
1 Introduction

The complexity of networks is constantly increasing, as it is the size and complexity of firewall configurations. These Firewalls examine the traffic of network against an ordered list of filtered rules, generally, defined by network administrator according to the global security policy (SP). Over time, the exponential growth in network traffic, services and applications has led to a growth in rule-sets size and a growth in firewall complexity. Moreover, in multi-firewall environment, with hundreds of firewalls, it is difficult to verify detect and correct manually misconfigurations that can arise between different rules. Therefore, after each SP change, automated misconfigurations management to keep firewalls configured properly, without impacting network availability and IT productivity is essential for any enterprise.

In this paper, we consider the following problem: In a multi-firewall environment network, where each firewall can accumulate hundreds of changes over the years, how can we analyze detect and fix firewalls misconfigurations? As an example, consider the network topology shown in Fig. 1. We have three firewalls that delimit three subdomains (configurations of firewalls 1, 2 and 3 are shown in Fig. 2). The SP that should be implemented is described as follows: SP_v1: Deny access from net1 to net2 except http access from machine M1 to subnet21; Allow all traffic from net3 to net2. We can note here that for traffic from \(net_1\) to \(net_2\), passing through FW2 and FW3 respectively, the SP is properly implemented. However, if the SP is modified to: SP_v2: Allow access from net1 to net2 except http access from machine M1 to subnet21; Deny all traffic from net3 to net2, then this change requires a complete evaluation of firewalls configurations and we can note that rules of FW1, FW2 and FW3 are no longer implemented with respect to the SP. To deal with this problem, many solutions have been proposed but they have, essentially, the following drawbacks:

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Network topology

  • In a multi-firewall environment, mostly we consider anomalies between only two firewalls in a given network path which cannot give a precise idea on real conflicts that can arise between different rules of different firewalls and obviously will not help to fix them. In a distributed environment these anomalies could exist between rules of different firewalls. For example, if we have traffic from \(net_3\) to \(net_2\), the path followed by this traffic contains Fw1, Fw2 and Fw3 so we should analyze relations between rules of these firewalls.

  • Some Studies deal only with pairwise filtering rules. In such way, some other classes of configuration anomalies could be uncharted. For instance, if we consider the network path composed by firewalls Fw1 and Fw2, rule \(r_1\) from Fw1 is overlapped with three other rules (\(r_2\) and \(r_3\) from \(Fw_1\) and \(r_3\) from Fw2). Therefore any correction technique should take under consideration all relations between all rules otherwise the correction process will not help to obtain the required action.

  • Some Studies did not distinguish between intentional syntactic anomalies and real configuration errors. For example, we can note that the filtering rules of firewall Fw3 are conform to SP as filtering rules of firewalls are, generally, processed from the top down, and the first match wins. Here, when traffic from \(sub-net11\) tries to access \(sub-net21\), it will be blocked through \({r_3}_3\). Although no misconfiguration is identified, most related studies [3, 7, 8] present the conflict between rules \({r_3}_3\) and \({r_4}_3\) as a purely syntactic anomaly, since these two rules handle common packets with different actions.

In this paper, we propose a new approach to discover and fix misconfigurations in a multi-firewall environment. Our approach takes advantages of the sequential application of firewall rules modeling their relations in a firewall decision diagram (FDD). This data structure is presented by Gouda and Liu in [12, 17]. Given the structure of FDD and firewall rules, we can discover precisely anomalies and by considering SP we can decide whether an anomaly is intentional or if it is a real configuration error. In this line of research, our earlier work deals with formal analysis of single firewall configuration. We proposed a new approach to correct misconfigurations in a single firewall by modifying some rules fields, modifying their order, removing some rules. The contributions of this work can be summarized as follows: (1) We use a formal method using inference systems and a SAT solver to deal with this problem. (2) We extract and decide if an anomaly is a real misconfiguration or an intended anomaly in distributed environment by using the FDD. (3) When the usual corrections of configuration errors are the insertion of new filtering rules, which is a practice not often optimal nor safe, we try to meet the challenge of first altering the distributed firewall rules in place (deleting, modifying fields, or even swap rules) to optimize configuration while preserving the behavior of firewalls intact (do not generate other errors). This paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 presents a summary of related work. Section 3 overviews the formal representation of firewall configurations and security policies and details FDD structure. In Sect. 4, we articulate our approach to detect and correct firewall misconfigurations. In Sect. 5.1, we present the implementation and evaluation of our method. Finally, we present our conclusions and discuss our plans for future work.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Firewalls configurations

