
1 Introduction

The performance of statistical machine translation (SMT) [1] is heavily dependent on the quantity of training data and the domain specificity of the test data as it relates to the training data. An obstacle to optimal performance is the data-driven system not guaranteeing optimum results if either the training data or testing data are not uniformly distributed. Domain adaptation is a promising approach to increasing the quality of domain-specific translation systems with a mixture of out-of-domain and in-domain data.

The prevalent adaptation method is to choose the data to target the field or domain from a general cluster of documents within the domain. However, the method is applied when the quantity of data is adequately wide to cover some sentences that will exist in the targeted field. Moreover, a domain-adapted machine translation system can be attained through training that uses a chosen subset of the data. Axelrod et al. [2] explained this point as a quasi-in-domain sub-part of the corpus instead of using the complete corpus data.

The present paper focuses entirely on these auxiliary data selection methodologies, which have advanced the development of narrow-domain SMT systems. Translation models that are trained in this way will have the benefit of enhanced word arrangements. Furthermore, the system can be modified to avoid redundant pairs of phrases; moreover, proper estimation can support reorganization of the elements of target sentences.

The similarity measurement has an immense influence on the translation quality. In this study, data selection methods that can boost the quality of domain-specific translation were explored. To this end, data selection criteria were carefully analyzed. Two models are thus considered in this paper. One is based on term frequency–inverse document frequency (tf-idf); the other is a perplexity-based approach. These two techniques have roots in information retrieval (IR) and language modeling for SMT. A third approach uses the Levenshtein distance, which is then analyzed.

An evaluation revealed that each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages. First, the tf-idf technique employs the text as a set of words and recovers sentences that are similar. Although this approach helps reduce the number of out-of-vocabulary words, it does not filter bad data. On the other hand, perplexity-oriented measurement tools leverage an n-gram language model (LM), which considers both a grammar’s word order and term distribution. It filters irrelevant phrases and out-of-vocabulary words. However, the quality of the filtering depends largely on the in-domain LM and quasi-in-domain sub-parts.

The methodology based on the Levenshtein distance is more stringent in its approach than the other two. It is intended to explore the similarity index; however, in terms of performance, it does not surpass the others on account of its reliance on data generalization. As the number of factors increases, the complexity of the similarity judgment also increases. This scenario can be depicted by a pyramid to show the relevant intensities of multiple approaches. The Levenshtein distance approach is at the top of the pyramid, perplexity is in the middle, and the tf-idf approach is at the bottom. The positive and negative aspects of each method can be addressed by considering all these criteria. If we consider additional factors, then the criterion at each highest point will become stricter.

In this study, the above measurement approaches were combined and compared to each separate method and to the modified Moore–Lewis filtering implementation in the Moses SMT system. A comparative experiment was conducted using a generalized Polish–English language movie-subtitle corpus and in-domain TED lecture corpus. The SMT systems were adapted and trained accordingly. Utilizing the bilingual evaluation understudy (BLEU) metric, the testing results revealed that the designed approach produced a promising performance.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Related literature is reviewed in Sect. 2. Related models are analyzed in Sect. 3. Section 4 describes evaluation methods. The experiment results and conclusions are outlined in Sect. 5.

2 State of the Art

Existing literature discusses data adaptation for SMT from multiple perspectives, such as finding unknown words from comparable corpora [3], corpora weighting [4], mixing multiple models [5,6,7], and weighted phrase extraction [8]. The predominant criterion for data selection is tf-idf, which originated in the area of IR. Hildebrand et al. [9] utilized this IR technique to choose the most similar sentence—albeit with a lower quantity—for translation model (TM) and LM adaptation. The results strengthen the significance of the methodology for enhancing translation quality, particularly for LM adaptation.

In a study much closer to the present research, Lü et al. [10] suggested reorganizing the methodology for offline, as well as online, TM optimization. The results are much closer to those of a realistic SMT system. Moreover, their conclusions revealed that repetitive sentences in the data can affect the translation quality. By utilizing approximately 60% of the complete data, they increased the BLEU score by almost one point.

The second technique in the literature is a perplexity approach, which is common in language modeling. This approach was used by Lin et al. [11] and Gao et al. [12]. In that research, perplexity was utilized as a standard in testing parts of the text in accordance with an in-domain LM approach. Other researchers, such as Moore and Lewis [13], derived the unique approach of a cross-entropy difference metric from a simpler version of the Bayes rule. This methodology was further examined by Axelrod et al. [2], particularly for SMT adaptation, and they additionally introduced an exclusive unique bilingual methodology and compared its results with contemporary approaches. Results of their experiments revealed that, if the system was kept simple yet sufficiently fast, it discarded as much as 99% of the general corpus, which resulted in an improvement of almost 1.8 BLEU points.

