
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

Plain Film

Plain films obtained in the supine position ­demonstrate the bowel gas pattern.

Fig. 21.1
figure 00211

Supine abdominal radiograph

Fig. 21.2
figure 00212

Supine abdominal radiograph after IV contrast during an IVU


Prone position for at least 5 min demonstrates the presence of rectal air.

The stomach is normally contracted or distended with food.

The duodenum is not visible.

Small bowel loops <3 cm in caliber are normal.

Maximum allowed caecal diameter is 9 and 5.5 cm for the rest of the colon.

An appendicolith may be visible in 7–15 % of the normal population.


  • Endoscopic ultrasound is used to assess mural anatomy.

  • Transabdominal ultrasound may be used to assess gastro-esophageal reflux in children.

  • The appendix is seen as a blind-ending tubular structure <6 mm in caliber.

  • Anal sphincters can be optimally assessed using an endorectal probe.

Fig. 21.3
figure 00213

Longitudinal ultrasound through the left lobe of the liver showing the gastroesophageal junction

Contrast Studies

Barium Meal

Assesses morphology and mucosal detail of stomach and duodenum. Usually performed with barium and air, hence called a double contrast barium meal (DCBM).

Fig. 21.4
figure 00214

DCBM of stomach


Good coating and distension allows visualisation of the area gastricae and “see through” effect.

Fig. 21.5
figure 00215

DCBM of the duodenal cap


The duodenal cap normally has the shape of a spade.

The duodenal cap may be indented by a normal gall bladder.

Fig. 21.6
figure 00216

DCBM of duodenum


On the AP projection, D1 is located to the right of the spine and the duodeno-jejunal flexure to the left of the left pedicle at the same level or higher.

The major papilla is visualised in 66 % of cases.

The superior mesenteric artery may indent D3 (this may be pathological).

Small Bowel Enteroclysis

Demonstrates small bowel disposition, valvulae conniventes, and wall thickness.

Fig. 21.7
figure 00217

Small bowel enteroclysis (SBE)


Prominence of the valvulae conniventes at the jejunum.

Folds are smooth and <3 mm in thickness.

Bowel loops are evenly spaced.

Good contrast and exposure factors results in a “see-through” effect.

Barium Enema

Allows assessment of large bowl morphology and mucosal detail. Usually performed with barium and air and hence called a double contrast barium enema (DCBE).

Fig. 21.8
figure 00218

DCBE of the caecum and terminal ileum with reflux into small bowel


The normal terminal ileum resembles a “birds beak” at the ileocaecal valve.

Fig. 21.9
figure 00219

DCBE with compression of the caecum


A rounded filling defect in the caecum is caused by the ileocaecal valve.

Fig. 21.10
figure 002110

DCBE of the large bowel, erect view

Fig. 21.11
figure 002111

DCBE of the rectosigmoid, AP view


This view is performed prone “30° up” to elongate the bowel loops and the enema tube is removed to prevent obscuring of low lesions.

Fig. 21.12
figure 002112

DCBE of the rectosigmoid, AP view


The normal presacral width is <15 mm at the fourth sacral element. This increases to 20 mm in obese and elderly patients.

Fig. 21.13
figure 002113

Cannon’s ring simulating pathology at the transverse colon during DCBE

Fig. 21.14
figure 002114

IV muscle relaxant with air inflation demonstrates normal distensibility of the transverse colon at Cannon’s ring

Fig. 21.15
figure 002115

DCBE demonstrating lymphoid follicles


Lymphoid tissue aggregates are a normal variant and should measure <4 mm each.

Fig. 21.16
figure 002116

DCBE demonstrating innominate lines


These are superficial indentations of the mucosa due to the Crypts of Lieberkühn.

Computed Tomography

Optimal delineation of luminal, mural, and extramural anatomy.

Performed with positive/negative intraluminal contrast (using air, water or oral contrast agent).

Fig. 21.17
figure 002117

Axial post contrast CT demonstrating the splenic flexure of the colon

Fig. 21.18
figure 002118

Axial post contrast CT demonstrating the stomach fundus


Thickness of the gastric wall is even except at the gastroesophageal junction.

