
1 Introduction

With the booming popularity of web-based educational settings, such as Coursera, Khan Academy, and ASSISTment, e-learning has attracted much attention of educators, governments and the general public [1]. E-learning aims to make high quality online learning resources to the world, and has attracted a diverse population of students from a variety of age groups, educational backgrounds and nationalities [3]. Despite these successes, providing high quality online education is a multi-faceted and complex system [2]. Two particular problems that have vexed researchers and educators for a long time are how to identify students who are at risk of poor performance early and how to create tutor groups for these weak students so that they can augment their knowledge with cooperative learning from each other [3,4,5,6].

In this research work, we explore how to identify weak students and how to form the optimal tutor group for weak students based on their knowledge state which is described as two skill sets. The formal definition of these two problems will be given in preliminary section. If a set of students that together have all of the required skills which a weak student has not mastered, through the cooperative learning between the weak student and this set of students can improve the performance of this weak student [5, 8]. This set of students is defined as a tutor group of one specific weak student. Based on above idea, a FTGWS framework is proposed, where weak students are discovered based on their interaction records in system and the optimal tutor group will be generated based on students knowledge state. Our main contributions can be summarized as follows:

  1. (1)

    We give the formal definitions of difficulty of skills and learning rate of students, then the concept of weak students is defined, and a algorithm called FKWS to discover top-k weak students has been designed.

  2. (2)

    We introduce the formal definition of tutor group and convert the problem of forming optimal tutor group to the minimum set cover problem (SCP) which has been proved a NP-hard problem; a heuristic algorithm based on genetic algorithm is implemented to solve this problem.

  3. (3)

    Extensive experiments on the real world data setFootnote 1 which contains 28834 students and 244 skills are carried out. The experimental results are capable of producing high-quality solutions (for 93% weak students, the size of the optimal tutor group can be decreased up to 2 students).

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Notations and Definitions

The mathematical denotations throughout this paper are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Mathematical notations used in this paper

Definition 1

(Difficulty Coefficient of Skill). Given a skill \(k_{j}\), a set of students \(S^{j}=\{s^{j}_{1},s^{j}_{2},\dots ,s^{j}_{m}\}\) who have exercised \(k_{j}\) and the matrix \(SK_{M\times {}N}\). The difficult coefficient of skill \(k_{j}\) is

$$\begin{aligned} d_{j}=1-\frac{\sum _{s^{j}_{i}\in S^{j}}P_{i,j}(T)}{||S^{j}||} \end{aligned}$$

Definition 2

(Learning Ability of Student). Given a student \(s_{i}\), a set of skills \(K^{i}=\{k^{i}_{1},k^{i}_{2},\dots ,k^{i}_{n}\}\) which \(s_{i}\) has exercised and the matrix \(SK_{M\times {}N}\). The learning ability of student \(s_{i}\) is

$$\begin{aligned} l_{i}=\frac{\sum _{k^{i}_{j}\in K^{i}}P_{i,j}(T)}{||K^{i}||} \end{aligned}$$

Definition 3

(Mastered Skill). Given a student \(s_{i}\), a skill \(k_{j}\), a SSI model \(s_{i}k_{j}=\{P_{i,j}(L_{0}),P_{i,j}(T),P_{i,j}(G),P_{i,j}(S)\}\), a response sequence \(R^{i,j}=r_{1}^{i,j}r_{2}^{i,j}\dots \) and a determining factor e. Let \(n=||R^{i,j}||\). If the following condition is satisfied, then \(k_{j}\) is a mastered skill of \(s_{i}\).

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{c} P_{i,j}(L_{n-1}|r^{i,j}_{n-1}=1)=\frac{P_{i,j}(L_{n-1})*(1-P_{i,j}(S))}{P_{i,j}(L_{n-1})*(1-P_{i,j}(S))+(1-P_{i,j}(L_{n-1}))*P_{i,j}(G)} \\ \\ P_{i,j}(L_{n-1}|r^{i,j}_{n-1}=0)=\frac{P_{i,j}(L_{n-1})*P_{i,j}(S)}{P_{i,j}(L_{n-1})*P_{i,j}(S)+(1-P_{i,j}(L_{n-1}))*(1-P_{i,j}(G))} \\ \\ P_{i,j}(L_{n})=P_{i,j}(L_{n-1})+(1-P_{i,j}(L_{n-1}))*P_{i,j}(T) \quad \quad \quad \\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} P_{i,j}(L_{n})\ge e \end{aligned}$$

Definition 4

(Target Skill). Given a student \(s_{i}\), a skill \(k_{j}\), and a determining factor \(\varepsilon \), obtaining the coefficient of difficulty \(d_{j}\) of skill \(k_{j}\) from \(DMap\langle k_{j},d_{j}\rangle \), and obtaining the learning rate \(l_{i}\) of student \(s_{i}\) from \(LMap\langle s_{i},l_{i}\rangle \). If the following condition is satisfied, then \(k_{j}\) is a target skill of \(s_{i}\).

$$\begin{aligned} l_{i}\ge {}\varepsilon d_{j} \end{aligned}$$

2.2 Problems Formulation

The major tasks of this research are discovering weak students who are at risk of poor learning performance, and seeking out the optimal tutor group for each of them based on students interaction records in e-learning system. Based on the notations and definitions provided, the problems to be solved in this paper are formulated as follows.

