
Even when students are taught in the same classroom by the same teacher, they are often offered very different opportunities to learn (Kurz, Elliott, Lemons et al., 2014; Rowan & Correnti, 2009; Schmidt, Burroughs, Zoido, & Houang, 2015). These differences in opportunity to learn (OTL) further correlate with differences in student achievement (Kurz, 2011; Schmidt & Burroughs, 2013). According to the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing , OTL must be considered to ensure fair testing practices and prevent “misdiagnosis, inappropriate placement, and/or inappropriate assignment of services” (AERA, NCME, & APA, 2014, p. 57). These are important caveats whenever test score inferences are being made including in the context of response to intervention (RTI) , which is predicated on the prevention of academic difficulties through the accurate identification of at-risk students and the timely delivery of effective interventions (Al Otaiba et al., 2014; Compton et al., 2012). Universal screening based on curriculum-based measurement is typically used to determine whether students are responding to high-quality Tier 1 instruction (Fuchs & Vaughn, 2012). This common screening approach, however, has shown unacceptably high rates of false positives (Fuchs, Fuchs, & Compton, 2012). Differences in the provision and accessibility of said “high-quality” instruction represent one factor that could undermine classification accuracy.

Despite the correlation between OTL and student achievement, researchers and practitioners have largely ignored questions about the extent to which Tier 1 screening outcomes could be a function of “low-quality” instruction (Kurz, Elliott, & Roach, 2015; Reddy, Fabiano, & Jimerson, 2013). That is, positive screening results typically suggest two competing inferences: (a) a student’s inadequate response to high-quality Tier 1 instruction or (b) a teacher’s inadequate implementation of high-quality Tier 1 instruction. Ruling out the latter inference requires data about the implementation of Tier 1 instruction—a need often acknowledged but rarely addressed in research and practice (Gilbert et al., 2013; Kurz et al., 2015). Knowing that we don’t know, of course, makes Tier 1 instructional data the proverbial “known unknown.”

The rationale for confronting this known unknown is threefold. First, missing data on Tier 1 instruction represents a threat to fairness and thus potentially impacts the validity of test score inferences (AERA, NCME, & APA, 2014). In addition, reducing the number of false positives (i.e., students receiving Tier 2 who do not really need it) matters greatly in a resource-constrained environment such as public schools (Al Otaiba et al., 2014). Second, ensuring access to high-quality Tier 1 instruction is fundamental to the logic and efficacy of all RTI approaches (Fuchs & Vaughn, 2012). In fact, research findings suggest that students’ unfettered access to primary prevention leads to fewer students requiring intervention initially and over time (Fuchs, Fuchs, Mathes, & Simmons, 1997; Vaughn et al., 2009), as well as a reduction in special education referrals and placements, with more proportionate representation of minorities, English language learners, and males (Torgesen, 2009; VanDerHeyden, Witt, & Gilbertson, 2007; Wanzek & Vaughn, 2010). Third, documenting the provision and accessibility of high-quality Tier 1 instruction can help educators make data-based decisions to improve “two important determinants of students success: opportunity to learn and quality of instruction ” (Fuchs & Vaugh, 2012).

To ensure high-quality Tier 1 instruction as a form of primary prevention, researchers have focused on understanding and operationalizing evidence standards that can be used to identify so-called evidence-based practices (Cook & Odom, 2013; Gandhi, Holdheide, Zumeta, & Danielson, 2016). These laudable efforts, however, have emphasized secondary and tertiary levels of prevention. This omission is likely due to the many challenges of operationalizing and assessing generally effective instruction. Some researchers, however, have suggested that research about OTL holds important implications for addressing these challenges and supporting high-quality Tier 1 instruction (Holdheide, 2016; Kurz et al., 2015).

In this chapter, I argue that the establishment of Tier 1 quality standards and the conceptual expansion of OTL are interconnected, mutually beneficial activities important for truly accessible instruction . To this end, I focus on my conceptual synthesis of OTL (Kurz, 2011) due to its (a) operational definition (Kurz, Elliott, Lemons et al., 2014), (b) application in general and special education (Heafner & Fitchett, 2015; Roach, Kurz, & Elliott, 2015), and (c) measurement via an online teacher log (Kurz, Elliott, Kettler, & Yel, 2014). I begin by reviewing what is known about high-quality Tier 1 instruction and OTL, continue by synthesizing both literature bases to identify potential sources of evidence for high-quality Tier 1, elaborate by highlighting possible measurement options via a case example, and conclude by setting a research and development agenda for Tier 1 OTL.

Tier 1 Instruction

As a multitiered approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs, RTI’s primary level of prevention (Tier 1) is focused on high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children. Across tiers or prevention levels, struggling learners are provided with interventions at increasing levels of intensity that make instruction more distinctive including students’ grouping formats and teachers’ skill level (Bradley, Danielson, & Doolittle, 2007; Chard, 2012). According to the high-quality Tier 1 instruction should be characterized by the use of (a) research-based core curriculum materials that are aligned to Common Core or other state standards, (b) data to make instructional decisions (e.g., selection of instructional practices, differentiation of learning activities, use of accommodations, use of problem-solving approaches to identify interventions), (c) teaching and learning objectives that are connected in progression within and across grades, and (d) enrichment opportunities for students who exceed benchmarks. Fuchs et al. (2012) argued that high-quality Tier 1 instruction should feature (a) core programs in reading and mathematics, (b) differentiated instruction, (c) accommodations to ensure accessibility to Tier 1 instruction for virtually all students, and (d) problem-solving strategies to address students’ motivation and behavior. Fuchs et al. further acknowledged that the general effectiveness of Tier 1 instructional practices should be derived from research, which does not require the same empirical rigor of validation (via experimental or quasi-experimental studies) as is needed of evidence-based practices.

