
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Swarm Intelligence: A Modeling Perspective

Swarm intelligent (GlossaryTerm


) algorithms are variously inspired from the way in which colonies of biological organisms self-organize to produce a wide diversity of functions [1, 2]. Individuals of the colony have a limited knowledge of the overall behavior of the system and follow a small set of rules that may be influenced by the interaction with other individuals or by modifications produced in the environment. The collective behavior of large groups of relatively simple individuals, interacting only locally with few neighboring elements, produces global patterns. Even if many approaches have been proposed that differentiate in many respects, four basic common principles have been isolated that govern GlossaryTerm



  • Positive feedback

  • Negative feedback

  • Randomness

  • Multiple interactions.

The same four principles also govern a class of algorithms inspired by the expansion dynamics of slime molds in the search for food [3, 4], that have been utilized as the base for the generation of routing protocols in wireless sensor networks (GlossaryTerm



Through the adoption of the above four principles, it is possible to design distributed, self-organizing, and fault tolerant algorithms able to self-adapt to the environmental changes, that present the following main properties [1]:

  1. i

    Single individuals are assumed to be simple with low computational intelligence and communication capabilities.

  2. ii

    Individuals communicate indirectly, through modification of the environment (this property is known as stigmergy [2]).

  3. iii

    The range of the interaction may be very short; nevertheless, a robust global behavior emerges from the interaction of the nodes.

  4. iv

    The global behavior adapts to topological and environmental changes.

The usual way to study such systems is through simulation, due to the large number of involved individuals that lead to the well-known state explosion problem. Analytical techniques are preferable if, starting from the peculiarities of GlossaryTerm


systems, they allow to realize effective and scalable models. Along this line, new stochastic entities, called Markovian agents (GlossaryTerm


s) [5, 6] have been introduced with the aim of providing a flexible, powerful, and scalable technique for modeling complex systems of distributed interacting objects, for which feasible analytical and numerical solution algorithms can be implemented. Each object has its own local behavior that can be modified by the mutual interdependences with the other objects. GlossaryTerm


s are scattered over a geographical area and retain their spatial position so that the local behavior and the mutual interdependencies may be related to their geographical positions and other features like the transmittance characteristics of the interposed medium. GlossaryTerm


s are modeled by a discrete-state continuous-time finite Markov chain (GlossaryTerm


) whose infinitesimal generator is influenced by the interaction with other GlossaryTerm


s. The interaction among agents is represented by a message passing model combined with a perception function. When residing in a state or during a transition, an GlossaryTerm


is allowed to send messages that are perceived by the other GlossaryTerm


s, according to a spatial-dependent perception function, modifying their behavior. Messages may model real physical messages (as in GlossaryTerm


s) or simply the mutual influences of an GlossaryTerm


over the other ones.

The flexibility of the GlossaryTerm


representation, the spatial dependency, and the mutual interaction through message passing and perception function, make GlossaryTerm


models suited to cope with various biologically inspired mechanisms governed by the four aforementioned principles. In fact, the GlossaryTerm


, whose constituent elements are the GlossaryTerm


s, was specifically studied to cope with the following needs [6]:

  1. i

    Provide analytical models that can be solved by numerical techniques, thus avoiding the need of long and expensive simulation runs.

  2. ii

    Provide a flexible and scalable modeling framework for distributed systems of interacting objects.

  3. iii

    Provide a framework in which local properties can be coupled with global properties.

  4. iv

    Local and global properties and interactions may depend on the position of the objects in the space (space-sensitive models).

  5. v

    The solution algorithm self-adapts to variations in the system topology and in the interaction mechanisms.

Interactive Markovian agents have been first introduced in [5, 7] for single class GlossaryTerm


s and then extended to multiclass multimessage Markovian agent model in successive works [10, 8, 9]. In [11, 12, 9], GlossaryTerm


s have been applied to routing algorithms in GlossaryTerm


s, adopting GlossaryTerm


principles [13].

This work describes the structure of GlossaryTerm


s and the numerical solution algorithms in Sect. 69.2. Then, applications derived from biological models are presented: a swarm intelligent algorithm for routing protocols in GlossaryTerm


s (Sect. 69.3) and a simple ant colony optimization (GlossaryTerm


) example (Sect. 69.4).

2 Markovian Agent Models

The structure of a single GlossaryTerm


is represented in Fig. 69.1. States i , j , , k are the states of the GlossaryTerm


representing the GlossaryTerm


. The transitions among the states are of two possible types and are drawn in a different way:

  • Solid lines (like the transition from i to j or the self-loops in i or in j) indicate the fixed component of the infinitesimal generator and represent the local or autonomous behavior of the object that is independent of the interaction with the other GlossaryTerm


    s (like, for instance, the time-to-failure distribution, or the reaction to an external stimulus). Note that we include in the representation also self-loop transitions that require a particular notation since they are not visible in the infinitesimal generator of the GlossaryTerm



  • Dashed lines (like the transition from i to k or the transitions entering into i or j from other states not shown in the figure) represent the transitions induced by the interaction with the other GlossaryTerm


    s. The way in which the rates of the induced transitions are computed is explained in the following

Fig. 69.1
figure 1figure 1

Schematic structure of a Markovian agent

During a local transition (or a self-loop) an GlossaryTerm


can emit a message of any type with an assigned probability, as represented by the dotted arrows in Fig. 69.1 emerging from the solid transitions. The pair g i j , m denotes both the message generation probability and the message type. Messages generated by an GlossaryTerm


may be perceived by other GlossaryTerm


s with a given probability, according to a suitable perception function, and the interaction mechanism between emitted messages and perceived messages generates the induced transitions (dashed lines). The pair m , a i k denotes both the type of the perceived message and the corresponding acceptance probability.