2 Related Work

Intra and Inter-firewalls Anomalies Detection: Al-Shaer and Hamed [3] introduce a framework for discovering anomalies in centralized and distributed firewalls. They analyzed relations between rules using a state diagram that allows to identify anomalies and couple of rules involved in these anomalies or couple of firewalls (in case of inter-firewalls anomalies detection), this differs from our method that considers all rules and not only pairwise ones. Hu et al. [14] propose a new anomaly management framework (FAME) that facilitates the systematic detection and resolution of firewall policy anomalies by considering the analysis of relations between all rules in the firewall configuration. The proposed idea to resolve anomalies is based on calculating a risk level that permits, in some cases, users to manually select the appropriate strategies for resolving the conflict. In such a way, the administrator can make wrong choices. So, the administrator decides manually if an anomaly is a misconfiguration. Unlike that, our method incorporates SP which allows deciding, automatically, whether an anomaly is intentional or a real configuration error. Authors in [7, 19] introduced a method of analyzing packets from the filtering rule list by using the concept of Relational Algebra and a 2D box model to show a simulation of packets by rectangular boxes and identify anomalies and relations between rules. Abbes et al. present in [1] a method for firewall anomalies discovering. They represent filtering rules in a tree data structure called FAT that allows identifying anomalies between rules two by two. In opposition, in our work we also represent relations between rules in a data structure, but additionally we identify anomalies by considering all rules. Authors in [1, 6, 14] proposed methods to manage a single firewall rules. This differs from our method that takes into account all firewalls in a given path in the network because even if each firewall in the network is well configured, anomalies could arise between rules of different Firewalls. Prior work on Inter-firewalls rules analysis [11, 13] focused on the analysis of relations between pairwise rules of two firewalls in a given network path. However, in reality it is common that a network path contains more than two firewalls and anomalies could happen between more than two rules in these firewalls. The precise indication of all firewalls and all rules involved in a misconfiguration will help to fix them easily without creating new misconfigurations. FIREMAN [21] is a static analysis toolkit to check anomalies in firewalls. The tool can handle large set of firewall rules since it uses an efficient BDD. This tool can only show there are anomalies between one filtering rule and preceding rules, and cannot identify all rules involved in the anomaly. We note that most of existing studies [1, 2, 9] focused on the anomaly discovery issue. However, they did not propose methods to resolve these anomalies. In [20] authors proposed a new approach for correcting anomalies within filtering rules. But the correction is not totally automatic it is assisted by the administrator to yield a required precision in reflecting the adopted SP.

Firewall Configuration Verification. Liu [16] proposes a firewall verification method. The method takes as input a firewall configuration and a given property, then outputs whether the firewall configuration satisfies the property. Matsumoto and Bouhoula [18] propose a SAT based approach for verifying firewall configurations with respect to the security policy requirements. This method checks the correctness of the firewall configuration whether it contains anomalies or not. FINSAT [4, 5] incorporates ACL (Access Control List) conflict analysis procedure for detecting various types of ACL rule conflicts in the model using Boolean satisfiability (SAT) analysis. The conflicts are reported as “error(s)” in case of SAT result with satisfiable instances. Then, the Network administrator need to reconfigure by himself the ACL rules depending on the results. The objectives of our work are different. We aim first to discover all misconfigurations by considering the requirement of SP then to fix these misconfigurations automatically with respect to SP. So, our work involves two aspects: Rule analysis aspect and firewall verification aspect.

3 Preliminaries

Firewall Configuration. A single firewall configuration is a finite sequence of filtering rules of the form \( FC = (r_{i} \Rightarrow A_{i})_{0<i<N+1} \). A filtering rule consists of a precondition \(r_i\) which is a region of the packet’s space, usually, consisting of source address, destination address, protocol and destination port. Each right member \(A_{i}\) of a rule of FC is an action defining the behavior of the firewall on filtered packets: \(A_{i} \in \{accept, deny\}\).

Security Policy. A security policy SP is presented as a finite unordered set of directives defining whether packets are accepted or denied. For example, a directive could be as follows: A network net1, except the machine A, has the right to access to the FTP service provided by a server S located in the network net2. We consider also two sets, \(SP\_accept\) and \(SP\_deny\) where \(SP\_accept\) consists of packets accepted to pass through the set of directives SP and \(SP\_deny\) is the subset of denied packets.

