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The Semiofoodscape of Wine: The Changing Global Landscape of Wine Culture and the Language of Making, Selling, and Drinking Wine

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Handbook of the Changing World Language Map


Wine production from grapes is several millennia old and, no doubt, the language employed to discuss the qualities of wine throughout its manufacture, trade, and consumption has been actively evolving since its inception. The modern wine industry has broken free of its “Old World” confines in a diaspora that hardly leaves any “corner” of the Earth vine- or wine-free. As grape varieties have been developed and translocated, the exponential economic and industrial growth and burgeoning consuming public have not only translated the traditional language of wine but have also invented ways of talking about the sensual and empirical characteristics of wine. This chapter explores the facets of the “semiofoodscape,” the changing landscape of wine culture. We discuss the place of wine production; the role of environmental change in the dialog of wine production and brand distinction; the role of culture in adaptation and mediation of the language of wine; and the use (and perhaps misuse) of terminology and symbolism intended to distinguish products, influence values, entice consumers, and foster the growth, extension, and evolution of wine.

The cultural landscape of viticulture is the scenery of civilization. Its impress extends beyond vine rows and terraces to the homes and buildings of the winegrowers, the artifacts of industry, even the lifestyles of those who create the wines. Entire regions are dominated, saturated by the imagery of the vine and its culture history. Wherever in the world one enters a winegrowing region, the atmosphere is unmistakably unique, a combination of serenity and civility.

de Blij 1983a: 113

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Tiefenbacher, J.P., Townsend, C. (2019). The Semiofoodscape of Wine: The Changing Global Landscape of Wine Culture and the Language of Making, Selling, and Drinking Wine. In: Brunn, S., Kehrein, R. (eds) Handbook of the Changing World Language Map. Springer, Cham.

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