering and returning to the root of the maximal subtree rooted at \(v\), by iterating over the pairs of costs \((c_1,c_2)_{u_i}\) associated with covering each of \(v\)’s children \(u_1,...,u_{\deg {v}}\), to compute partial solution costs \((c_1,c_2)^i_v\), corresponding to possible pairs of costs covering the subtrees \(G^{u_1},...,G^{u_i}\). However, each new cost pair \((c_1,c_2)^i_v\) is only stored if \(c_2\) is less than the current best cost associated with \(c_1\). Each cost is bounded by \(2n-3\), and each child is iterated over only once, taking \(O(n^2)\) to combine its costs \((c_1,c_2)_{u_i}\) with the costs \((c_1,c_2)^{i-1}_v\) of covering the previous branches of the subtree to get all \((c_1,c_2)^i_v\), yielding the \(O(n^3)\) total runtime.    \(\square \)

The following extension drops the constraint of returning to root.

Lemma 2

MVP for two agents starting at a single depot on a tree can be solved in \(O(n^3)\) time.


Follow the same method describe in the proof of Lemma 1, except now at each node \(v\) store pairs of costs for covering \(G^v\) for each of the following four cases: both \(a_1\) and \(a_2\) return to \(v\) (\((c_1^r,c_2^r)_v\)), \(a_1\) returns to \(v\) but not \(a_2\) (\((c_1^r,c_2)_v\)), \(a_2\) returns to \(v\) but not \(a_1\) (\((c_1,c_2^r)_v\)), neither returns to \(v\) (\((c_1,c_2)_v\)). Partial solutions are then updated for each return type: \((c_1^r,c_2^r)^{i-1}_v\) combined with \((c_1^r,c_2^r)_{u_i}\), \((c_1^r,c_2)_{u_i}\), \((c_1,c_2^r)_{u_i}\), and \((c_1,c_2)_{u_i}\) to get \((c_1^r,c_2^r)^i_v\), \((c_1^r,c_2)^i_v\), \((c_1,c_2^r)^i_v\), and \((c_1,c_2)^i_v\), resp.; \((c_1^r,c_2)^{i-1}_v\) combined with \((c_1^r,c_2^r)_{u_i}\) and \((c_1,c_2^r)_{u_i}\) to get \((c_1^r,c_2)^i_v\) and \((c_1,c_2)^i_v\); \((c_1,c_2^r)^{i-1}_v\) combined with \((c_1^r,c_2^r)_{u_i}\) and \((c_1^r,c_2)_{u_i}\) to get  \((c_1,c_2^r)^i_v\) and \((c_1,c_2)^i_v\); \((c_1,c_2)^{i-1}_v\) combined with \((c_1^r,c_2^r)_{u_i}\) to get \((c_1,c_2)^i_v\). That is, with-return costs are added to with-return costs to get new with-return costs, as the journey must end on some later branch; without-return costs are added to with-return costs to get new without-return costs that end on the current branch; with-return costs are added to without-return costs to get new without-return costs that end up on some previous branch. Updating cost pairs for all four return types incurs only a constant factor runtime increase over the return to root case.    \(\square \)

This is generalized now to the case of multiple depots; the standard MVP formulation.

Theorem 6

MVP for two agents on a tree can be solved in \(O(n^3)\) time.


Suppose \(a_1\) starts at \(s_1\) and \(a_2\) starts at \(s_2\). Let \(P = (s_1=p_1)p_2...p_{l-1}(p_l=s_2)\) be the unique simple path from \(s_1\) to \(s_2\).

First, note that if \(a_1\) and \(a_2\) do not cross paths, that is, there is no \(v \in P\) such that both \(a_1\) and \(a_2\) include \(v\) in their journeys, then the subtrees covered by \(a_1\) and \(a_2\) will be disjoint, reducing the problem to two instances of MVP on a tree for a single agent, each of which can be solved independently in \(O(n)\) [1]. There are \(O(n)\) ways to cut \(P\) so that the journeys are disjoint, so trying each of these possibilities takes \(O(n^2)\), which is subsumed by the cost of considering non-disjoint solutions.