Firewall Decision Diagram (fdd) of a Single Firewall. The firewall decision diagram (fdd) as defined in [12, 17] is an acyclic and directed graph that has the following properties: There is exactly one node in fdd that has no incoming edges. This node is called the root of fdd. The nodes in fdd that have no outgoing edges are called terminal nodes. fdd is the union of direct paths \(dp_i\). So we have:

\(fdd = {\bigcup _i}_{(i:1 \rightarrow m)} dp_i\).

\(dp_i=dp_i.srce \wedge dp_i.protocol \wedge dp_i.dest \wedge dp_i.port \wedge dp_i.rules \wedge dp_i.action\).

  • \(dp_i.src\) is the range of source address represents by the direct path \(dp_i\).

  • \(dp_i.dst\) is the range of destination address represents by the direct path \(dp_i\).

  • \(dp_i.port\) is the range of port number represents by the direct path \(dp_i\).

  • \(dp_i.protocol\) is the range of protocols represented by the direct path \(dp_i\).

  • \(dp_i.rules\) is the set of rules from the firewall configuration that match the domain of packets represented by this direct path, \(dp_i.rules =\{{r_k}_i\}_{(k:1 \rightarrow l)}\), where \({r_1}_i\) is the first rule in the firewall configuration applied on the domain of \(dp_i\). The action of this direct path is the action applied by \({r_1}_i\).

  • \(dp_i.action\)= the action of this direct path \(dp_i\).

FDD of a Path in a Distributed Environment. A network path \(path_i[src, dst]\) is composed by an ordered set of firewalls through which the traffic flow from the source src to the destination dst. \(path_i=\{fc_j, n<=j<=m\}\). Let Paths be the set of all possible paths in our network. \(Paths= \{path_i, 1<=i<=k\}\).

A FDD of a path \(path_i\) is constructed using the collection of rules of different firewalls \(fc_j\) belonging to this path. Therefore, The FDD of the set Paths of our network could be represented as follows: \(FDD(Paths)=FDD=\bigcup _{\{0<i<N+1\}} {fdd_i}\), where each \(fdd_i\) is the FDD of the path \(path_i\), so FDD is the union of \(fdd_i\) of each path in the network. The properties already defined for a direct path in a single firewall remains the same, only for sets \(dp_i.rules\) and \(dp_i.action\). In fact, we have to specify for each rule the firewall that belongs to it. Therefore, we define direct path \(dp_j \in fdd_i\) as follows: \(dp_j = dp_j.srce \wedge dp_j.dest \wedge dp_j.port \wedge dp_j.protocol\wedge dp_j.rules \wedge dp_j.action\) where \(dp_j.rules=\{{r_h}_j^k\}\) here k is the index of the each firewall through which the traffic flow in the path \(path_i\). The action of each direct path depends on the actions of each first rule handled by this direct path from each firewall in this path, so we have:

  • \(dp_j.action=accept\) if \(\forall {r_1}_j^k \in dp_j.rules\), \(action({r_1}_j^k)=accept\).

  • \(dp_j.action=deny\) if \(\exists !{r_1}_j^k \in dp_j.rules\), \(action({r_1}_j^k)=deny\).

Figures 3 and 4 show, respectively, fdds of two paths: \(P1 = Path[net3,net2]=\{Fw1,Fw2,Fw3\}\) and \(P2 = Path[net1,net2]=\{Fw2,Fw3\}\) for the network shown in Fig. 1. We consider the following functions:

  • \(dom(dp_i)\) is a function that maps each \(dp_i\) into the subset of packets \(p \in P\) and represents the set of packets handled by \(dp_i\). \(dom(dp_i) = Packets\{dp_i.srce \wedge dp_i.protocol \wedge dp_i.dest \wedge dp_i.port\}\).