To determine the extent to which high-quality Tier 1 instruction is being delivered, Metcalf (2012) recommended educators and other multidisciplinary team members review the scope and sequence of their day-to-day instruction and answer the following questions:

What instructional routines are used? Are the routines consistent from classroom to classroom, general education to special education? Is there evidence of scaffolding and explicit instruction, especially when students are learning something new? Is there evidence of distributed practice of critical skills? Is cumulative review built in on a systematic basis? How much time is allocated? How is that time used (for example, whole group instruction, small group instruction, or independent practice)? Does the pace of the instruction match student needs? Do students have multiple opportunities for response and feedback? Are students actively engaged (that is, are they saying, writing, and doing)? (p. 5).

As such, Metcalf organized high-quality Tier 1 instruction around (a) use of instructional time, (b) emphasis of various instructional practices such as explicit instruction and scaffolding, and (c) student engagement with instructional materials. Moreover, he emphasized the review of ongoing, day-to-day information about classroom instruction .

Gandhi, Holdheide, Zumeta, and Danielson (2016) focused on the following characteristics for purposes of differentiating intervention tiers: (a) approach (i.e., comprehensive, standardized, individualized), (b) group size (i.e., whole class, small group, very small group), (c) progress monitoring (i.e., once per term, once per month, weekly), and (d) population (i.e., all students, at-risk students, students with significant and persistent needs). As evidence to document Tier 1 instruction, they noted comprehensive coverage of critical content and use of instructional practices derived from research. Holdheide (2016) further suggested use of instructional time and screening procedures for documenting the quality of Tier 1 instruction. She identified instructional time, content coverage, and quality of instruction as the defining dimensions of Tier 1 instruction. Holdheide and her colleagues did not suggest, however, what may constitute adequate use of instructional time (e.g., as a percentage of allocated class time) or comprehensive content coverage (e.g., as a percentage of available content standards).

In summary, researchers have identified a variety of characteristics indicative of high-quality Tier 1 instruction. As expected, most of these characteristics address the curricular and qualitative aspects of instruction—the “what” and “how” of a teacher’s enacted curriculum. A few researchers also noted temporal considerations (i.e., use of instructional time). To date, these characteristics have lacked an organizing framework as well as operational definitions that address quality as a matter of degree. In other words, what is needed are definitions that go beyond denoting the mere presence of a characteristic (e.g., progress monitoring) by indicating the characteristic’s degree of implementation necessary to be considered high quality (e.g., progress monitoring on a weekly basis versus quarterly basis). I argue that the concept of OTL be used to this end for two main reasons: (a) OTL is a well-researched concept with a solid conceptual and empirical basis (see Kurz, 2011); (b) recent advancements in OTL’s measurement at the classroom level (e.g., Kurz, Elliott, Kettler et al., 2014; Rowan & Correnti, 2009) can address the next critical step after organizing and operationalizing key characteristics of high-quality Tier instruction, namely, measuring and providing feedback about the extent to which Tier 1 instruction is being implemented with high quality.

Opportunity to Learn

Since the 1960s, researchers have used the OTL acronym to examine a variety of schooling variables and their relationships to student achievement. Due to its continued relevance and applicability, OTL is widely considered a “generative concept” (McDonnell, 1995). That is, OTL has been relevant and applicable for identifying the normative assumptions of policy goals, focusing empirical research on strategies for reaching these goals, and informing ways to measure progress toward these goals. For example, OTL has been used to identify several normative assumptions of standards-based reform such as alignment (Porter, 2002) and access to the general curriculum (Kurz & Elliott, 2011). It has also been used to focus empirical research on examining relations between different schooling variables and student outcomes (e.g., Herman, Klein, & Abedi, 2000; Wang, 1998). In addition, several measurement tools of OTL currently hold implications for measuring progress toward certain policy goals (see Kurz, 2011).

I previously reviewed the large variety of OTL variables found in the extant literature focusing on those that showed empirical relations to student achievement (Kurz, 2011) and grouping them into three broad categories related to the time, content, and quality of classroom instruction (e.g., Borg, 1980; Brophy & Good, 1986; Porter, 2002). Based on a review of these three distinct OTL research strands, I provided a conceptual synthesis of OTL that focused on three key dimensions of the enacted curriculum—time, content, and quality—all of which co-occur during instruction (see Fig. 9.1). That is, teachers distribute OTL of what they want students to know and be able to do by allocating instructional time and content coverage to intended objectives using a variety of pedagogical approaches. As such, OTL is considered to be a teacher effect. Teachers provide OTL through their instruction, which is part of the enacted curriculum. The extent to which students engage in that opportunity, of course, is a separate matter. What follows is a summary of the three major OTL research strands I discussed in my earlier work (Kurz, 2011).

Fig. 9.1
figure 1

Three dimensions of the enacted curriculum that define OTL


The first research strand emerged with John Carroll (1963), who introduced the concept of OTL as part of his model of school learning: “Opportunity to learn is defined as the amount of time allowed for learning, for example by a school schedule or program” (Carroll, 1989, p. 26). Subsequent research on time and school learning (see Borg, 1980; Gettinger & Seibert, 2002) began to empirically examine this OTL conceptualization using general indicators such as allocated time (i.e., scheduled time to be allocated to instruction) or more instructionally sensitive indicators such as instructional time (i.e., proportion of allocated time actually used for instruction), engaged time (i.e., proportion of instructional time during which students are engaged in learning), and academic learning time (i.e., proportion of engaged time during which students are experiencing a high success rate).

The amount of time dedicated to instruction has received substantial empirical support in predicting student achievement (e.g., Carroll, 1989; Denham & Lieberman, 1980; Fisher & Berliner, 1985; Walberg, 1988). In a research synthesis on teaching, Walberg (1986) identified 31 studies that examined the “quantity of instruction ” and its relation to student achievement. Walberg reported a median (partial) correlation of 0.35 controlling for other variables such as student ability and socioeconomic status. In a meta-analysis on educational effectiveness, Scheerens and Bosker (1997) examined the effect of (allocated) time on student achievement using 21 studies with a total of 56 replications across studies. The average Cohen’s d effect size for time was 0.39 (as cited in Marzano, 2000). Considering that time usage related to instruction represents one of the best documented predictors of student achievement across schools, classes, student abilities, grade levels, and subject areas (Vannest & Parker, 2010), it is not surprising that research regarding time on instruction continues to this date.


