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Who Is Shaping Your Agenda? Social Network Analysis of Anti-Islam and Anti-immigration Movement Audiences on Czech Facebook

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Expressions of Radicalization


Šlerka and Šisler explore the audiences of Czech anti-immigration and anti-Islamic movements’ pages on Facebook and analyse them through social network analysis. The public debate on the immigration crisis on Czech Facebook is highly polarized, Šlerka and Šisler argue, and it is fragmented into different clusters, whose audiences rarely share the same content or overlap. The chapter uses new quantitative method called Normalized Social Distance that calculates the distance between various social groups based on these groups members’ online behaviour. Drawing on empirical evidence, Šlerka and Šisler demonstrate how social network sites create echo chambers and filter bubbles, thus strengthening confirmation bias. The methods proposed in this chapter could be adopted by a variety of actors to support their research or decisions with empirical evidence.

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This study was partially supported by the Faculty of Arts of Charles University programs Progres Q15 and Primus/Hum/03.

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Appendix: Complete dataset

Appendix: Complete dataset

Daniel Herman (Minister of Culture), Martin Stropnický (Minister of Defence), Jan Veleba (p), Svobodné fórum (n), Alexandra Udženija (p), Andrej Babiš (Minister of Finance), ANO (m), Pavel Bělobrádek (Minister of Science), Blesk (n), Block Against Islam (m), Pirate Party, Milan Chovanec (Minister of the Interior), Social Democratic Party, ČT24 (n), Echo24 (n), Jiří Dienstbier (Minister for Human rights), Referendum (n), European Commission CR, European Values, Generation Identity, Hate Free Culture, Freedom and Direct Democracy, iDNES (n), Hospodářské noviny (n), Miroslav Lidinský (p), Stop Islam in Czech Republic (m), Jana Černochová (p), Marian Jurečka (p), Miroslav Kalousek (p), Christian and Democratic Union (m), Martin Konvička (p), Communist Party, Lidové noviny (n), Lubomír Zaorálek (Minister of Foreign Affairs), Michaela Marksová-Tominová (Minister of Social Affairs), NO to Brussels—National Democracy (m), Svatopluk Němeček (Minister of Health), Novinky (n), Civic Democratic Party, Parlamentní Listy (n), Petr Fiala (p), Pravý břeh (n), Miloš Zeman (President), Czech Radio—Radiožurnál (n), Reflex (n), Karla Šlechtová (Minister of Regional Development), Bohuslav Sobotka (Prime Minister), Green Party, Pavel Svoboda (p), Free Citizens’ Party, Tomio Okamura (p), Tomáš Zdechovský (p), TOP 09 (m), TV Noe (n), Respekt (n), Kateřina Valachová (Minister of Education)

Note: For clarity, we have translated the Facebook pages’ names into English wherever possible (e.g., Green Party) or labelled these pages according to the following key: (n) = news media, (m) = political movement or party, (p) = individual politician. In specific cases, we provide a full description of the page in parentheses.

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Šlerka, J., Šisler, V. (2018). Who Is Shaping Your Agenda? Social Network Analysis of Anti-Islam and Anti-immigration Movement Audiences on Czech Facebook. In: Steiner, K., Önnerfors, A. (eds) Expressions of Radicalization. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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