
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Classical microbiological research requires microbial culture, by which the studied microbes reproduce in culture medium (Handelsman 2004). However, since a community of microbes (i.e., microbiome) is usually not able to survive under the predetermined laboratory condition, our understanding of microbes at aggregate level had been much hindered (National Research Council 2007). The scenario started to change since mid-1980s when a different approach was innovated (Woese 1987), in which microbiome samples are obtained from the site in situ; DNA contents are extracted and sequenced; sequence alignment is subsequently performed, and then followed by computational or statistical analysis (Wooley et al. 2010). The related study is named metagenomics, especially boosted by the rapid advancement of DNA sequencing technologies in the past decade (Metzker 2010; Bragg and Tyson 2014).

Having the entire genomic DNA or particular DNA contents (e.g., 16S rDNA) sequenced, metagenomic datasets can be classified as whole-genome sequence (WGS) data or marker-gene survey data. They are together termed as metagenomic sequence data, or metagenomic count data in this chapter. The obtained sequence reads can be aligned against a database for taxonomic analysis (e.g., RDP database (Cole et al. 2013)) or functional analysis (e.g., COGs (Tatusov et al. 2003), eggNOGs (Powell et al. 2014) databases). The number of reads aligned to a feature, either a taxonomic unit or a functional family, indicates the abundance level of the feature in a sample. It is often of primary interest to identify the features of which the abundance levels differ between conditions, for example, to find the microbial species more abundantly appeared in a diseased human gut than in a healthy gut (Shreiner et al. 2015). This comparative study is named differential abundance analysis. However, due to the fact that the total amount of DNA undergone sequencing, conventionally referred as to library size, may differ substantially as observed, normalization of library size is inescapable before the differential abundance analysis is performed. Otherwise, a differentially abundant feature may be claimed because of uneven library sizes instead of the difference in the abundance of study interest.

Various normalization methods have also been developed for RNA-Seq data analysis (Dillies et al. 2013). As both metagenomic sequence data and RNA-Seq data share a common structure: the count of reads aligned to a feature (e.g., a gene for RNA-Seq data), there have been suggestions proposed to treat metagenomic sequence data as another variant of RNA-Seq data and simply apply the existing normalization methods for RNA-Seq data to metagenomics data analysis (Fernandes et al. 2014; Anders et al. 2013). Towards differential abundance analysis, McMurdie and Holmes (2014) classified the existing normalization methods widely used for metagenomic count data into three groups: (1) Model/None, in which a parametric model is employed to normalize the data or no normalization is applied in some cases, includes the Upper Quartile (UQ) (Bullard et al. 2010), Relative Log Expression (RLE) (Anders and Huber 2010), Trimmed Mean of M-value (TMM) (Robinson and Oshlack 2010), and Cumulative Sum Scaling (CSS) (Paulson et al. 2013); (2) Rarefied (McMurdie and Holmes 2013), in which samples with library size being less than a specified value will be discarded and the remaining samples will be subsampled such that all library sizes equal to the specified value (detailed later); (3) Proportion, in which raw counts are divided by total library size, is named as Total Sum Scaling (TSS) in this chapter. The UQ normalization shares the same spirit with CSS method, so we do not evaluate UQ method. The basic conclusion McMurdie and Holmes drew from their study is that “both proportions and rarefied counts result in a high rate of false positives in tests for species that are differentially abundant across sample classes” and they suggest that it is fine to use the normalization methods from Model/None group, “In particular, an analysis that models counts with the Negative Binomial—as implemented in DESeq2 or in edgeR with RLE normalization—was able to accurately and specifically detect differential abundance over the full range of effect sizes, replicate numbers, and library sizes that we simulated” (McMurdie and Holmes 2014).

There is increasing evidence that many metagenomic count data may be regarded as samples from the microbial ecosystems, and the count of reads to a feature indicates the relative abundance (i.e., compositional proportion) of the feature in the ecosystem (Tsilimigras and Fodor 2016; Gloor et al. 2016). Mandal et al. (2015) provided an excellent example explaining the difference between the comparison of abundance across specimens, and that across microbial ecosystems. We summarize that the former is about absolute abundance, while the latter is about relative abundance. Weiss et al. (2017) explicitly pointed out that the metagenomic data from 16S rDNA amplicon sequencing possess the compositional data characteristics, and studied six normalization methods combined with different test approaches for differential abundance analysis. The simulation studies conducted in their paper utilized Multinomial, Dirichlet-multinomial, and Gamma-Poisson distributions. However, as indicated in the same paper, both Multinomial and Dirichlet-multinomial distributions may not be appropriate for metagenomic compositional data as these distributions imply a negative correlation between any pair of the features, while Gamma-Poisson distribution does not impose the simplex (i.e., the relative abundances sum to 1). Adequate simulation criteria are strongly needed for drawing correct conclusions about the performance of normalization methods on metagenomic compositional data.