The second research strand emerged with studies that focused on the content overlap between the enacted and assessed curriculum (e.g., Comber & Keeves, 1973; Husén, 1967). Husén, one of the key investigators for several international studies of student achievement, developed an item-based OTL measure that required teachers to report on the instructional content coverage for each assessment item via a 3-point Likert scale: “Thus opportunity to learn from the Husén perspective is best understood as the match between what is taught and what is tested” (Anderson, 1986, p. 3682). The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) has conducted several comparative studies of international student achievement, the results of which have supported “students’ opportunity to learn the assessed curriculum” as a significant predictor of systematic differences in student performance. This content overlap conceptualization of OTL remained dominant in several other mostly descriptive research studies during the 1970s and 1980s (e.g., Borg, 1979; Winfield, 1993) and continues to date (e.g., Schmidt et al., 1997, 2001). The latter findings based on international studies such as the Second and Third International Mathematics Studies (SIMS, TIMS) as well as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) have established consistent evidence that greater OTL is related to higher student achievement (Schmidt et al., 2015).

Another line of research on content overlap focused on students’ opportunity to learn important content objectives (e.g., Armbuster, Stevens, & Rosenshine, 1977; Jenkins & Pany, 1978; Porter et al., 1978). Porter et al., for instance, developed a basic taxonomy for classifying content included in mathematics curricula and measured whether different standardized mathematics achievement tests covered the same objectives delineated in the taxonomy. Porter continued his research on measuring the content of the enacted curriculum (e.g., Gamoran, Porter, Smithson, & White, 1997; Porter, Kirst, Osthoff, Smithson, & Schneider, 1993) and developed a survey-based measure that examined the content of instruction along two dimensions: topics and categories of cognitive demand (Porter & Smithson, 2001). He subsequently developed an alignment index (Porter, 2002), which qualified content overlap based on these two dimensions. The findings of Gamoran et al. indicated that alignment between instruction and a test of student achievement in high school mathematics accounted for 25% of the variance among teachers.


The third and most diverse research strand related to an instructional dimension of OTL can be traced back to several models of school learning (e.g., Bloom, 1976; Carroll, 1963; Gagné, 1977; Harnischfeger & Wiley, 1976). Both Carroll’s model of school learning and Walberg’s (1980) model of educational productivity, for example, featured quality of instruction alongside quantity of instruction. The operationalization of instructional quality for purposes of measurement, however, resulted in a much larger set of independent variables than instructional time. Most these variables were focused on instructional practices related to student achievement. In his research synthesis on teaching, Walberg (1986) reviewed 91 studies that examined the effect of quality indicators on student achievement, such as frequency of praise statements, corrective feedback, classroom climate , and instructional groupings. Walberg reported the highest mean effect sizes for (positive) reinforcement and corrective feedback with 1.17 and 0.97, respectively. Brophy and Good’s (1986) seminal review of the process-product literature identified aspects of giving information (e.g., pacing), questioning students (e.g., cognitive level), and providing feedback as important instructional quality variables with consistent empirical support. Additional meta-analyses focusing on specific subjects and student subgroups are also available (e.g., Gersten et al., 2009; Vaughn, Gersten, & Chard, 2000). Gersten et al. (2009), for example, examined various instructional components that enhanced the mathematics proficiency of students with learning disabilities. Gersten and colleagues hereby identified two instructional components that provided practically and statistically important increases in effect size: teaching students the use of heuristics (i.e., general problem-solving strategy) and explicit instruction. In addition, researchers have identified grouping formats other than whole class (e.g., Elbaum, Vaughn, Hughes, Moody, & Schumm, 2000) and cognitive expectations for learning, so-called cognitive demands (e.g., Porter, 2002), as important qualitative aspects of instruction. With respect to cognitive expectations, several classification categories ranging from lower-order to higher-order cognitive processes have been suggested, most notably in Bloom’s taxonomy of education objectives (Bloom, 1976).

Figure 9.2 compares three classification categories of cognitive process expectations: (a) Webb’s Depth-of-Knowledge (DOK) levels (see Webb, 2006), the categories of cognitive demand used as part of the SEC (see Porter, 2002), and the six categories of the cognitive process dimension from the revised Bloom’s taxonomy (see Anderson et al., 2001). It should be noted that the latter taxonomy situates all educational objectives within a two-dimensional framework that includes both a knowledge dimension and a cognitive process dimension.

Fig. 9.2
figure 2

Comparison of several classification categories for cognitive process expectations

Operational Definition and Measurement

As noted earlier, all three dimensions of the enacted curriculum co-occur during classroom instruction. As such, a comprehensive definition of OTL should include previously discussed OTL indices along each of the three enacted curriculum dimensions: time, content, and quality. Anderson first articulated a merger of the various OTL conceptualizations in 1986: “A single conceptualization of opportunity to learn coupled with the inclusion of the variable[s] in classroom instructional research . . . could have a profound effect on our understanding of life in classrooms” (p. 3686). Following Anderson’s suggestion, I developed a conceptual synthesis of OTL, which was subsequently operationalized by defining OTL as “the degree to which a teacher dedicates instructional time and content coverage to the intended curriculum objectives emphasizing higher-order cognitive processes, evidenced-based instructional practices, and alternative grouping formats” (Kurz, Elliott, Lemons et al., 2014, p. 27). Building on the work of Rowan and colleagues (e.g., Rowan, Camburn, & Correnti, 2004; Rowan & Correnti, 2009), Kurz and colleagues conducted several studies measuring OTL via an online teacher log that can collect daily self-report data based on several of the previously discussed OTL indices (see Kurz et al., 2015). The online teacher log specifically incorporates indices related to instructional time, content coverage, cognitive processes , instructional practices, and grouping formats into one assessment.