An GlossaryTerm


is a collection of interacting GlossaryTerm


s defined over a geographical space V. Given a position v inside V, ρ ( v ) denotes the density of GlossaryTerm


s in v. According to the definition of the density ρ ( v ) , we can classify a GlossaryTerm


with the following taxonomy:

  • An GlossaryTerm


    is static if ρ ( v ) does not depend on time, and dynamic if it does depend on time.

  • An GlossaryTerm


    is discrete if the geographical area on which the GlossaryTerm


    s are deployed is discretized and ρ ( v ) is a discrete function of the space or it is continuous if ρ ( v ) is a continuous function of the space.

Further, GlossaryTerm


s may belong to a single class or to different classes with different local behaviors and interaction capabilities, and messages may belong to different types where each type induces a different effect on the interaction mechanism. The perception function describes how a message of a given type emitted by an GlossaryTerm


of a given class in a given position in the space is perceived by an GlossaryTerm


of a given class in a different

2.1 Mathematical Formulation

multiple agent class, multiple message type GlossaryTerm


is defined by the tuple [12]

MAM = { C , M , V , U , R } ,

where C = { 1 , , C } is the set of agent classes. We denote with MA c an agent of class c C . M = { 1 , , M } is the set of message types. Each agent (independently of its class) can send or receive messages of type m M . V is the finite space over which Markovian agents are spread. U = { u 1 ( ) , , u M ( ) } is a set of M perception functions (one for each message type). R = { ρ 1 ( ) , , ρ C ( ) } is a set of C agent density functions (one for each agent class). Each agent MA c of class c is characterized by a state space with n c states, and it is defined by the

MA c = { Q c ( v ) , Λ c ( v ) , G c ( v , m ) , A c ( v , m ) , π 0 c ( v ) } ,

where Q c ( v ) is the local component of the infinitesimal generator; Λ c ( v ) is the vector of the self-jump transition rates; G c ( v , m ) is the matrix containing the probabilities of generating a message of type m; A c ( v , m ) is the matrix containing the probabilities of accepting a message of type m; π 0 c ( v ) is the initial probability

Note that even if the structure of the GlossaryTerm


associated to each GlossaryTerm


of a given class is the same for all the objects, the values of the parameters may depend on position v and, therefore, may vary from GlossaryTerm


s belonging to the same class.

An GlossaryTerm


can be analyzed solving a set of coupled differential equations. Let us call ρ c i ( t , v ) the density of agents of class c, in state i, located in position v at time t. In the following, we will focus on static GlossaryTerm


s thus assuming that the total density of agents in position v remains constant over the time; we have that

i = 1 n c ρ c i ( t , v ) = ρ c ( v ) , v , t 0 .

We collect the state densities into a vector ρ c ( t , v ) = [ ρ c i ( t , v ) ] and we are interested in computing the transient evolution of ρ c ( t , v ) .

From the above definitions, we can compute the total rate β c j ( v , m ) at which messages of type m are generated by an agent of class c in state j in position v

β c j ( v , m ) = λ c j ( v ) g c j j ( v , m ) + k j q c j k ( v ) g c j k ( v , m ) ,

where the first term on the right-hand isde is the contribution of the messages of type m emitted during a self-loop from j and the second term is the contribution of messages of type m emitted during a transition from j to any k ( j ) .

The interdependences among GlossaryTerm


s are ruled by a set of perception functions whose general form is

u m ( c , v , i , c , v , j ) .

The perception function u m ( ) in (69.5) represents how an GlossaryTerm


of class c in position v in state i perceives the messages of type m emitted by an GlossaryTerm


of class c in position v in state j. The functional form of u m ( ) identifies the perception mechanisms and must be specified for any given application since it determines how an GlossaryTerm


is influenced by the messages emitted by the other GlossaryTerm


s. The transition rates of the induced transitions are primarily determined by the structure of the perception function.

A pictorial and intuitive representation of how the perception function u m ( c , v , i , c , v , j ) acts, is given in Fig. 69.2. The GlossaryTerm


in the top right portion of the figure in position v broadcasts a message of type m from state j that propagates in the

Fig. 69.2
figure 2figure 2

Message passing mechanism ruled by a perception function

geographical area until reaches the GlossaryTerm


in the bottom left portion of the figure in position v and in state i. Upon acceptance of the message according to the acceptance probability a i k ( v , m ) , an induced transition from state i to state k (represented by a dashed line) is triggered in the model.

