
1 Introduction

In many areas of research and industry arises necessity to solve various problems. Each problem to be solved is represented by an objective function. These functions should be very simple, but in prevalent cases, the computational costs to solve more complex problems are non-negligibly high. An essential feature of the real problems is their dimensionality that substantially influences the total computational costs of the solution process.

In last decades, a favorite kind of optimization techniques called evolutionary algorithms (EAs) is rapidly developed. An essence of this fact is that EAs are very effective even in the solution of complex problems with higher dimensionality. Popularity of EAs is given also by its simplicity because the main idea is to use randomness to reduce time demands and keep the quality of the provided solution.

One of the most widely studied and applied representatives of EAs is differential evolution (DE). Differential evolution is very popular optimization technique used to search the solution of problems in many areas of research and industry. It was introduced by Storn and Price in 1995, and its popularity could be also measured by more than 7500 citations of the original paper [14].

Although DE algorithm is very useful optimizer there are even real complex problems which DE is not able to solve. In last decades, many researchers of optimization tasks developed adaptation mechanisms of DE control parameters to increase the possibility of finding the global solution of the tasks. Beside the adaptive DE variants, many other principles increasing algorithm efficiency are included in original DE. A comprehensive review of state-of-the-art in a case of DE algorithms are in [7, 8].

The main motivation for this experimental study is applied the existing parallel migration model [4] to real-world problems. These problems are defined by various dimensionality, therefore it is necessary to study two main control parameters of migration model to find out the proper settings. Although the experiments of parallel migration model are performed on single CPU computer, the efficiency measured by the number of the objective function evaluations should detect some good and poor migration settings compare to the original adaptive DE variants. Given results and conclusions of this experiment could provide potential ways how to set parameters of migration model and solve complex problems in physical parallel computational grids.

There are several existing works focused on parallel DE algorithm and real problems. In a first, a multi-objective maximization problem of an amount of ethylene and propylene in a petrochemical industry process is solved by parallel DE in [16]. Several settings A short-term hydro scheduling problem of power plants generator is solved by the parallel model of self-adaptive DE [9]. Authors of [12] study many parameters of migration model of DE. The state-of-the-art of parallel evolutionary algorithms containing deep analysis of various parallel models, several parallel programming frameworks and hardware for distributed computing is summed in [10].

In this paper, a migration model of adaptive DE variants is applied to real-world optimization problems CEC 2011. The main goal is to show how several various settings of migration of individuals influence the efficiency of the proposed model. The performance of the migration model is also compared with the original adaptive DE variants. The remaining part of the paper is organized as follows. A brief review of adaptive state-of-the-art DE variants used in this paper is explained in Sect. 2. Details of the migration model are described in Sect. 3. A test suite of real-world problems CEC 2011 with the experiment settings is introduced in Sect. 4. Results of the experimental comparison of the migration model are presented in Sects. 5 and some remarks are provided in Sect. 6.

2 Adaptive Variants of Differential Evolution

Although DE is efficient optimizer there exist many various adaptive variants of DE which are widely used to solve optimization problems. In this experimental study, four state-of-the-art adaptive DE algorithms [1, 11, 13, 18] have been compared experimentally with DE algorithm using composite trial vector generation strategies and control parameters (CoDE) [17] and with a variant of competitive DE [15]. The main purpose to select this sixth of adaptive DE is to tie up to the previous successful experimental study [4] and show that simple idea should provide significant increasing of the performance. Necessary to note that more sophisticated adaptive DE variants arisen latter should be also implemented in presented migration model. A very brief familiarization of used adaptive DE follows. More details are provided in the original references.

Self-adaptive jDE algorithm proposed by Brest et al. [1] uses the DE/rand/1/bin strategy with an evolutionary self-adaptation of F and CR. Differential Evolution with Strategy adaptation (SaDE) [13] uses four strategies which are preferred according to its success rate in the previous LP generations. JADE variant of adaptive differential evolution [18] extends the original DE concept with three different improvements – current-to-pbest mutation, a new adaptive control of parameters F and CR, and archive. Next adaptive DE variant using Ensemble of Parameter values and mutation Strategies (EPSDE), has mutation strategies and the values of control parameters F and \(\textit{CR}\) stored in pools and was proposed in [11]. In competitive DE H strategies (in this study b6e6rl uses \(H=12\) strategies) are used with their control-parameter values held in the pool and each strategy is preferred according to its success rate in the preceding step. DE algorithm with three well-studied composite trial vector generation strategies simultaneously applied on each point in population and control parameters (CoDE) has been recently presented [17].

