
This book contains useful information on vaccines that are routinely recommended for most children, adolescents, adults and pregnant women in the United States. This information has been compiled and tailored for all vaccine providers and their staff.

First, evidence-based strategies for talking with patients about vaccines are described. Then, the vaccine safety system is discussed. The following section contains summaries of recommended vaccines along with the diseases they prevent. These summaries include official recommendations, contraindications and precautions, information on vaccine effectiveness and safety, and standardized talking points for use with patients. The final section contains summaries and talking points covering numerous potential vaccine adverse events and the current scientific evidence for associations (or non-associations) with vaccines.

Much of the information contained herein will be made available on the website for the Institute for Vaccine Safety at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, found at the following link: . This content will also be available as an electronic searchable database in the associated app for smartphones, tablets and computers.

The website and app will be updated after each meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) , to reflect any changes in recommendations made. The entire book will be updated regularly to incorporate new evidence as it arises. Feedback on the content of this book is encouraged and appreciated. To provide your feedback, please contact the authors at

We hope that having this information succinctly summarized and readily available will help providers and their staff be more comfortable and confident when answering questions and recommending vaccines to their patients.