Problem 1

(Discovering Top-K Poor Performance Students, FKWS). Given a student \(s_{i}\), the mastered skill set \(MS_{s_{i}}\) of \(s_{i}\), and the target skill set \(TS_{s_{i}}\) of \(s_{i}\), the function \(f(s_{i},Performance)\) is used to calculate the performance score of \(s_{i}\).

$$\begin{aligned} f(s_{i},Perf)=\frac{||MS_{s_{i}}||}{||TS_{s_{i}}||} \end{aligned}$$

Based on Eq. 6, the top-k poor performance student can be sought out. Before the definition of forming tutor groups for weak students, the tutor skill set is defined as follows.

Definition 5

(Tutor Skill Set). Given a weak student \(w_{i}\) and the other students set \(S=\{s_{1},s_{2},\dots ,s_{i},\dots ,s_{M-1}\}\) where \(w_{i}\notin S\). Given mastered skill set \(MS_{w_{i}}\) and target skill set \(TS_{w_{i}}\) of \(w_{i}\), and other students mastered skill sets \(\{MS_{s_{1}},MS_{s_{2}},\dots ,MS_{s_{i}},\dots ,MS_{s_{M-1}}\}\). Let \(UMS_{w_{i}}=TS_{w_{i}}-MS_{w_{i}}\) and \(I_{i}=TS_{w_{i}}\cap MS_{s_{i}}\), the tutor skill set of \(w_{i}\) is

$$\begin{aligned} TutorSet_{w_{i}}=\cup ^{M-1}_{i=1}I_{i} \,\, (I_{i}\in UMS_{w_{i}}) \end{aligned}$$

Problem 2

(Forming the optimal tutor group for weak students, FTGWS). Given a weak student \(w_{i}\) and the other students \(S=\{s_{1},s_{2},\dots ,s_{i},\dots ,s_{M-1}\}\) where \(w_{i}\notin S\). Given mastered skill set \(MS_{w_{i}}\) and target skill set \(TS_{w_{i}}\) of \(w_{i}\), and other students mastered skill sets \(\{MS_{s_{1}},MS_{s_{2}},\dots ,MS_{s_{i}},\dots ,MS_{s_{M-1}}\}\). Based on Definition 5, the problem of forming the optimal tutor group for weak student \(w_{i}\) is to find a student set \(S_{w_{i}}\subset S\), where

$$\begin{aligned} \cup _{s_{i}\in S_{w_{i}}}MS_{s_{i}}=TutorSet_{w_{i}} \, and \, S_{w_{i}}=arg min |S_{w_{i}}| \end{aligned}$$

3 FTGWS Framework

In this section, the FTGWS framework is presented in detail. The design of our algorithm is inspired by a simple idea: each skill has an inherent difficulty and each student has an inherent learning ability, based on these hypotheses, the target skill set and the mastered skill set of each student can be obtained from this student’s interaction records on skills. The criterion of poor performance students is defined according to these skill sets; then, the optimal tutor group can be formed for each weak student which is formulated by Problem 2 that is converted to minimum set cover problem (SCP). Based on the above idea, the FTGWS framework that employs SSI model and genetic algorithm is proposed, which contains three major steps (the pseudo code is shown in Algorithm 1).

figure a

To understand the work mechanism of FTGWS scheme, we give an illustrative example in Fig. 1, and each step of FTGWS is introduced in the following subsections.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The illustrative example of FTGWS framework

3.1 Learning SSI Model for Each Student and Each Skill

The Student-Skill Interaction (SSI) model proposed by Pardos & Heffernan is expanded based on standard BKT model which is a simple hidden markov model (HMM) [7, 10]. The first step of SSI model is to learn student specific parameters by training all skill data of an individual student. The second step is to embed all students’ specific parameter information which obtained from first step into SSI model. The classical Baum-Welch algorithm is used to find the unknown parameters of a HMM.

Figure 1(a) shows that the entire skill set of student Rachel is {\(+,-,\times ,\div \)}, for each of them, Rachel has a response sequence which obtains from interaction records by chronological order. For instance, the response sequence of Rachel on addition skill is \(r_{1}r_{2}\dots r_{6}\) = [010111]. The individual initial knowledge of Rachel is 15/22 for all skills. As showed in Fig. 1(b), the learning rate, guess rate and slip rate on addition is 0.92, 0.05, 0.20 respectively, which are learnt by SSI model.