With the above definitions we are now in the position to compute the components of the infinitesimal generator of an GlossaryTerm


that depends on the interaction with the other GlossaryTerm


s and that constitutes the original and innovative part of the approach.

We define γ c i i ( t , v , m ) the total rate at which messages of type m coming from the whole volume V are perceived by an GlossaryTerm


of class c in state i in location v.

γ c i i ( t , v , m ) = V c = 1 C j = 1 n c u m ( c , v , i , c , v , j ) × β c j ( m ) ρ j c ( t , v ) d v ,

where γ c i i ( t , v , m ) is computed by taking into account the total rate of messages of type m emitted by all the GlossaryTerm


s in state j and in a given position v (the term β c j ( v , m ) ) times the density of GlossaryTerm


s in v (the term ρ j ( t , v ) ) times the perception function (the term u m ( c , v , i , c , v , j ) ) summed over all the possible states j and class c of each GlossaryTerm


and integrated over the whole space V. From an GlossaryTerm


of class c in position v and in state i an induced transition to state k (drawn in dashed line) is triggered with rate γ c i i ( t , v , m ) a i k ( v , m ) where a i k ( v , m ) is the appropriate entry of the acceptance matrix A ( v , m ) .

We collect the rates (69.6) in a diagonal matrix Γ c ( t , v , m ) = diag ( γ c i i ( t , v , m ) ) . This matrix can be used to compute K c ( t , v ) , the infinitesimal generator of a class c agent at position v at time t

K c ( t , v ) = Q c + m Γ c ( t , v , m ) [ A c ( m ) - I ] .

The first term on the right-hand side is the local transition rate matrix and the second term contains the rates induced by the interactions.

The evolution of the entire model can be studied by solving v , c the following differential equations:

ρ c ( 0 , v ) = ρ c ( v ) π 0 c ,
d ρ c ( t , v ) d t = ρ c ( t , v ) K c ( t , v ) .

From the density of agents in each state, we can compute the probability of finding a class c agent at time t in position v in state i as

π c i ( t , v ) = ρ c i ( t , v ) ρ c ( v ) .

We collect all the terms in a vector π c ( t , v ) = [ π c i ( t , v ) ] . Note that the definition of (69.10) together with (69.3) ensures that i π c i ( t , v ) = 1 , t , v .

Note that each equation in (69.9) has the dimension n c of the GlossaryTerm


of a single GlossaryTerm


of class c. In this way, a problem defined over the product state space of all the GlossaryTerm


s is decomposed into several subproblems, one for each GlossaryTerm


, having decoupled the interaction by means of (69.6). Equation (69.9) provides the basic time-dependent measures to evaluate more complex performance indices associated to the system. Equation (69.9) is discretized both in time and space and are solved by resorting to standard numerical techniques for differential equations.

3 A Consolidated Example: WSN Routing

In this section, we present our first attempt to model swarm intelligence inspired mechanisms through the GlossaryTerm


formalism. This application describes an GlossaryTerm


model for the analysis of a swarm intelligence routing protocol in GlossaryTerm


s and was first proposed in [9] and then enriched in [12]. In this work, we show new experiments to illustrate the self-adaptability of the GlossaryTerm


model to the changing of environmental conditions.



s are large networks of tiny sensor nodes that are usually randomly distributed over a geographical region. The network topology may vary in time in an unpredictable manner due to many different causes. For example, in order to reduce power consumption, battery-operated sensors undergo cycles of sleeping – active periods; additionally, sensors may be located in hostile environments increasing their likelihood of failure; furthermore, data might also be collected from different sources at different times and directed to different sinks. For this reason, multihop routing algorithms used to route messages from a sensor node to a sink should be rapidly adaptable to the changing topology. Swarm intelligence has been successfully used to face these problems thanks to its ability in converging to a single global behavior starting from the interaction of many simple local agents.

3.1 A Swarm Intelligence Based Routing

In [15], a new routing algorithm, inspired by the biological process of pheromone emission (a chemical substance produced and layed down by ants and other biological entities), has been proposed. The routing table in each node stores the pheromone level owned by each neighbor, coded as a natural integer quantity [15]; when a data packet has to be sent it is forwarded to the neighbor with the highest pheromone level. This approach correctly works only if a sequence of increasing values of pheromone levels toward the sinks exists; in other words, the sinks must have the maximum pheromone level in the GlossaryTerm


and a decreasing pheromone gradient must be established around the sinks covering all the net.

To build the pheromone gradient, the initial setting of the GlossaryTerm


is as follows: the sinks are set to a fixed maximum pheromone level, whereas the sensor nodes’ pheromone levels are set to 0. When the GlossaryTerm


is operating, each node periodically sends a signaling packet with its pheromone level and updates its value based on the level of its neighbors.

More specifically, the algorithm for establishing the pheromone gradient is based on two types of nodes in the GlossaryTerm


, called sinks and sensors, respectively, and the pheromone is assumed discretized into P different levels, ranging from 0 to P - 1 . In this way, routing paths toward the sink are established through the exchange of pheromone packets containing the pheromone level p ( 0 p P - 1 ) of each node.