Gastric wall is accentuated by negative intraluminal contrast and perigastric fat.

A fat plane separates the diaphragmatic crura from the gastric wall.

Fig. 21.19
figure 002119

Axial post contrast CT demonstrating the second part of the duodenum


The superior mesenteric artery should always be surrounded by a cuff of fat.

Fig. 21.20
figure 002120

Axial post contrast CT demonstrating the third part of the duodenum


D3 is the last of the three structures passing between the SMA and the aorta. The other two are the uncinate process of the pancreas and the left renal vein.

Fig. 21.21
figure 002121

Axial post contrast CT demonstrating the appendix in a patient with ascites


The ileocaecal valve can cause a significant filling defect mimicking a soft tissue mass.

Fig. 21.22
figure 002122

Axial post contrast CT demonstrating the terminal ileum in a patient with ascites

Virtual Colonoscopy


Fluid and faecal matter may mimic pathology – hence correlate supine and prone axial CT ­reference images, with CT virtual colonoscopy images.

Fig. 21.23
figure 002123

Normal CT virtual colonoscopy. Fillet post processing elongated flattened view of the dissected colon (top). Volume-rendered image of the colon in which an automatically central colonic path is created prior to colon virtual dissection (bottom left). Axial CT image for reference (bottom middle). Virtual endoscopic image (bottom right)

Fig. 21.24
figure 002124

Fluid in colon mimicking a polyp. Fillet view (top). Volume-rendered image (bottom left). Axial CT reference image (bottom middle). Endoscopic image (bottom right)

Fig. 21.25
figure 002125

Valve of Bauhini (ileo-caecal valve). CT colonoscopy (top and bottom right). Axial CT image for reference (middle). Prone volume-rendered image of the colon (bottom left)

Fig. 21.26
figure 002126

Catheter in the rectum. Fillet view (top). Volume-rendered image of the colon in which an automatically central colonic path is created prior to colon virtual dissection (bottom left). Axial CT image for reference (bottom middle). Virtual endoscopic image (bottom right)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Demonstrates bowel with similar detail as CT but with additional benefits of better mural and biliary tree assessment.

Optimally demonstrates pelvic floor and anal sphincters.

Fig. 21.27
figure 002127

T2 coronal demonstrating the stomach

Fig. 21.28
figure 002128

T2 coronal demonstrating the transverse colon

Fig. 21.29
figure 002129

T2 coronal demonstrating the caecum

Fig. 21.30
figure 002130

T2 sagittal demonstrating the rectum in a female

Fig. 21.31
figure 002131

T2 axial demonstrating the rectum in a female

Fig. 21.32
figure 002132

T2 axial demonstrating the rectum in a female


The rectal wall consists of:

Mucosa and submucosa: T2 high

Musculari propria: T2 intermediate/high

Perirectal fat: T2 high

Fig. 21.33
figure 002133

T1 axial demonstrating the rectum in a male


The mesorectal space is bounded by the mesorectal fascia surrounding the rectum. It contains fat, lymph nodes, and vessels.

Fig. 21.34
figure 002134

T1 axial demonstrating the rectum in a male


The mesorectal fascia blends anteriorly with Devonvillier’s fascia of the prostate.

Fig. 21.35
figure 002135

T2 coronal demonstrating the rectum in a male


The levator ani muscle is the ceiling of the ischiorectal fossa. Note the rectal wall thickening at the anorectal junction.


CT, MR, and catheter angiography are used to assess bowel and visceral blood supply.

Catheter angiography is the gold standard because of better spatial resolution, ability to assess flow dynamics, and intervention in the same setting.

Fig. 21.36
figure 002136

Sagittal CT reconstruction after IV and oral contrast

Fig. 21.37
figure 002137

Lateral angiogram of the abdominal aorta


The normal angle between the aorta and SMA is 45°–65°.

Fig. 21.38
figure 002138

Selective coeliac artery angiogram

Fig. 21.39
figure 002139

Coeliac and mesenteric artery angiogram

Fig. 21.40
figure 002140

Selective superior mesenteric artery angiogram