Assuming the optimal journeys are not disjoint, using the algorithm described in Lemma 2, run for all \(v \in P\) MVP for two agents starting at a single depot for the maximal subtree rooted at \(v\) that is edge-disjoint from \(P\), generating all resulting potential cost pairs. Now, we build up solutions from left-to-right, i.e., from \(s_1\) to \(s_2\). After considering each \(p_i\) along \(P\), we want all cost pairs for all four cost pair cases (both return, only \(a_1\) returns, etc.) of covering all of \(G\) excluding the branches rooted at all \(p_j\), for all \(j > i\). With-return costs are added to with-return costs to get new with-return costs; without-return costs are added to with-return costs to get new without-return costs that end on \(p_i\)’s branch; with-return costs are added to without-return costs to get new without-return costs that end up on some previous branch rooted at \(p_k\), for some \(k<i\). Additional cost for traversing \(P\) is accumulated along the way: each time \(a_1\) precedes to the next vertex of \(P\), 1 is added to the cost of \(a_1\)’s with-return costs (2 to without-return); \(2 | l - i | \) added to \(a_2\)’s costs when \(p_i\) is selected to be its furthest vertex reached, and \( | l - j | \) subtracted when \(p_j\)’s branch is marked as the final branch \(a_2\) enters, i.e., when \(p_j\)’s without-return costs are added to previous with-return costs for \(p_1...p_{j-1}\). Updating costs at each branch again takes \(O(n^3)\), so the cost of the overall solution remains \(O(n^3)\).    \(\square \)

That concludes our results for the static case. We now generalize these results to the case of TVGs in \(\mathcal {P}\).

Lemma 3

DMVP with return for two agents starting at a single depot on a tree in \(\mathcal {P}\) can be solved in \(O(n^5)\), when \(p=2\).


This case runs similar to Lemma 1, but since we are in \(\mathcal {P}\), we must be careful about how we build up solutions, as it matters in which order branches are taken. From [2], we know that with \(p=2\), each agent can enter each branch at most once, and that each branch can in an \(O(n)\) pre-processing step be marked as either 01, fastest journey available only at even times; 10, fastest journey only available at odd times; or 11, fastest journey always available. Note that this also applies to the subbranch covered by each agent. Furthermore, the optimal way for a single agent to cover any set of classified branches is to alternate between taking 01’s and 10’s as many times as possible, before taking the remaining branches in any order. So, given a start time along with the difference \(d_i\) between the number of 01’s and 10’s in a partial solution for \(a_i\)’s coverage of \(G^v\), we can add a partition of a new branch and check in constant time exactly how the cost of our solution will be affected.

Computing from the leaves up, as in Lemma 1, we store all possible pairs of costs of covering the maximal subtree rooted at \(v\), but now we store separate pairs of costs for four cases defined by whether each \(a_i\) reaches \(v\) at an odd or even time. This adds only a constant factor overhead, and given a pair of costs and start times, we can in constant time compute whether the type \(\tau _i\) of each of the two journeys is 01, 10, or 11. Storing all possible \(d_i\) for each cost pair means \(O(\deg (v)^2n)\) tuples \((c_1,c_2,d_1,d_2)\) are stored at each branch, with branch updates taking \(O(\deg (v)^2n^2)\), as \((c_1,c_2,d_1,d_2)^{i-1}_v\) partial solutions are combined with \((c_1,c_2,\tau _1,\tau _2)_{u_i}\), yielding a cost of \(O(\deg (v)^3n^2)\) per node, and hence \(O(n^5)\) overall.    \(\square \)

Lemma 4

DMVP for two agents starting at a single depot on a tree in \(\mathcal {P}\) can be solved in \(O(n^5)\) time, when \(p=2\).


In a similar manner to the extension from Lemma 1 to Lemma 2, we now store cost pairs for each of the four return cases for \(a_1\) and \(a_2\). Branch types can still be maintained as in Lemma 3 in order to preserve optimal orderings, so the algorithm again runs in \(O(n^5)\).    \(\square \)

Theorem 7

DMVP for \(2\) agents on a tree in \(\mathcal {P}\) can be solved in \(O(n^5)\) time, when \(p=2\).


Again, let \(P = (s_1=p_1)p_2...\) \(p_{l-1}\) \((p_l=s_2)\) be the unique simple path from \(s_1\) to \(s_2\), and assume \(a_1\)’s and \(a_2\)’s journeys are not disjoint, since we can solve each of the \(O(n)\) disjoint instances in \(O(n)\). We adopt a similar though more involved version of the left-to-right dynamic programming approach from the proof of Lemma 6, as the order now matters in which each agent takes its portion of each subtree \(b_i\) (i.e., subtrees rooted at each \(p_i\) but disjoint from \(P\)). First, compute all pairs of costs for covering each \(b_i\) in \(O(n^5)\) via Lemma 4.