  • idx(r) this function returns the index of the rule r.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

FDD-P1 (FW1,FW2,FW3) (Color figure online)

Fig. 4.
figure 4

FDD-P2 (FW2,FW3) (Color figure online)

4 Our Approach for Resolving Misconfigurations

In our previous work, we presented an Inference system that allows discovering misconfigurations in distributed environment. In fact, in multi-firewalls an anomaly could happen between different firewalls in a network path if they apply different actions on the same traffic. Therefore, by using the data structure FDD already defined for each path, we can determine if a direct path in a given \(fdd_n\) contains an anomaly and if this anomaly is a real misconfiguration. So we define anomaly as follows: A direct path \(dp_i \in FDD\) presents an anomaly iff \(\exists {r_m}_i^k \in dp_i.rules\) where \(act({r_m}_i^k) \ne act({r_m}_i^h)\) where \(h \ne k\). So we have two types of misconfigurations: Total and partial misconfigurations.

  • TMC: A direct path \(dp_i \in fdd_n\) is totally misconfigured iff it presents an anomaly and all the packets mapped by this path apply a different action as applied in SP on these packets.

  • PMC: A direct path \(dp_i \in fdd_n\) is partially misconfigured iff it presents an anomaly and some packets mapped by this path apply a different action as applied in SP on these packets.

After discovering misconfigurations, we will try to fix them using one of five correction techniques detailed in the next five subsections. To facilitate this process, we define a new set \(FR_x\), Faulty rules. For each direct path \(dp_x\), we define the set of faulty rules correspondent to this direct path, we call it \(FR_x\). The set of rules \(FR_x\) of each direct path depends on its action, so we have:

  • \(FR_x=\bigcup _i \{r_i, r_i={r_1}_x^f \forall f \}\) if \(dp_x.action = accept\text { and }dp_x \in TMC\).

  • \(FR_x=\bigcup _i \{r_i, r_i={r_1}_x^f \wedge action(r_i)=deny \forall f \}\) if \(dp_x.action = deny\text { and }dp_x \in TMC\).

These two sets define rules that we should modify in order to correct the direct path action. Therefore, for all fixed misconfigurations \(FR_x = \emptyset \). We define a new set FR which represents the set of all faulty rules of all totally misconfigured direct paths. \(FR= \bigcup _x FR_x\) where \(dp_x \in TMC\).

Remove-Rule Inference System. Once all misconfigurations have been discovered, we start their correction process. First, we will try to correct Total misconfigurations by removing misconfigured rules using the inference system shown in Fig. 5. We should unsure that removing a given rule will not create other misconfigurations. We can remove a rule only if this rule exists in a decision path as a first rule, then this path is totally misconfigured and the action of second rules in these paths are different from the actions of first rules. So if we remove this rule we will correct all these misconfigurations. The action of misconfigured direct path determines if we should correct one rule or all rules in this direct path. For example, if the misconfigured direct path applies the action accept to the set of packets mapped by this path, then we should fix at least one rule to modify the decision to deny. However, if the applied action is deny, then we should modify the action of all firewalls in the path to accept. Because from a source we should always apply the action accept by each firewall in the concerned path to reach a destination.

The rules of the system shown in Fig. 5 apply to triple \((FR, FR^{*}, FR_{x})\) whose first component FR is the set of faulty rules of each \(dp_x\) in FDD as defined in the previous section, whose second component \(FR^{*}\) represents an updated version of FR after removing all rules after verifying if the third inference rule remove is applied or not. In fact, the second inference rule Parse allows to parse all faulty rules \(FR_x\) of each \(dp_x\), then if the precondition of the third inference rule remove is applied we update the three components FR, FDD and TMC by using the function \(\setminus _{remove}\) which allows to modify the three components as follows:

  • FR: \(\forall x\) we remove \(r_i\) from \(FR_x\) if \(dp_x.action = deny\), else if \(dp_x.action = accept\), \(FR_x= \emptyset \) because in this case, we should correct at least one rule to obtain the action deny.

  • TMC: if \(FR_x= \emptyset \) then we remove \(dp_x\) from TMC, the direct path has the action required by SP.

  • FDD: we remove \(r_i\) from each \(dp_y.rules\) \(\forall y\) and if \(FR_y= \emptyset \) we modify the direct path action.

The condition to apply this inference rule is shown in Fig. 6. In general, we should verify before removing each rule if the misconfiguration will be fixed and we should be sure that we will not generate new misconfigurations. The inference rule Follow is applied when other inference rules could not be applied. The Stop rule is applied when we parse the faulty rules correspondent to totally misconfigured direct paths from the set TMC.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Inference system for removing rules

Fig. 6.
figure 6


Modify-Action Inference System. After changing the action of a rule we should not generate new misconfigurations. So, we should verify first if all the direct paths in all \(fdd_n \in FDD\) that have this rule as a first rule are totally misconfigured. If it is the case, we can change the action of the rule under consideration and using this one modification we will correct all misconfigured direct paths that have this rule as a first one.

