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Renal Vascular Diseases: Non-atherosclerotic Renal Artery Diseases

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PanVascular Medicine


The renal hilum, and particularly the renal artery, is one of the most important locations in the body for vascular pathology. This is due not only to the vascular support offered to the kidney but also to the important functional impact (e.g., secondary hypertension) of lesions in these vascular structures on patient health status. The present chapter summarizes a set of different injuries that may occur in the renal artery, including trauma, fibromuscular dysplasia, and a complex group of lesions related to arterial dilation (e.g., aneurysms).

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Permanent arterial dilatation usually caused by weakening of the vessel wall.


A tissue or organ that is grafted into a new position on the body of the individual from which it was removed.


Stenotic or occlusive lesions most often observed in hypertensive patients with underlying atherosclerosis or fibromuscular disease. Acute dissections may present spontaneously, as a complication of diagnostic or therapeutic angiography or as an agonal event associated with overwhelming systemic illness.

Endovascular surgery:

A form of minimally invasive surgery that was designed to access many regions of the body via major blood vessels.

Ex vivo renal artery repair:

Surgical techniques that permit the use of vascular and microvascular surgical procedures for the reconstruction of renal vessels in situations where the size or location of involved renal vessels does not permit the application of standard in situ techniques.

Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD):

Disease that causes one or more arteries to have abnormal cell development in the artery wall. As a result, areas of stenosis, aneurysms, or dissections may occur. FMD is most commonly found in the renal arteries. However, less commonly, FMD affects other arteries in the abdomen and extremities.


A dilation of an artery with actual disruption of one or more layers of its walls, rather than with expansion of all wall layers. Also called false aneurysm.

Renal artery:

Artery with its origin in the aorta and with distribution to the kidney.


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Further Readings

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  • Wu W, Chaer RA (2013) Nonarteriosclerotic vascular disease. Surg Clin North Am 93:833–875

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González, J., Ciancio, G. (2014). Renal Vascular Diseases: Non-atherosclerotic Renal Artery Diseases. In: Lanzer, P. (eds) PanVascular Medicine. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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