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Augmented Reality in Education

  • Living reference work entry
  • First Online:
Handbook of Mobile Teaching and Learning
  • 282 Accesses


Augmented reality (AR) allows users to superimpose digital information on the physical world by means of mobile devices. As a form of mixed reality, AR aligns with social constructivist and situated learning theories, in which knowledge is collaboratively co-created in real-world contexts using authentic disciplinary processes. Compared to fully virtual environments such as virtual reality (VR), educational AR affords location-specific information, just-in-time instruction and scaffolding, increased self-efficacy and tenacity, and greater ease of collaboration and of authoring. Rather than problem-solving activities in decontextualized settings, learners can engage in inquiry-based problem finding through an interactive, dynamic, contextualized learning experience that fosters near-transfer to later activities in the real world. This chapter summarizes illustrative research findings on uses of AR in formal and informal learning settings across multiple disciplines and age ranges. Based on these findings and on likely short-term advances in immersive media, ways that educators can best utilize AR as a means of transforming their teaching are discussed.

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Reilly, J.M., Dede, C. (2019). Augmented Reality in Education. In: Zhang, Y., Cristol, D. (eds) Handbook of Mobile Teaching and Learning. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

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