Historically, researchers have relied on classroom observations and teacher surveys to measure OTL. The variability of classroom instruction, however, presents unique challenges for both options (Rowan & Correnti, 2009). To ensure generalizability of classroom observations , researchers must sample a large number of lessons to make valid inferences about OTL for the entire school year. Due to the high costs associated with this approach, most assessments of OTL rely on teacher surveys, typically conducted at the end of the school year (Porter, 2002). Teacher recall, especially across longer time periods, is subject to recall error (Mayer, 1999; Rowan et al., 2004). Teacher logs represent an alternative approach that is intended to (a) reduce a teacher’s response burden by focusing on a discreet set of behaviors, (b) increase accuracy of teacher recall by focusing on a recent time period, and (c) increase generalizability through frequent administrations across the school year (Kurz, Elliott, Lemons et al., 2014).

The online teacher log used by Kurz and colleagues requires teachers to undergo proficiency-based knowledge and skill tests prior to use. The log aggregates daily OTL data into a variety of scores, which have been examined for technical adequacy. Kurz, Elliott, Kettler et al. (2014) provided a summary of initial evidence supporting intended score interpretations for assessing OTL. The summary included multiple sources of evidence: usability, reliability, and validity evidence based on content, responses processes, internal structure, relations to other variables, and consequences of using the measure . More recently, Berkovits, Kurz, and Reddy (2017) provided evidence for the measure’s convergent validity with a classroom observational assessment. Table 9.1 adapted from Kurz, Elliott, Kettler et al. (2014) provides details on five major scores provided by the online teacher log called the Instructional Learning Opportunities Guidance System (MyiLOGS ; Kurz & Elliott, 2012).

Table 9.1 Enacted curriculum dimensions, OTL indices, and score definitions

Data collection using MyiLOGS has occurred in the context of research studies with incentivized participants as well as part of teachers’ regular professional development. Collectively, these efforts have yielded three important findings: (a) teachers can be trained to provide reliable self-report data when used for self-reflection and professional development; (b) these data can yield valid inferences about their provision of OTL; and (c) their OTL score profiles can be used to establish normative standards (Berkovits, Kurz, & Reddy, 2017; Kurz, Elliott, Kettler et al., 2014; Kurz et al., 2015; Kurz, Reichenberg, & Yel, 2017). Moreover, teachers’ OTL scores have shown to be sensitive to job-embedded professional development (i.e., instructional coaching). Controlling for several teacher characteristics and class size, Kurz (2016) reported on coaching status predicting OTL score increases for instructional time (IT), content coverage (CC), instructional practices (IP), and grouping formats (GF). These OTL scores further maintained moderate correlations with median growth scores on benchmark assessments in reading and mathematics ranging from 0.31 to 0.49 (Kurz, 2017).

In summary, researchers have used the concept, definition, and measurement of OTL to describe classroom instruction and its relationship to student achievement. Measurement tools that can be completed on a daily basis such as online teacher logs are capable of capturing the scope and sequence of teachers’ day-to-day instruction—an important criterion—if Tier 1 data are to be used formatively (Metcalf, 2012). Several research studies have already provided evidence that OTL data can be used in the context of professional development to drive measurable instructional changes. Research on OTL is thus positioned to confront the known unknown of Tier 1 instruction in several ways: (a) provide data on teachers’ use of instructional time, content coverage, and instructional quality, (b) collect these data formatively to drive improvements in Tier 1 instruction, and (c) set quality standards based on these data. As a first step, however, we need to synthesize the discussed RTI and OTL literature relevant to Tier 1 OTL to identify potential sources of evidence for high-quality Tier 1.

Tier 1 OTL

Expectations for what students should know and be able to do must be articulated across all levels of the educational environment . To delineate these levels, researchers have developed curriculum frameworks, which typically emphasize how different curricula relate to the intended curriculum (e.g., Anderson, 2002; Porter, 2002; Webb, 1997). That is, the intended curriculum represents the normative target for all other curricula by defining students’ learning objectives (usually by way of subject- and grade-specific standards). Based on this premise, I developed a curriculum framework delineating key curricula at the system, teacher, and student level (see Fig. 9.3).

Fig. 9.3
figure 3

Curriculum framework that delineates normative function of intended curriculum

As shown in the figure, students access the intended curriculum through the teacher’s enacted curriculum. The extent to which this happens is captured by OTL along the three dimensions of the enacted curriculum : time, content, and quality. By definition, multitiered support systems are predicated on positing different intended curricula depending on the needs of students. A teacher’s enacted curriculum must consequently differ at each level of prevention: primary, secondary, and tertiary. If OTL is to serve as a generative concept for RTI, then OTL must be defined and refined according to each tier: Tier 1 OTL, Tier 2 OTL, and Tier 3 OTL.

The comprehensive definition of OTL provided by Kurz, Elliott, Lemons et al. (2014) was based on empirically supported OTL indices that came out of the three major OTL research strands, which have focused almost exclusively on general instruction provided to the vast majority of students. As such, their OTL definition is most directly applicable to Tier 1 instruction. The OTL scores based on this definition (see Table 9.1) are designed to address several important features of general instruction for students with and without disabilities . Although students with disabilities served in general education under a full inclusion model typically exhibit less severe disabilities, they are still served via an Individualized Education Program (IEP) . Both reauthorizations of the IDEA in 1997 and 2004 emphasize the IEP as the central mechanism for detailing a student’s access, involvement, and progress in the general curriculum (Karger, 2005). The IEP also documents educational objectives relevant to a student’s present levels of performance as well as accommodations and modifications that facilitate the student’s access to enacted and assessed curricula (Ketterlin-Geller & Jamgochian, 2011). The IEP thus augments the general curriculum, which is the reason I qualified the curriculum framework displayed in Fig. 9.3 for students with disabilities. That is, I noted that the intended curriculum for students with disabilities is dually determined by both the IEP and the general curriculum (Kurz, 2011). Therefore, measurement of OTL at the enacted curriculum must be able to account for a teacher’s time spent teaching the students’ IEP objectives in addition to the academic standards that define the general curriculum.

