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Manufacturing Techniques for Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites

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  • First Online:
Handbook of Carbon Nanotubes
  • 71 Accesses


Carbon nanotube incorporated polymer composites are very much important since they have enhanced mechanical, electrical, and tensile properties. It is found that different processing conditions, type of polymers used, and the amount of CNTs dictate the final properties of the composite material. Along with this exfoliation and uniform dispersion of the CNTs are also important factors. For the better mixing and linkage of the CNT to the polymer, two types of modifications called covalent and non-covalent modifications are suggested. In this chapter, different routes for manufacturing of CNT incorporated polymer composites such as solution mixing, in situ polymerization, melt mixing, and bulk mixing are reported. Novel techniques such as solid phase molding, electrospinning, and layer-by-layer assembly techniques also comes under the category of solution mixing technique. Methods of preparation for thermosetting as well as thermoplastic polymers are also discussed. Modified procedures were utilized for developing polymer composites with high filler dispersion and for the development of polymer composites containing aligned CNTs. Metal nanoparticle incorporated CNT polymer composites were also developed by using two methods such as direct attachment method and indirect attachment method. A full online route for developing CNT polymer composite is also reviewed.

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Rosemary, M.J. (2021). Manufacturing Techniques for Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites. In: Abraham, J., Thomas, S., Kalarikkal, N. (eds) Handbook of Carbon Nanotubes. Springer, Cham.

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