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Fluorescein Angiography

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Albert and Jakobiec's Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology


Fluorescein angiography is an invaluable tool in the diagnostic evaluation of retinal and choroidal diseases. Since its introduction in the 1960s, it has been refined with advancements in technology and has further expanded our understanding of the pathophysiology in different disease states of the retina. In this chapter we will start with a historic perspective on fluorescein angiography, continue with its basic principles, and provide the latest information regarding new instrumentation.

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Weiss, S.J., Papakostas, T.D. (2021). Fluorescein Angiography. In: Albert, D., Miller, J., Azar, D., Young, L.H. (eds) Albert and Jakobiec's Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology. Springer, Cham.

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    Fluorescein Angiography
    17 August 2021


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    Fluorescein Angiography
    31 July 2021
