
1 Introduction

Employers in the department are the implementers of Human Resource Management policy, and as such, vital to successful management practices. They hold key to performance management of employees and get things done from them. To get the best output managers have to identify individual objectives for staff and assigned specified task to the individuals [2]. They also provide employees with on-going guidance and supervision, including regular performance feedback. They have to conduct appraisals and counsel to initiate appropriate action where necessary to address poor performance or if any misconduct happens in the organization. Employers have the responsibility to identify the training and development needs for employees and implement the training plan when appropriate. Available Communication also plays a vital role in the performance of the employees. Managers have to regularly communicate with the employees on subjects that affect them and should consider them while taking decisions [7].

2 Literature Review

1. The Organizational Context of Human Resource Management

Alvares [1] argues on the organisational context in which HRM at present is one of the rapid change and considerable uncertainty. As various views of HRM were placed on the table and discussed, it became apparent that this sub-field of management is in a phase of transition. In the context of traditional organisational structures, HRM was placed as a function within a “silo”, as were other organisational functions; for example finance, production and marketing. However, a turbulent environment has brought a concurrent change in organisational structures and the nature of HRM and its functions are in the process of change. Many organisations are now structured around multi-disciplinary project teams with the HRM professional as one member of the team or as consultant to the team, and where line managers take on various HRM roles [6].

2. The Nature of Human Resource Management Roles

Beatty et al. [3] argues that the human resource management is also in the process of change with regard to the nature of the role performed. In the past many functions were performed by HRM professionals themselves, the role they are taking on, is one of consultant to line management, where line managers perform many of the functions traditionally handled by HRM professionals. To do this, those issues which are going to shape the future for HRM practices (termed transformation and issues) need to be identified and analyzed, especially in relation to current roles that will still be required of HRM practitioners. These issues are central to the activity of generating unit standards (e.g. outsourcing, societal responsibility) and their impact on HRM roles (e.g. staffing, performance management). In addition, supportive roles or functions required by HRM practitioners will also have to be identified in order to complete the HRM practitioners qualifications design package (e.g. Financial, IT) [5].

3. Statement of the Problem

Human Resource proper practices play an important role in organizational development. At KPT different HR practices like job description, appraisal, compensation, supervision and other HR policies needs to be studied so that proper feedback and analysis must be provided to the top management of KPT to improvise in their HR practices.

4. Objectives of the Study

The objective of the study is to analyze the current procedures being followed by the HR department of KPT. The purpose of this research is to analyse the HR function at KPT in terms of its proper management by qualified HR professionals who contribute towards bringing efficiency in the organization performance.

5. Justification

This case study illustrates how KPT tailors its human resource practices to get specific behaviours from employees in order to be productive in the competitive corporate market. The author has chosen Karachi Port Trust to fulfil the purpose of this research and the reason is the importance of sea port in development of the Pakistan’s economy, furthermore, 90 % of Pakistan’s international trade takes place through marine transport.

6. Limitations

The management was not supportive in providing the confidential data related to KPT employees to the researcher.

Top management was not ready to co-operate in providing the data about their HR policies.

7. Scope

This sort of research will be beneficial for the top management of KPT as the analysis will add value in terms of knowing the HR practices being implemented by KPT management and most importantly changes can be implemented in lights of the research results.

8. Sample and Sampling Method

The questionnaire was distributed among 100 employees of KPT to extract the information. Convenience sampling method has been used in this study.

9. Research Methodology

(1) Research design

The research design, which involves a series of rational decision-making choices, was originally presented in a simple manner. Specifically, in this research the changes that are made in Karachi Port will be highlighted. The analysis of data from HR records to determine the effectiveness of past and present HR practices.

(2) Procedure

  • Data from secondary sources was collected and analyzed. Management and Government consultants as well as reports were consulted and relevant data was compiled.

  • Interview questions from Supervisors and Managers would be collected and based on that data survey questionnaire will be collected from employees and the complete analysis will be done.

(3) Variables

HR Systems and Procedures Evaluation; Performance Appraisals; Hiring; Orientation and Training; Compensation and Benefits; Discipline and Termination.

3 Analysis and Interpretation

1. Frequencies

The Tables 89.1, 89.2 and 89.3 shows frequency statistics of gender, age and Grade.

