
Define metatarsalgia.

Symptom of pain experienced in the ball of the foot

List three causes of metatarsalgia.

 Traumatic (MTP dislocations)

 Acquired (hallux valgus)

 Infectious (synovitis/osteomyelitis)

Define Morton’s neuroma .

Compressive neuropathy of the interdigital nerve

Where is Morton’s neuroma most commonly located ?

Commonly involves the second/third interdigital nerve between the metatarsal heads

What physical exam findings are common with Morton’s neuroma?

 Positive web space compression test

 Mulder’s click (felt when squeezing metatarsals together)

What is the technique for operative managemen t of Morton’s neuroma?

Cut the interdigital nerve as far proximal as possible to prevent recurrence

Which metatarsal is the most common involved with stress fractures?

The second metatarsal

What is the best radiographic method to detect? Acute osteomyelitis or chronic?

Acute: MRI

Chronic: X-ray