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Peptic Ulcer Disease

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Geriatric Gastroenterology


Peptic ulcer disease and complications of peptic ulcer disease are common in the geriatric population. We discuss the main causes of ulcer disease, their diagnosis, treatment, complications, and prevention. This chapter deals with the pathophysiology, diagnosis, manifestations, and therapy of peptic ulcers with special emphasis on the diagnosis and management of ulcers and ulcer disease related to Helicobacter pylori, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use, and stress ulcers. We provide detailed advice regarding the mechanistic and therapeutic role of acid suppression medication for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease and prevention of related complications, in particular proton pump inhibitors and H. pylori diagnosis and therapy. There is also an in depth discussion of ulcer complications of obstruction, perforation, and upper gastrointestinal bleeding, with a comprehensive overview of the risk factors and medical and endoscopic treatment options for the most common ulcer complication of hemorrhage. The chapter provides readers with both a historical and current perspective on peptic ulcer disease to help guide therapy and clinical decision-making.

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Dr. Graham is supported in part by the Office of Research and Development Medical Research Service Department of Veterans Affairs, Public Health Service grant DK56338 which funds the Texas Medical Center Digestive Diseases Center. Dr. Graham is a consultant for RedHill Biopharma regarding novel H. pylori therapies and has received research support for culture of H. pylori and is the PI of an international study of the use of antimycobacterial therapy for Crohn’s disease. He is also a consultant for BioGaia in relation to probiotic therapy for H. pylori infection and for Takeda in relation to H. pylori therapies.

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Graham, D.Y., Khalaf, N. (2019). Peptic Ulcer Disease. In: Pitchumoni, C., Dharmarajan, T. (eds) Geriatric Gastroenterology. Springer, Cham.

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