In this chapter, we adopt a metagenomic dataset to show the ineffectiveness of some normalization methods, list the details of conducting simulation based on the characteristics learned from the dataset, and demonstrate the impact of normalization methods on the differential abundance analysis. We advocate, in order to avoid ineffective normalization, case-by-case simulation should be conducted according to the dataset to be analyzed. We are drawing attention to the research community and calling for normalization methods specially designed for metagenomics compositional data.

2 Motivating Example

The NIH Human Microbiome Project (HMP) ( (Peterson et al. 2009)) provides the 16S rDNA sequencing output and the processed datasets, collected from different sites of healthy human bodies. We downloaded the saliva and stool sample data (170 saliva samples vs. 191 stool samples) from (last visited on February 28, 2018). The sequencing reads were processed by the bioinformatics tool Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology (QIIME, (Caporaso et al. 2010)). For each taxonomic unit, the coefficients of variation (CV: the ratio of the sample standard deviation over the sample mean) of the counts can be calculated for the saliva and the stool samples, respectively. As the CV is an indication of the level of standardized variation between the samples for a feature, it is expected that after appropriate normalization the CV values from all the features under the same condition will decrease in general since the variation due to unequal library sizes should have been reduced. A subsampled dataset is obtained using the steps: randomly selecting the same number (i.e., 361) of samples from the HMP saliva and stool dataset with replacement, and then removing the duplicated ones. The resampling process repeated one hundred times. Figure 16.1 shows the boxplots of the median CV values of the non-normalized subsampled datasets (Raw), and the normalized subsampled datasets by five different methods. We can see instead of reducing the CV, the TMM normalization has noticeably increased CV values in both saliva and stool samples. This may imply that the TMM normalization is ineffective for the data intended for differential abundance analysis between saliva and stool microbiota. The TSS normalization results in higher CV values for the datasets subsampled from the saliva samples as well. However, it is worth noting that reduced CV itself does not sufficiently mean a good normalization because overreducing sample variation could lead to additional false positives. That is, we cannot conclude that RFY is superior than the other normalizations for this dataset either. This CV analysis on the HMP saliva and stool dataset shows a striking example, which motivated us to investigate how the existing normalization methods perform with metagenomic compositional datasets.

Fig. 16.1
figure 1

Boxplots of the median values of Coefficients of Variation of the counts in the non-normalized subsampled datasets (Raw), and the normalized subsampled datasets by five different methods from the HMP saliva and stool dataset

3 Data Notation and Methods

A metagenomic dataset can be organized as shown in Table 16.1. A column contains the sequence counts for all the features in a sample; a row lists the counts for a feature across all the samples. For example, y ij denotes the count for feature i from sample j.

Table 16.1 Format of a metagenomic dataset of two conditions

With these notations, the steps and the formula of the normalization methods studied in this chapter are briefly introduced as follows.

TSS (White et al. 2009): The total sum of the counts in a sample serves as the estimate of the library size of the sample. A TSS normalized count is calculated as

$$ {\tilde{y}}_{ij}^{TSS}=\frac{y_{ij}}{\sum_i{y}_{ij}}{N}^{TSS}, $$

where N TSS is an appropriately chosen normalization constant.

RLE (Anders and Huber 2010): The geometric mean of the counts to a feature from all the samples is first calculated. The ratio of a raw count over the geometric mean to the same feature is then computed. The scale factor of a sample is obtained as the median of the ratios for the sample. A RLE normalized count can be calculated as

$$ {\tilde{y}}_{ij}^{RLE}={y}_{ij}/{\mathrm{median}}_i\left\{\frac{y_{ij}}{{\left({\prod}_j{y}_{ij}\right)}^{\frac{1\ }{n_1+{n}_2}}}\right\}. $$

TMM (Robinson and Oshlack 2010): The ratio of two observed relative abundances for a feature in two samples is considered to be an estimate of the scale factor between the two samples. The log2 of the ratio is named M value; and the log2 of the geometric mean of the observed relative abundances is called A value. This name convention follows the M and A values given originally in the M-A plot (Yang et al. 2002). That is, for feature i from samples j, l,

$$ {M}_{i(jl)}={\log}_2\frac{y_{ij}/{\sum}_i{y}_{ij}}{y_{il}/{\sum}_i{y}_{il}};\kern1em {A}_{i(jl)}=\frac{1}{2}{\log}_2\left(\frac{y_{ij}}{\sum_i{y}_{ij}}\frac{y_{il}}{\sum_i{y}_{il}}\right). $$

