
1 Introduction

In the last decade there were many attempts to simplify parallel programming techniques by relieving the programmer of thinking about where and how to use the concurrency controls in a sequential program. One desired outcome is to minimize the required modification of a sequential program to enable it to run in parallel, as, e.g., in OpenMP [23] where a sequential program is annotated with compiler directives and the resulting compiled code can run in parallel on multiple threads. Along this minimal change paradigm, there are frameworks that provide parallel design patterns in object oriented programming languages by which the parallelization efforts are made transparent to the programmer. The Intel Threading Building Blocks (Intel TBB) [18], is a C++ template library for parallel programming on multi-core processors that provides parallel constructs like algorithms, containers and tasks that the programmer can use to implement an algorithm and run it in parallel. The FastFlow and SkePU C++ template libraries [5, 16], abstract the most frequent parallel patterns of programs, such as map, reduce, pipeline and farm, as skeletons that programmers can instantiate with extended and custom operations and actions. Like for Intel TBB, all the synchronizations, parallelizations, communication and memory managements are done transparently by different platform-specific and low level back-end concrete implementations of the templates.

Task based parallel programming has experienced a great acceptance increase in the past decade due to its competitive outcomes in performance and productivity. The key to success for task based approaches is the abstract view of a program as a set of operations and data. This abstraction allows for programs to be written sequentially using tasks and data whenever an operation is to be performed on program variables/identifiers. When such a program runs, the tasks corresponding to the operations in the program are submitted to the background task-based framework run-time system where they are scheduled for parallel execution. This separation of a written program and its underlying tasks, enables the providers of the task-based frameworks to use different approaches for finding the optimal solution to the scheduling problem of running the tasks on the available computing resources.

Different techniques are provided by task based programming frameworks to the programmer for writing programs. The StarPU [6] and OmpSs [11] frameworks extend the C compiler and allow the programmer to use compiler directives to define C functions as tasks kernels and describe their data dependencies. The PaRSEC [10, 13] framework provides tools and utilities to analyze a program written in a special language that describes tasks and data dependencies and uses a source to source compiler to translate the optimal solution into a C code for compilation. The DuctTeip [29], Chunks and Tasks [24] and also StarPU [3] frameworks provide Application Programming Interfaces (API) for defining data and tasks to run in a distributed memory environment. The SuperGlue framework [26] provides a header-only C++ portable library for creating tasks and running them on multi-core processors.

These frameworks have individually shown very good results in terms of performance, scalability and productivity and have been used in a wide spectrum of scientific applications such as solving partial differential equations (PDE) [27], N-Body problems using Fast Multipole Method (FMM) [4, 17, 28], simulating stochastic discrete events [7, 8], Conjugate Gradient method [1], Finite Element Method (FEM) applications [22], chemistry applications [14], seismic applications [21] and image processing [9]. They have also shown the feasibility and benefits of using task based approaches for sparse data structures [20, 25].

There are also attempts to join pairs of the task based frameworks to combine benefits of both. The StarPU and PaRSEC frameworks joined to provide task parallelism in clusters of heterogeneous processors [2, 20]. The DuctTeip and SuperGlue frameworks joined [29] to implement hierarchical task submission and execution in hybrid distributed and shared memory environments.

While these achievements seem promising for using task based programming models, the choice of a proper task based framework may still be risky because the impacts on legacy software could be great to adapt to future changes in the frameworks.

In this paper, we address these issues by proposing a unified task based programming TaskUniVersre (TUV) model in which any number of task based frameworks can be used to run a single application in many parallel environments. The idea of having one front-end with multiple back-ends for shared memory, heterogeneous computing and distributed memory has been explored before both at the language level, as done in the Chapel language [12], and at the library level as in HPX [19] and Generic Parallel Programming Interface (GrPPI) [15]. The main focus of this paper, however, is enabling an application to mix different available frameworks while avoiding rewriting the code in a new syntax.

This section continues with explaining the motivation for designing such a programming model. The overview, implementation and programming of the TUV model are described in Sects. 2.12.3. Section 3 shows the performance results of executing a Cholesky factorization program in different parallel computing environments. The last section is devoted to discussion and conclusions.

