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Assessment of the Risks Associated with Carbon Nanotubes

  • Living reference work entry
  • First Online:
Handbook of Carbon Nanotubes
  • 79 Accesses


Diverse applications of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in various fields and its increased production have prompted a greater concern on its toxic and adverse effects on human beings and ecosystem. The toxic effects of CNTs resemble with the asbestos-like pathology, such as oxidative stress, pulmonary fibrosis, etc., could be correlated to their dual nature, i.e., nano-size and fiber-type characteristics. The workers in occupational settings and researchers in laboratories are at a greater risk of exposure to CNTs through inhalation. Also, for therapeutic applications, CNTs are administrated through various routes, such as intravenous injection, ingestion, transdermal route, etc. The disposal of CNTs from industries and its varied applications in agriculture has resulted in its entry into water bodies, sediments, and soil. On exposure to CNTs, aquatic and soil organisms can severely disrupt the ecological pyramid. The possibility of various health risks on its entry into human body has been discussed in this chapter, based on the studies performed on cell lines and laboratory animals, along with the possible implications of CNTs on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem. CNTs post-entrance into human body can get distributed to different body organs and can induce various levels of toxicity, depending on the functional groups, size, morphology, and concentration of CNTs. A general discussion on mechanism of toxicity induction, such as oxidative stress, frustrated phagocytosis, apoptosis, etc., and the studies on organ-specific health effects are covered here. It is highly recommended to adopt worldwide safety protocols in manufacturing units and to employ standard testing procedures before their commercialization.

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Ottoor, D.P. (2021). Assessment of the Risks Associated with Carbon Nanotubes. In: Abraham, J., Thomas, S., Kalarikkal, N. (eds) Handbook of Carbon Nanotubes. Springer, Cham.

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