The Table 89.1 shows the total population with respect to gender. The number of people considered in KPT is 100 out of which 92 are males with a valid percent of 92 % and there are only 8 females having a valid percent of 8 %. Due to the nature and requirement of the work, weight age of male employees is far greater than female on Port area.

The Table 89.2 shows the analysis in terms of age of the employees present in KPT. 4 % of people lie between the ages 20–30 have a frequency of 4. 27 % people who lie between the ages of 30–40 have a frequency of 27. 55 % people lie between the ages 40–50 have a frequency of 55. 14 % people lie between the ages 50–60 have a frequency of 14. From the last 8–9 years appointment are very less in number. They usually prefer the more experienced employees. The manpower has been reduced in large number due to outsourcing/privatization of major activities of Port operation.

Table 89.1 Gender wise analysis
Table 89.2 Age wise analysis
Table 89.3 Grade wise analysis
Table 89.4 Reliability statistics
Table 89.5 Reliability statistics

The Table 89.3 depicts the analysis of employee’s in terms of their Grade or Basic pay Scale. According to which the people lie between the grades of 16–18 with a frequency of 38 and the people who lie between the grades of 19–22 with a frequency of 11 because officers are less in number. The people having the grades or basic scale of 1–8 has a frequency of 48 are due to the large number of lower level employees on the Port operation. A reliability of 0.856 (Table 89.4) shows that the data gathered in measuring the six factors of organizational HR practices (HR system and Procedures Evaluation, Performance Appraisal, Orientation and Training, Hiring, Compensation and Benefits, Discipline and Termination) is reliable and consistent.

A reliability of 0.895 (Table 89.5) shows that the data gathered in measuring the 45 factors of organizational HR practices is reliable and consistent. It shows that the respondents have answered all the questions correctly and the respondents are fair and unbiased in providing their response to the questions asked in the questionnaire.

The Table 89.6 shows the descriptive analysis contain the population of 100 employees. The Maximum experience of the employees working in KPT is 35 with a Mean of 20.55 and a Standard Deviation of 8.508 because the employees are more experienced and they are not willing to leave their position due to the better Financial benefits provided by the organization as compare to other similar organizations. Employees have a maximum 35 years of Association with the organization having a mean of 18.24 and a standard deviation of 8.507. The employees are more associated with KPT due to other incentives like Medical, pension, etc.

The Table 89.6 shows the descriptive analysis of the factors (HR system and Procedures Evaluation, Performance Appraisal, Orientation and Training, Hiring, Compensation and Benefits, Discipline and Termination are considered for the analysis.

  • The HR systems and Procedures are followed in the organization. The analysis shows the mean of 2.18 and a standard deviation of 0.404. It means that company has to make their rules and procedures more adoptable by the employees for the better outcome in the future.

  • KPT is providing Performance Appraisal to their employees according to their performance level and the received outcome with a mean of 2.11 and a standard deviation of 0.467 or 46.7 %.

  • The organization is also offering new Training programs to their employees. They send their employees on training mostly according to the requirement of the position of the employee and their Grade level. The analysis shows a mean of 2.17 and a standard deviation of 0.520 or 52.0 %.

  • From the last 8–9 years, KPT is in the process of rightsizing. The manpower has been reduced in large number due to outsourcing/privatization of major activities of Port operation. Hiring of new employees was not done on a large scale. The analysis shows the mean of 1.49 and a standard deviation of 0.364 or 36.4 %.

  • As compare to other similar organizations, KPT is offering more financial benefits and compensation to their employees, that is why there are more experienced employees present in KPT and they are not willing to leave their job. The analysis shows the mean of 2.06 and a standard deviation of 0.407.

  • Termination of the employees had been done if the employee’s performances are not up to the mark. The analysis shows a mean of 1.49 and a standard deviation of 0.446 or 44.6 %.