The features with specified upper or lower percent of M (default 30%) or A (default 5%) values are trimmed out. The weighted sum of the M values can be used to derive the scale factor,

$$ {\log}_2\left({SF}_{jl}^{TMM}\right)=\frac{\sum_{i\in {m}_{jl}^{TMM}}\left({w}_{i(jl)}{M}_{i(jl)}\right)}{\sum_{i\in {m}_{jl}^{TMM}}\left({w}_{i(jl)}\right)}, $$

where \( {SF}_{jl}^{TMM} \) denotes the scale factor of sample j relative to sample l by TMM method, and \( {m}_{jl}^{TMM} \) denotes the remaining features after the trimming step for the two samples. The weight w i(jl) is computed by,

$$ {w}_{i(jl)}=\frac{\sum_i{y}_{ij}-{y}_{ij}}{y_{ij}{\sum}_i{y}_{ij}}+\frac{\sum_i{y}_{il}-{y}_{il}}{y_{il}{\sum}_i{y}_{il}}. $$

After appropriate steps, a TMM normalized count can also be expressed as the quotient of y ij and some attainable value.

CSS (Paulson et al. 2013): For a sample, CSS is defined as the sum of counts that are less than or equal to a percentile, determined by the data. This cumulative sum excludes the raw counts from features that are preferentially amplified, and thus is considered to be relatively invariant across the samples. Using this sum as the scale factor, a CSS normalized count can be calculated as

$$ {\tilde{y}}_{ij}^{CSS}=\frac{y_{ij}}{\sum_{i\in {m}^{CSS}}\left({y}_{ij}\right)}{N}^{CSS}, $$

where N CSS is an appropriately chosen normalization constant, and m CSS denotes the features included in the cumulative summation for the sample.

RFY (McMurdie and Holmes 2013): Rarefying normalization starts with selection of a library size, N RFY. Then any sample, with library size less than N RFY, is considered defective and discarded. For any remaining sample, the features are resampled using their counts as sampling weights. The resampled dataset, or the normalized samples, share the same library size. In this chapter, we use the same criterion as that in McMurdie and Holmes (2014) to set the 15th percentile of total sums of the counts of raw samples as the N RFY. Note that, RFY does not provide an estimate of scale factor of a sample as other normalizations do. In this sense, TSS, RLE, TMM, and CSS are called scaling normalizations, but RFY is not.

4 Simulation Study

4.1 Parameters and Data Characteristics

Mandal et al. (2015) has made a remarkable comment for metagenomic compositional data analysis: “It is critical to understand what the observed data represent and what statistical parameters are being tested.” As discussed in Introduction, in our opinion, the answer to the comment is: metagenomic compositional data should be deemed as samples from the microbial ecosystems, and the read counts to the features should be used as the indication of the relative abundances (i.e., compositional proportions) of the features in the ecosystems. For a statistical test, the relative abundance is the underlying parameter to be compared between conditions. The relative abundance of feature i for condition k is denoted by \( {p}_i^{(k)} \), subject to the simplex, i.e., \( {\sum}_{i=1}^m\ {p}_i^{(k)}=1 \).

Through more than a decade of metagenomics research, it has been recognized that metagenomic data possess at least three outstanding characteristics: (1) a great proportion of the features have a sparse count, meaning that the data contain an inflated proportion of zero counts (Paulson et al. 2013; Sohn et al. 2015); (2) the data suffer from the under-sampling issue, that is, more features are found from sample with larger library size, in other words, zero counts could also be associated to library size (Srinivas et al. 2013); (3) the counts are usually overdispersed (McMurdie and Holmes 2014).

4.2 Data Simulation

Data simulation encompasses two consecutive steps: learning of real dataset on the characteristics outlined above, and statistical simulation using the parameters learned. To emphasize, both the learning of real dataset and statistical simulation are carried out for each condition separately.