For purposes of Tier 1, assessment of OTL along the time dimension of the enacted curriculum can occur based on any of the aforementioned indices: allocated time, instructional time, engaged time, and academic learning time. While these indices exhibit stronger relations to achievement the more directly they measure student engagement and success, Metcalf’s (2012) imperative to measure the scope and sequence of teachers’ day-to-day instruction for purposes of high-quality Tier 1 instruction limits the practicality of measuring these more student-centric indices on a daily basis. The instructional time (IT) index, I contend, strikes a reasonable balance between empirical evidence (i.e., the extent to which time indices are predictive of student achievement) and feasible measurement. Moreover, we have evidence that teachers can be trained to estimate their time used for instruction reasonably well by subtracting non-instructional time such as transitions and other interruptions from their allocated time (Kurz, Elliott, Kettler et al., 2014). In addition, the operationalization of IT for measurement purposes via an online teacher log (see Table 9.1) also addresses the previous concern of capturing time spent on both academic standards and custom objectives (i.e., IEP objectives). The score developed by Kurz and Elliott (2012)—IT as the percentage of allocated time used for instruction on standards and custom objectives—further can be interpreted as a measure of efficiency. The IT score does not capture total minutes of instruction but rather how efficiently a teacher can use the allocated time for a particular class (e.g., 60-min mathematics class) for instruction on standards and custom objectives (e.g., 53 min) resulting in a percentage (e.g., IT = 88%).

In the context of RTI Tier 1, researchers have argued for the implementation of a research-based reading or mathematics program that provides instructional objectives and materials aligned to Common Core or other state standards (Fuchs et al., 2012). While IT can capture the amount of time spent teaching intended standards as well as any custom objectives specific to a reading or mathematics program, the time index does not address whether the number of intended standards taught is adequate. In fact, Holdheide (2016) specifically argued for adequate coverage of Tier 1 content. As such, assessment of OTL along the content dimension of the enacted curriculum can be used to address this concern. The content coverage (CC) index of OTL provides a basic measure of the breadth of coverage. MyiLOGS, for example, simply provides a cumulative percentage of academic standards covered (i.e., Common Core State Standards) for at least 1 min or more. This threshold can be adjusted, but it is purposefully set low to avoid construct overlap with the time index.

Thus far, we have identified at least two sources of evidence for high-quality Tier 1 instruction related to the time and content dimensions of the enacted curriculum. Given these are fully aligned with previously established OTL indices, we can use prior research based on these indices to draft operational definitions—short of setting actual standards. For example, large-scale research based on hundreds of teachers across multiple states teaching a variety of subjects and grade levels provided averages for IT ranging between 84% and 94% (Kurz, 2017). At a minimum, we can state that teachers should be able to spend the majority of allocated time on instruction for proposes of high-quality Tier 1 instruction. Looking at content coverage using the same large-scale research , we were able to calculate averages for CC ranging between 54% and 68% (Kurz, 2017). At a minimum, we can make a similar statement, namely, that teachers should be able to cover the majority of subject- and grade-specific content standards for proposes of high-quality Tier 1 instruction.

Assessment of OTL along the quality dimension of the enacted curriculum suggests three sources of evidence of primary prevention: (a) emphasis of higher-order cognitive processes, (b) emphasis of research-based instructional practices, and (c) emphasis of grouping formats other than whole class such as small groups (Kurz, Elliott, Lemons et al., 2014). To develop summative scores, Kurz and colleagues operationalized emphases based on time spent in one of two categories (low-order vs. higher-order cognitive process, non-research-based vs. research-based instructional practices, whole class vs. alternative grouping formats). For the cognitive processes , they used the work by Anderson et al. (2001). For the instructional practices and grouping formats, they focused on practices and formats with empirical support based on meta-analyses (e.g., Elbaum et al., 2000; Gersten et al., 2009). The use of two categories for all three quality-related scores was based on two operating assumptions : (a) teachers who address a range of cognitive processes, instructional practices, and grouping formats during the course of their instruction, and (b) teachers who emphasize higher-order cognitive processes, research-based instructional practices, and alternative grouping formats that improve the quality of students’ OTL. Given that the empirical basis for these assumptions is insufficient to single out specific processes, practices, or formats, they argued for a dichotomous grouping. Disaggregated information by each cognitive process, instructional practice, and grouping format is also available.

I contend that the quality index-based cognitive process, instructional practices, and grouping formats remain relevant for purposes of high-quality Tier 1 instruction. But rather than establishing the normative goal of “emphasis” (i.e., majority of time spent in a preferred category), I recommend these quality indices (not their summative scores) be used to operationalize a key characteristic of high-quality Tier 1 instruction noted in the RTI literature : differentiated instruction (e.g., Fuchs et al., 2012). In other words, the use of differentiated instruction represents evidence of primary prevention and is operationalized by the use of different cognitive processes, instructional practices, and grouping formats. The next section provides a brief case example to illustrate some measurement options related to differentiated instruction.

The next critical characteristic of high-quality Tier 1 discussed in the RTI literature that falls under the quality dimensions of the enacted curriculum is the use of instructional accommodations (e.g., Fuchs & Vaughn, 2012; RTI Action Network, n.d.). Instructional accommodations are intended to increase students’ access to the enacted curriculum allowing them to learn the same material to the same level of performance as other students in the general education classroom (Ketterlin-Geller & Jamgochian, 2011). More specifically, the teacher should make instructional adaptations to the design and deliver of instruction and associated materials based on presentation, setting, timing/scheduling, or response mode (see Chap. 14 of this volume). This source of evidence of primary prevention could be operationalized based on these adaptation categories and measured via frequency counts using a simple checklist. In fact, Elliott, Kratochwill, and Schulte (1999) developed a detailed assessment accommodations checklist that could be adapted for gathering instructional accommodation evidence.