Sink nodes, once activated, set their internal pheromone level to the highest value p = P - 1 . Then, they, at fixed time interval, broadcast a pheromone message to their neighbors with the value p. We assume T 1 is the time interval incurring between two consecutive sending of pheromone message.

Instead, the pheromone level of a sensor node is initially set to 0 and then it is periodically updated according to two distinct actions – excitation action (the positive feedback) and evaporation action (the negative feedback):

  • Excitation action: Sensor nodes periodically broadcast to the neighbors a pheromone message containing their internal pheromone level p. Like the sink node, sensor nodes perform the sending at regular time interval T 1 . When a sensor node receives a pheromone level p n sent by a neighbor it compares p n with its own level p and updates the latter if p n > p . The new value is computed as a function of the current and the received pheromone level update ( p , p n ) . In this context, we use the average of the sender and the receiver level as the new updating value, thus the function is assumed to be update ( p , p n ) = round ( ( p + p n ) / 2 ) .

  • Evaporation action: it is triggered at regular time interval T 2 and it simply decreases the current value of p by one unit assuring it maintains a value greater or equal to 0.

We note that, despite all nodes perform their excitation action with the same mean time interval T 1 , no synchronization activity is required among the nodes; all of them act asynchronously in accordance with the principles of biological systems where each entity acts autonomously with respect to the others.

The excitation–evaporation process, like in biological systems, assures the stability of the system and the adaptability to possible changes in the environment or in some nodes. Any change in the network condition is captured by an update of the pheromone level of the involved nodes that modifies the pheromone gradient automatically driving the routing decisions toward the new optimal solution. In this way, the network can self-organize its topology and adapt to environmental changes. Moreover, when link failures occur, the network reorganization task is accomplished by those nodes near the broken links. This results in a robust and self-organized architecture.

The major drawback of this algorithm is the difficulty in appropriately setting the parameter T 1 and T 2 : as shown in [12, 15], the stability of the system and the quality of the produced pheromone gradient is strictly dependent on the parameters ratio. When T 1 decreases and T 2 is fixed, pheromone messages are exchanged more rapidly among the nodes and their pheromone level tends to the maximum level because the sink node always sends the same maximum value. Without an appropriate balancing action, the pheromone level saturates all the nodes of the GlossaryTerm


. At the opposite, let us suppose T 1 is fixed and T 2 decreases; in this case the pheromone level in each sensor node decreases more quickly than its updating according to the value of the neighbors. As a result all the levels will be close to zero. From this behavior, we note that: (1) both timers are necessary to ensure that the algorithm could properly work, and (2) a smart setting of both timers is necessary in order to have the best gradient shape all over the network. The GlossaryTerm


model we are going to describe in the next section helps us to determine the best parameter values.

3.2 The MAM Model

The GlossaryTerm


model used to study the gradient formation is based on two agent classes: the class sink node denoted by a superscript s and the class sensor node denoted by a superscript n. The message exchange is modeled by using M different message types. As we will explain later, since each message is used to send a pheromone level, we set M = P , where P is the number of different pheromone intensities considered in the model.

3.2.1 Geographical Space

The geographical space V where the N agents are located is modeled as a  n h × n w rectangular grid, and each cell has a square shape with side d s . Sensors can only be located in the center of each cell and we allow at most one node per cell: i. e., some cell might be empty, and N n h × n w . Moreover, sink nodes are very few with respect to the number of sensor nodes.

3.2.2 Agent’s Structure and Behavior

Irrespective of the GlossaryTerm


class considered, we model the pheromone level of a node with a state and this choice determines two different GlossaryTerm



The sink class (Fig. 69.3a) is very simple and is characterized by a single state labeled P - 1 with a self-loop of rate λ = 1 T 1 . The sink has always the same maximum pheromone level, and emits a single message of type P - 1 with rate λ.

Fig. 69.3 a,b
figure 3figure 3

Markovian agent models. (a) Agent class=sink, (b) Agent class=sensor

Instead, the sensor class (Fig. 69.3b) has P states identifying the range of all the possible pheromone levels. Each state is labeled with the pheromone intensity i ( i = 0 , , P - 1 ) in the corresponding node and has a self-loop of rate λ = 1 T 1 that represents the firing of timer at regular intervals equal to T 1 . This event causes the sending of a message (Sect. 69.3.2). The evaporation phenomenon is modeled by the solid arcs (local transitions) connecting state i with state i - 1 ( 0 < i P - 1 ). The evaporation rate is set to μ = 1 T 2 ; in such a way we represent the firing of timer T 2 .

3.2.3 Message Types

The types of messages in the model correspond to the different levels of pheromone a node can store, thus we define M = { 0 , 1 , , P - 1 } . Any self-loop transition in state i emits a message of the corresponding type i at a constant rate λ, both in sink and in sensor nodes. The sink message is always of type P - 1 , representing the maximum pheromone intensity, whereas the messages emitted by a sensor node corresponds to the state where it actually is.