1.1 Motivation

The number of applications that use task based programming approaches is increasing and more attempts to join two or more task based frameworks to exploit different advantages can be foreseen. These achievements for the task based parallel programming make it interesting for application scientists to try it on their codes to efficiently scale to thousands of processors. However, choosing frameworks for implementing solutions for a specific application domain is still a vital decision for the expert end users in that domain.

The basic factors influencing the choice of framework(s) are richness and flexibility. When needs of a scientific application span a wide spectrum of software and hardware varieties, it becomes hard or impossible to find a single framework to address them. Also the investment of developing an application even on top of a mixture of frameworks has to be secured against probable risks of future changes in underlying software and hardware. In this paper we show how these issues can be addressed by the TUV model through a unified task programming interface. In the experiments section, we show that if an application (e.g., Cholesky dense matrix factorization) expected to run hierarchically in cluster of CPU-GPU computing nodes, there is no choice of a single framework to satisfy this requirement. It is also shown that even if two frameworks support common features but use different methods, it can also be advantageous to gain the best performance of each framework while combining them together.

2 The TUV Model

2.1 Overview of the TUV Model

The TUV programming model is designed to provide an abstraction for common structures and behaviors of the task based frameworks mentioned above. This abstraction generalizes the task based frameworks as black boxes which get a set of sequential tasks and detects when they are ready to execute in parallel. Since all the frameworks use data dependencies for finding ready-to-run tasks and partition data for data locality concerns, data definitions and partitions are also included in the abstraction. We found these abstractions the most influential factors in achieving high performance in the frameworks and consider them as a boundary for the abstraction, without sacrificing any generality or degrading the frameworks performance.

To avoid losing any richness of frameworks by imposing this boundary, the abstraction can (be extended to) include interfaces for setting or getting framework specific parameters, for example, through environment variables or specific function calls (as it is in many BLAS and MPI libraries). This boundary is sufficient for demonstrating the idea and usefulness of a unified interface. A rich, thorough and high performing standard interface that covers a broad range of software and hardware requires much more amount of work (like the HiHATFootnote 1 framework which is in its early phases of development) and is beyond the scope of this paper.

In the TUV abstract view, all the operations performed by a program on its data are replaced by tasks and special data types (e.g., handles or descriptors) representing the program data. Instead of running the operations immediately, the corresponding tasks are submitted to the frameworks’ runtime where their dependencies are tracked and ready tasks are executed in parallel. Actual kernel computations of a ready task are performed through call back mechanisms which are introduced to the frameworks at task creation.

In order to have a single interface for cooperation, the TUV model requires the frameworks to implement predefined interfaces for data definition and task creation, submission, execution and completion. These interfaces unify the cooperation of TUV with any other compliant framework via conversations of generic data and tasks regardless of the concrete instances inside the framework. These generic data and task definitions will be mapped to internal data by every framework to extract task-data dependencies and find ready-to-run tasks. The memory management of the data contents is left to the application program and the frameworks only get access to the memory using specific attributes or member methods of the generic data objects. A central dispatcher in the TUV model orchestrates the flow of tasks and data between the program and frameworks by connecting the interfaces of one framework to another. The dispatcher submits tasks to the frameworks and they notify the dispatcher when the tasks are ready to execute or when the tasks are finished.

The TUV model divides the software stack into three layers, as shown in Fig. 1(b), where the TUV interface in the middle decouples the application layer at the top from the task based frameworks at the bottom which in turn hide the technical details of parallel programming for the underlying hardware. In the TUV model, the taskified versions of the operations are provided by the middle layer to the application layer via ordinary subroutines while on the other side of the middle layer, the generic tasks move back and forth to the frameworks or their TUV compliant wrappers. Therefore, TUV at the middle layer translates program operations to tasks and data and distributes them properly to available task based frameworks through a generic interface.

Different task flows between the dispatcher and the task based frameworks can be configured in the TUV model by specifying which two frameworks interfaces are to be interconnected via the dispatcher. For example, the task-execution interface of one framework can be connected to the task-creation (submission) interface of another to enable hierarchical task management in which, when tasks get ready to execute at higher levels, they split into child tasks and are submitted to the framework at the next level of the hierarchy. This configurable task flow graph between the program and the wrappers allows a single program to run in different parallel computing environments by different task based frameworks.