Suppose the final subtree taken by \(a_1\) in an optimal solution is \(b_j\). Then, \(a_1\) can only take its assigned sections of \(b_1,...,b_{j-1}\) as it moves towards \(s_2\) for the first time, since each agent can enter any subtree at most once in \(\mathcal {P}\) with \(p=2\). Suppose the closest \(a_1\) gets to \(s_2\) is \(p_k\). Then all of \(b_{j+1},...,b_{k-1}\) can be taken either on the way from \(p_j\) to \(p_k\), or on the way back. A similar case applies for \(a_2\). So, as we consider each branch from \(s_1\) to \(s_2\), we build up partial solution costs for \(a_1\) and \(a_2\) in two directions at once: outside-in for \(a_1\), and inside-out for \(a_2\). That is, suppose that through \(i-1\) branches we have stored all \((c_1(\rightarrow ), c_1(\leftarrow ), t)_P^{i-1}\), where \(c_1(\rightarrow )\) is the cost of the forward journey so far, \(c_1(\leftarrow )\) is the cost of the reverse journey (i.e., after covering its portion of \(b_k\)), and \(t\) is the start time for the reverse journey; and \((c_2,t)_P^{i-1}\), where \(c_2\) is the costs of \(a_2\) covering its portions of \(b_1,...,b_{i-1}\), assuming \(p_{i-1}\) is reached by \(a_2\) for the first time at time \(t\). Update partial solutions to include \(b_i\) in the following way: for \(a_1\), if a branch has been taken without return, further branches can be taken either directly after all forward journeys or directly before all reverse journeys, otherwise, all branches can only be taken on forward journeys, except of course for the branch taken without return, which must be taken last; for \(a_2\), if a branch has been taken without return, further branches must be taken with return directly preceding existing solutions, otherwise, further branches can either be taken directly before existing solutions or directly after (see Fig. 4), and all must be taken with return. The cost of the final branch taken by \(a_1\) is succinctly inserted between the forward and backward costs. Additional costs accumulated via the traversal of edges of \(P\) are added in as in Theorem 6, but now taking into account the edge type (i.e., 01,10, or 11), and the time parity at which the edge is reached. Running these updates for each time parity, each return case, and each location of the branch in an optimal ordering incurs together only constant factor overhead. Storing both \((c_2,t)^i_P\) for all \((c_1(\rightarrow ), c_1(\leftarrow ), t)^i_P\), takes \(O(n^2)\) space, but we can reduce this to \(O(n)\) by compactly representing the solution cost by the sum of \(c_1(\rightarrow )\) and \(c_1(\leftarrow )\), and a bit for storing the parity of each. The update at each branch still takes \(O(n^2)\) to compute all possible cost pair cases for the new partial solutions, so the full iteration from \(p_1\) to \(p_l\) takes \(O(n^3)\), and the initial \(O(n^5)\) runtime dominates.    \(\square \)

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Possible ways to update costs for a pair of partial solutions to include each agent’s coverage of \(b_3\), assuming \(a_1\) ends on \(b_2\), \(a_2\) ends on some branch \(b_i\), with \(i > 3\), and \(a_2\) takes \(b_2\) on the way to \(b_1\). In this case, both \(a_1\) and \(a_2\) can take their portion of \(b_3\) either directly after \(b_1\) or directly preceding \(b_2\).

We can also apply Theorem 6 to get a tight approximation for two agents on a tree in \(\mathcal {B}\):

Theorem 8

DMVP for two agents on a tree in \(\mathcal {B}\) can be \(\varDelta \)-approximated in \(O(n^3)\) time \(\forall \ \varDelta > 1\). This approximation is tight.


The cost to cover a tree \(G\) in \(\mathcal {B}\) for two agents, starting at potentially distinct depots, is lower-bounded by the cost \(C\) of covering the static \(G\) from these same depots. \(C\) can be computed in \(O(n^3)\) via the algorithm described in Theorem 6. By following in \(\mathcal {B}\) the journeys resulting in static cost \(C\), each agent will wait at most \(\varDelta -1\) steps for each successive edge to appear, thereby completing coverage in no more than \(\varDelta C\) steps. Since \(C\) is the fastest possible cost of covering \(G\), this must be a \(\varDelta \)-approximation.

It is straightforward to extend to the case of \(k\) agents the result from [2] that DMVP for a single agent in \(\mathcal {B}\) over trees is NP-hard to approximate within any factor less than \(\varDelta \); simply link together by long paths \(k\) copies of the graph constructed for that proof.    \(\square \)

Over general graphs in \(\mathcal {B}\), we can use spanning tree coverage to get the following approximation:

Theorem 9

DMVP for two agents in \(\mathcal {B}\) can be \(\frac{12\varDelta }{5}\)-approximated in \(O(n)\) time \(\forall \ \varDelta > 1\).