Table 89.6 Descriptive statistics
Table 89.7 Correlations

2. Correlations

Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level. The correlation between performance appraisal and hiring is 0.502 means that are is a positive relation between the two variables. Performance appraisal will be highly based on the annual performance of the employees. There is a high degree of correlation between Orientation programs and Performance appraisal i.e. 0.843, which shows that employees performance will by highly affected with these training and orientation programs. Employees who attend these training and orientation programs will result in better performance. The correlation between Hiring and compensation is 0.216 showing that there exists a relation but on a lower extent as hiring of the employees are not done from the past several years. Performance Appraisal and HR systems and procedures also have a high correlation of around 0.640; therefore performance appraisal is linked with the systems and procedures, the employees get the performance appraisal based on their job evaluation programs conducted by the HR managers. The employees who performed well according the job descriptions and will result in more outcome of the company, they then received the more incentive and benefits as compare to other similar organizations. It shows the high correlation between each other of about 54.9 % (Table 89.7).

3. Crosstabs

Table 89.8 Gender \(*\) age cross tabulation

Table 89.8 shows the gender analysis with respect to age. Total population considered for analysis is 100 out of which 92 are males and only 8 are females.

  • In KPT, the number of male employees in the age group of 20–30 is 4 and there is no female working in this age group as the work requirement is more preferable to the male employees as compare to the female employees of this age group. Due to the nature of the work on Port management hired the male employees. But they are also not in greater number due to their policy of rightsizing. But KPT should encourage hiring the new employees as they are more energetic and adaptable according to the changing needs and environments of the market as compare to the older one. The young employees have the better skills to produce the more outcomes on the Port.

  • The number of male employees in the age group of 30–40 is 23 and there are 4 female employees working in this age group. The organization has to take some measures to provide employment to the female employees as well. They have to design their operations in a more competitive manner so that female have also get the equal chance to work there as well as to get benefited from their policies and financial benefits.

  • In KPT there are more experienced and old officers present as compare to the new ones. The management feels that they require more experienced worker as the nature of the work on PORT is based more on operations. The number of male employees in the age group of 40–50 is 52 and there are 3 female working in this age group.

  • The number of male employees in the age group of 50–60 is 13 and there is only 1 female working in this age group. Because at this age group level, mostly the positions are holder to the higher grade employees.

Table 89.9 Gender grade/ BPS cross tabulation

The Table 89.9 shows the gender analysis with respect to grade/basic pay scale. Total population considered for analysis is 100 out of which 92 are males and only 8 are females.

  • The number of male employees in the grade of 16–18 is 33 showing the large number of male present in this grade as the requirement of the work and there are only 5 female employees having this grade. They are less in number due to the nature of the work as well as the management preferred the male as compare to female.

  • The number of male employees in the grade of 19–22 is 11 and there is no female employee having this grade.

  • KPT requires more labor force, as their major work are done on the Port that is why they have the higher number of workers at this grade level. The number of male employees in the grade of 1–8 is 45 and there are only 3 female employees having this grade.

4. Descriptive Analysis of Factors

Table 89.10 Age wise analysis

The Table 89.10 shows the descriptive analysis of all the factors considered with respect to age. In the analysis of in HR systems and Procedure evaluation shows that the employees who are in the age group of 20–30 have a mean of 2.20 and standard deviation of 16.3 % as they are very less in number. The performance appraisal of this age group has a mean of 2.20 and a standard deviation of 28.3 %, their performance at the job is not satisfactory. Orientation and training program has a mean of 2.19 and a standard deviation of 59.1 % which a strong deviation in this factor. KPT is involved more in the training and orientation of the new employees according to their work requirement hiring of the employees has a mean of 1.56 and a standard deviation of 17.1 % which shows that hiring is very less in number. The management is not hiring the new employees due to their policy of rightsizing. Compensation and benefits program of the employees has a mean of 2.25 and a standard deviation of 22.8 % means that the employees of this age group are not benefited more from the financial benefits of the company. They provide benefits to those employees who are more experienced and associated with KPT from the longer time. Discipline and Termination program of the employees has a mean of 2.43 and a standard deviation of 42.9 %. The employees who are in the age group of 30–40 have a mean of 2.10 and standard deviation of 46.2 % in HR systems and evaluation, the policies and procedures are followed by the employees. The performance appraisal of the employees was given according to the performance of the employees and it shows a mean of 2.10 and a standard deviation of 48.5 %. KPT is highly in a process of Orientation of the new hired employees, so that they easily understand their work and they also organized training program for their existing employees so that they will organize their work in a more competitive manner which shows a mean of 2.14 and a standard deviation of 47.4 %. From the last several years hiring of the employees in KPT has been equal to none due to the reason of rightsizing which has a mean of 1.53 and a standard deviation of 42.0 %. KPT provides the Compensation and benefits program to those employees who are more experienced and associated with the organization as compare to the lower experienced one which shows a mean of 2.10 and a standard deviation of 38.1 %. Discipline and Termination program of the employees has a mean of 2.60 and a standard deviation of 44.5 % which shows a high deviation in this factor.