When a message of type m is emitted, neighboring nodes are able to receive it changing their state accordingly. This behavior is implemented through the dashed arcs (whose labels are defined through (69.11)) that model the transitions induced by the reception of a message. In particular, when a node in state i receives a message of type m, it immediately jumps to state j if m M ( i , j ) , with

M ( i , j ) = { m [ 0 , , P - 1 ] : round ( ( m + i ) / 2 ) = j } i , j [ 0 , , P - 1 ] : j > i .

In other words, an GlossaryTerm


in state i jumps to the state j that represents the pheromone level equal to the mean between the current level i and the level m encoded in the perceived message.

3.2.4 Perception Function

Messages of any type sent by a node are characterized by the same transmission range t r that defines the radius of the area in which an GlossaryTerm


can perceive a message produced by another GlossaryTerm


. This property is reflected in the perception function u m ( ) that, m [ 1 , , M ] , is defined as

u m ( v , c , i , v , c , i ) = 0 dist ( v , v ) > t r 1 dist ( v , v ) t r ,

where dist ( v , v ) represents the Euclidean distance between the two nodes at position v and v .

As can be observed, the perception function in (69.12) is defined irrespective of the message type, because in this kind of application the reception of a message of any type i depends only on the distance between the emitting and the perceiving node. The transmission range t r depends on the properties of the sensor and it influences the number η of neighbors perceiving the message. In the numerical experimentation, we consider d s t r 4 < 2 d s corresponding to η = 4 .

3.2.5 Generation and Acceptance Probabilities

In this application, messages are only generated during self-loop transitions with probability 1, so that i , j , g c i i ( m ) = 1 and g c i j ( m ) = 0 , ( i j ) . Similarly, we assume either a c i j ( m ) = 0 or a c i j ( m ) = 1 , that is incoming messages are always accepted or always ignored.

3.3 Numerical Results

In order to analyze the behavior of the GlossaryTerm


model, the main measure of interest is the evolution of π n i ( t , v ) i. e., the distribution of the pheromone intensity of a sensor node over the entire area V as a function of the time. The value of  π n i ( t , v ) can be computed from (69.10) and allows us to obtain several performance indices like the average pheromone intensity ϕ ( t , v ) at time t for each cell v V

ϕ ( t , v ) = i = 0 P - 1 i π n i ( t , v ) .

The distribution of the pheromone intensity over the entire area V depends both on the pheromone emission rate λ and on the pheromone evaporation rate μ; furthermore, the excitation–evaporation process depends on the transmission range t r that determines the number of neighboring cells η perceived by an GlossaryTerm


in a given position. To take into account this physical mechanism, we define the following quantity,

r = λ η μ ,

which regulates the balance between the pheromone emission and evaporation in the GlossaryTerm


routing algorithm. For a complete discussion about the performance indices that can be derived and analyzed using the described GlossaryTerm


, refer to [12].

The numerical results have been obtained with the following experimental setting. The geographical space is a square grid of sizes n h = n w = 31 , where N = 961 sensors are uniformly distributed with a spatial density equal to 1 (one sensor per cell). Further, we set λ = 4.0 , P = 20, and η = 4 . The first experiment aims at investigating the formation of the pheromone gradient around the sink as a function of the model parameters. To this end, a single sink node is placed at the center of the area and the pheromone intensity distribution is evaluated as a function of the parameter r, by varying μ being λ and η fixed.

Figure 69.4 shows the distribution of the pheromone intensity ϕ ( t , v ) measured in the stable state for three different values of r. If the value of r is small (r = 1.2) or high (r = 2.4), the quality of the gradient is poor. This is due to the prevalence of one of the two feedbacks: negative (with r = 1.2 evaporation prevails) or positive (with r = 2.4 excitation prevails and all sensors saturate). On the contrary, intermediate values (r = 1.8) generate well-formed pheromone gradients able to cover the whole area, thanks to the correct balance between the two feedbacks. Then, an opportune evaluation of the value of r has to be carried out in order to generate a pheromone gradient that fits with the topological specification of the GlossaryTerm


under study.

Fig. 69.4 a–c
figure 4figure 4

Distribution of the pheromone intensity varying r. (a) r = 1.2, (b) r = 1.8, (c) r = 2.4

In order to understand the dynamic behavior of the GlossaryTerm


algorithm, we carried out a transient analysis able to highlight different phases of the gradient construction process when the position of the sink changes in time. In particular, in the following experiment (Fig. 69.5) we analyzed how the algorithm self-adapts to topological modifications by recalculating the pheromone gradient when two different sinks are present in the network and they are alternately activated. Figure 69.5a,b show how the pheromone signal is spread on the space V until the stable state is reached. At this point ( t = 17.5 s ), we deactivated the old sink and we activated a new one in a different position (Fig. 69.5c). Figure 69.5d,e describe the evolution of the gradient modification. It is possible to observe that, thanks to the properties of the GlossaryTerm


algorithm, the GlossaryTerm


is able to rapidly discover the new sink and to change the pheromone gradient by forgetting the old information until a new stable state is reached (Fig. 69.5f).

