
1 Introduction

Results of various academic findings are disseminated in the forms of journal articles, conference proceedings, seminars, symposia, theses and etcetera [1], to serve as guidelines for the use of future generations. However, the voluminous amount of this information makes information seeking process very much wearisome [2, 3].

The use of the generic search engines when searching for related information over the internet has become the most common and convenient method among researchers [4]. A reasonable level of expertise needs to be achieved to locate relevant and promising information efficiently [5]. Additionally, researchers follow the list of references to the papers they have already possessed for more explorations [6]. However, the coverage of this approach is insufficient and cannot trace the papers that are published after the possessed documents [4].

On the other hand, digital libraries such as IEEE, ScienceDirect, and SpringerLink, can provide proactive systems capable of recommending scholarly papers that match researcher’s interests in a timely fashion [7]. Fortunately, they require considerable attention from the users to explicitly state their interests, which is tedious and take up much of researcher’s valuable time.

To solve the above problems, research paper recommender systems have been proposed [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15], to recommend scholarly papers to individual researchers proactively. The challenge is to provide relevant papers to the right researchers in the right way [4]. However, the vital concern to these approaches is that they presumed the whole contents of each of the candidate recommending papers to be freely accessible, which is not always the case considering the copyright restrictions. Furthermore, the approaches largely depend on priori user profiles, which required some registered users for the systems to work effectively, and a stumbling block for the creation of new research paper recommender system.

While there are lots of approaches based on citation-relations for scholarly paper recommendations [16,17,18,19,20], they do not leverage the latent relations across research papers, instead employed direct relations such as the co-citation relations presented in [20]. Identifying and incorporating the latent relations across research papers could play a significant role and improve the recommendation performance.

An initial approach to solving the above problems has been proposed in [6]. The authors mined the hidden relation between a target paper and its references to present utile recommendations. Differently, the hidden association between a target paper and its citation relations is leveraged in this paper. The novelty of the proposed approach are twofold;

  1. a.

    Firstly, an independent research paper framework that utilises public contextual metadata to personalise scholarly papers regardless of the user expertise and research field is proposed.

  2. b.

    Secondly, the proposed approach does not require a priori user profile.

The remaining sections of this paper are as follows. Section 2 presents some related work on recommending research papers. Section 3 presents the proposed citation-based recommender system for the scholarly paper recommendation. Section 4 describes the experimental setup and discusses the experimental results. Section 5 concludes the paper.

2 Related Works

The pattern of information seeking behaviour among different researchers has been reviewed in [21, 22]. Their findings reveal that expert researchers are more proficient in using search engines as compared to novice researchers. While [23] discussed the processes of identifying researchers’ information need and in [24], a positive step in associating researcher’s information seeking behaviour with the design of an ideal system has been reported.

Research paper recommender systems have also been utilised [7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 16] to ease the tasks of information seeking process, by suggesting relevant scholarly papers based on some information that is more elaborate than a few keywords. Different researchers have proposed different use of user-provided information. To be specific, [16] explored the use of collaborative filtering approach to recommend scholarly papers to a researcher from the set of citations to one of his/her papers. The aim was to test the ability of the collaborative filtering approach in recommending some set of citations that would be much significant as additional references to a target paper. The experimental results across six different algorithms reveal that the choosing algorithm affects the recommendation results. Also, some algorithms provide either very novel recommendations or very much relevant recommendations, but no single algorithm achieved both.

A citation-network has been explored in [16], to enhance the recommendation performance. However, the approach generates sparsity problem in the paper-citation network and thereby making the recommendation process very much tricky. In alleviating the sparsity problem, [12] applied the concept of the collaborative filtering approach to identify potential citation papers from the list of papers authored by a researcher. The experimental results show that recommendations after discovering the potential citation papers are more effective than collaborative filtering with binary or similarity values. Still, the approach generates poor prediction results for multidisciplinary scholars that work on several research topics. The research was later extended in [25] to cater the problem of multidisciplinary problems by proposing an adaptive neighbour selection. Also, the authors investigate the different sections of scholarly papers to find a better and adequate representation. The best result was achieved by considering the full paper text and conclusion and thus, can serve as a better representation of scholarly papers.

In the above systems, those initial information provided by the users are used to represent their interests in user profiles, and the system searches for similar items to make recommendations. The main weakness of those methods is that they presumed the whole contents of each of the candidate recommending papers to be freely accessible, which is not always the case considering the copyright restrictions.

