
What class of shock and what percentage of total body blood loss are indicated by normal blood pressure with an elevated heart rate?

Class II Shock and loss of 15–30% blood volume

Transfusion of what blood products are indicated in a 1:1:1 ratio?

Red blood cells, platelets, plasma

What serum marker value is indicative of adequate resuscitation ?

Serum lactate levels <2 mmol/L

How much blood can be lost into the thigh from a single femur fracture ?

1–2 L

What Injury Severity Score (ISS) is considered a major trauma with >10% mortality?

An ISS of 15. ISS = sum of the squares of the three highest Abbreviated Injury Scores (AIS)

What should be done if pelvic instability is identified by exam and radiograph and the patient is hemodynamically unstable?

Placement of pelvic binder or clamped bedsheet centered around patient’s greater trochanters

What X-ray views can help better identify pelvic ring fractures?

Inlet and outlet views

What are the options of damage control orthopedics management of a long bone fracture ?

External fixation and skeletal traction

What radiographic finding is indicative of a scapulothoracic dissociation ?

Displacement of the edge of scapula from the spinous process by >1 cm from the contralateral side

Is lower extremity trauma an indication for internal fixation of an otherwise uncomplicated humeral shaft fracture ?