Fig. 69.5 a–f
figure 5figure 5

Distribution of the pheromone intensity with respect to t when two sinks are alternately activated. The change is applied at time t = 17.5 s . (a)   t = 0 s , (b) t = 17 s , (c) t = 17.5 s , (d) t = 19 s , (e) t = 24 s , (f) t = 29 s

Finally, in order to test the scalability of the GlossaryTerm


in more complex scenarios, we have assumed a rectangular grid with n h = n w = 100 hence with N = 100 × 100 = 10000 sensors, and we have randomly scattered 50 sinks in the grid. The grid is represented in Fig. 69.6, where the sinks are drawn as black spots. Since each sensor is represented by an GlossaryTerm


with P = 20 states (Fig. 69.3b), the product state space of the overall system has N = 20 10000 states!

Fig. 69.6
figure 6figure 6

The 100 × 100 grid with 10000 cells and 50 randomly scattered sinks

The steady pheromone intensity distribution for the geographical space represented in Fig. 69.6 is reported in Fig. 69.7. Through this experiment, we can assess that the pheromone gradient is also reached when no symmetries are present in the network and that the proposed model is able to capture the behavior of the protocol in generating a correct pheromone gradient also in the presence of different maximums. Using the same protocol configurations found for a simple scenario, the GlossaryTerm


algorithm is able to create a well-formed pheromone gradient also in a completely different situation, making such routing technique suitable in nonpredictable scenarios. This scenario also demonstrates the scalability of the proposed analytical technique that can be easily adopted in the analysis of very large networks.

Fig. 69.7
figure 7figure 7

Distribution of the pheromone intensity when the network is composed by a grid of 10000 sensor nodes with 50 sinks

4 Ant Colony Optimization

The aim of this section is to show how GlossaryTerm


s can be adopted to represent one of the more classical swarm intelligence algorithm known as GlossaryTerm


[2], that was inspired by the foraging behavior of ant colonies which, during food search, exhibit the ability to solve simple shortest path problems. To this end, in this work, we simply show how to build a GlossaryTerm


that solves the famous Double Bridge Experiment which was first proposed by Deneubourg etal in the early 90s [16, 17], and that has been proposed as an entry benchmark for GlossaryTerm



In the experiment, a nest of Argentine ants is connected to a food source using a double bridge as shown in Fig. 69.8. Two scenarios are considered: in the first one the bridges have equal length (Fig. 69.8a), in the second one the lengths of the bridges are different (Fig. 69.8b). The collective behavior can be explained by the way in which ants communicate indirectly among them (stigmergy). During the journey from the nest to the food source and vice versa, ants release on the ground an amount of pheromone. Moreover ants can perceive pheromone and they choose with greater probability a path marked by a stronger concentration of pheromone. As a results, ants releasing pheromone on a branch, increase the probability that other ants choose it. This phenomenon is the realization of the positive feedback process described in Sect. 69.1 and it is the reason for the convergence of ants to the same branch in the equal length bridge case. When lengths are different, the ants choosing the shorter path reach the food source quicker than those choosing the longer path. Therefore, the pheromone trail grows faster on the shorter bridge and more ants choose it to reach food. As a result, eventually all ants converge to follow the shortest path.

Fig. 69.8 a,b
figure 8figure 8

Experiment scenarios. Modified from Goss etal [17]. (a) Equal branches, (b) Different branches

4.1 The MAM Model

We represent the double bridge experiment through a multiple agent class and multiple message type GlossaryTerm


. We model ants by messages, and locations that ants traverse by GlossaryTerm


s. Three different GlossaryTerm


classes are introduced: the class Nest denoted by superscript n, the class Terrain denoted by superscript t, and the class Food denoted by superscript f. Two types of messages are used: ants walking from the nest to the food source correspond to messages of type fw (forward), whereas ants coming back to the nest correspond to messages of type bw (backward).

4.1.1 Geographical Space

Agents (either nest, terrain, or food source) are deployed on a discrete geographical space V represented as an undirected graph G = ( V , E ) , where the elements in the set V are the vertices and the elements in the set E are the edges of the graph. In Fig. 69.9a,b, we show the locations of agents for the equal and the different length bridge scenarios, respectively. The squares are the vertices of the graph and the labels inside them indicate the class of the agent residing on the vertex. In this model, we assume that only a single agent resides on each vertex. Message passing from a node to another is depicted as little arrows labeled by the message type. As shown in Fig. 69.9, different lengths of the branches are represented by a different number of hops needed by a message to reach the food source starting from the nest. Figure 69.9c represents a three branches bridge with branches of different length.

Fig. 69.9 a–c
figure 9figure 9

Graph used to model the experiment scenarios. (a) Equal branches, (b) two different branches, (c) three different branches

4.1.2 Agent’s Structure and Behavior

The structure of the three GlossaryTerm


classes is described in the following:

  • GlossaryTerm


    Nest: The nest is represented by a single GlossaryTerm


    of class n, shown in Fig. 69.10a. The nest GlossaryTerm


    n is composed by a single state that emits messages of type fw at a constant rate λ, modeling ants leaving the nest in search for food.