Early works discuss separately applying the methodology to either a TM [2] or an LM [10]; however, in [10], Lü suggests that a combination of LM and TM adaptation will actually enhance the overall performance. Therefore, in the present study, TM and LM optimization was investigated through a combined data selection method.

3 Combined Corpora Adaptation Method

Four selection criteria are discussed to describe the examined models: tf-idf, perplexity, Levenshtein distance, and the proposed combination approach.

3.1 TF-IDF

In the approach based on tf-idf, each document Di is represented as a vector \( \left( {{\text{wi}}1 , {\text{ wi}}2 ,\ldots , {\text{win}}} \right) \), where n is the vocabulary size. Thus, w ij is calculated as:

$$ w_{ij} = tf_{ij} \, \times \,\log \,\left( {idf_{j} } \right). $$

where, \( tf_{ij} i \) is the term frequency (TF) of the j-th word in the vocabulary in the document \( D_{i} \) and \( idf_{j} \) is the inverse document frequency (IDF) of the j-th word. The similarity between the two texts is the cosine of the angle between the two vectors. This formula is applied in accordance with Lü et al. [10] and Hildebrand et al. [9]. The approach supposes that M is the size of the query set and N is the number of similar sentences from the general corpus for each query. Thus, the size of the tf-idf-based quasi-in-domain sub-corpus is defined as:

$$ Size_{Cos - IR} = M \times N. $$

3.2 Perplexity

Perplexity focuses on cross-entropy [14], which is the average of the negative logarithm of word probabilities. Consider:

$$ H\left( {p,q} \right) = - \mathop \sum \limits_{i = 1}^{n} p(w_{i} )\log q(w_{i} ) = - \frac{1}{N}\mathop \sum \limits_{i = 1}^{n} \log q\left( {w_{i} } \right), $$

where p is the empirical distribution of the test sample. If wi appears n times in the test sample of size N, then \( q(w_{i} ) \) is the probability of the wi event approximated from the training set.

Perplexity (pp) can be simply calculated at the base point presented in the system. It is often applied as a symbolic alternative to perplexity for the data selection as:

$$ pp = b^{{H\left( {p,q} \right)}} , $$

where b is the basis of measured cross-entropy, and \( H\left( {p,q} \right) \) is the cross-entropy as given in [14] which is often used as a substitute for perplexity in data selection [2, 13].

Let \( H_{I} \left( {p,q} \right) \) and \( H_{O} \left( {p,q} \right) \) be the cross-entropy of the w i string in accordance with the language model, which is subsequently trained by a general-domain dataset and an in-domain dataset. While examining the target (tgt) and source (src) dimensions of the training data, three perplexity-based variants exist. The first one, known as basic cross-entropy, is defined as:

$$ H_{I - src} \left( {p,q} \right). $$

The second is Moore-Lewis cross-entropy difference [13].

$$ H_{I - src} \left( {p,q} \right) - H_{G - src} \left( {p,q} \right). $$

which attempts to choose the sentences that are most identical to the ones in I but unlike others in G. Both the standards mentioned above consider only sentences in the source language. Moreover, Axelrod et al. [2] proposed a metric that adds cross-entropy differences to both sides:

$$ \left[ {H_{I - src} \left( {p,q} \right) - H_{G - src} \left( {p,q} \right)} \right] + \left[ {H_{I - tgt} \left( {p,q} \right) - H_{G - tgt} \left( {p,q} \right)} \right]. $$

For instance, candidates with lower scores [3, 15, 16] have a higher relevance to the specific target domain. The sizes of the perplexity-based quasi-in-domain subsets must be equal. In practice, we work with the SRI Language Modeling (SRILM) toolkit to train 5-gram LMs with interpolated modified Kneser–Ney discounting [17, 18].

3.3 Levenshtein Distance

In information theory and computer science, the Levenshtein distance is regarded as a string metric for the measurement of dissimilarity between two sequences. The Levenshtein distance between points or words is the minimum possible number of unique edits to the data (e.g., insertions or deletions) that are required to replace one word with another.

The Levenshtein distance can additionally be applied to a wider range of subjects as a distance metric. Moreover, it has a close association with pairwise string arrangement.