The rules of the system shown in Fig. 7 apply to triple \((FR, FR^{*}, FR_{x})\) whose first component FR is the set of faulty rules of each \(dp_x\) in FDD, whose second component \(FR^{*}\) represents an updated version of FR after modifying actions of rules after verifying if the third inference rule modify is applied or not. In fact, the second inference rule Parse allows to parse all faulty rules \(FR_x\) of each \(dp_x\), then if the precondition of the third inference rule modify is applied we update the three components FR, FDD and TMC by using the function \(\setminus _{modify}\) which allows to modify the three components as follows:

  • FR: \(\forall x\) we remove \(r_i\) from \(FR_x\) if \(dp_x.action = deny\), else if \(dp_x.action = accept\), \(FR_x= \emptyset \).

  • TMC: if \(FR_x= \emptyset \) then we remove \(dp_x\) from TMC.

  • FDD: we modify the action of \(r_i\) from each \(dp_y.rules\) \(\forall y\) and if \(FR_y= \emptyset \) we modify the direct path action.

The condition to apply this inference rule is shown in Fig. 8. In general, we check if the rule under consideration verifies two properties in all paths then we can modify the action of the rule. These two properties are: \(r_i\) is not the first rule to be applied in direct paths that mapped this rule or it is the first rule and the direct path is totally misconfigured.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Inference system for modifyin rules-actions

Fig. 8.
figure 8


Swap-Rules Inference System. Before swapping two rules, we need to test and to verify if this modification will generate new misconfigurations between one of the swapped rules and other rules. To address this challenge, we use the FDD as the core data structure. An FDD gives us a precise idea if the swap of the rules will correct the misconfigurations or not. In Fig. 9 we propose an inference system that presents necessary and sufficient steps to correct total misconfigurations by swapping two rules.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Swap rules inference system

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Swap condition

The rules of the system shown in Fig. 9 apply to triple \((FR, FR^{*}, FR_{x})\) whose first component FR is the set of faulty rules of each \(dp_x\) in FDD, whose second component \(FR^{*}\) represents an updated version of FR after modifying actions of rules after verifying if the third inference rule swap is applied or not. In fact, the second inference rule Parse allows to parse all faulty rules \(FR_x\) of each \(dp_x\), then if the precondition of the third inference rule swap is applied we update the three components FR, FDD and TMC by using the function \(\setminus _{swap}(({rules},rc ,ri):)\) which allows to modify the three components as follows:

  • FR: \(\forall x\) we remove \(r_i\) from \(FR_x\) if \(dp_x.action = deny\), else if \(dp_x.action = accept\), \(FR_x= \emptyset \).

  • TMC: if \(FR_x= \emptyset \) then we remove \(dp_x\) from TMC.

  • FDD: we swap two rules \(r_c\) and \(r_i\) and if \(FR_x= \emptyset \) we modify the direct path action.

The condition to apply this inference rule is shown in Fig. 10. We should verify if we can swap rule \(r_i\) and rules from the set the set \(CL_y(r_i)\) which is the candidate-rules list, rules from this list can be used to correct misconfigurations. In fact, for each \(dp_y\), \(CL_y(r_i)\) is composed by rules belonging to the same direct paths as \(r_i\) and having \(r_i\) as a first rule in these paths also they should have different action to this rule.

