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Drug Discovery and Evaluation: Pharmacological Assays


The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a cost-effective vertebrate model system amenable to pharmacological investigation. Many of the available drug assays are relatively straightforward to perform, as small molecules dissolved directly in the water can be directly taken up by the zebrafish to elicit biological effects in target tissues. The low cost and ease of drug administration have especially enabled the adoption of high-throughput pharmacological screening in whole, intact animals. In addition, a fully sequenced genome and numerous tools to manipulate genes allow for the rapid generation of zebrafish disease models. Finally, the high conservation between zebrafish and mammalian drug targets facilitates bringing zebrafish pharmacological discoveries into the clinic.

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Seizure Behavior

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Nonassociative Learning

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Associative Learning-Classical Conditioning

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Rihel, J., Ghosh, M. (2015). Zebrafish. In: Hock, F. (eds) Drug Discovery and Evaluation: Pharmacological Assays. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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