
1 Introduction

Designing and controlling a robot to properly work on a given task is the fundamental problem of robotics.

The traditional way to address this problem consists on a two-step process. First, the hardware (i.e. the mechanical structure along with actuating and sensing systems) is designed according to the objective. Then, a specific controller is programmed to achieve the task in the most efficient way. As a result of decades of development, we can find different robot configurations (e.g. manipulators, wheeled robots, humanoids, etc.) considered good enough to perform certain tasks (e.g. manufacturing, exploration, etc.).

In the last two decades a different approach has been explored thoroughly: automatic hardware/software design using intelligent systems. Evolutionary Robotics (ER) is the best example of this approach, where evolutionary algorithms are used to obtain complex mechanisms without having explicit models. A complete review of this line of research in ERs can be found in [6, 16].

Modular robotic platforms are often used in many ER systems as a tool to find and implement the automatic designs [12]. In fact, modular robots are, by themselves, an important area of research in robotics since the late 80s [8, 18]. Theoretically, these architectures might be able to implement any design. This is the reason why they are used in many other areas such as manipulation [2] or educational robotics [7].

In this work we explore the automatic design of the conceptual structure of robots assisted with ontologies for robotics. Our main goal is to demonstrate that the knowledge embedded in an ontology can be used to help a robot design system with small computational effort. As a proof of concept, we present an intelligent system able to select an appropriate base configuration depending on the user-requested capabilities that the robot should be able to perform. This configuration lists the physical elements that the robot must contain, but (to date) it does not provides information or constraints on the physical structure. This information must then be used by an intelligent system (or user) in order to generate the hardware and software design for building the robot. For implementation we use ParMoR (Parametric Modular Robots), a low-cost, modular robotics platform intended for use in education. Figure 1 shows two examples of real robots generated from these base configurations.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

(a) 12DOF legged robot, (b) 3DOF manipulator

2 Why Ontologies?

In any human process, from simple daily tasks to complex projects, the knowledge, both declarative (know what) and procedural (know how), is crucial. Thus, when designing machines which are able to face human tasks it is necessary to represent the knowledge behind those tasks in a way they can understand (e.g. ontologies).

Ontologies, in a computational sense, are formal and explicit specifications of conceptualizations [9] and provide enough concepts and relations to articulate models of specific situations in a given domain. However, they do not simply represent but also generate knowledge: if an ontology is correctly designed, we do not need to specify all facts explicitly, but we can also infer implicit knowledge making it explicit. For instance, if we define the class HumanoidRobot as a robot which includes two arms and two legs, when we instantiate that class we do not need to specify that our instance has two arms and two legs. Consequently, for defining real models, we can use an ontology that specifies the conceptualization shared by the experts in the field.

A good example of how ontologies could help to a design process is explained in [10], where the authors tried to bridge what they called ‘gaps of knowledge’ in the process of designing electronic hardware. Usually, hardware design is divided into different stages but it is not always clear how the relevant parts of each stage are related to the rest of them. For instance, once we have defined user requirements we need to design a system which has suitable capabilities to fit those requirements. At this point, we need to bridge some ‘gaps of knowledge’ about which kind of capabilities are related to user requirements and which physical parts of our system needs to have in order to perform those capabilities. Those gaps are traditionally handled by human engineers which are likely to produce errors and mismatches in the design process. [10] handle those gaps using the knowledge defined in the ontology.

Another example of success can be found in the medical domain, where the use of ontologies is widely extended. In fact, there even exists a collective of ontology developers that are committed to collaboration and adherence to shared principles: Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) Foundry [17]. The mission of the OBO Foundry is to develop a family of interoperable ontologies that are both logically well-formed and scientifically accurate. Some applications are: measurement of semantic similaritiy between medical entities [4, 14, 15] and advisory (expert) systems  [5, 11].

2.1 Ontologies for Robotics

The use of ontologies is not new in the domain of Robotics, as there are several applications in which knowledge representation becomes essential. For example, KnowRob [19] is a knowledge processing system that combines knowledge representation and reasoning methods with techniques for inferring new knowledge and for grounding it in a physical system. KnowRob is able to infer a list of actions to carry out a task (what is called a recipe) and to determine if a certain robot can perform the task according to its abilities (equipped devices). This feature was put to use in the RoboEarth project [20, 21], where a recipe repository was available for any robot connected to the internet, and KnowRob determined the range of tasks that the robot could accomplish depending on its hardware/software. Implicitly, we can see here the relationship between a process (actions a robot has to perform) and the tools (parts of the robot) that the robot will use in order to achieve the goal. This relationship will also be adopted in our methodology: we are interested in inferring which kind of structural parts of a robot are required to perform a specific task or action in order to design a robot which contains them.