The final two Tier 1 characteristics that fall under the quality dimensions of the enacted curriculum are the use of universal screening and progress monitoring (Fuchs et al., 2012). As such, high-quality Tier 1 instruction includes brief screening assessments for all students—ideally followed by additional or short-term progress monitoring to confirm risk status and movement in subsequent tiers of prevention (Fuchs & Vaughn, 2012). The Center for Response to Intervention (2014) put forth three criteria for high-quality universal screening :

(1) screening is conducted for all students (i.e., is universal); (2) procedures are in place to ensure implementation accuracy (i.e., all students are tested, scores are accurate, cut points/decisions are accurate); and (3) a process to screen all students occurs more than once per year (e.g., fall, winter, spring) (p. 1).

For purposes of progress monitoring, teachers should conduct regular assessments to monitor students’ academic performance, quantify student rate of improvement or responsiveness to instruction, and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction (Fuchs & Vaughn, 2012). The Center for Response to Intervention (2014) also developed two criteria for high-quality progress monitoring :

(1) progress monitoring occurs at least monthly for students receiving secondary-level intervention and at least weekly for students receiving intensive intervention; and (2) procedures are in place to ensure implementation accuracy (i.e., appropriate students are tested, scores are accurate, decision- making rules are applied consistently). (p. 2).

At this point, I have identified seven sources of evidence for primary prevention that fall along the three dimensions of the enacted curriculum : (a) efficient use of instructional time, (b) implementation of a research-based and aligned core program, (c) comprehensive content coverage, (d) use of differentiated instruction, (e) use of instructional accommodations, (f) use of progress monitoring, and (g) use of universal screening. Table 9.2 includes these evidence sources by each enacted curriculum dimension along with their respective operational definitions.

Table 9.2 Enacted curriculum dimensions, evidence sources, and operational definitions for high-quality Tier 1 instruction

The operational definitions listed in the table, however, still fall short of setting actual quality standards for high-quality Tier 1 instruction. That is, the operational definitions currently contain qualitative qualifiers (e.g., majority, fully, regularly) rather than quantitative ones. For two dimensions—time and content—I provided quantitative ranges, because I was able to draw from several descriptive OTL studies that can be used to establish some initial base rates. More research is needed, specifically, on base rates regarding the use of differentiated instruction and instructional accommodations. Some suggested frequencies that can quantitatively define “regular” progress monitoring and universal screening are actually available. The Center for Response to Intervention (2014) suggested three universal screenings per year (i.e., fall, winter, spring), and Fuchs and Fuchs (2006) suggested an ideal progress monitoring frequency of every 2 weeks. Next, I provide a brief case example using MyiLOGS and its newly developed lesson planner, easyCBM, and the Checklist of Learning and Assessment Adjustments for Students (CLASS ; Davies, Elliott, & Cumming, 2016) to show how data on the seven evidence sources can be collected.

Case Example

To illustrate how Tier 1 data collection can occur, I discuss a hypothetical fifth-grade English Language Arts (ELA) classroom. The focus of this brief example is how these data can be collected using existing tools. The ELA classroom consists of 28 fifth-grade students who are currently in their third quarter working on a unit that explores examining two texts with similar themes. The units are based on a core reading curriculum. The K-8 curriculum was adopted by the district based on its research-based elements for instructional content (i.e., phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension) and instructional design (i.e., explicit instructional strategies, coordinated instructional sequences, ample practice opportunities, aligned student materials). In addition, all curriculum units are aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) . The current unit, which features five mini lessons, addresses four CCSS standards (i.e., RL5.2, RL.5.2, RL.5.3, RL.5.9). The first two standards, RL.5.2 and RL5.3, focus on summarizing texts based on their themes and comparing/contrasting parts of a story such as characters, settings, and events. The teacher intends to cover the first two standards during the first half of the week. The ELA block typically lasts 75 min with Wednesday being an early release day, which shortens the lesson to 45 min. To document evidence of high-quality Tier 1 instruction, the teacher plans and monitors her lessons via MyiLOGS (Kurz & Elliott, 2012), an online teacher log and its newly developed lesson planning feature.

The MyiLOGS lesson planner provides teachers with a monthly instructional calendar that includes an expandable sidebar, which lists all intended objectives for a class. Teachers drag and drop planned objectives that are to be the focus of upcoming lessons onto the respective calendar days. After implementing their lessons, teachers are required to confirm enacted objectives, instructional time dedicated to each objective, and any time not available for instruction at the class level. Figure 9.4 shows an excerpt from the teacher’s instructional calendar in MyiLOGS.

Fig. 9.4
figure 4

MyiLOGS instructional calendar excerpt

Her calendar shows that she intends to cover the current unit on parallel texts and, more importantly, the two content standards RL.5.2 and RL5.3. MyiLOGS also allows her to enter any intended custom objectives under the green “+” sign. She anticipates about 8 min of non-instructional time on Monday and Tuesday and about 5 min of non-instructional time for her early release day. Each day also features a notepad icon, which brings the user to the actual lesson plan. Figure 9.5 shows an excerpt from the teacher’s lesson planner in MyiLOGS.

