
1 Introduction

Transmission environments of the information become more open and dynamic, research on the trustworthiness of large-scale network has become progressively more crucial [1]. The typical previous user authentication schemes verify the entered credentials with the stored databases. Since the first authentication scheme that is based on password was presented by Lamport [2] in 1981, a variety of authentication schemes [3,4,5] which are based on password have been presented. Regarding password authentication scheme, however, a server needs to store a list which is stored the password for the identification of the credentials of a remote user; the server thus must make arrangements for additional storage or memory for the storage of the password table. Furthermore, several researcher studies have shown that the password-based authentication protocols are vulnerable against some attacks such as the off-line password guessing or stolen smart card [6, 7]. For these reasons, many researchers have suggested a new user authentication protocol for key-agreement using biometrics. The biometrics has a major characteristic which is the uniqueness. Numerous remote user authentication schemes [8,9,10,11] have used biological characteristics. In multi-server environments (MSE), each user can approach any type of application server, regardless of their physical location, by using a single registration; for this reason, a secure remote user authentication protocol is required in the MSE. Figure 1 delineates this structure, which incorporates a one-time registration, a single smart card, and the same credentials. For this reason, the MSE requires a secure and forceful remote user authentication protocol.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The basic architecture of multi-server

During the past decade, many researchers have presented user authentication protocols for the MSE. In 2008, Tsai [12] proposed user authentication scheme without verification record using hash function; after that, Liao and Wang [13] presented an user authentication protocol using a dynamic identity. Hsiang and Shih [14], however, have shown that Liao and Wang’s protocol was vulnerable against the replay, server spoofing, and stolen-verifier attacks, and aimed to provide mutual authentication, forward secrecy, and user anonymity.

In 2012, Li et al. [15] presented an user authentication protocol using a dynamic identity and smart card; however, Xue et al. [16] showed that Li et al.’s protocol was insecure against some attacks which are replay, eavesdropping, insider, impersonation, and denial of service (DoS), and then presented a new authentication protocol for key agreement using dynamic identity. Nevertheless, Lu et al. [17] have shown that Xue et al.’s protocol was vulnerable against some type of attacks which are masquerade, off-line password guessing and insider. To overcome these vulnerabilities, Lu et al. then presented a meliorated identity-based key-agreement protocol. Chuang and Chen [18] presented a trust computing-based authentication protocol that uses biometrics and smart cards, and they asserted that improved protocol can achieve a variety of security features; unfortunately, Mishra et al. [19] have shown that their protocol was not secure to user impersonation, server spoofing and stolen smart card attacks, and presented a new authentication protocol for key agreement using biometrics; however, Lu et al. [20] have shown that Mishra et al.’s protocol was insecure to the replay attack, and also does not provide an effective password change phase; furthermore, Wang et al. [21] have shown that Mishra et al.’s protocol was vulnerable against masquerade, replay and DoS attacks, and it cannot satisfy perfect forward secrecy. To overcome these problems, Wang et al. suggested a meliorated, authentication protocol for key agreement using biometrics; unfortunately, their proposed protocol is still insecure against some type of attacks which are outsider and user impersonation.

In this paper, we review the authentication protocol of Wang et al. [21] and show how the adversary can impersonate a legal user. Wang et al. [21] have improved the vulnerabilities of previous authentication schemes, and shown the efficient computational cost. Their scheme consists only a hash function and fuzzy-extraction technique. After demonstrating these problems, an improved fuzzy extractor-based authentication protocol is presented for MSE. Our contribution is to prove and overcome the weaknesses of Wang et al.’s protocol [21]. Lastly, the improved protocol is analyzed according to the security properties and the computational cost.

The remainder of the paper is constituted as follows: Some definitions such as threat assumptions and fuzzy extractor that are adopted for the proposed scheme are briefly introduced in Sect. 2; in Sects. 3 and 4, Wang et al.’s protocol is reviewed and analyzed, respectively; in Sect. 5, an improved fuzzy extractor-based authentication scheme is presented; in Sect. 6, a formal and informal analysis and simulation result of the improved protocol is demonstrated; Sect. 7 shows the comparison of security and performance of the improved protocol with the previous protocols; lastly, in Sect. 8, the conclusion is demonstrated.

2 Preliminaries

Some definitions of the threat assumptions and the fuzzy extractor which are useful to understand this paper are demonstrated in this section.