Field Modification Inference System. The rules of the inference system shown in Fig. 11 apply to three components (PMCTMCFDD). The first component is the set of partial misconfigurations discovered. The second component TMC is the set of total misconfigurations not fixed using methods depicted in previous subsections. The third component FDD is the set of \(fdd_n\) of all paths of the network. \(Parse\_PMC\) is used to parse the set of partial misconfigurations (i.e., \(dp_i\) that have partially an action not exactly the same as defined by SP). This inference rule will divide \(dp_i\) into two sets, the first one is the set of paths that have the correct action as defined by SP (\(dp_i \setminus SP_{dp_i.act}\)), this set will replace the direct path \(dp_i\) in FDD, and the second one is the path \(dp_i'\) represents the subset of \(dp_i\) that should be fixed and will be added to the set of total misconfigurations, by this inference rule we transform the partial problem in \(dp_i\) into a total problem (misconfiguration) in \(dp_i'\) which will be added to the set TMC. The inference rule Correct deals with each direct path from TMC and according to the required action by SP we will add new rules in one or some firewalls in this path. The first case, when the required action is deny (i.e., \(dp_i.act=accept\)), then we add only one rule in the first firewall of this direct path, the rule \({r_{1j}}^{1'}\) should have the action deny and will be added to the set \(dp_i.rules\). The second case, when the required action is accept, in this case we have to modify the action of each firewall that have the action deny to accept in this direct path. Therefore, we insert new rules \(r_1j^{k'}\) in each firewall that applies the action deny on packets handled by the direct path \(dp_j\).

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Field modification inference system

5 Implementation and Evaluation

5.1 Case Study

We have chosen to apply our approach on the case study shown in Sect. 1. The SP is described as follows: Allow access from net1 to net2 except http access from machine M1 to subnet21; Deny all traffic from net3 to net2.

As defined in Sect. 3, Path is the set of all possible paths from a source to a destination by considering SP. In this case, we have: \(P1 = Path[net3,net2]=\{Fw1,Fw2,Fw3\}\) and \(P2 = Path[net1,net2]=\{Fw2,Fw3\}\). Figures 3 and 4 show, respectively, the FDD of two paths P1 and P2.

Discovering Distributed Firewalls Misconfigurations: We proceed to the discovering of misconfigurations using the inference system previously described in Sect. 4. We parse all paths of all FDDs, for each path we verify if we have anomaly or not and if this anomaly is an effective misconfiguration:

  • In path \(P1 = Path[net1,net2]=\{Fw1,Fw2,Fw3\}\): In this path we have four total misconfigurations (colored in red in Fig. 3), in direct paths \(dp_1\), \(dp_3\), \(dp_7\) and \(dp_9\). Also we have a partial misconfiguration in direct path \(dp_{12}\) (Colored in green), in fact, the traffic from machine M1 will be accepted by direct path \(dp_{12}\) even if we precisely indicated in SP that this traffic should be rejected, this misconfiguration is partial because other traffic from net1 will be allowed which is conform to SP. The SP is partially violated in this case.

  • In path \(P2 = Path[net3,net2]=\{Fw2,Fw3\}\): In this path we have two total misconfigurations (colored in red in Fig. 4), in direct paths \(dp_2\) and \(dp_4\).

Distributed Firewalls, Misconfigurations Resolution: After discovering process has been established, we will proceed in this section to the resolution of these misconfigurations automatically and in contrast with SP.

TMC in \(dp_1\) in P1: According to the process of correction explained in Sect. 4, the set of faulty rules FR of this direct path contains rules \({r_1}_1, {r_3}_2\), the correct action is deny, therefore we can fix at least one of these rules to fix this total misconfiguration. So, we start by verifying if we can remove the rule \({r_1}_1\), it is not the case because \({r_2}_1\) have the same action as \({r_1}_1\), so removing \({r_1}_1\) will not fix the problem in this direct path and it is the same case for rule \({r_3}_2\). Then, we verify if we can modify the action of these rules, we note that rules \({r_1}_1\) and \({r_3}_2\) exist in other direct paths and these paths does not present any anomaly. Therefore, we try to apply the swap inference system, the set of candidate rules \(CL = \{{r_3}_1\}\), according to the FDD swapping \({r_1}_1\) and \({r_3}_1\) will not only correct this misconfiguration but also the second misconfiguration in \(dp_3\) in path P1 and will not generate new misconfigurations. Therefore, for these two misconfigurations we will use the swap-technique.

TMC in \(dp_7\) in P1 and \(dp_2\) in P2: \({r_1}_2\) exists only in \(dp_7\) from P1 and \(dp_2\) from P2 and these two direct paths are totally misconfigured. The set of faulty rules of these direct paths contains rule \({r_1}_2 \) only, also the second rule in these direct paths is the rule \({r_4}_2\) which have a different action from \({r_1}_2\), so by removing this rule (i.e., \({r_1}_2\)) we will correct these two misconfigurations and we will not generate new misconfigurations.