The employees who are in the age group of 40–50 have a mean of 2.19 and standard deviation of 40.5 % deviation present in HR systems and Procedure evaluation. The performance appraisal of this age group has a mean of 2.10 and a standard deviation of 46.5 %, means that the employees of this age group received more appraisals. Orientation and training program has a mean of 2.17 and a standard deviation of 51.9 %, refers that the employees of this age group were sent to more training programs so that they clearly understand the level of their work and organize their work in alignment with the organizations goals and mission. Hiring of the employees has a mean of 1.49 and a standard deviation of 36.0 % which shows a deviation in this factor. Compensation and benefits program of the employees has a mean of 2.01 and a standard deviation of 42.5 %, means that the KPT is providing more benefits and incentives as compare to other similar organization and it will be in the form of Medical, pension, etc. Discipline and Termination program of the employees has a mean of 2.40 and a standard deviation of 46.3 % which shows a high deviation in this factor. The employees who are in the age group of 50–60 have a mean of 2.30 and standard deviation of 31.1 % deviation present in HR systems and Procedure evaluation, because at this age group level mostly employees are at the upper officer level. The performance appraisal of this age group has a mean of 2.13 and a standard deviation of 51.8 % refers that they get more appraisal due to the level of their work. Orientation and training program has a mean of 2.17 and a standard deviation of 64.0 %, means that the employees of this age group are more send to the training programs so that they will more learn the management techniques according to the changing needs and the requirements of their position and job. Hiring of the employees has a mean of 1.36 and a standard deviation of 29.3 % which shows a deviation in this factor. Compensation and benefits program of the employees has a mean of 2.16 and a standard deviation of 41.1 % which shows a deviation in this factor. Discipline and Termination program of the employees has a mean of 2.52 and a standard deviation of 35.7 %, means that mostly these employees were not terminated from their position.

Table 89.11 Grade wise analysis

The Table 89.11 shows the descriptive analysis of all the factors considered with respect to Grade or Basic Pay Scale.

The employees who have the grade level between 16–18 have a mean of 2.26 and standard deviation of 26.6 % deviation present in HR systems and Procedure evaluation, shows that employees of this level are not directed towards to the HR policies and procedures described by the management. KPT is appreciated the employees who perform well in their job as described by the upper management and provide them more appraisals to these employees. It shows a mean of 2.08 and a standard deviation of 50.6 %. The employees of this grade level are more send to the Orientation and training program because they are more capable of adopting and changing the activities at the work level and it has a mean of 2.08 and a standard deviation of 60.2 %. Hiring of the employees has a mean of 1.53 and a standard deviation of 44.7 % which shows a deviation in this factor. Compensation and benefits program of the employees has a mean of 1.98 and a standard deviation of 48.3 % which shows a deviation in this factor. Discipline and Termination program of the employees has a mean of 2.47 and a standard deviation of 49.8 %.

The employees who have the grade level between 19 and 22 have a mean of 2.13 and standard deviation of 53.9 % deviation present in HR systems and Procedure evaluation, the policies and procedures are followed by the employees. The performance appraisal of these employees has a mean of 1.85 and a standard deviation of 55.9 %. Orientation and training program has a mean of 1.90 and a standard deviation of 62.9 % which shows a deviation in this factor. Hiring of the employees has a mean of 1.35 and a standard deviation of 23.7 %. Compensation and benefits program of the employees has a mean of 2.01 and a standard deviation of 48.9 % which shows a deviation in this factor. Discipline and Termination program of the employees has a mean of 2.22 and a standard deviation of 51.6 %.