Mathematically, the Levenshtein distance between two strings a, b (of length \( \left| {\text{a}} \right| \) and \( \left| {\text{b}} \right| \), respectively) is given by \( lev_{a,b} \left( {\left| a \right|,\left| b \right|} \right) \), where:

$$ lev_{a,b} \left( {i,j} \right) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {\hbox{max} \left( {i,j} \right)} \hfill & {if\hbox{min} \left( {i,j} \right) = 0} \hfill \\ {min\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {lev_{a,b} \left( {i - 1,j} \right) + 1} \\ {lev_{a,b} \left( {i,j - 1} \right) + 1 } \\ {lev_{a,b} \left( {i - 1,j - 1} \right) + 1_{{\left( {a_{i} \ne b_{j} } \right)}} } \\ \end{array} } \right.} \hfill & {otherwise.} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right. $$

Here, \( 1_{{\left( {a_{i} \ne b_{j} } \right)}} \) is the indicator function, which is equal to 0 when \( a_{i} = b_{j} \); otherwise, it is equal to 1. Furthermore, \( lev_{a,b} \left( {i,j} \right) \) is the distance between the first i characters of a and the first j characters of b. The first component has the least correspondence to the deletion (from a to b), the second-closest correspondence to the insertion, and the most correspondence to a match or mismatch.

3.4 Combined Methods

As was first explained by Wang et al. [19], there are three basic processing stages in data selection for domain adaptation. First, we extract sentence pairs from a parallel corpus. A generalized domain corpus is obtained based on significance and corresponding relevance to the targeted domain. Second, the samples are reorganized to maintain the quasi-in-domain sub-corpus. These first two steps are applicable to a general domain monolingual corpus and they are significant for selecting sentences for a language model. Once a large number of sentence pairs are collected, these models are scheduled for data training and will eventually represent the target domain.

In a similar fashion, the similarity index measurement is required to choose the sentences for a quasi-in-domain sub-corpus. For the similarity measurement, three approaches are regarded as the most suitable. First, the tf-idf criterion identifies the similarity by considering the word overlap. This technique is particularly helpful in reducing out-of-vocabulary words. Nevertheless, it is sensitive to irrelevant data in the system. The perplexity-based criterion, on the other hand, is more focused on the n-gram word order. Meanwhile, the Levenshtein distance considers the word order, position of the words, and word overlap. Of the three approaches, it is the most stringent.

In this study, a combination of the corpora and language models is used. These three methods are first individually used to identify the quasi-in-domain sub-corpora. They are later combined during the reorganization phase to collectively leverage the benefits of all three metrics. Similarly, these three metrics are joined for domain adaptation during the translation process. Experimental evidence demonstrated the success of this process. In addition, our adaptation tool is freely available for use.

4 Evaluation

To advance machine translation (MT), the quality of the MT results must be evaluated. It has been recognized that using humans to evaluate MT approaches is costly and time consuming [20]. As a result, human evaluation cannot remain abreast of the growing and continual need for MT evaluation. Consequently, the development of automated MT evaluation techniques is critical. Evaluation is particularly crucial for translation between languages of different families, such as Polish and English languages from respective Germanic and Slavic families [20, 21].

In Reeder [21], Reeder compiled an initial list of SMT evaluation metrics. Further research led to the development of newer metrics. Prominent metrics include Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Translation Error Rate (TER), and the Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit Ordering (METEOR). These metrics were used in the present research for evaluation.

In this study, we employed the most renowned metric, BLEU, which was developed based on a premise similar to that used for speech recognition. It is described in Papineni et al. [16] as follows: “The closer a machine translation is to a professional human translation, the better it is.” Accordingly, the BLEU metric is designed to measure how close SMT output is to those of human reference translations. It is important to note that translations, whether SMT or human, may significantly differ in word usage, word order, and phrase length [16].

4.1 Statistical Significance Tests

In cases in which the differences in the above metrics are not significant, a statistical significance test can be performed. The Wilcoxon test [22] (also known as the signed-rank or matched-pairs test) is one of the most renowned alternatives to the Student’s t-test for dependent samples. It belongs to the group of non-parametric tests and is used to compare two (and only two) dependent groups that involve two measurement variables.

The Wilcoxon test is employed when the assumptions for the Student’s t-test for dependent samples are not valid. For this reason, it is considered an alternative to the latter test. The Wilcoxon test is additionally used when variables are measured on an ordinal scale (in the Student’s t-test, the variables must be measured on a quantitative scale). The requirement for Wilcoxon test application is the potential to rank differences between the first and second variable (the measurement). On an ordinal scale, it is possible to calculate the difference in levels between two variables; therefore, the test can be used for variables calculated on such a scale. In the case of quantitative scales, this test is used if the distributions of these variables are not close to the normal distribution.