Fig. 9.5
figure 5

MyiLOGS lesson planner excerpt

The figure shows the content to be covered on the top left under Standards and then several options for three additional lesson elements : Activities, Practices, and the Class Roster. The content standards, student activities, and instructional practices can be dragged and dropped on the right-hand side under either General Instruction or Differentiated Instruction . Several tabs are available for various lesson segments such as Opening or Tell/Show. These tabs can be customized to whatever lesson plan formats and segments are desired by different school leaders or district requirements. Both spaces allow standards, activities, and practices boxes to be sized according to the intended time frame. In this case, she begins the lesson with 15 min of independent reading on Unit 14, which covers excerpts from “White Socks Only” and “The Story of Ruby Bridges.” The Standards box further contains a DOK level indicator, which is focused on recall and reproduction (i.e., Level 1). The Activity box indicates “W” for whole class instruction. All three boxes further contain a text editor, where the details of the lesson plan can be captured. Three students have advanced in their readings during the previous lesson. She decides to move these students directly into a small group assessing their knowledge of theme based on details from both parallel texts. Given that the questions on the quiz require students to think deeply about text details including analysis and judgment, she assigns a Level 3 DOK (i.e., short-term strategic thinking ). As can be seen, this online teacher log can be used to capture the scope and sequence of day-to-day instruction.

MyiLOGS further calculates a variety of OTL scores and descriptive information based on the data logged via the lesson planner. The teacher can review over a dozen figures that detail her use of instructional time, implementation of the core program, content coverage, as well as details about her differentiated instruction. Given that allocated time is logged on a daily basis, IT can be calculated accurately. For her class, her average IT score across 107 school days is 89%. Logged time per standard, student activity, and instructional practice further permits the calculation of several additional OTL scores. During 107 school days, for example, she has covered 14 out of 21 units (66%) in the core curriculum with a CC score of 57% for her cumulative coverage of the CCSS reading and writing standards. The current evidence on time and content thus indicates that she is (a) using the majority of her allocated class time for instruction, (b) on track for covering most core curriculum units, and (c) on track for covering the majority of subject- and grade-specific content standards. To better target the remaining CCSS standards, she reviews the MyiLOGS content coverage bar chart that delineates time emphases along all intended standards for the subject and grade in question. Figure 9.6 shows an excerpt of the bar chart, which reveals several content standards yet to be covered.

Fig. 9.6
figure 6

Excerpt from the MyiLOGS content coverage bar chart

The newly developed MyiLOGS lesson planner further permits several scores related to differentiated instruction. In addition to MyiLOGS’s previous CP, IP, and GF (summary) scores, the lesson planner scores provide information about, and comparisons between, general instruction and any instructional changes logged under the differentiated instruction track. Based on her 107 logged days, for example, she has implemented differentiated instruction (for at least part of her lesson) on 58 days (54%). Based on her logged general instruction time (GET) , she specifically provided differentiated instruction during 38% of her GET . Given that the lesson planner requires the assignment of differentiated instruction based on students using the class roster, she further knows that 100% of her students have received some differentiated instruction during the past 107 school days. MyiLOGS provides additional charts that detail the type of instructional differences based on the following categories: (a) content standards, (b) DOK levels, (c) student activities, (d) grouping formats, and (e) instructional practices. The charts are descriptive in as so far as the only document instructional differences. To determine the adequacy of the match between these instructional differences and students’ individual needs would require detailed information about students’ background knowledge, readiness for the instructional objective, language skills and abilities, preferences, and interests. At a minimum, however, the teacher has evidence that she regularly differentiates content standards, DOK levels, student activities, grouping formats, and instructional practices.

MyiLOGS can further provide integration with a curriculum-based measurement called easyCBM to schedule regular progress monitoring and review instructional data alongside student achievement. As such, she knows that she schedules and administers easyCBM probes every 2 weeks to monitor students’ academic performance, quantify their rate of improvement or responsiveness to instruction, and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction. In addition, she regularly reviews easyCBM data alongside her content coverage. After each probe, for example, she examines students’ achievement data by content domains such as Key Ideas & Details, Craft & Structure, and Integration of Knowledge & Ideas alongside her content coverage as displayed in Fig. 9.6. She therefore knows what content standards were emphasized and the extent to which her students answered items in that domain correctly. Based on the excerpt shown in Fig. 9.6, she knows that she did not yet cover the standards under Comprehension & Collaboration . To adjust her scope and sequence of instruction, she follows a simple decision-making chart. Figure 9.7 shows how she prioritizes content areas. The y-axis refers to student achievement on her curriculum-based measurement. The higher the class or student performance is, the further along the placement on the y-axis. The x-axis refers to OTL for a class or student. The figure highlights two quadrants in green. Both quadrants indicate high student achievement either in the context of high OTL (e.g., extensive content coverage, high use of instructional time) or in the absence of OTL (i.e., student prior knowledge). Either way, these content domains for which we have evidence of high student achievement are not a priority for immediate teaching purposes. Low student achievement, however, prompts her to review OTL data, especially in the context of high OTL.

Fig. 9.7
figure 7

Achievement/OTL chart for instructional priority setting

To gather evidence on instructional accommodations, the MyiLOGS lesson planner further provides the option to complete the CLASS (Davies et al., 2016). The CLASS allows her to log 67 accommodations grouped into eight categories: (a) motivation, (b) scheduling, (c) setting, (d) assistance with directions, (e) assistance prior to testing, (f) assistance during learning or assessment, (g) equipment or assistive technology, and (h) changes in format. These adjustments have their basis in educational instruction, testing standards, and accessible educational practices. Figure 9.8 shows an excerpt from the CLASS , which allows her to record instructional accommodations on an individual basis. While current technology integration does not permit data aggregation such as the percentage of students receiving accommodations or information about the types of accommodations used, the teacher is at least able to document her efforts along key accommodation categories.

Fig. 9.8
figure 8

Excerpt from the checklist of learning and assessment adjustments for students

As illustrated throughout this case, it is currently possible to document all necessary evidence sources for high-quality Tier 1 instruction with relatively few tools. Further technology integration has the potential to make these efforts even more efficient. As a concluding step, I will summarize my argument and provide some key points for a future research agenda.

Tier 1 OTL: Why, How, and What For?