The employees who have the grade level lie between 1 and 8 have a mean of 2.15 and standard deviation of 40.2 % deviation present in HR systems and Procedure evaluation. The performance appraisal of these employees has a mean of 2.17 and a standard deviation of 40.8 %. Orientation and training program has a mean of 2.29 and a standard deviation of 40.0% which shows a deviation in this factor. Hiring of the employees has a mean of 1.47 and a standard deviation of 31.9 %. Compensation and benefits program of the employees has a mean of 2.13 and a standard deviation of 30.3% which shows a deviation in this factor. Discipline and Termination program of the employees has a mean of 2.53 and a standard deviation of 37.9 %.

Table 89.12 Gender wise analysis

The above analysis (Table 89.12) shows the descriptive analysis of all the factors considered with respect to Gender.

According to which the Male employees have a mean of 2.18 and standard deviation of 41.3 % deviation present in HR systems and Procedure evaluation. The performance appraisal of these employees has a mean of 2.10 and a standard deviation of 47.6 %. Orientation and training program has a mean of 2.14 and a standard deviation of 52.4 % which shows a deviation in this factor. Hiring of the employees has a mean of 1.48 and a standard deviation of 36.8 % which shows a deviation in this factor. Compensation and benefits program of the employees has a mean of 2.06 and a standard deviation of 40.4 % which shows a deviation in this factor. Discipline and Termination program of the employees has a mean of 2.46 and a standard deviation of 46.3 % which shows a deviation in this factor.

The Female employees have a mean of 2.20 and standard deviation of 30.2 % deviation present in HR systems and Procedure evaluation. The performance appraisal of these employees has a mean of 2.20 and a standard deviation of 35.5 %. Orientation and training program has a mean of 2.42 and a standard deviation of 41.5 % which shows a deviation in this factor. Hiring of the employees has a mean of 1.60 and a standard deviation of 31.2 % which shows a deviation in this factor. Compensation and benefits program of the employees has a mean of 2.12 and a standard deviation of 46.3 % which shows a deviation in this factor. Discipline and Termination program of the employees has a mean of 2.58 and a standard deviation of 12.8 %. which shows a deviation in this factor.

4 Conclusions

It has been concluded from the research that HR Practices plays a great role in the success of the KPT. The factors that have been analyzed in this research have a strong relation with the employees and its performance.

The effective performance evaluation practices exist in KPT which help the HR department and upper management to better analyze the employees work and relate their performance to the goals of the organization. The evaluation system of KPT is in such a manner that it is linked with promotion and compensation of the employees. As far Compensation Practices are concerned they have direct impact on the employees’ performance. Currently KPT is engaged in providing compensation practices to their employees and they are always in a process of announcing attractive salary and other bonus packages to their employees which are a very positive step to enhance employees’ performance. Promotion practices not only help employees to grow in organizational hierarchy but also serve as mode for professional development.

Since this study proves the relationship of promotion and compensation practices with employees’ performance, it is up to the government and the management to devise career development programs for their employees which should allow them to grow in their careers as well as there should be opportunities to grow professionally.

Human capital management (HCM) is an essential component of KPT management system. It refers to the systems, policies, procedures, and practices of managing human capital within the organizations.

5 Recommendations

  • KPT should regularly conduct and updates a thorough analysis of its human capital needs. This goal hinges on the extent to which a public organization is aware of and addresses its human capital capacity y over time.

  • The organization acquires the employees and its needs in a more competitive manner and according to the changing needs of the environment. This goal addresses the extent to which the KPT is able to obtain needed employees and determine the quality of its new hires.

  • KPT should retain a skilled workforce; the employees who are highly skilled and capable should retain in the organization and should not become the process of rightsizing.

  • KPT have to develop its workforce and should develop the career development program. This goal captures an organization’s commitment to training and developing its employees and its future leaders, especially in areas that are critical to its mission.

  • The public organization mainly has to manage its workforce performance programs effectively. This goal focuses on whether a public organization is able to encourage employees to perform effectively in support of its goals, discipline poor performers, and terminate employees who cannot or will not meet performance and behavioral standards.

  • Effective motivation typically rests on the use of appropriate monetary and nonmonetary rewards and incentives, an effective performance appraisal system linking individual and KPT’s goals, and sound mechanisms that both facilitate and use employee feedback are also needed.