3 Migration Model of DE

There are several scenarios to distribute operations of DE algorithm to achieve better results. A migration model used in this experiment is widely-used because of its simplicity and possibility of exchange information between parallel processes [2, 3, 5]. Migration model is controlled by several parameters which setting is provided as follows. A comprehensive state-of-the-art of distributed evolutionary algorithms is available in [10].

In general migration model there are k islands and each contains one sub-population, \(P_j\), \(j=1,2,\ldots ,k\). Each island is linked only to a special island called mainland and individuals can migrate only between the linked islands. This topology is called star. A pseudocode of experimentally compared parallel migration model is shown in Algorithm 1. Sub-populations has the same size, \(N_p\) is an input parameter. Each sub-population is developed independently by one of the six adaptive DE algorithm described above until the moment to migration is reached. Necessary to note that in one studied model only b6e6rl variant is performed in all sub-populations and also mainland population (the name of this variants is in an index). The migration from the islands to the mainland occurs after performing a given number of generations nde (studied input parameter of the algorithm). In the migration model used here, the individual with the least function value of the ith sub-population (\(\mathbf {x}_{best, i}\)) replaces the ith individual (\(\mathbf {x}_{i}^{m}\)) of the mainland population, and \(N_\mathrm {rnd}\) other randomly chosen points of the sub-population (except \(\mathbf {x}_{best, i}\)) overwrite \(N_\mathrm {rnd}\) individuals of mainland population on places corresponding to kth sub-population, \(N_\mathrm {rnd}\) is also an input parameter. In this study, this parameter is not deeply studied, and it is set to \(N_\mathrm {rnd}=4\). Thus, \(N_\mathrm {rnd}+1\) individuals from each island are copied to central mainland sub-population. It is obvious the size of the mainland sub-population \(N_m\) should be set up to \(N_m\ge k \times (N_\mathrm {rnd} + 1)\). If \(N_m= k \times (N_\mathrm {rnd} + 1)\), the mainland sub-population is refreshed completely in each epoch, and the elitism of the migration model is ensured. In order to satisfy this condition, the input parameter \(N_\mathrm {rnd}\) was set up to \(N_\mathrm {rnd}=4\) and \(N_m = 6 \times 5=30\) in all the experiments.

After finishing the migration of the selected individuals from the islands to the mainland, the search process continues applying a DE variant on the mainland until the stopping condition for the current epoch (1) is reached. In the proposed migration model, competitive b6e6rl as the most reliable in preliminary experiments was chosen for the mainland sub-population. Only in the one case of migration model setting, the fastest JADE variant was performed on mainland sub-population (the name of JADE algorithm is in the index of the model). The stopping condition for the mainland, and the current epoch was formed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} f_{\mathrm {max}} - f_{\mathrm {min}} < 1 \times 10^{-6} \ \ \text {OR} \ \ \textit{FES}_{\mathrm {m}} > 10^{(epoch - 1)} \times 2 \times nde \times N_m, \end{aligned}$$

where \(f_{\mathrm {max}}\) and \(f_{\mathrm {min}}\) are the worst and the best objective function values of the mainland sub-population, respectively, and \(\textit{FES}_{\mathrm {m}}\) is the number of function evaluations in the mainland population during this epoch. Notice that in early epochs the evolution on the mainland tends to stop due to the given limit of allowed function evaluations (after \(2 \times nde\) generations in the first epoch) while in late epochs due to the small difference of the function values in the mainland population. The whole search process of the algorithm is stopped after the predefined number of objective function evaluations given by used benchmark set of CEC 2011.

figure a

4 Experimental Settings

The test suite of 22 real-world problems selected for CEC 2011 competition in Special Session on Real-Parameter Numerical Optimization [6] is used as one benchmark in the experimental comparison. The functions in the benchmark differ in the computational complexity, and in the dimension of the search space which varies from \(D=1\) to \(D=240\), the dimensionality of most problems exceeds \(D=20\). For each algorithm and problem, 25 independent runs were carried out. The run of the algorithm stops if the prescribed number of objective function evaluations MaxFES \(= 150000\) is reached. The partial results of the algorithms after reaching one third and two-thirds of MaxFES were also recorded. The point in the terminal population with the smallest function value is the solution of the problem found in the run. The population size of original adaptive DE variants \(N=100\) was used in all CEC 2011 problems. The sub-populations size of the proposed migration models is studied parameter set to \(N_p=10, 15, 45 \ \mathrm {and} \ 90\). The number of generations performed on all k islands before migration of individuals is second analysed parameter and its values are nde \(=5, 10, 20, \ \mathrm {and} \ 50\). The migration models are labelled based on using explicit \(N_p\), and nde settings ‘P+\(N_p\)+x+nde’, i.e. ‘P15x5’. The other control parameters are set up according to a recommendation of authors in their original papers. All the algorithms are implemented in Matlab 2010a, and all computations were carried out on a standard PC with Windows 7, Intel(R) Core(TM)i7-4790 CPU 3.6 GHz, 16 GB RAM.