An effort for standardization has been recently attempted with the release of the IEEE Standard Ontologies for Robotics and Automation (ORA) [3] in 2015. It self-defines as “a core ontology that allows for the representation of, reasoning about, and communication of knowledge in the R&A domain”. ORA is constructed upon the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) [13] and contains the Core Ontology for Robotics and Automation (CORA) which includes the fundamental concepts in the R&A domain as well as their definitions, attributes, constraints and relationships. These are required to construct more specific concepts belonging to other ontologies. Actually, ORA also includes the following sub-ontologies:

  • CORAX defines concepts too general to be in the CORA ontology and necessary for modeling but not covered by SUMO.

  • RPARTS provides an extensible set of the most general and specific types of robot parts.

  • POS implements concepts regarding robot poses (both position and orientation concepts).

Nowadays, several working groups of the IEEE are developing extensions of ORA for different domains, such as Industrial Robot Ontology or the Autonomous Robotics (AuR) Ontology, what highlights a consensus in the need and usefulness of a comprehensive, standardized ontology for robotics. However, ORA in its actual state does not match the needs of this work. While it states several concepts that are essential for our design purposes, such as RobotPart in CORA or RobotMotion in CORAX, it also lacks of specific robot motions and robotic parts that can be interrelated to obtain structural dependencies. Therefore, an extension for the ORA ontologies is required for the automatic design process.

3 Automatic Design of Robots Ontology

The Automatic Design of Robots Ontology (ADROn) defines additional concepts and relations that are to be used for the automatic conceptual design/selection of robots. These concepts are defined in the following subsections.

3.1 Structural Robot Parts

The main physical elements defined in ADROn are StructuralRobotPart and Module, which are subclasses of Device and Artifact in SUMO, respectively, as depicted in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Taxonomy of the main physical concepts in ADROn (white) and relation with SUMO (black) and CORA (gray).

On the one hand, an instance of StructuralRobotPart consists of a set of Modules, is a robotPart of a Robot and plays an important role in a specific action of a robot. For example, RobotLeg is a robotPart of the structure of a robot that is essential to walk or to run (to ambulate). On the other hand, an instance of Module will be any artifact (passive or active) which can be related as a part of a StructuralRobotPart (e.g. IMU sensors, servomotors, links, etc.).

figure a

Examples of subclasses of StructuralRobotPart are EndEffector, RobotLimb or RobotTrunk.

3.2 Robot Actions

ADROn also defines concepts regarding the actions that a robot can perform under the class RobotAction, which is a subclass of Process of SUMO and a superclass of RobotMotion of CORAX, and refers to a process in which the agent is a Robot. Examples of RobotAction are RobotAmbulating or RobotLineTracking (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

RobotAction declaration and relation with SUMO and CORA axioms.

3.3 Robot Types

ADROn also defines a number of robot types such as HumanoidRobot which are subclasses of Robot according to the taxonomy outlined in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Partial robot classification depending on the environment/locomotion.

Each of these robots consists of one or more StructuralRobotParts depending on their definition. For example, the following code defines a HumanoidRobot subclass consisting of two RobotArms and a RobotTrunk which are, in turn, subclasses of StructuralRobotParts. In addition, as long as HumanoidRobot is a subclass of BipedalRobot, it also includes two instances of RobotLeg.

figure b

3.4 Structural Requirements

Finally, the dependency of a specific RobotAction to a specific StructuralRobotPart is determined by an instance of a BinaryPredicate named StructuralRequirement, which is defined as follows:

figure c

Hence, a StructuralRequirement determines, for example, that if a Robot is going to grasp an object, it needs a specific StructuralRobotPart to do it (e.g. a robot gripper).

figure d

4 Robot Instance Generation

According to ADROn, a robot consists of one or more StructuralRobotParts and each of them has one or a set of Modules. Figure 5 shows: an instance of a HumanoidRobot (subclass of Robot); an instance of one of its RobotLegs (subclass of StructuralRobotPart); and some instances of the Modules (active and passive) that constitute the RobotLeg in the ParMoR architecture.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Instances of the main axioms in ADROn related to the main concept in CORA (Robot).