Hypotheses for the Wilcoxon test are formulated as:

$$ H_{0} \,:\,F_{1} \, = \,F_{2} , $$
$$ H_{1} \,:\,F_{1} \, \ne \,F_{2} . $$

In this test, as in the case of the Student’s t-test, a third variable is used. The third variable specifies the absolute value of the difference between the values of the paired observations. It involves ranking measurement differences for subsequent observations. First, the differences between measurements 1 and 2 are calculated. Then, the differences are ranked (the results are arranged from lowest to highest), and subsequent ranks are assigned to them. The sum of the ranks is then calculated for differences that are negative and those that are positive (results showing no differences are not significant here). Subsequently, the larger sum (of negative or positive differences) is chosen. This result constitutes that of the Wilcoxon test statistic if the number of observations does not exceed 25.

For larger samples, it is possible to use the asymptotic convergence of the test statistic (assuming that H0 is true) for the normal distribution N(m, s), where

$$ m\, = \,\frac{{n\left( {n + 1} \right)}}{4}, $$
$$ {\text{s}}\, = \,\sqrt {\frac{{{\text{n}}\left( {{\text{n}} + 1} \right)\left( {2{\text{n}} + 1} \right)}}{24}} . $$

The Wilcoxon test is also known as the signed-rank test because it requires calculation of ranks assigned to different signs (negative and positive differences). As with the Student’s t-test for dependent samples, data missing from one measurement eliminates the entire observation from the analysis. Only the observations measured for the first and second time are considered for the analysis. This is clearly because it is necessary to subtract one result from the other.

5 Results and Conclusions

TED data comprise a unique lecture domain; however, this domain is not as wide as that of the movie subtitles corpus OpenSubtitles (OPEN). An SMT system most effectively operates in a uniquely defined domain, which presents another challenge for the system. If the challenge is not adequately addressed, it can decrease the translation accuracy. The domain adaptation quality largely depends on the training data used to optimize the language and translation models in the SMT system. This challenge can be addressed by selecting and extracting domain-centric training data from a general corpus and a generalized domain monolingual corpus. The quasi-in-domain sub-corpus is produced through this process.

In this study, experiments were conducted on the Polish–English language pair. The corpora statistics are shown in Table 1. In the Polish (PL) and English (EN) columns, the number of unique words is given for each language; the number of bilingual sentences is given in the “PAIRS” column.

Table 1. Corpora statistics

In Table 2, the corpora statistics are presented for the average sentence lengths for each language and corpus. Both tables expose large disparities between the text domains.

Table 2. Average sentence lengths

Multiple versions of the SMT system were evaluated through the experiments. Using the Moses SMT system, we trained a baseline system with no additional data (BASE), a system that employs additional subtitle corpora with no adaptation (NONE), a system adapted using Moore–Lewis filtering (MML) [2] built into Moses, a system using tf-idf adaptation (TF-IDF), a system using perplexity-based adaptation (PP), a system using data selected by the Levenshtein distance (LEV), and, lastly, a system combining the three methods as described in Sect. 3.4 (COMB). In Table 3, we present the amount of data from the OPEN corpus that remained after each filtration method.

Table 3. Number of remaining bi-sentences after filtration

Additional data were used for training both the bilingual translation phrase tables and language models. The Moses SMT system was used for tokenization, cleaning, factorization, conversion to lower case, splitting, and final cleaning of corpora after splitting. Training of a 6-gram language model was accomplished using the KenLM Modeling Toolkit [17]. Word and phrase alignment was performed using the SyMGIZA++ tool [23]. Out-of-Vocabulary (OOV) words were addressed using an unsupervised transliteration model [24]. For evaluation purposes, we used an automatically calculated BLEU metric [25] and official International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT) 2012 test datasetsFootnote 1. The results are shown in Table 4. Statistically significant results in accordance with the Wilcoxon test are marked with an asterisk ‘*’; those that are very significant are denoted with ‘**.’

Table 4. Corpora adaptation results

As shown by Table 4, ignoring the adaptation step only slightly improves PL → EN translation and degrades EN ← PL translation. As anticipated, other adaptation methods have a rather positive impact on translation quality; however, in some cases, the enhancement is only minor.

The most significant improvement in translation quality was obtained using the proposed method combining all three metrics. It should be noted, however, that the proposed method was not computationally feasible in some cases, even though it produced satisfactory results. In the best-case scenario, fast comparison metrics, such as perplexity, will filter most irrelevant data; however, in the worst-case scenario, most data would be processed by slow metrics.

Summing up, we successfully introduced a new combined approach for the in-domain data adaptation task. In the general case, it provides better adaptation results than those of state of the art methods separately in a reasonable amount of time.