  • GlossaryTerm


    Terrain: An GlossaryTerm


    of class t (Fig. 69.10c) represents a portion of terrain on which an ant walks and encodes in its state space the concentration of the pheromone trail on that portion of the ground. We assume that the intensity of the pheromone trail is discretized in P levels numbered 0 , 1 , P - 1 .

With reference to Fig. 69.10c, the meaning of the states is the following:

  • t0 denotes no pheromone on the ground and no ant walking on it;

  • t i denotes a concentration of pheromone of level i and no ant on the ground;

  • t i f denotes an ant of forward type residing on the terrain while the pheromone concentration is at level i;

  • t i b denotes an ant of backward type residing on the terrain while the pheromone concentration is at level i.

The behavior of the GlossaryTerm


t agent at the reception of the messages is the following:

  • fw – forward ant: A message of type fw perceived by an GlossaryTerm


    t in states t i , induces a transition to state t ( i + 1 ) f meaning that the arrival of a forward ant increases the pheromone concentration of one level (positive feedback).

  • bw – backward ant: A message of type bw perceived by an GlossaryTerm


    t in states t i , induces a transition to state t ( i + 1 ) b meaning that the arrival of a backward ant increases the pheromone concentration of one level (positive feedback).

Fig. 69.10 a–c
figure 10figure 10

Markovian agent models for the ACO experiment. (a) MA n : Agent of class nest. (b) MA f : Agent of class food. (c)  MA t : Agent of class terrain

Ants remain on a single terrain portion for a mean time of 1 / η s , then they leave toward another destination. The local transitions from states  t i f to states t i and the generation of message fw model this behavior for forward ants. An analogous behavior is represented for backward ants by local transitions from states  t i b to states t i . The local transitions at constant rate μ from states t i to states  t i - 1 indicate the decreasing of one unit of the concentration of pheromone due to evaporation (negative feedback):

  • GlossaryTerm


    Food source: An GlossaryTerm


    of class f represents the food source (Fig. 69.10b). The reception of a message of type fw in state f0 indicates that a forward ant has reached the food source. After a mean time of 1 / η s , such an ant leaves the food and starts the way back to the nest becoming a backward ant (emission of message of type bw).

In order to keep model complexity low thus increasing the model readability, we have chosen to limit to 1 the number of ants that can reside at the same time on a portion of terrain (or in the food source). For this reason, message reception is not enabled in states  t i f or  t i b for GlossaryTerm


s of class t and in the state f 1 for GlossaryTerm


s of class f. In future works, we will study effective techniques (e. g., intervening on GlossaryTerm


density) in order to release such an assumption.

4.1.3 Perception Function

The perception function rules the interactions among agents and, in this particular example, defines the probability that a message (ant) follows a specific path both on the forward and backward direction. The definition of the perception function takes inspiration on the stochastic model proposed in [16, 17] to describe the dynamic of the ant colony. In such a model the probability of choosing the shorter branch is given by

p i s ( τ ) = ( k + φ i s ( τ ) ) α ( k + φ i s ( τ ) ) α + ( k + φ i l ( τ ) ) α ,

where p i s ( τ ) (respectively p i l ( τ ) ) is the probability of choosing the shorter (longer) branch, φ i s ( τ ) ( φ i l ( τ ) ) is the total amount of pheromone on the shorter (longer) branch at a time τ. The parameter k is the degree of attraction attributed to an unmarked branch. It is needed to provide a non-null probability of choosing a path not yet marked by pheromone. The exponent α provides a nonlinear behavior.

In our GlossaryTerm


model, the perception function u m ( ) is defined, m { fw , bw } , as

u m ( v , c , i , v , c , j , τ ) = ( k + E [ π c ( τ , v ) ] ) α ( c , v ) Next m ( v , c ) ( k + E [ π c ( τ , v ) ] ) α ,

where k and α have the same meaning as in (69.15), E [ π c ( τ , v ) ] gives the mean value of the concentration of pheromone at a time τ in position v on the ground, and corresponds to φ ( τ ) . The computation of E [ π c ( τ , v ) ] will be addressed in (69.18). The function Next m ( v , c ) gives the set of pairs { ( c , v ) } such that the agent of class c in position v perceives a message of type m emitted by the agent of class c in position v . Figure 69.11a helps to interpret (69.16). The multiple box stands for all the agents receiving a message m sent by the agent of class c in position v . The value of u m ( v , c , i , v , c , j , τ ) is proportional to the mean pheromone concentration of the agent in class c at position v with respect to the sum of the mean concentrations of all the agents that receive message m by the agent in class c and position v . For instance, we consider the scenario depicted in Fig. 69.11b, where a class n agent in position b 0 sends messages of type fw to two other class t agents at position b 1 and b 2 , and we compute u fw ( b 2 , t , i , b 0 , n , j , τ ) . In such case, the evaluation of function Next fw ( b 0 , n ) gives the set of pair { ( t , b 1 ) , ( t , b 2 ) } and the value of the function is

u fw ( b 2 , t , i , b 0 , n , j , τ ) = ( k + E [ π t ( τ , b 2 ) ] ) α ( k + E [ π t ( τ , b 1 ) ] ) α + ( k + E [ π t ( τ , b 2 ) ] ) α .
Fig. 69.11 a,b
figure 11figure 11

Perception function description. (a)  General case, (b)  example of scenario in Fig. 69.9b

As a final remark, we highlight that u m ( ) does not depend on the state variables i and j of the sender and receiver agents even if these variables appear in the definition of u m ( ) ((69.16)). Instead, u m ( ) depends on the whole probability distribution π c ( τ , v ) needed to compute the mean value E [ π c ( τ , v ) ] .

