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Climbing the Adaptation Planning Ladder: Barriers and Enablers in Municipal Planning

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Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation
  • 550 Accesses


Local municipal governments have a crucial role in helping communities adapt to climate change. Recognizing different levels of climate preparedness, this chapter analyzes what steps communities tend to follow when they move forward on climate adaptation, including prerequisites for planning and the selection of policies. Drawing on content analyses of local climate adaptation plans from the USA and Australia, as well as interviews with municipal planners in both nations, the chapter explores the adaptation policy choices communities are making and explains the range of strategies local governments have used to move forward on a “ladder” of climate adaptation, proceeding from awareness and constituency building activities through formal risk analyses and strategic planning for climate adaptation, through implementation through specific changes to land-use planning and infrastructure investment. Factors found to support or hinder these efforts relate to political will, staff resources, technical information, and training in potential policy responses. Significant barriers include issues of property rights and sunk investment in vulnerable locations (particularly along the coast), as well as shifting community and political views about the reality of climate change. Overall, progress in municipal climate adaptation planning is patchy and affected by wider policy frameworks and access to state- or national-level support. However, this chapter highlights opportunities for municipalities to move forward on climate adaption planning, despite local barriers to action.

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Hamin, E., Gurran, N. (2014). Climbing the Adaptation Planning Ladder: Barriers and Enablers in Municipal Planning. In: Leal Filho, W. (eds) Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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