Different from the above researches, [11] proposed a framework that generates potential queries using terms from only publicly available metadata, title and abstract of a target paper. The approach then applies the content-based approach to rank recommending papers that are more related to the target paper. The authors in [6] have also utilised the only publicly available contextual metadata using the concept of a collaborative approach to mine the hidden relations between a target paper and its references to present essential recommendations. While [6] utilised paper-reference relations, in this paper, the latent associations that exist between paper-citations relations are leveraged to personalise recommendations regardless of the user expertise and research field.

Based on a depth study of existing related works above, the problem is defined as follows:

Given a target paper \( {p_i} \) as a query, extract all the set of citations \( C{f_j} \) of the target paper \( {p_i} \) . For each of the citations \( C{f_j} \) , retrieve all other papers \( {p_{ri}} \) that reference. Measure the extent of similarity \( {W^{{p_{i \to }}{p_{ri}}}} \) between \( {p_{ri}} \) and \( {p_i} \) , recommend the top- N most similar papers.

figure a

3 Proposed Citation-Based Recommender System for Scholarly Paper Recommendation

The proposed approach starts by transforming the corpus into a paper-citation matrix. Rows of the matrix represent the candidate papers, and columns denote the citations (see Table 1). A target paper (Pi) is defined as the paper to which a researcher has possessed and wants to receive other recommendations similar to it. Upon receiving the user’s query, the proposed approach identifies the target-paper from the paper-citation matrix and Algorithm 1 is then applied. The algorithm extracts the target paper’s citations, and for each citation, it retrieves from the web other papers that referenced any of the target papers citations. Equation 1 is then used to measure the extent of similarity between the target paper and each of the retrieved papers. Finally, it recommends the top-N papers to the researcher.

Table 1. Paper-citation relation matrix

To understand the proposed approach clearly, Fig. 1 portrays a target-paper (\( {p_i} \)) with citations (Cit.1 to Cit.N), in which each of the citations has referenced some set of other papers (Rec.1 to Rec.N). The goal is to measure the extent of similarity (\( {W^{{p_{i \to }}{\text{Re}}\,c{._j}}} \)) between the target-paper (Pi) and each of the co-referenced papers (Rec.j). To do this, the contextual relations between the target paper and its neighbouring papers are mined to transform the paper-citation matrix into a relational matrix to represent the target paper (Pi) concerning each of its neighbouring papers (Rec.j). The top-N recommendation list from the results of these associations is then presented to the user.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Proposed citation-based recommendation scenario

For illustration, assume that a target paper (Pi) is identified from the user’s query and arrived at the paper-citation relations matrix depicted by Table 1 after extracting all other references (Rec.j) to the target paper’s citations. To get the relationship between the target paper (Pi) and each of the neighbouring papers (Rec.j), a single-role relational matrix is obtained from the double-role relational matrix as depicted in Table 2. For simplicity, two papers are considered significantly co-occurring if both have at least a common cited-paper. Additionally, a binary value of one (1) or zero (0) is used to state the co-occurrence or otherwise between two citing papers. Equation (1) is then applied to measure the extent of similarity (\( {W^{{p_{i \to }}\operatorname{Re} c{._j}}} \)) between (Pi) and (Rec.j).

Table 2. Pair-wise paper similarity matrix

3.1 Similarity Measure

In identifying similar research papers to the target paper (Pi), it becomes imperative to not only consider how similar the candidate recommending papers are to the target paper (Pi) but also how they deviate. It is therefore felt as in [26], that Jaccard similarity coefficient J given by Eq. (1) is more suitable for measuring the similarity and diversity between (Pi) and (Rec.j).

$$ J = {W^{{P_i} \to {\text{Re}}\,c{._j}}} = \frac{{{Z_{11}}}}{{{Z_{01}} + {Z_{10}} + {Z_{11}}}} $$

Where Z11 is the total attributes where both X and Y are having a value of 1. Z01 is the total attributes where X is 0 and Y is 1 and Z10 is the total attributes where X is 1 and Y is 0.

4 Experimental Setup

4.1 Dataset

Similar to the works presented in [4, 25], the publicly available dataset presented in [12] has also been utilised in this paper. Some statistics of the utilised dataset is presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Statistics of the utilized dataset

4.2 Experimental Evaluation

To measure the quality and effectiveness of the proposed approach, 5-fold cross-validation is performed to each of the target paper’s citations by selecting 20% as a test set. Mean average precision (MAP) and mean reciprocal rank (MRR) given by Eqs. 2 and 3 respectively are used to measure the system’s ability in recommending essential papers at the top the recommendation list. This is important because users usually browse only top-ranked recommendations [27]. Precision, recall, and F1 measures given by Eqs. 4, 5 and 6 respectively, are also used to assess the general performance of the proposed approach. These formulas are related and have been used in similar work [4, 6]. The recommendation results obtained are then compared with two (2) other baseline methods presented in [6] and [16].