2.2 Implementation of the TUV Model

The TUV model provides the necessary data structures and interfaces to the application layer for defining data and performing operations on them. These interfaces also enable partitioning the data into parts and splitting an operation into child tasks. Usages of data definition and partitioning interfaces by the program are propagated to all the task based frameworks to manage their own internal data types.

For running a program using various frameworks, the TUV model also contains implemented wrappers around the SuperGlue, StarPU and DuctTeip task based frameworks, Fig. 1(b). There are also cpuBLAS and cuBLAS wrappers around Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) and Linear Algebra PACKage (LAPACK) libraries for CPU and GPU devices, respectively, that can be used in the task flow graph for running the actual computations of tasks on the corresponding devices. The tasks submitted to these two wrappers are immediately executed and their completions are reported back to the dispatcher.

Figure 1(a) shows some examples of possible and practical configurations of task flow graphs \(G_1\)\(G_4\) for running a program whose operations on data are totally decomposable into BLAS subroutines.

The edge from the program to the dispatcher D is common for all the graphs and is not shown in the figure. The flow of tasks and data between the dispatcher D and the wrappers can be configured to determine the hierarchy of data and tasks and the corresponding responsible frameworks.

The nodes in the graphs shown in Fig. 1(a) are the dispatcher D and the wrappers around the task based frameworks. A directed edge from the dispatcher D to node w denotes that the tasks coming from the program to the dispatcher are forwarded to the wrapper w. For example, in graph \(G_1\) the cpuBLAS wrapper (CB) is the only one connected to the dispatcher D, meaning that all the tasks coming from the program are delivered to the CB wrapper. Since the cpuBLAS wrapper is a single core implementation of the BLAS library, the tasks received by CB are run immediately and hence this configuration can be used to run the program sequentially. The edges between wrappers \(w_1\) and \(w_2\) show that ready tasks at \(w_1\) are split into sub tasks by the dispatcher and are submitted to \(w_2\), and task completions at \(w_2\) are reported back to \(w_1\) via the dispatcher. For example, in graph \(G_3\), the DT, SG and CB wrappers are connected together by directed edges that show the flow of tasks and sub tasks between pairs of frameworks. These three wrappers are used to hierarchically break down the tasks at different levels for distributed memory and shared memory and kernel computations. Tasks are first submitted to DT for scheduling in the distributed memory environment. When DT notifies the dispatcher that a task is ready to run, the dispatcher splits the task into sub-tasks and submits them to the next wrapper, which is SG in the \(G_3\) graph. When sub-tasks get ready at the SG wrapper, the dispatcher is notified from where they are forwarded to the next wrapper, CB in the graph \(G_3\).

Using configurations \(G_1\)\(G_4\), the program can run in distributed/shared memory, and in heterogeneous (with accelerators) computing environments. Using the \(G_1\) configuration, it can run sequentially on one CPU since tasks submitted to the dispatcher are forwarded to and immediately executed by the cpuBLAS wrapper. In the \(G_2\) configuration, the same program can run on multi-core systems using the SuperGlue wrapper for managing submitted tasks on available cores and using the BLAS library wrapper for running the tasks on individual cores. The \(G_3\) configuration is constructed by adding the DuctTeip wrapper on top, enables the program to run in a cluster of computing nodes where DuctTeip is managing data and tasks in the distributed memory environments. In the \(G_4\) configuration, the program can run in a cluster of computing nodes with heterogeneous CPU/GPU processors using StarPU for managing tasks on both CPU and GPU.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Cooperation between TUV and the task based frameworks.

2.3 Programming in the TUV Model

In the three layer view of the TUV model, the required programming at the bottom layer is already done in the TUV framework and provided as wrappers around some existing and frequently used task based frameworks. Further development of wrappers can be performed by framework providers or users by implementing the unified interface.

The programming at the middle layer, consists of implementing the translation and splitting of operations into tasks or sub tasks. This can be done by implementing predefined interfaces (e.g., the split method of an object) which will be used by the dispatcher during the program execution. User friendly functions can hide the technical details of the task and operations from the programmer at the application layer. The programming at the application layer consists of defining data and their partitions and calling functions provided by the technical layer to manipulate the data.