ADROn includes the definition of every module of ParMoR (e.g. IRProximitySensor, Servomotor, etc.) along with every action that a robot can perform and the relationships between RobotActions and StructuralRobotParts.

The conceptual generation of a robot is a three-step process. First, the robot instance generator receives a set of RobotActions that the robot is required to perform. Then the inference engine uses semantic queries to determine the StructuralRequirements implied by the set of actions. Subsequently, the instance generator matches these requirements with the hardware available in the base configurations defined in ADROn. If several matches are found, the generator asks the user some questions inferred from the ontology to disambiguate the solution. Finally, the system creates the conceptual (instance) design of a robot able to perform those actions and passes it to the structure generator. This process is schematized in Procedure 1.

figure e

As an example, we present now a very straightforward example of generation of a robot with the ability of RobotWalking.

  1. 1.

    First, the generator user demands a robot with a walking capability.

  2. 2.

    A querying process in ADROn determines RobotLeg as a StructuralRequirement.

  3. 3.

    A search through the base configurations obtains all the matches: HumanoidRobot, QuadrupedRobot and HexapodRobot.

  4. 4.

    The generator asks the user ‘ “Does the walking robot need to grasp?”’.

  5. 5.

    The answer is positive, so the generator determines RobotGripper as a new StructuralRequirement.

  6. 6.

    It searches again through previous matches and determines that the appropriate robot is a HumanoidRobot.

  7. 7.

    The generator provides a base configuration of a HumanoidRobot. The conceptual design is over and the parameterization process begins.

5 Proof of Concept

In the following we present an example of the complete process, summarized in Fig. 6, for the automatic design of a robot using our approach.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Process for the automatic generation of robots.

Although in this example we present only the design of a manipulator robot, our system allows users the design of other robots like rovers, snakes, hexapods and humanoids. These robots are finally built using ParMoR, which is a modular robot architecture based on 3D printable modules, that can be active (i.e. contain electronics as shown in Fig. 7a) or passive (i.e. links). As seen in Fig. 7b, modules can be interconnected using dovetail pins.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

(a) Example of an active module (b) Modular robot architecture

Fig. 8.
figure 8

GUI for the automatic design of robots using ADRON.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Left manipulator needs two high-torque and one middle-torque actuators, while right manipulator (smaller) needs one high-torque and two medium-torque actuators.

  1. 1.

    The user, using the GUI of Fig. 8, describes the function to be performed by the robot.

  2. 2.

    An intelligent system uses ADROn to infer a robot base configuration as explained in Sect. 4.

  3. 3.

    The base configuration together with the user requirements (e.g. robot speed, payload, work space) are passed to the automatic designer (see Fig. 6) which selects the concrete active modules and the passive modules according to kinematic and dynamic considerations. Figure 9 shows two different instances of the same base configuration due to a different workspace requirement from the user.

  4. 4.

    The STL files for active and passive modules are obtained so they can be 3D printed.

  5. 5.

    Finally, the formal description of the robots is represented in ROS using URDF models [1] and a parameterized controller is provided to simplify the control stage.

6 Conclusions

Well-designed knowledge representation has given good results in helping the processes of designing electronic hardware or diagnosing diseases. In this communication we have explored the use of ontologies as a supporting tool for robot design.

An extension of the ORA standard (ADROn) has been presented. It provides additional definitions for: structural parts of the robots, actions achievable by a robot, detailed robot types and relations between actions and structural parts. These definitions allow the definition of a procedure for determining the most adequate robot type to perform a given set of actions. The robot instance created can be passed to a physical structure generator in order to create a complete design of a robot. We have presented the implementation of a robot using the ParMoR architecture as a proof of concept.

Presented ontology is in constant evolution, increasing the number of robot types, structural parts and robot actions defined in it, and providing new features. The authors are currently working in an instance generator that create robot instances without replicating a base configuration, but adequately connecting the structural requirements obtained from the requested set of actions. This requires adding physical constraints in the ontology for connection of the different structural parts (e.g. legs must be attached to a trunk).