Given a graph \(G\), and a spanning tree \(H\) of \(G\) (constructed in \(O(n)\) time), the Euler tour of \(H\) is a \(2n-1\) node cycle \(C\), the complete coverage of which implies complete coverage of \(G\). From [1], for a cycle, we know each agent covers no more than \(\lceil \frac{3}{5} \rceil | C | - 2\) edges in an optimal two agent solution, which can be found in \(O(n)\) time. Following this solution in \(\mathcal {B}\), the two agents take at most \(\varDelta (\lceil \frac{6n - 3}{5} \rceil - 2)\) steps to complete coverage, which is no more than \(\frac{12\varDelta }{5}\) times worse than the minimum possible number of steps \(\lceil \frac{n-1}{2} \rceil \) for covering \(G\).    \(\square \)

We are able to extend Theorems 6 and 7 to any fixed number of agents \(k\), applying ideas from the extension of 2-partition to \(k\)-partition for multisets of integers. With multiple depots, the union of the shortest paths between depots forms a \(k\)-leaf tree \(H\). The possible costs of partitioning subtrees rooted at vertices in \(H\) but edge-disjoint from \(H\) and covering these subtrees along a path between two depots can be computed in a similar manner to the proof of Theorem 7. Then, the method of optimally ordering 01, 10, and 11 branches can be used on \(H\) itself. The methods for establishing approximation bounds for Theorem 8 will also still hold in the \(k\) agent case. For Theorem 9, bounds for cycle coverage in [1] enable \(k\varDelta \)-approximations in \(O(kn^3)\) for any \(k > 2\). We will give the complete proofs in the full version of this paper.

4 Conclusion and Discussion

This paper has demonstrated the use of time-varying graphs for modeling multi-robot foremost coverage in dynamic environments, through consideration of the Dynamic Map Visitation Problem (DMVP). We have presented efficient algorithms for an arbitrary fixed number of agents for a range of topologies motivated by border coverage, and for two agents on a tree. Future work will extend Theorems 6, 7, 8 and 9 to a polynomial time solution for any fixed \(k\), and we believe it is also possible to make the extension to fixed \(p\) in Theorem 7. This begins by extending the idea that “when \(p=2\), an agent can enter any subtree at most once” to “for any \(p > 1\), an agent at \(o\) can visit a node at depth \(p-1\) in \(G^o\) and return to \(o\) at most once”.

In general, allowing for the number of agents to not be fixed increases the complexity of the problem, but when the number of agents becomes linear in the size of the graph—or, in the case of trees, linear in the number of leaves—special behavior can occur that further exposes the implications of applying constraints on edge dynamics and the number of depots to this type of problem. We make the following observation:

Remark 1

DMVP for \(\frac{n}{c}\) agents on an star can be solved in polynomial time in \(\mathcal {B}\) for any fixed \(\varDelta \), but is hard in \(\mathcal {R}\), for \(c\) constant.


Recall that a star is a tree in which at most one vertex has degree greater than 1. In \(\mathcal {B}\), DMVP is upper-bounded by \(2\varDelta c\), when each agent is assigned \(c\) vertices to cover, and the foremost journeys taken between each are as long as possible. At each time step, each agent has \(O(n)\) ways to continue its journey, so computing all possible journeys of time \(\ge 2\varDelta c\) for all agents takes \(O((\frac{n^2}{c})^{2\varDelta c}) = O(n^{4\varDelta c})\). In \(\mathcal {R}\), we cannot upper-bound the length of solutions, so all agents except one may be trapped together at a single vertex indefinitely, while the remaining agent is left alone to cover the rest of the star itself, which is NP-hard [2].    \(\square \)

More generally, DMVP becomes tractable whenever it is possible to upper-bound optimal solutions by some constant, e.g., in \(\mathcal {B}\) and \(\mathcal {P}\) as \(k\) approaches \(n\). This idea complements results of fixed parameter tractability for problems over TVGs of fixed treewidth [24], in which \(T\) is a fixed parameter.

Remark 2

With a single depot, DMVP for \(k \ge m\) agents on an \(m\)-leaf tree is easy in \(\mathcal {R}\); but with two depots, it is hard in \(\mathcal {B}\), for all \(\varDelta \).


If all agents start at a single depot \(s\), sending one agent to each leaf \(l\) via the foremost journey from \(s\) to \(l\) will be optimal, even in \(\mathcal {R}\). Now, consider the situation in \(\mathcal {B}\), with \(\varDelta =2\) over a spider with one sufficiently long leg. If one agent \(a\) starts at the center of the spider and the rest at the end of the long leg, in an optimal solution, \(a\) must cover all of the other legs before any other agent reaches the center, so the problem reduces to a single agent on a spider, which we know is hard.    \(\square \)

Decisive factors for DMVP tractability include environment topology, number of robots, and also the number of depots. The challenges of intractability that arise from these generalizations motivate research into online solutions to the problem. As a related example, [13] includes online approaches to static tree exploration with limited communication between agents. In future work, we plan to extend our results to markovian TVG models (e.g., [3, 9]), which could support online solutions for general cases of map visitation problems in probabilistic dynamic environments.