
What population is most likely to form an osteoid osteoma?

Young males in the second or third decade of life?

What is the typical presentation of an osteoid osteoma?

Pain that is worse at night. Pain will improve with use of NSAIDs

Why are NSAIDs effective in treatment?

Cyclooxygenases and prostaglandin E2 is elevated by this benign bone mass. NSAIDs will reduce these levels

What are characteristic findings ofradiographs?

Cortical radiolucent nidus <1.5 cm surrounded by reactive bone

What is needed to make diagnosis of an osteoid osteoma?

Plain radiographs are typically diagnostic with biopsy rarely needed to confirm

What is the most common benign bone tumor?


What disease is the most common benign bone tumor associated with?

Multiple hereditary exostosis (MHE)

What is the gene of mutation and inheritance pattern?

EXT1. Autosomal dominant with variable penetrance. Affect the prehypertrophic chondrocytes of the physis

What is the treatment for MHE ?

While surgery for resection is an indication if lesions are large enough to cause symptoms, many patients can be followed-up with observation alone. Most patients are asymptomatic and never seek medical attention at all

Where are giant cell tumors typically found?

Metaphysis of long bones in middle age (30–50) females

How do they appear on radiographs?

Eccentric lytic lesions