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Multiple Sclerosis and the Heart

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Brain and Heart Dynamics


The ability of the central nervous system (CNS) to damage the heart depends on the physiological link between the brain and cardiovascular system. The latter is under control of interconnected areas of CNS belonging to the central autonomic network (CAN) and of two different pathways: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system. Neurological disorders that disrupt this complex system at various levels can lead to cardiovascular dysfunction. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disorder of the central nervous system leading to focal and diffuse demyelination of neurons and ultimately to neurodegeneration and accumulation of disability. Recently, attention has been paid to the study of autonomic dysfunction and of cardiovascular complications of MS, as they may impact on MS prognosis and long-term disability. Acute cardiac events have been also reported in MS patients associated with inflammatory relapses. Nevertheless, treatments for MS, such as mitoxantrone or fingolimod, may impact on cardiovascular functioning via autonomic system-dependent or autonomic system-independent mechanism of action. Therefore, accurate and periodic monitoring of heart and cardiovascular system is required during disease-modifying treatments. This chapter will provide an overview of the available evidence on the role of the autonomic system in MS, to describe clinical and prognostic features of cardiac events in MS and to describe the main cardiovascular complications of disease-modifying treatments in MS.

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Rocchi, C., Mataluni, G., Landi, D. (2019). Multiple Sclerosis and the Heart. In: Govoni, S., Politi, P., Vanoli, E. (eds) Brain and Heart Dynamics. Springer, Cham.

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