2.1 Threat Assumptions

The Dolev-Yao threat model [22] is introduced here, and the risk of side-channel attacks [23] is considered for the construction of the threat assumptions [8] that are demonstrated as follows:


A remote user can be either an adversary \(\mathcal AD\) or a legal user. In other words, a legitimate user can perform as any adversary \(\mathcal AD\).


The \(\mathcal AD\) can intercept, modification such as insert or delete, or reroute any transmitted communication message over public channel.


Using the examining the power consumption, the \(\mathcal AD\) can pull out the stored information from the any issued smart card.

2.2 Fuzzy Extractor

The fuzzy extractor can convert from the biometrics to a random string, is described here. Based on the Refs. [24, 25], the fuzzy extractor is made of the two procedures (Gen, Rep).

  • \(Gen(Biometrics) \rightarrow \langle \alpha \), \(\beta \rangle \)

  • \(Rep(Biometrics^{*}\), \(\beta ) = \alpha ~if~Biometrics^{*}~is~reasonably~close~to~Biometrics.\)

The probabilistic generation procedure Gen can extract some binary string \(\alpha \in \{0, 1\}^{k}\) and string \(\beta \in \{0, 1\}^{*}\) from the biometrics, where \(\alpha \) is nearly random string and \(\beta \) is an auxiliary binary, and the deterministic reproduction procedure Rep can recover a nearly random binary string \(\alpha \) from the auxiliary string \(\beta \) and any biometrics \(Biometrics^{*}\) when the \(Biometrics^{*}\) is pretty similar the Biometrics. Additional information can be found in the research [26].

3 Review of Wang et al.’s Protocol

Wang et al.’s fuzzy extractor-based authentication protocol for key agreement is reviewed here. Their protocol consists of three entities, as follows: user, server, and registration authority. Six phases relate to their protocol, and they are the server registration, user registration, login, authentication, password changing, and revocation or re-registration phases. For convenience, Table 1 describes some of the expressions that are used in this paper.

Table 1. Expressions

3.1 Server Registration


\(S_j\) sends the message to the registration authority RA for server registration request.


RA sends PK which is the pre-shared key to \(S_j\) through Internet Key Exchange Protocol version 2 (IKEv2) [27] by using a secure communication route.

3.2 User Registration


\(U_i\) gives one’s biometrics \(BIO_i\) at the biometrics scan sensor. The sensor then scans the \(BIO_i\), pulls out the two random strings (\(\alpha _i\), \(\beta _i\)) from the computation \(Gen(BIO_i) \rightarrow (\alpha _i\), \(\beta _i)\), and keeps the \(\beta _i\) in the temporary storage. \(U_i\) hence chooses \(ID_i\) and \(PW_i\), and calculates \(DPW_i = h(PW_i\parallel \alpha _i)\). Lastly, \(U_i\) sends the message \(\langle ID_i\), \(DPW_i\rangle \) to RA for user registration by using a secure communication network.


RA registers a new user record \(\langle ID_i\), \(UR_i = 1\rangle \) into the database, where \(UR_i\) is the registration frequency of \(U_i\). RA then calculates \(V_i = h(ID_i\parallel x\parallel TR_i)\), \(W_i = DPW_i\oplus h(V_i)\), \(X_i = W_i\oplus h(PK)\), \(Y_i = PK\oplus V_i\oplus h(PK)\) and \(Z_i = h(ID_i\parallel DPW_i)\), where \(TR_i\) is the registration time of \(U_i\).


RA replies a new \(SC_i\) to \(U_i\), which is composed of \(\langle W_i\), \(X_i\), \(Y_i\), \(Z_i\), \(h(\cdot )\rangle \) by using a secure communication network.


After receiving the smart card, \(U_i\) stores \(\beta _i\) into \(SC_i\).

3.3 Login


\(U_i\) inserts own \(SC_i\) into a card recognizing device, enters \(ID_i\) and \(PW_i\), and gives \(BIO_i^{*}\) at the biometrics scan sensor. The sensor hence scans the \(BIO_i^{*}\), and recovers \(\alpha _i\) from the \(Rep(BIO_i^{*}\), \(\beta _i)\rightarrow \alpha _i\).


\(SC_i\) then computes \(DPW_i = h(PW_i\parallel \alpha _i)\), and checks whether \(h(ID_i\parallel DPW_i)\) is same to the stored \(Z_i\). If this holds, \(SC_i\) further calculates \(h(PK) = W_i\oplus X_i\).