The programming in the TUV model is exemplified by implementing a block Cholesky matrix factorization called POTRF (POsitive definite matrix TRiangular Factorization) in BLAS/LAPACK terminology. The program at the application layer (shown in Fig. 2, lines 1–16) defines the input/output matrix and its partitioning in two subsequent hierarchical levels ( and ) with parameters read from the command line and passes it to the tuv_cholesky function which is implemented in the technical layer (Fig. 2, lines 18–23).

The objects in Figs. 2 and 3 are subclasses of a generic task class in the TUV model whose constructors accept an object, a pointer to the parent task and data arguments of the task. The created POTRFTask in the tuv_cholesky function (Fig. 2, line 21) corresponds to the operation object with no parent task.

The objects in the TUV model are responsible for splitting an operation into child tasks that manipulate the partitions of the parent task’s data arguments. Figure 3 shows the split method of the operation which in nested loops manipulates the partitions of input argument using the indexing interface to access the partition at row r and column c of .

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The main program in the TUV model for implementing a Cholesky factorization of input matrix (lines 1–16), the tuv_cholesky function provided by the TUV technical layer (lines 18–23), and the run method of the operation (lines 25–35).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The splitting method of the POTRF operation object in the TUV programming model where child tasks (SYRK, GEMM, POTRF and TRSM) for the parent task are created and submitted to the with their corresponding operation objects.

Figure 4 shows a possible implementation of a dispatcher with two cascaded wrappers, like SG and CB of \(G_2\) in Fig. 1(a). An Edge type is defined to distinguish two wrappers of T and U. An EdgeDispatch type is a dispatcher with generic parameter of type Edge. When objects in the program calls any method of the dispatcher, they pass in their type as the first argument. The figure shows how calls to dispatcher’s submit method from the user program (line 18) or from the first wrapper (line 25) can be distinguished using the type of the first argument. The lines 32–35 of the code show how a ready to run task at the first wrapper can be split into sub-tasks by calling the split method of the operation object of the task. Similarly, the lines 38–45 show how a parent task at the level of the first wrapper is notified when all its children at the level of the second wrapper are finished. Therefore combining frameworks (or their wrappers) is simply providing a dispatcher object that forwards calls and notifications in this way. Thanks to the template programming in C++ and using static binding methods at compilation time, there is no run-time performance cost in using this approach for dispatching tasks between frameworks.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

A C++ source code that shows one possible implementation of the Dispatcher (EdgeDispatch) when two wrappers are cascaded, as in graph \(G_2\) in Fig. 1(a). An Edge type is used for distinguishing first and second wrappers. The first argument of each method from the dispatcher is the type of the caller. The workflow between wrappers can be implemented by connecting one call from a wrapper to a call to the other one.

At the lowest level of the task hierarchy, when a task is submitted by the dispatcher to the wrappers, the run method of the task’s operation is invoked where the BLAS/LAPACK routine is immediately called and task completion is reported back to the dispatcher, as shown in Fig. 2 lines 25–35.

3 Experiments

To demonstrate the productivity gained by the TUV programming model, the Cholesky matrix factorization algorithm is implemented and executed with different matrix sizes on different parallel computing resources. In these experiments the program at the application layer is written once and executed in different configurations for different underlying parallel hardware.

These programs were executed in the HPC2N computer cluster Kebnekaise using 32 nodes, each with two Intel Xeon E5-2690v4 CPU with 14 cores and with two NVIDIA K80 with 4992 cores. The programs are all written in C++, compiled with Intel compiler 17.0.1 and Intel MPI version 2017 Update 1 and use Intel MKL for BLAS/LAPACK routines.

The Cholesky factorization program is executed in multi-core, with or without GPUs, and multi-node computing environments. The SuperGlue, DuctTeip and StarPU frameworks are used with the TUV and the non-TUV models to compare performance when running the program in these environments, see Figs. 5 and 6. The StarPU implementation of the Cholesky factorization is taken from the version 1.2.0 of the installation package source code where explicit dependencies are used for tasks (by explicitly setting a task dependency to specific tags instead of data handles) and the input matrix is partitioned at two hierarchical levels. The dmdar scheduler is used and the experimental results are gathered after executing a few calibration runs. When StarPU is used within the TUV interface, the implicit dependencies and flat data (no hierarchy) is used. The DuctTeip implementation, uses implicit dependencies between tasks by tracking the accesses to the input and output data arguments of each task, and the data is partitioned at two hierarchical levels.