Learning of real dataset. The expectation of y ij is expressed as \( {\mu}_{ij}={\mu}_j{p}_i^{(k)} \), where μ j is the expectation of the sum of the counts in sample j and is named sample scale here. An estimate of μ ij can be obtained by,

$$ {\widehat{\mu}}_{ij}={\widehat{\mu}}_j\cdot {\widehat{p}}_i^{(k)}=\sum \limits_i{y}_{ij}\cdot \frac{\sum_{j\in (k)}{y}_{ij}}{\sum_{i,j\in (k)}{y}_{ij}}, $$

where j ∈ (k) represents the samples from condition k only. Note that, as an estimate of count, \( {\widehat{\mu}}_{ij} \) is rounded to the nearest integer.

The observed counts, with the same estimated expectation, of all the samples under the same condition, are put together to fit a Negative Binomial (NB) distribution. There is a fitted size parameter of NB distribution from each of the grouped raw counts. This size parameter indicates the level of overdispersion of the counts, which is detailed in Appendix. We will use the average of the fitted size values for the simulation.

After the NB fitting, for the group of observed counts that share the same estimated expectation, the probability of zero can be calculated using the fitted NB distribution. If the observed proportion of zeros is greater than this probability, their difference is recorded as the estimated probability of inflated zero counts for that expectation.

The samples (or columns in Table 16.1) under the same condition are sorted according to the values of \( {\widehat{\mu}}_j \) (i.e., ∑i y ij) from the least to the greatest. Then, for a feature (or a row in Table 16.1), the cumulative sums of the counts from sample 1 to another sample are calculated, i.e., \( {\sum}_{j=1}^J{y}_{ij},J=1,\dots {n}_c \), where n c is the sample size under that condition. Thus, for a feature, we use the maximum of the \( {\widehat{\mu}}_j \)’s, over the samples (or columns) with the cumulative sums ≤3, to estimate the boundary library size of the under-sampling.

Simulation steps. Simulation is carried out for each of the conditions separately as well. First, the \( {\widehat{\mu}}_j \)’s from the real dataset are used to build an empirical distribution from which random numbers can be generated and serve as the sample scales (\( {\mu}_j^{sim} \)’s) for the simulation. Second, the expectation of count is obtained following \( {\mu}_{ij}^{sim}={\mu}_j^{sim}\cdot {\widehat{p}}_i^{(k)} \). The simulated count (\( {y}_{ij}^{sim} \)) is randomly selected from either a zero point, or a random number from the NB distribution with the learned parameter values. Third, in simulated sample j, if the estimated boundary size of under-sampling for a feature is greater than \( {\sum}_i{y}_{ij}^{sim} \), the corresponding count is replaced by zero. R codes for learning of a real dataset and subsequently data simulation are available at a Github webpage

4.3 Normalization Performance

The purpose of normalization is to adjust all the samples to the same scale for differential abundance analysis. Although it is conventional to say that normalization is for library size, it is essentially the sample scale that needs to be normalized. After normalization, the counts for a feature in different samples under the same condition are assumed to have the same expectation. The expectations are compared between conditions to draw the conclusion for the analysis. Thereupon, the sample scale, the sum of expectations of counts in the sample, needs to be normalized among all the samples. In turn, the relative abundance is compared.

Using the HMP saliva and stool sample data as template, we generated 100 simulated datasets. The four methods (TSS, RLE, TMM, and CSS) were applied for estimation of the sample scales in the normalization. Since the RFY approach does not perform normalization through estimating sample scale, it is not included here. The Pearson correlation coefficient between the estimated sample scales and the true values is calculated to show how well a normalization works. The estimate is better when the coefficient is closer to one. Figure 16.2 displays the boxplots of the coefficients from the 100 simulated datasets. Among these four methods, TMM appears uncompetitive. Both TSS and CSS perform better than RLE, while the median of TSS (0.625) is slightly higher than that of CSS (0.61) but with two times larger standard deviation (0.08 vs. 0.04).

Fig. 16.2
figure 2

Boxplots of Pearson correlation coefficients of sample scales estimated after different normalization methods and the true values, using the 100 simulated datasets