In most cases, primary prevention at Tier 1 is simply assumed to occur. That is, positive screening results are assumed to represent a student’s inadequate response to high-quality Tier 1 instruction. Instructional data about a teacher’s enacted curriculum are typically not available and therefore not considered in the interpretation of screening results or subsequent progress monitoring based on formative assessments . In other words, we do not know about the extent to which Tier 1 instruction was actually implemented with high quality. This lack of instructional data undermines the validity of critical test score inferences (i.e., a student’s inadequate response to high-quality Tier 1 instruction) and subsequent RTI decisions (i.e., a student’s need for additional intervention). Confronting this known unknown is thus essential to maintaining the integrity of RTI at its most fundamental level, namely, ensuring high-quality Tier 1 instruction that can support the vast majority of students.

In recent years, researchers have provided more nuanced descriptions of Tier 1 instruction with the intent to better define characteristics of high quality. The concept of OTL has been used by researchers to examine classroom instruction based on instructional indices along all three dimensions of enacted curriculum —time, content, and quality. In this chapter, I argued that these empirically validated indices and their respective measurement through teacher logs are key to confronting the known unknown of Tier 1 instruction. As such, I used the enacted curriculum (see Fig. 9.1) as an organizing framework to highlight how OTL addresses several, previously unaccounted characteristics of high-quality Tier 1 instruction (i.e., instructional time, content coverage) and to reveal several shortcomings of OTL for capturing high-quality Tier 1 instruction (i.e., core program, differentiated instruction, instructional accommodations, universal screening, progress monitoring). These efforts culminated in seven sources of evidence for high-quality Tier 1 instruction (see Table 9.2) that collectively represent Tier 1 OTL. I further provided operational definitions for each evidence source drawing from previously defined OTL scores. In the case of differentiated instruction, I used multiple OTL scores (i.e., cognitive processes, instructional practices, and grouping formats) to better operationalize measurable differences. I also provided a case example to illustrate how currently available tools can be used to gather evidence for high-quality Tier 1 instruction.

Despite this progress, one may still wonder as to why the concept of OTL should be expanded and refined to represent Tier 1 OTL. First, we need to remember that the concept of OTL originated with the intent to better understand student learning , specifically, student learning as a function of classroom instruction, which is largely under the control of the teacher. Over the years, OTL was used to define and measure the “what” and “how” of classroom instruction. This led to the understanding of OTL as a teacher effect, which provides students access to the intended curriculum through the teacher’s enacted curriculum. Much of the current volume, however, argues for a shift from access to toward accessibility of instruction and testing . As such, we should ensure that any conceptual definition of OTL should not only address access to intended curriculum but also accessibility of the enacted curriculum. The inclusion of differentiated instruction and instructional accommodations thus clarifies that students’ opportunity to learn also depends on the extent to which the enacted curriculum accounts for their background knowledge, readiness for the instructional objective, language skills, abilities, preferences, and interest. This necessitates not only changes to general instruction using different practices, cognitive processes, grouping formats, presentations, materials, settings, schedules, or response modes but also changes based on assessment results via screening and progress monitoring.

Evidence for high-quality Tier 1 instruction, while necessary for accurate test score interpretations , nonetheless holds its greatest potential for purposes of instructional improvement of the enacted curriculum. Teachers, especially early career teachers, are often asked to become self-reflective practitioners. Self-reflection , however, requires a framework. We need to know what to reflect upon, and, ideally, we have quantitative information to support our subsequent decisions. Throughout this chapter, I have used the concept of OTL to develop such a framework. In addition, I have incorporated what is known about high-quality Tier 1 instruction. The proposed evidence sources can guide teachers’ instructional improvement efforts and lead to a more seamless integration of data about instruction and student achievement.

Future research and development efforts must address the feasibility and adequacy challenges of Tier 1 OTL. The feasibility challenge stems for the additional time and effort needed to document the various evidence sources. While measurement options are indeed available, they are not well integrated and, in some instances, may even require duplicate efforts (i.e., submitting a paper lesson plan and then logging the lesson plan via the teacher log). Without offering teachers a value-added proposition such as saving time on activities they already do without adding new tasks, it is unlikely that teachers will find the extra time and effort to engage meaningfully with Tier 1 data. Integration of the various tools and clear ways to replace already required tasks (i.e., print options for the lesson planner that provides the format of a traditional lesson plan) is the first step to overcoming the feasibility challenge. The second step is to support teachers in their self-reflection and instructional decision-making. Instructional coaching represents a viable strategy for assisting teachers in these efforts (Joyce & Showers, 2002; Kurz, Reddy, & Glover, 2017). Tier 1 OTL data are complex and require careful decision-making, especially when student background characteristics come into play for purposes of instructional accommodations. Instructional coaches can provide the intensive, job-embedded professional development necessary to use Tier 1 OTL data in the context of goal setting and Tier 1 instructional changes.

To address the adequacy challenge , future research and development efforts must deploy the integrated measurement tools at scale to establish base rates for the various evidence source of Tier 1 OTL across a variety of subjects, grades, as well as additional teacher, student, and school characteristics. Standard-setting methods such as the iterative judgmental policy capturing (JPC) performance-standard-setting procedure could then be used for the multidimensional score profiles (Kurz, Reichenberg, & Yel, 2017) to establish overall standards of quality provision (i.e., ineffective, partially effective, effective, highly effective). At the very least, base rates could be used to translate the qualitative qualifiers (e.g., majority, fully, regularly) of the current Tier 1 OTL definitions into quantitative ones.

Given that high-quality Tier 1 instruction is intended to serve as the primary prevention for the vast majority of the over 50 million K-12 students, the importance of the outlined Tier 1 OTL efforts can hardly be overstated. The current framework provides an initial step. And last but not least, the newly proposed concept of Tier 1 OTL also initiates a fundamental shift in the conceptualization of OTL from addressing students’ access to the enacted curriculum toward OTL ensuring the accessibility of the enacted curriculum.