Next, \(SC_i\) chooses some random digits \(RN_1\), and calculates \(DID_i = ID_i\oplus h(RN_1)\), \(M_1 = DPW_i\oplus RN_1\oplus h(PK)\) and \(M_2 = h(DID_i\parallel RN_1\parallel DPW_i\parallel SID_j\parallel TS_i)\), where \(TS_i\) is the timestamp.


Lastly, \(SC_i\) sends the message \(\langle DID_i\), \(M_1\), \(M_2\), \(W_i\), \(Y_i\), \(TS_i\rangle \) to \(S_j\) for login request by using a public communication network.

3.4 Authentication


\(S_j\) verifies whether \(TS_j - TS_i \le \bigtriangleup TS\) is reasonable, where \(\bigtriangleup TS\) is the minimum acceptable time interval and \(TS_j\) is the actual arrival time of the message. If this holds, \(S_j\) proceeds on the next stage; otherwise, \(S_j\) rejects the request.


\(S_j\) computes \(V_i = PK\oplus Y_i\oplus h(PK)\), \(DPW_i = W_i\oplus h(V_i)\), \(RN_1 = DPW_i\oplus M_1\oplus h(PK)\), and checks whether \(h(DID_i\parallel RN_1\parallel DPW_i\parallel SID_j\parallel TS_i)\) is same to the received \(M_2\).


If this holds, \(S_j\) chooses some random digits \(RN_2\), and calculates the common session secret key \(SK_{ji} = h(DID_i\parallel SID_j\parallel RN_1\parallel RN_2)\).


\(S_j\) computes \(M_3 = RN_2\oplus h(DID_i\parallel RN_1)\oplus h(PK)\) and \(M_4 = h(SID_j\parallel RN_2\parallel DID_i)\), and replies the response message \(\langle SID_j\), \(M_3\), \(M_4\rangle \) to \(U_i\) by using a public communication network.


\(SC_i\) computes \(RN_2 = M_3\oplus h(DID_i\parallel RN_1)\oplus h(PK)\), \(SK_{ij} = h(DID_i\parallel SID_j\parallel RN_1\parallel RN_2)\), and then checks whether \(h(SID_j\parallel RN_2\parallel DID_i)\) is same to the received \(M_4\). If this holds, \(SC_i\) calculates \(M_5 = h(SK_{ij}\parallel RN_1\parallel RN_2)\), and sends \(\langle M_5\rangle \) to \(S_j\) by using a public communication network.


\(S_j\) checks whether \(h(SK_{ji}\parallel RN_1\parallel RN_2)\) is equal to the received \(M_5\). If this holds, \(S_j\) can accept the session key \(SK_{ji}\) in this session; otherwise, \(S_j\) rejects any request message.

3.5 Password Change


\(U_i\) first inserts own \(SC_i\) into a card recognizing device, enters \(ID_i\) and \(PW_i\), and gives \(BIO_i^{*}\) at the biometrics scan sensor. The sensor then scans \(BIO_i^{*}\), and recovers \(\alpha _i\) from the computation \(Rep(BIO_i^{*}\), \(\beta _i)\rightarrow \alpha _i\).


\(SC_i\) then computes \(DPW_i = h(PW_i\parallel \alpha _i)\), and checks whether \(h(ID_i\parallel DPW_i)\) is same to the stored \(Z_i\). If this holds, \(SC_i\) trying to ask the user about the new password; otherwise, \(SC_i\) immediately terminates the password change phase.


After inputting the new \(PW_i^{new}\), \(SC_i\) computes \(DPW_i^{new} = h(PW_i^{new}\parallel \alpha _i)\), \(W_i^{new} = W_i\oplus DPW_i\oplus DPW_i^{new}\), \(X_i^{new} = X_i\oplus W_i\oplus W_i^{new}\) and \(Z_i^{new} = h(ID_i\parallel DPW_i^{new})\).


Lastly, \(SC_i\) replaces \(W_i\), \(X_i\) and \(Z_i\) with \(W_i^{new}\), \(X_i^{new}\) and \(Z_i^{new}\).

3.6 Revocation or Re-registration

If any user \(U_i\) wants to revoke his/her right, it is necessary that the \(U_i\) sends the message \(\langle DPW_i\rangle \) to RA for revocation and verification by using a secure communication network. RA checks whether \(U_i\) is legitimate. If this holds, RA then updates the user’s record by setting \(\langle ID_i, UR_i = 0\rangle \). Similarly, after receiving the message for re-registration request by using a public communication network, RA performs the same steps explained in Sect. 3.2, and it changes the user record from \(\langle ID_i, UR_i\rangle \) to \(\langle ID_i, UR_i = UR_i+1\rangle \).