TMC \(dp_9\) in P1 and \(dp_4\) in P2: The set of faulty rules of these two direct paths contains rules \({r_2}_2\) and \({r_2}_3\). We should correct these two rules because they have the action deny. According to the process of correction explained in Sect. 4, we should start by verifying if we can remove these rules, it is the case for rule \({r_2}_2\) but not for rule \({r_2}_3\) because \({r_3}_3\) have the action deny, so removing \({r_2}_3\) will not fix the problem. So, we remove \({r_2}_2\). Then, for rule \({r_2}_3\) we verify if we can modify the action of this rule, we note that \({r_2}_3\) exists only in these misconfigured direct paths. So by changing the action of this rule (i.e., \({r_2}_3\)) we will correct these misconfiguration and we will not generate new misconfigurations.

PMC in \(dp_{12}\) from Path P1: This misconfiguration is partial so we use the method “field modification” to fix this problem. The intersection between \(DP_{12}\) ad \(SP_{deny}\) can be represented as follow: \(BSP = DP_{12} \cap SP_{deny}= \) branch represented by these values: \([@srce, port, @dest, protocol]=[,80,,TCP]\) Therefore, \(DP_{12}\) could be represented as follow: \(DP_{12}=(DP_{12} \backslash BSP) \cup (DP_{12} \cap BSP)\). Then using our inference system shown in Fig. 11 we use first the inference rule Parse to divide this direct path into two sub-FDDs where the first \((DP_{12} \backslash BSP)\) represents paths which are conform to SP and the second one \(DP_{12} \cap BSP\) is the totally misconfigured path. Then to correct \(DP_{12} \cap BSP\) we use Correct, this inference rule will add new rules with new action at each direct path that contains the total misconfiguration.

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Processing time

5.2 Tool Evaluation

Complexity: For n rules in FC, there can be a maximum of \(2n-1\) outgoing edges for a node. Therefore, the maximum number of paths in a constructed FDD is \((2n-1)^d\), where d is the number of fields in each rule. After the construction of FDD, the process of misconfigurations discovering and removing, is done on direct paths elements \(dp_i.rules\). Therefore, for our inference systems, the complexity is equivalent to the complexity of operations in an ordered list. Thus, in our case, the complexity of each inference system is equal to \(O(n^d)\). Given that d is typically small (generally we have 4 or 5 fields) our inference systems have a reasonable response time in practice.

Implementation and Experimental Results: In order to better assess the effectiveness of our approach, we implemented the techniques and inference systems described earlier in a software tool, using a Boolean satisfiability (SAT) based approach. This approach reduces the verification problem into Boolean formula and checks its satisfiability. We have chosen also the Java developing language. On the other hand, the verification of the satisfiability of Boolean expressions is performed using Limboole [15]. To evaluate a practical value of our inference systems, we have implemented them based on the FDD approach and we tested our developed tool using the rule collections of the open-source rules available at emerging threats (ETOpen) rule sets [10]. Our tool demonstrates the scalability of proposed inference systems, we have also conducted a set of experiments to measure their performance, our tool has proved a stable performance showing acceptable processing time (the average processing time is some seconds) to the treatment of complex combination of thousands filtering rules. We have also conducted a set of experiments to measure the performance of our inference systems. The experiments were run on an Intel Dual core 1.6 GHz with 2 Gbyte of RAM. It supposes that we have IPv4 addresses with net-masks and port numbers of 16 bit unsigned integer with range support. Figure 12 summarizes our results. We consider time treatment factor that we review by varying the number of rules. In overall terms, we consider the average processing time, of the main procedures of FDD construction, misconfigurations detection and correction. In the end, our tool has proved a stable performance showing acceptable processing time to the treatment of complex combination of rules.

6 Conclusion

The prevalent use of firewalls in network security emphasizes the importance of efficient and optimal configuration. This paper describes two problems. The first, is firewall misconfiguration discovering. In fact, we propose a method to discover and distinct real configuration errors. The second is misconfigurations resolution by using a formal method and a data structure (FDD). Specifically, we presented a classification of misconfigurations (total or partial) and propose a set of inference systems that allow optimal and safe correction of these conflicts, without generating new misconfigurations, through the analysis of the rule relations basing on FDD structure. The efficacy and scalability of our approach has been demonstrated and the first results we obtained are very promising. While the current approach primarily focuses on the detection and correction of firewalls configuration errors. As a future work, we are working on extending our approach in order to handle other network security components misconfigurations like IDS.