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The lexicography of German

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International Handbook of Modern Lexis and Lexicography
  • 209 Accesses


This chapter discusses the main dictionaries of the German language as it is spoken and written in Germany, and also German as it is spoken and written in Austria, Switzerland, the eastern fringes of Belgium, and South Tyrol. It also briefly describes Pennsylvania German. Corpora and other language resources used in German dictionary-making are also presented. Finally, there is a discussion of some current issues in German lexicography, as well as future prospects.

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    Klosa, A. (2017). The lexicography of German. In: Hanks, P., de Schryver, GM. (eds) International Handbook of Modern Lexis and Lexicography. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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    • Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

    • Print ISBN: 978-3-642-45369-4

    • Online ISBN: 978-3-642-45369-4

    • eBook Packages: Springer Reference Social SciencesReference Module Humanities and Social SciencesReference Module Business, Economics and Social Sciences

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    1. Latest

      The lexicography of German
      06 April 2017


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      The lexicography of German
      23 December 2015