4 Cryptanalysis of Wang et al.’s Protocol

Security weaknesses of Wang et al.’s protocol is shown here, and the authors shows that Wang et al.’s protocol is vulnerable to outsider, user impersonation and privileged insider attacks.

4.1 Outsider Attack

Outsider attack means that a legitimate user who issued a smart card uses his/her card to extract a meaningful value for attack. Let \(\mathcal AD\), who is the legitimate user but malicious, he/she then can extract the stored information \(\{W_{\mathcal AD}\), \(X_{\mathcal AD}\), \(Y_{\mathcal AD}\), \(Z_{\mathcal AD}\), \(\beta _{\mathcal AD}\), \(h(\cdot )\}\) from the one’s smart card; then, the \(\mathcal AD\) can easily calculate \(h(PK) = W_{\mathcal AD}\oplus X_{\mathcal AD}\), which is the same for any legitimate user and the pre-shared server key’s hash result.

4.2 User Impersonation Attack

Suppose an adversary \(\mathcal AD\) eavesdrops any user \(U_i\)’s request message \(\langle DID_i\), \(M_1\), \(M_2\), \(W_i\), \(Y_i\), \(TS_i\rangle \) for login. \(\mathcal AD\) can then perform the user impersonate attack by using message modification.


Outsider adversary \(\mathcal AD\) obtains \(h(PK) = W_{\mathcal AD}\oplus X_{\mathcal AD}\) from his/her smart card.


\(\mathcal AD\) randomly generates some nonce \(RN_{\mathcal AD}\).


\(\mathcal AD\) then computes \(W^*_i = W_i\oplus h(PK)\), \(Y^*_i = h(PK)\), \(M^*_1 = W_i\oplus RN_{\mathcal AD}\oplus h(PK)\) and \(M^*_2 = h(DID_i\parallel RN_{\mathcal AD}\parallel W_i\parallel SID_j\parallel TS_{\mathcal AD})\), where the \(TS_{\mathcal AD}\) is the current timestamp.


\(\mathcal AD\) sends the message \(\langle DID_i\), \(M^*_1\), \(M^*_2\), \(W^*_i\), \(Y^*_i\), \(TS_{\mathcal AD}\rangle \) to the server \(S_j\) for login by using a public communication network.


\(S_j\) checks whether \(TS_j - TS_{\mathcal AD} \le \bigtriangleup TS\) is valid. This holds, because the \(TS_{\mathcal AD}\) has a fresh value.


\(S_j\) retrieves \(V_i = PK\oplus Y^*_i\oplus h(PK) = PK\oplus h(PK)\oplus h(PK) = PK\), \(DPW_i = W^*_i\oplus h(V_i) = W_i\oplus h(PK)\oplus h(PK) = W_i\) and \(RN_{\mathcal AD} = DPW_i\oplus M^*_1\oplus h(PK) = W_i\oplus W_i\oplus RN_{\mathcal AD}\oplus h(PK)\oplus h(PK)\), and verifies whether \(h(DID_i\parallel RN_{\mathcal AD}\parallel W_i\parallel SID_j\parallel TS_{\mathcal AD})\) is equal to the received \(M^*_2\).


This holds, \(S_j\) then proceeds on the protocol without being detected. Lastly, \(\mathcal AD\) and \(S_j\) “successfully” conclude the session; unfortunately, the \(S_j\) faultily decides that he/she is communicating with \(U_i\).

5 The Improved Authentication Protocol

In this section, a new fuzzy extractor-based authentication protocol is proposed. Six phases relate to the proposed protocol, and they are the server registration, user registration, login, authentication, password changing, and revocation or re-registration phases.

5.1 Server Registration


\(S_j\) sends the message to RA for registration request.


RA replies PK which is pre-shared key and second master key x to \(S_j\) using the Internet Key Exchange Protocol version 2 (IKEv2) [27] by using secure communication network.