4.1.4 Generation and Acceptance Probabilities

As in Sect. 69.3, also in this GlossaryTerm




model we only allow g c i , j ( m ) = 0 or g c i , j ( m ) = 1 and a c i , j ( m ) = 0 or a c i , j ( m ) = 1 c , m . In particular, for the terrain agent GlossaryTerm


t , messages of type fw are sent with probability g t i f , i ( fw ) = 1 , and are accepted with probability a t i , ( i + 1 ) f ( fw ) = 1 only in a t i state inducing a transition to a  t ( i + 1 ) f state. An analogous behavior is followed during emission and reception of messages of type bw.

4.2 Numerical Results for ACO DoubleBridge Experiment

We have performed several experiments on the GlossaryTerm


model. In particular, we study the mean value of the concentration of pheromone at a time τ in position v for a class c agent, E [ π c ( τ , v ) ] , defined as

E [ π c ( τ , v ) ] = s S c π s ( v , c ) I ( s ) ,

where S c denotes the state space of a class c agent, I ( s ) represents the pheromone level in state s, and it corresponds to

I ( s ) = i , s { t i } { t i f } { t i b } .

This value is used in (69.16) to compute u m ( ) which, as previously said, rules the ant’s probability to follow a specific path; therefore, such performance index provides useful insights of the modeled ant’s behavior.

We consider three scenarios depicted in Fig. 69.9, the labels b i denote the positions where we compute the mean value of the concentration of pheromone. In all the experiments, the intensity of the pheromone trail is discretized in P = 8 levels.

In Fig. 69.12, the mean pheromone concentration E [ π c ( τ , b i ) ] over the time for the equal branches experiment is plotted. As it can be seen, both mean pheromone concentrations have exactly the same evolution proving that ants do not prefer one of the routes.

Fig. 69.12
figure 12figure 12

Mean pheromone concentration with  λ = 1.0 , μ = 1 and η = 1 for the equal branches experiment

The case with two different branches is considered in Fig. 69.13. The speed of the ants (i. e., parameter η) is considered in the column (the left column corresponds to η = 1.0 and the right column to η = 10 ), while the evaporation of the pheromone is taken into account in the rows (respectively with μ = 0 , μ = 0.5 , and μ = 2 ). When no evaporation is considered (Fig. 69.13a,b), both paths are equally chosen due to the finite amount of the maximum pheromone level considered in this work. However the shorter path reaches its maximum level earlier than the longer route. In all the other cases, it can be seen that the longer path is abandoned after a while in favor of the shorter one. The evaporation of the pheromone and the speed of the ants both play a role in the time required to drop the longer path. Increasing either of the two, reduces the time required to discover the shorter route.

Fig. 69.13 a–f
figure 13figure 13

Mean pheromone concentration for the case with two different branches. (a) Mean pheromone concentration λ = 1.0 , μ = 0 and η = 1 , (b) mean pheromone concentration λ = 1.0 , μ = 0 and η = 10 , (c) mean pheromone concentration λ = 1.0 , μ = 0.5 and η = 1 , (d) mean pheromone concentration λ = 1.0 , μ = 0.5 and η = 10 , (e) mean pheromone concentration λ = 1.0 , μ = 2 and η = 1 , (f) mean pheromone concentration λ = 1.0 , μ = 2 and η = 10

Finally, Fig. 69.14 considers a case with three branches of different length and different evaporation levels ( η = 1 and η = 10 ). Also in this case the model is able to predict that ants will choose the shortest route. It also shows that longer paths are dropped in an order proportional to their length: the longest route is dropped first, and the intermediate route is discarded second. Also in this case, the evaporation rates determine the speed at which paths are chosen and discarded.

Fig. 69.14 a,b
figure 14figure 14

Mean pheromone concentration for the case with three different branches. (a) η = 10 , (b) η = 10

5 Conclusions

In this work, we have presented how the Markovian agents performance evaluation formalism can be used to study swarm intelligent algorithms. Although the formalism was developed to study largely distributed systems like sensor networks, or physical propagation phenomena like fire or earthquakes, it has been proven to be very efficient in capturing the main features of swarm intelligence.

Beside the two cases presented in this chapter, routing in GlossaryTerm


s and ant colony optimization, the formalism is capable of considering other cases like Slime Mold models. Future research lines will try to emphasize the relations between Markovian agents and swarm intelligence, trying to integrate both approaches: using Markovian agents to formally study new swarm intelligent algorithms, and use swarm intelligent techniques to study complex Markovian agents models in order to find optimal operation points and best connection strategies.