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PD in the Older Person

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Nolph and Gokal's Textbook of Peritoneal Dialysis


Changes in life expectancy across the globe has led to a marked demographic shift which, combined with an increasing burden of comorbidity, has led to a markedly older dialysis population. However, dialysis is only one component of the overall care of the older person with renal disease. Recognizing and assessing frailty, a process distinct from aging, is important before commencing and while on dialysis. Having assessed frailty, shared decision-making with the patient and family is no less important in the older person than any other patient. Shared decision-making should cover realistic care goals including quality of life, minimizing treatment burden and symptom control. While underutilized, there are many features of peritoneal dialysis which make it a suitable treatment for the older person. Individualization of the prescription should focus on preserving residual kidney function, use of low-intensity incremental regimes where possible, and assisted peritoneal dialysis where needed.

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Corbett, R.W., Brown, E.A. (2022). PD in the Older Person . In: Khanna, R., Krediet, R.T. (eds) Nolph and Gokal's Textbook of Peritoneal Dialysis. Springer, Cham.

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