5.2 User Registration


\(U_i\) imprints own biometrics \(BIO_i\) at the biometrics scan sensor. The sensor then scans the \(BIO_i\), pulls out the two random strings (\(\alpha _i\), \(\beta _i\)) from the computation \(Gen(BIO_i) \rightarrow (\alpha _i\), \(\beta _i)\), and keeps the \(\beta _i\) in the temporary storage. \(U_i\) hence chooses \(ID_i\) and \(PW_i\), and calculates \(T_i = h(ID_i\parallel \alpha _i)\) and \(DPW_i = h(PW_i\parallel \alpha _i)\). Lastly, the \(U_i\) sends the request message \(\langle ID_i\), \(DPW_i\rangle \) to RA for user registration by using a secure communication network, and stores \(T_i\) in the memory.


RA registers a new user record \(\langle ID_i\), \(UR_i = 1\rangle \) to the database, where \(UR_i\) is the registration frequency of \(U_i\). RA then calculates \(V_i = h(ID_i\parallel x\parallel R_i)\), \(W_i = DPW_i\oplus h(V_i)\), \(X_i = h(R_i\parallel PK)\), \(Y_i = PK\oplus R_i\oplus h(PK)\) and \(Z_i = h(ID_i\parallel DPW_i)\), where \(R_i\) is a positive random integer unique to the user.


RA replies the new \(SC_i\) to \(U_i\), which is composed of \(\{W_i\), \(X_i\), \(Y_i\), \(Z_i\), \(h(\cdot )\}\) by using a secure communication network.


\(U_i\) computes \(X^*_i = X_i\oplus T_i\), replaces \(X_i\) with \(X^*_i\), stores \(\beta _i\) into \(SC_i\), removes \(\beta _i\) and \(T_i\) from the memory, and initialize the authentication environments.

5.3 Login


\(U_i\) first inserts own \(SC_i\) into a card recognizing device, enters \(ID_i\) and \(PW_i\), and gives \(BIO_i^{*}\) at the biometrics scan sensor. The sensor then scans the \(BIO_i^{*}\), and recovers \(\alpha _i\) from the computation \(Rep(BIO_i^{*}\), \(\beta _i)\rightarrow \alpha _i\).


\(SC_i\) then computes \(DPW_i = h(PW_i\parallel \alpha _i)\), and checks whether \(h(ID_i\parallel DPW_i)\) is same to the stored \(Z_i\). If this holds, \(SC_i\) further calculates \(h(R_i\parallel PK) = X_i\oplus h(ID_i\parallel \alpha _i)\).


Next, \(SC_i\) chooses some random digits \(RN_1\), and calculates \(DID_i = ID_i\oplus h(RN_1)\), \(M_1 = RN_1\oplus h(R_i\parallel PK)\) and \(M_2 = h(DID_i\parallel RN_1\parallel DPW_i\parallel SID_j\parallel TS_i)\), where \(TS_i\) is the current timestamp.


Lastly, \(SC_i\) sends the message \(\langle DID_i\), \(M_1\), \(M_2\), \(W_i\), \(Y_i\), \(TS_i\rangle \) to \(S_j\) for login request by using a public communication network.

5.4 Authentication


\(S_j\) verifies whether \(TS_j - TS_i \le \bigtriangleup TS\) is reasonable, where \(\bigtriangleup TS\) is the minimum acceptable time interval and \(TS_j\) is the actual arrival time of the message. If this holds, \(S_j\) proceeds on the next stage; otherwise, \(S_j\) rejects the login request.


\(S_j\) retrieves \(R_i = PK\oplus Y_i\oplus h(PK)\), \(RN_1 = M_1\oplus h(R_i\parallel PK)\) and \(ID_i = DID_i\oplus h(RN_1)\), and computes \(V^*_i = h(ID_i\parallel x\parallel R_i)\) and \(DPW_i = W_i\oplus h(V^*_i)\), and checks whether \(h(DID_i\parallel RN_1\parallel DPW_i\parallel SID_j\parallel TS_i)\) is same to the received \(M_2\).


If this holds, \(S_j\) chooses some random digits \(RN_2\), and calculates the common session secret key \(SK_{ji} = h(DID_i\parallel SID_j\parallel h(V_i)\parallel RN_1\parallel RN_2)\).


\(S_j\) computes \(M_3 = RN_2\oplus RN_1\) and \(M_4 = h(SID_j\parallel SK_{ji}\parallel RN_1\parallel RN_2\parallel DID_i)\), and replies the authentication response message \(\langle M_3\), \(M_4\rangle \) to \(U_i\) by using a public communication network.