The DuctTeip, SuperGlue and StarPU frameworks are selected for experiments because they use different approaches and implement different types of parallelisms. DuctTeip has no support for multi-core and GPU systems, SuperGlue only supports multi-core environments and StarPU supports multi-core, distributed and GPU parallelism but uses different approaches.

In Fig. 5 different configurations (\(C_1\)\(C_6\)) of frameworks are used for running the Cholesky factorization program in one computing node of multi-cores with/without GPUs. In the configurations \(C_1\)\(C_3\) matrices up to \(30000\times 30000\) elements are factorized using the StarPU framework without TUV interface (\(C_1\)), the StarPU wrapper within TUV (\(C_2\)) and the SuperGlue wrapper within TUV (\(C_3\)). For factorizing larger matrices in one computing node, parts of the computations are executed in the GPUs by using the StarPU framework without TUV interface (\(C_4\)), the StarPU wrapper within TUV (\(C_5\)) and the DuctTeip wrapper and StarPU wrapper within TUV (\(C_6\)).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Executing the Cholesky factorization in one computing node with or without GPU.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Relative performance of distributed Cholesky factorization using TUV implementations vs StarPU only.

The differences in performance of the configurations in the experiments can be explained in this way. In \(C_1\), explicit dependencies are used and the matrix is partitioned recursively during the runtime. In \(C_2\), StarPU within TUV uses implicit dependencies and fixed partitioning of the matrix. The SuperGlue framework was shown in [26] to have a low overhead compared with other frameworks, hence the performance results using SuperGlue (\(C_3\)) at the shared memory level tend to be competitive compared with other configurations. The \(C_4\) configuration is the same as \(C_1\) but with GPU enabled. Configuration \(C_4\) can factorize much larger matrices than \(C_5\) thanks to the recursive and hierarchical partitioning of the matrix. By adding hierarchical partitioning through DuctTeip to \(C_5\), \(C_6\) can produce the same throughput as \(C_4\).

In Fig. 6, the performance of different frameworks is compared for Cholesky factorization of matrices in a distributed memory environment. The factorization is performed by the StarPU framework (\(C_7\)), the DuctTeip and StarPU wrappers within TUV (\(C_8\)) and the DuctTeip and SuperGlue wrappers within TUV (\(C_9\)). In configuration \(C_7\), the StarPU framework does not employ hierarchical partitioning of the data. The MPI support is used for submitting and running tasks in the distributed memory environment. In \(C_8\), DuctTeip is used with hierarchical data partitioning for the distributed memory environment and StarPU is used for running the sub tasks on the multiple cores within a computing node. In \(C_9\), SuperGlue is used instead of StarPU in \(C_8\) for running sub tasks. The hierarchical data partitioning and the efficient communication techniques used in DuctTeip [29], explain the performance difference between \(C_7\) and \(C_8\). Using the low overhead task scheduling of SuperGlue in \(C_9\), higher performance than \(C_8\) is obtained.

These experiments demonstrate that using the TUV model, a single program at the application layer written once can run in several parallel computing environments. Not only is it independent of any individual framework, but it can also attain the most favorable throughput from a customizable mixture of available frameworks. In other words, a program can always attain the highest achievable performance by different mixtures of frameworks which individually are improving their efficiency from time to time.

4 Conclusions

We have designed, implemented and verified the TUV model that unifies the cooperation interface between task based frameworks. This interface decouples the frameworks from the program that uses them which enables the program to run in different parallel computing environment, allows independent software development at technical layers and makes the program tolerant to the future changes in the underlying hardware. The configurable task flows in the TUV model allows a program to use a mixture of different frameworks to meet various needs of computations on different computing resources.

We have shown by experiments that when the performance requirements of a program are not satisfied with a single framework, the desired functionalities can be picked up from different frameworks and provided to the program. This enables a program to always achieve the best performance when the frameworks change during the time due to new features, improved performance, supporting a new hardware or implementing new approaches. Decoupling the program from the frameworks, like any other software library, makes the framework development independent of the application programs that enables them to freely use new techniques and rapidly adapt to new technologies.