
Define osteoarthritis.

A pathologic, non-reversible condition characterized by destruction of articular cartilage

Describe a physical exam for a patient with hip OA.

Overweight body habitus, potential leg length discrepancy, lack of full extension or flexion in passive ROM, catching/clicking

Name four radiographic findings with OA.

1. Subchondral cysts

2. Subchondral sclerosis

3. Osteophyte formation

4. Joint space narrowing

What is the conservative treatment for hip OA?

Physical therapy, scheduled anti-inflammatories, weight loss

What is the eponym for the direct anterior approach to the hip?


What is the eponym for the posterior approach to the hip?


What is the interval for the direct anterior approach to the hip?

Superficial: TFL/Sartorius

Deep: Rectus femoris/gluteus medius

What is a major danger in the direct anterior approach to the hip?

Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve

What is a major danger in the direct posterior approach to the hip?

Sciatic nerve

What is the classic position of posterior hip dislocations?

Flexion, adduction, and internal rotation

What is the classic position for anterior dislocation of the hip?

Extension, abduction, and external rotation