\(SC_i\) computes \(RN_2 = M_3\oplus RN_1\), \(SK_{ij} = h(DID_i\parallel SID_j\parallel W_i\oplus DPW_i\parallel RN_1\parallel RN_2)\), and then checks whether \(h(SID_j\parallel SK_{ij}\parallel RN_1\parallel RN_2\parallel DID_i)\) is same to the received \(M_4\). If this holds, \(SC_i\) can accept the session key \(SK_{ij}\) in this session; otherwise, \(U_i\) terminates this session.

5.5 Password Change


\(U_i\) first inserts own \(SC_i\) into a card recognizing device, enters \(ID_i\) and \(PW_i\), and gives \(BIO_i^{*}\) at the biometrics scan sensor. The sensor then scans the \(BIO_i^{*}\), and recovers \(\alpha _i\) from the computation \(Rep(BIO_i^{*}\), \(\beta _i)\rightarrow \alpha _i\).


\(SC_i\) then computes \(DPW_i = h(PW_i\parallel \alpha _i)\), and checks whether \(h(ID_i\parallel DPW_i)\) is same to the stored \(Z_i\). If this holds, \(SC_i\) trying to ask the user about the new password; otherwise, \(SC_i\) immediately terminates the password change phase.


After inputting the new \(PW_i^{new}\), \(SC_i\) computes \(DPW_i^{new} = h(PW_i^{new}\parallel \alpha _i)\), \(W_i^{new} = W_i\oplus DPW_i\oplus DPW_i^{new}\) and \(Z_i^{new} = h(ID_i\parallel DPW_i^{new})\).


Lastly, \(SC_i\) replaces \(W_i\) and \(Z_i\) with \(W_i^{new}\) and \(Z_i^{new}\) into the smart card.

5.6 Revocation or Re-registration Phase

User revocation phase is same as the user revocation phase in Wang et al.’s protocol. If user \(U_i\) want to re-registration, the registration authority RA reissues the smart card to the user. The RA checks the \(UR_i\) value at the time of the user’s login request, and if the \(UR_i\) is greater than 1, RA uses the value \(UR_i\) to calculate \(V^*_i\).


After receiving the request from \(U_i\) for re-registration, RA updates a user record \(\langle ID_i\), \(UR_i = UR_i+1\rangle \) to the database. RA then calculates \(V_i = h(ID_i\parallel x\parallel UR_i\parallel R_i)\), \(W_i = DPW_i\oplus h(V_i)\), \(X_i = h(R_i\parallel PK)\), \(Y_i = PK\oplus R_i\oplus h(PK)\) and \(Z_i = h(ID_i\parallel DPW_i)\), where \(R_i\) is a positive random integer unique to the user.


RA replies the new \(SC_i\) to \(U_i\), which is composed of \(\{W_i\), \(X_i\), \(Y_i\), \(Z_i\), \(h(\cdot )\}\) by using a secure communication network.


\(U_i\) computes \(X^*_i = X_i\oplus T_i\), replaces \(X_i\) with \(X^*_i\), stores \(\beta _i\) into \(SC_i\), removes \(\beta _i\) and \(T_i\) from the memory, and initialize the authentication environments.

6 Cryptanalysis of the Proposed Protocol

The improved protocol, which maintains the merits of Wang et al.’s protocol, is demonstrated, and it can resist some type of possible attacks and supports all of the security features. The cryptanalysis of the improved protocol was organized with threat assumptions.

6.1 Informal Security Analysis

We explain the improved protocol can resist various kinds of known attacks.

Outsider Attack. Outsider attack means that a legitimate user who issued a smart card uses his/her card to extract a meaningful value for attack. Assume that an adversary \(\mathcal AD\) who issued a smart card extracts \(\{W_{\mathcal AD}\), \(X_{\mathcal AD}\), \(Y_{\mathcal AD}\), \(Z_{\mathcal AD}\), \(\beta _{\mathcal AD}\), \(h(\cdot )\}\) from the one’s smart card. \(\mathcal AD\) can retrieve \(h(R_{\mathcal AD}\parallel PK) = X_{\mathcal AD}\oplus h(ID_{\mathcal AD}\parallel \alpha _{\mathcal AD})\); however, \(R_{\mathcal AD}\) is a positive random integer that has the different value, and PK is the pre-shared key between RA and \(S_j\). \(\mathcal AD\) cannot obtain and use this value to the other attack, and the proposed protocol can therefore avoid the outsider attack.