5 Results and Discussion

In this experimental study six original adaptive DE variants are compared with ten newly proposed migration models. Because the lack of place, detailed results are not provided. In Table 2 medians of all algorithms on all real-world problems are presented. The best value is underlined and printed bold, algorithms on second place has median printed bold, and median of algorithm on third place is only underlined. We can see that the best performing algorithms are among the original DE variants, and also migration models. The least median value is not the best testified statistics. Therefore in the last four rows of this table numbers of significant best, second, third and last positions based on Kruskal-Wallis test are printed. Each migration model in study is able to be competitive with the original DE variants. The most migration models are never the worst performing except P10x5 and P15x5. Combination of small sub-population size and frequent migration causes worse results.

Table 1. Significantly best, second, third and worst performing algorithms from Kruskal-Wallis test.
Table 2. Medians of all functions from 25 independent runs, and count of significant positions for all algorithms based on Kruskal-Wallis test.

Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric one-way ANOVA test was applied to each test problem. It was found that the performance of the algorithms in comparison differs significantly, the null hypothesis on the same performance is rejected in all the problems with achieved significance level \(p < 0.000005\). Multiple comparison was then applied using Kruskal-Wallis z method (Dunn’s test). The details of the significant positions of the Kruskal-Wallis test for each problem are in Table 1. We can see that in three problems all algorithms perform similarly. The best performing original algorithms are b6e6rl, JADE, and CoDE. The best performing migration models are P15x50\(_\mathrm {jade}\) and P45x5. The worst performing algorithms are CoDE, jDE, EPSDE, and P10x5. The CoDE variant provides good performance only for problems T11.1–T11.10. These problems are very similar, and therefore CoDE is able to solve ’one kind’ of CEC 2011 problems.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Mean ranks from Friedman tests at three stages of the search, CEC 2011 test suite, \(\textit{FES}=50000, 100000, 150000\).

For better comparison of 16 algorithms on 22 problems in three equidistant stages the Friedman test on medians is applied, and results are depicted in Fig. 1. The test was carried out on medians of minimal function values at three stages of the search, namely after FES = 50,000, 100,000, and 150,000. The null hypothesis on the equivalent efficiency of the algorithms was rejected at the all stages of the search with \(p < 5 \times 10^{-6}\). The algorithms in this table are ordered from left to right with respect to their mean rank from Friedman test at the finish of the search, i.e. after reaching \(\textit{MaxFES}=150,000\).

In Fig. 1 the mean rank of all the compared algorithms are provided. We can observe a good performance of most migration models in the first stage. This result is important when a restrict number of evaluations is provided. The worst performing migration model is P10x5, the small sub-populations size (\(N_p=10\)), and frequent migration (nde\(=5\)) decreases the efficiency. The best performing model is P15x50, therefore the model with JADE on mainland, and model with b6e6rl on all sub-populations employs these settings. The performance of P90x5 variant is increased with increasing number of function evaluations. This conclusion means better performance for algorithms with ‘casual’ population size in DE. Although the best population size, and the good number of generations before migration is combined, unfortunately the performance of P90x50 is rather worse. When the number of function evaluations increases, the performance of migration models decreases whereas the performance of the original DE is rather increasing. The best performing P15x50 is slightly outperformed in the last stage by b6e6rl.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Success of adaptive DE variants in migration models (\(\%\)).

Further success of adaptive DE variants in migration model is analyzed. Each sub-population is developed by one DE, and the number of successfully generated individuals of each sub-population is weighted to \(\%\) and depicted in Fig. 2. The most successful original algorithm is EPSDE, but the efficiency decreases with increasing sub-populations size \(N_p\). The higher efficiency of EPSDE variant in migration model in most experiments could be caused by a huge number of small positive changes. Further research will be focused on an analysis of the diversity of the sub-populations during the search process.

6 Conclusion

The results of the experimental comparison of ten various migration adaptive DE models with six popular adaptive DE algorithms demonstrate clearly very good efficiency of most of the migration models. The best performing algorithm in comparison is migration model P15x50, worst performing is adaptive jDE. Most of the migration models perform better than the original DE in the first stage of CEC 2011. This fact is important for real problems restricted by small function evaluation amount. The most successful adaptive DE in migration models is EPSDE, the efficiency of this variant is decreased with increasing sub-populations size. Although migration model of adaptive DE provide very good performance, further study of another migration parameters is fundamental for next research.