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Graft Remodeling and Bony Ingrowth After ACL Reconstruction

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Sports Injuries


The following chapter will provide a concise overview about the biological changes of an autologous graft following reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. Detailed attention is paid to the healing processes that occur at the intra-articular and at the intra-tunnel graft regions. The specific biological changes leading to adaptation of the intra-articular graft region towards an ACL-like structure and the formation of a neoinsertion of the ACL graft are outlined. Time-specific phases are defined, which show distinct differences in remodeling activity. Overall information of this chapter will help to understand when graft remodeling and incorporation will be completed and full functional recovery can be expected.

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Scheffler, S., Becker, R. (2013). Graft Remodeling and Bony Ingrowth After ACL Reconstruction. In: Doral, M., Karlsson, J. (eds) Sports Injuries. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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