4.4 Impact of Normalization on Differential Abundance Analysis

To be able to set true/false differentially abundant features explicitly, we take only the simulated data from one condition, i.e., the stool metagenome. A simulated dataset, containing 191 samples, is randomly partitioned into two smaller datasets with 96 and 95 samples in each. Meanwhile, we intend to keep the compositional characteristics of the data. The quartiles of \( {p}_i^{(k)} \)’s are calculated. In the dataset that contains 96 samples, the features (i.e., rows) from the third and fourth quartiles are randomly swapped with the features from the first and second quartiles. By so doing, the two partitioned datasets share 50% true and 50% false differentially abundant features with the compositional structure still maintained. A two-sided T test is first performed to compare the normalized counts for each feature, and followed by the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure (Benjamini and Hochberg 1995) for false discovery rate controlling at 0.05 among all the tests. Figure 16.3a shows the boxplots of the observed false discovery rates (FDR) in the analysis output after a normalization procedure. It is noticeable that TMM normalization has much higher FDR, with 46% tests showing FDR greater than 0.05. RFY normalization performs the second worst regarding FDR controlling, with 12% tests having FDR greater than 0.05. As indicated in Fig. 16.3b, the true positive rates (TPR) associated with TMM and non-normalization are lower than TPR associated with the other normalizations. It is clear that an ineffective normalization (TMM here) will discourage the differential analysis in error rate controlling or statistical power, or both.

Fig. 16.3
figure 3

Impact of normalization on differential abundance analysis in both FDR and TPR, by two-sided T test with 100 datasets shuffled from stool metagenome dataset. (a) False discovery rate. (b) True positive rate

Our focus is to examine how a normalization impacts subsequent differential analysis. However, it should be pointed out that differential abundance analysis itself is influenced by both normalization and the statistical approach used for analysis. Figure 16.4 shows FDR and TPR on the same shuffled datasets above but analyzed using NB regression approach. It seems NB approach has better TPR rate but worse FDR controlling compared to T test. Nonetheless, TMM still shows ineffectiveness in the NB approach.

Fig. 16.4
figure 4

Impact of normalization on differential abundance analysis in both FDR and TPR, by Negative Binomial regression with 100 datasets shuffled from stool metagenome dataset. (a) False discovery rate. (b) True positive rate

5 Discussion

5.1 TMM and RLE with Metagenomic Compositional Dataset

For gene expression studies, there is a widely used assumption that the majority of genes do not express differentially between conditions. Many of RNA-Seq normalization methods were developed based on this assumption, including TMM and RLE. The “non-differential” in the assumption is implemented as non-differential absolute abundance after normalization. Subsequent differential analysis is also to compare the normalized counts between conditions, instead of comparing the relative abundances as it is for compositional data. In Appendix, we use hypothetical datasets to explain why TMM and RLE normalizations may not work well with metagenomic compositional dataset. We would then like to suggest using RNA-Seq normalization with caution for metagenomic compositional data analysis.

5.2 Simulation Benchmark

Metagenomic studies have been frustrated by lack of good simulation benchmarks (Johnson et al. 2014). Meanwhile, contrary conclusions have been seen from the simulation studies conducted with different criteria (McMurdie and Holmes 2014; Weiss et al. 2017; Costea et al. 2014; Paulson et al. 2014). In our vision, the practice needs improvement from at least two aspects. First, the idea that a simulation study should be designed to apply for overall situations may not be realistic. Instead, a case-by-case simulation practice should be encouraged, based on the real dataset to analyze. Second, in terms of metagenomic compositional data, all the important data characteristics should be included when designing a simulation. Using a convenient statistical distribution is not a good strategy because it may not be capable to reflect the complex in a real dataset.

We suggest that a simulation be carried out for each condition independently for metagenomic compositional data. The distribution of library size, the relative abundance, the overdispersion parameter, the probability of zero count from a zero mass state, and the boundary library size in terms of under-sampling are learned from a real metagenomic dataset. Hopefully, the simulation approach we provide in this chapter can serve as a good basis for building up simulation benchmarks in the research community of metagenomic data analysis.

5.3 Novel Normalization Methods Are Needed

As observed, TMM method should be avoided for analysis of the HMP saliva and stool dataset. In Appendix, we also provide a figure showing that the RLE normalization does not work well for the mouse stool metagenomic dataset, which has been used as the benchmark dataset in the chapter where CSS was introduced (Paulson et al. 2013). From our experience, no matter with real or simulated data, in most situations the CSS does not identify the data-driven percentile, up to which the raw counts will be summed, and then the default value 50th percentile is used. It is questionable to us whether there commonly exists a claimed percentile so that the raw counts are distributed differently lower or greater than it (see Supplementary Figure 1 in Paulson et al. 2013). In addition, there is no specific consideration of the compositional characteristics in the development of CSS. Conceptually, TSS may be fine for compositional data normalization as it uses a count divided by the total sum of the counts of a sample, as an estimate of the relative abundance. However, as many previous studies have shown, TSS is unreliable against the overdispersed counts, under-sampling issue, and aberrant counts in many situations. In a word, novel normalizations, specifically designed for metagenomic compositional data, are highly in demand. Developing novel normalization methods is our future research topics.