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Functional Polymers


The synthesis of functional polymers by photopolymerization thrives on the rich tradition of industrial photochemistry. Photo-induced polymerization can be broadly divided based on the initiation mechanism as radical, cationic, and anionic photopolymerization. A wide variety of initiators, photosensitizers, and polymerizable materials have been studied for various applications. This chapter is intended to be a primer to major concepts of photopolymerization. In the beginning of the chapter, physical aspects of light matter interactions are presented followed by photochemical pathways leading to reactions. In the subsequent sections radical polymerization is discussed by introducing different types of initiating systems and polymerizable materials. Within the section on radical polymerization, visible light polymerization and thio-ene photochemistry are also discussed. The section on thiol-ene looks at the fundamentals of thiol-ene reactions, their initiation, reactivity, and advantages over other radical driven polymerizations. Cationic polymerization is covered based on the material science of ionic and nonionic photoacid generators (PAGs). This section also discusses spectral broadening of reactivity in PAGs to visible wavelengths through electron transfer sensitization and free radical promoted cationic polymerization (FRPCP). Unlike radical and cationic polymerization there are little or no reports of commercial application of anionic polymerization. However, due to typical monomers employed in anionic polymerization and the control over the extent of polymerization afforded by this techniques makes it very attractive for functional applications. The section on anionic polymerization summarizes recent developments in this field. Finally in the section about two-photon initiated polymerization, we discuss the scope of nonlinear optical phenomena in photopolymerization.

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Prabhakaran, P., Lee, KS. (2019). Photo-polymerization. In: Jafar Mazumder, M., Sheardown, H., Al-Ahmed, A. (eds) Functional Polymers. Polymers and Polymeric Composites: A Reference Series. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-92067-2

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-92067-2

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference Chemistry and Mat. ScienceReference Module Physical and Materials ScienceReference Module Chemistry, Materials and Physics

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