3.2 Discovering Top-K Poor Performance Student

According to the definitions in the preliminary section, we utilize algorithm FTWS to discover top-k poor performance students. Firstly, the learning rate \(l_{i}\) for a specific student \(s_{i}\) and the difficulty of a specific skill \(k_{j}\) can be calculated. Next, the mastered skill set \(MS_{s_{i}}\) and the target skill set \(TS_{s_{i}}\) can be obtained based on Definitions 3 and 4. Lastly, we calculate the score of performance for each student and find the top-k weak students.

As shown in Fig. 1(c), the difficulty of {\(+,-,\times ,\div \)} is {0.225, 0.203, 0.50, 0.534} in which division is the hardest skill, and the learning rate of {Rachel, Joey, Ross, Chandler} is {0.74, 0.45, 0.68, 0.62} where Rachel has the best learning ability. Figure 1(d) illustrates that the top-1 weak student is Joey with mastered skill set {\(+\)} and target skill set {\(+,\times ,\div \)}, whose score of performance is 0.33 derived from Eq. 6.

3.3 Forming the Optimal Tutor Group for Weak Students

Now that the weak students have been discovered, the optimal tutor group needs to be formed for each weak student to augment their knowledge. Generally, for a weak student \(w_{i}\), if \((TS_{w_{i}}-MS_{w_{i}})\subset \cup _{s_{i}\in S^{'}}MS_{s_{i}}\) where \(S'\subset S\), the student set \(S'\) is a tutor group of \(w_{i}\), we define the tutor group with the minimal size as the optimal tutor group. Based on the formal description of Problem 2 in preliminary section, the FTGWS problem is a minimum set cover problem which has been proved to be a NP-hard problem. In this paper, we employ a heuristic algorithm proposed by Beasley & Chu which is based on genetic algorithm to solve FTGWS problem [9]. The result of experiment shows that this heuristic algorithm is capable of producing high-quality solutions.

Figure 1(d) shows that the optimal tutor group obtained from FOTG algorithm is {Rachel, Ross} for weak student Joey. The mastered skill sets of Rachel and Ross are {\(+,-\div \)} and {\(+,-,\times \)}, the tutor skill set of Joey is \(TS_{Joey}-MS_{Joey}=\{+,\times ,\div \)} which can be covered by the mastered skill sets of Rachel and Ross.

4 Experiments

In this section, the proposed FTGWS framework is evaluated on the real-world data set assistments_2012_2013 published by ASSISTment platform. Specifically, we show and analyze the result of every step of FTGWS framework, which includes the coefficient of difficulty of skills, the learning rate of students and the optimal tutor group.

4.1 Experimental Data

The ASSISTments data set contains 46674 students, 265 skills and 4 problem types which are choose_1, algebra, fill_in and open_response. We preprocessed the data set by deleting the records in which skill_id is null and problem type is open_response, for the reason that open response problem is always marked as correct. The final experimental data set contains 28834 students and 244 skills.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

DIST of skills difficulty

Fig. 3.
figure 3

DIST of students learning rate

4.2 Experimental Results and Analysis

Coefficient of Difficulty of Skills. In this group of experiments, the coefficient of difficulty for all 244 skills in the dataset were calculated based on Definition 1. Figure 2 shows that difficulty coefficients of most skills are less than 0.7, which represents these skills are relatively simple; the difficulty of skills follow the normal distribution which verified the rationality of Definition 1.

Learning Rate of Students. In this group of experiments, the learning rates of all 28834 students were calculated based on Definition 2. The student with higher learning rate tends to have better learning ability. Figure 3 shows that the mean learning rate of most students is 0.6 which indicates that most students has a normal learning ability, overall, the distribution of students learning rate fits the normal distribution represents that there are fewer prominent students or backward students.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Forming optimal tutor group

Optimal Tutor Group. The convergence and the stability of FOTG algorithm are evaluated and optimal tutor groups for top-100 weak students have been formed. Figure 4 demonstrates the iteration processes of FOTG algorithm, for all 5 weak students the size of their optimal tutor group can be converged to less than 3, which means the mastered skill sets of 3 students can cover the target skill set of one weak student.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

This paper proposed a novel FTGWS framework to form the optimal tutor group for weak students discovered in educational settings, which is based on BKT model and SCP theory. There are several possibilities to extend the research in the future. First, due to the high complexity of FOTG algorithm, a more effective substitutable algorithm needs to be designed to reduce the complexity of forming tutor group. Second, the FTGWS framework is not sufficiently sophisticated, an excellent student who is good at many skills maybe appears in every tutor group, this unbalance problem will be solved in the future work.