Modification Attack. Assume that \(\mathcal AD\) intercepts the transmitted informations \(\{DID_i\), \(M_1\), \(M_2\), \(W_i\), \(Y_i\), \(TS_i\), \(M_3\), \(M_4\}\); however, the \(\mathcal AD\) cannot retrieve \(RN_1\), \(RN_2\), \(R_i\) and PK from these messages. Even if \(\mathcal AD\) uses his/her \(h(R_{\mathcal AD}\parallel PK)\), A cannot generate \(M_1\) without the \(DPW_i\). To compute \(DPW_i\), the second master key x is needed. The proposed protocol can therefore avoid the modification attack.

Off-Line Password Guessing Attack. Assume that \(U_i\)’s \(SC_i\) is lost or \(\mathcal AD\) steals \(SC_i\) of \(U_i\), \(\mathcal AD\) can then obtain \(\{W_i\), \(X_i\), \(Y_i\), \(Z_i\), \(\beta _i\), \(h(\cdot )\}\); however, he/she cannot guess the password of \(U_i\). To guess the password from \(h(PW_i\parallel \alpha _i)\), \(\alpha _i\) is needed; however, \(\alpha _i\) is in possession of the high entropy; moreover, the same biometrics are not present between any two people. The proposed protocol can therefore avoid the off-line password guessing attack.

User Impersonation Attack. Assume that \(\mathcal AD\) intercepts the transmitted informations \(\{DID_i\), \(M_1\), \(M_2\), \(W_i\), \(Y_i\), \(TS_i\), \(M_3\), \(M_4\}\); however, \(\mathcal AD\) cannot make the reasonable message \(\{DID_i\), \(M_1\), \(M_2\), \(W_i\), \(Y_i\), \(TS_i\}\) for login request. This is because \(R_i\) is a positive random integer that is different from the other user’s thing, and \(RN_1\) is some random digits that is selected by \(U_i\). To make \(M_2\), the second master key x is needed. The proposed protocol can therefore avoid the user impersonation attack.

Stolen Smart Card Attack. Suppose that \(\mathcal AD\) steals \(U_i\)’s \(SC_i\), he/she then extracts \(\{W_i\), \(X_i\), \(Y_i\), \(Z_i\), \(\beta _i\) \(h(\cdot )\}\).; however, \(\mathcal AD\) cannot obtain any sensitive information of \(U_i\). Although \(\mathcal AD\) obtains the \(h(R_{\mathcal AD}\parallel PK)\) from one’s smart card, \(R_{\mathcal AD}\) and \(R_i\) are the different values. The proposed protocol can therefore avoid the stolen smart card attack.

Table 2. Algorithm \(EXP^{BASMK}_{HASH, A}\)

6.2 Formal Security Analysis

The formal analysis using random oracle method is demonstrated here, and its security is shown. First, the following hash function is defined Refs. [8, 28]:

Definition 1

The secure and collision-resistance hash function \(\mathcal H(\cdot ):\{0\), \(1\}^{*}\rightarrow \{0\), \(1\}^k\) picks up any input as a binary string \(a\in \{0\), \(1\}^{*}\) which has a randomly length, extracts a binary string \(\mathcal H(a)\in \{0\), \(1\}^k\), and satisfies the following conditions:

  1. (i)

    Given the \(b\in B\), it’s mathematically impossible to find out a \(a\in A\) such that \(b = \mathcal H(a)\).

  2. (ii)

    Given the \(a\in A\), it’s mathematically impossible to find out the another \(a'\ne a\in A\), such that \(\mathcal H(a') = \mathcal H(a)\).

  3. (iii)

    It’s mathematically impossible to find out a pair \((a'\), \(a)\in A'\times A\), with \(a'\ne a\), such that \(\mathcal H(a') = \mathcal H(a)\)

Theorem 1

According to the assumptions that if the hash function \(\mathcal H(\cdot )\) closely performs like an oracle, then the protocol is certainly secure to the adversary \(\mathcal AD\) for the protection of the meaningful information including the identity \(ID_i\), the password \(PW_i\), the nearly random binary string \(\alpha _i\), the positive random integer \(R_i\), the pre-shared key PK and the common session key \(SK_{ij}\).


Formal proof of the proposed protocol is analogous to those in Refs. [8, 20, 28, 29], and it uses the following random oracle model to construct the \(\mathcal AD\), who will have the ability to recover the \(ID_i\), \(PW_i\), \(\alpha _i\), \(R_i\), PK and \(SK_{ij}\).