$$ MAP = \frac{1}{I}\sum\limits_{i \in I} {\frac{1}{ni}} \sum\limits_{k = 1}^N {P({R_{ik}})} $$
$$ MRR = \frac{1}{N_p}\sum\limits_{i \in I} {\frac{1}{rank(i)}} $$
$$ precision = \frac{\sum ( relevant\_papers) \cap \sum ( retrieved\_papers)}{\sum ( retrieved\_papers)} $$
$$ recall = \frac{\sum ( relevant\_papers) \cap \sum ( retrieved\_papers)}{\sum ( relevant\_papers)} $$
$$ F1 = \frac{2 \times precision \times recall}{precision + recall} $$

5 Results and Discussions

The aggregate results obtained by the proposed approach from the publication lists across the 50 researchers using the said dataset is presented in this section. Figures 2 and 3 demonstrate the results comparisons based on (MAP) and (MRR) respectively.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Mean average precision (MAP)

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Mean reciprocal rank (MRR)

As can easily be seen from Fig. 2 that the proposed approach has tremendously and unanimously outperformed the baseline methods for all N recommendations values based on mean average precision (MAP). Co-Citation performs the worst of the three results, while as expected, the performance of the proposed approach decreases as the number of N increases. This is because as the number of N increases, the tendency of retrieving irrelevant results also increases and thereby affecting the cumulative MAP results. However, the highest results based on (MAP) is obtained when N = 10 (N@10).

On the other hand, the results comparison based on (MRR) is depicted in Fig. 3. The results difference between the proposed method and the CCF is not much significant. However, both the two approaches have significantly outperformed the Co-Citation method. This is because, the two approaches can leverage the latent associations that exist between a scholarly paper and its various citations, and different from the Co-Citation method that only uses the common citations relations.

Figures 4 and 5 respectively represent the results comparisons based on Precision and Recall. From Fig. 4, the Precision result of the proposed approach is significant over the baseline methods for all N recommendations values. However, the CCF approach outperformed the proposed approach when N = 10 (N@10). The improvement of the proposed approach over the other baseline methods becomes outstandingly significant when the number of recommendations (N) is higher than 15. The Co-Citation results start with encouraging results specifically when N = 5 (N@5), but becomes less significant as the number of recommendations (N) increases.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Precision performance on the dataset

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Recall performance on the dataset

The results comparisons based on recall is depicted in Fig. 5. The CCF method performs better than the proposed approach when N = 20 (N@20). Averagely, the performance difference between the proposed and CCF approaches is not much significant. However, both approaches have statistically outperformed the Co-Citation method based on recall.

Figure 6 provides the results comparison based on the F1 measure. Similar to the results of recall depicted in Fig. 5, the performance difference between the CCF and the proposed approach based on the F1 measure is not much significant. However, results of the proposed approach start to be significant as the number of N increases, especially when N is above 20. Also, both the proposed and CCF approaches have shown significant improvement over the Co-Citation method based on the F1 measure.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

F1 performance on the dataset

In conclusion, as can easily be deduced from the presented results (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) that identifying and incorporating the latent relations across research papers plays a significant role in scholarly paper recommendations, and could result to improved recommendation performance. Furthermore, while the results difference between the proposed approach and CCF is not much significant, both the two results have unanimously outperformed the Co-Citation method for all N recommendations values. This is attributed to the direct relations employed by the Co-Citation method.

Additionally, while the proposed approach does not show much significant improvement over CCF method based on the simulated experiments using the static dataset, it is asserted that the proposed approach would sufficiently and statistically outperform the CCF method when a live user study with the real participant is conducted.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

Considering the challenge researchers faced, in acquiring relevant and useful scholarly papers from the enormous amount of information (information overload) that is available over the internet, this paper has successfully proposed a citation-based recommender system for the scholarly paper recommendation. The proposed approach has utilised the latent associations that exist between a scholarly paper and its various citations to personalise recommendations based on paper-citation relations.

Using a publicly available dataset, the proposed approach has improved the baseline methods in recommending useful and utile recommendation based on (MAP) and (MRR). The proposed approach has also shown significant improvement over the other baseline methods in assessing the general recommendation performance based on precision, recall and F1 measures.

One advantage of the proposed approach is its ability to leverage the latent associations that exist between a scholarly paper and its various citations. The next target is to add more strict rules in measuring the relativity between a target paper and the recommending papers to improve the recommendation utility.