Reveal. The random oracle can obtain the input a from the hash result \(b = \mathcal H(a)\) without failure. \(\mathcal AD\) now performs the experimental algorithm as shown in Table 2, \(EXP^{BASMK}_{HASH,~A}\) for the proposed protocol as BASMK. Let’s define the probability of success for \(EXP^{BASMK}_{HASH, A}\) as \(Success^{BASMK}_{HASH,~A}=|Pr[EXP^{BASMK}_{HASH,~A}=1]-1|\), where \(Pr(\cdot )\) means the probability of \(EXP^{BASMK}_{HASH, A}\). The advantage function for this algorithm then becomes \(Adv^{BASMK}_{HASH,~A}(t,~q_R) = max_{Success}\), where t and \(q_R\) are the execution cost and number of queries. Consider the algorithm as shown in Table 2. If the \(\mathcal AD\) has the capability to crack the problem of hash function given in Definition 1, \(\mathcal AD\) can then immediately obtain the \(ID_i\), \(PW_i\), \(\alpha _i\), \(R_i\), PK and \(SK_{ij}\). In that case, \(\mathcal AD\) will detect the complete connections between the \(U_i\) and \(S_j\); however, the inversion of the input from the given hash result is impossible computationally, i.e., \(Adv^{BASMK}_{HASH,~A}(t)\le \epsilon \), for all \(\epsilon > 0\). Therefore, \(Adv^{BASMK}_{HASH,~A}(t,~q_R)\le \epsilon \), since \(Adv^{BASMK}_{HASH,~A}(t,~q_R)\) depends on \(Adv^{BASMK}_{HASH,~A}(t)\). In conclusion, it is no method for \(\mathcal AD\) to detect the complete connections between the \(U_i\) and \(S_j\), the proposed protocol thus is certainly secure to \(\mathcal AD\) for retrieving (\(ID_i\), \(PW_i\), \(\alpha _i\), \(R_i\), PK, \(SK_{ij})\).

Table 3. The result of the analysis using OFMC backend

6.3 Simulation Using AVISPA

We perform to simulate the improved protocol for formal analysis using the widely accepted AVISPA. The main contribution of this simulation is to verify whether the proposed protocol is invulnerable to two attacks which are replay and man-in-the middle. AVISPA is composed of four back-ends: (1) On-the-fly Model-Checker; (2) Constraint-Logic-based Attack Searcher; (3) SAT-based Model Checker; and (4) Tree Automata based on Automatic Approximations for the Analysis of Security Protocols. The protocol is implemented in High Level Protocol Specification Language (HLPSL) [28] in AVISPA. The fundamental classes available in the HLPSL are [30]. The simulation result of the proposed protocol using OMFC is shown in Table 3. The result shows that two attacks which are man-in-the middle and replay have no effect on the proposed protocol.

7 Functionality and Performance Analysis

The comparisons of the functionality and computational cost of the proposed protocol with the other previous protocols [15, 16, 18,19,20,21] are demonstrated here.

7.1 Functionality Analysis

Table 4 itemizes the avoidance comparisons of various biometric-based key agreement protocols for MSE. The result shows that the proposed protocol is distinctly secure and achieves all of the security requirements.

Table 4. The comparison of the attack resistance
Table 5. The comparison of computational cost

7.2 Performance Anaylsis

The computational costs are compared. Table 5 itemizes a comparison of the computational spending of the protocol with the related previous protocols, where the definition of \(T_H\) is hash function’s computational times. According to the results obtained in [31], \(T_H\) is less than 0.2 ms on average, in MSE (Core: 3.2 GHz, Memory: 3.0 G). Compared with Wang et al.’s protocol, the proposed protocol requires a slightly higher computational overhead, as the proposed scheme computes the one extra hash operations; however, the proposed scheme possesses all of the properties in terms of the security.

8 Conclusion

Recently, Wang et al. demonstrated the security weaknesses of Mishra et al., and presented a fuzzy extractor-based authentication protocol. They also asserted that their protocol is more secure and guarantees user anonymity; however, Wang et al.’s protocol was insecure to outsider and user impersonation attacks. To overcome these security weaknesses, the authors propose an improved fuzzy extractor-based authentication protocol for the multi-server environment that continues to have the merits of Wang et al.’s scheme. Furthermore, the proposed protocol comprises inclusive security properties. The formal and informal analysis of this paper make clear or explain why the proposed protocol is more secure.