1 Introduction

With the wide spread of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets, people use Location-Based Services (LBS) and Social Networking Services (SNS) in their daily lives [4, 8]. Due to this fact, Location-Based Social Networking Services (LBSNS), e.g., Facebook and Yelp, are also prevalent [3]. In a LBSNS, we can search points of interests (PoIs) based on three criteria, spatial distance, social relationships, and keywords [1].

In this paper, we propose a novel query, Geo-Social Keyword Skyline Query (GSKSQ), which returns the skyline [2] of a set of PoIs based on a query point, the social relationships of the query owner, and user-specified keywords. Skyline is the set of data objects which are not dominated by others. Informally, a data object o is dominated by another data object \(o'\) if o is worse than \(o'\) for all attributes. The result of a GSKSQ thus supports multi-criteria decision making in LBSNS applications. We show a practical example of a GSKSQ in Example 1.

Example 1

Assume that a user \(u_a\) searches a restaurant on a LBSNS, and \(u_a\) can choose it based on his/her current position, the number of check-ins of his/her friends, and the number of keywords matched with a query. In this case, \(u_a\) can find such a restaurant easily by using a GSKSQ. Figure 1a represents an example situation where \(u_a\) specifies his/her position as a query point and “Chinese restaurant” as a query keyword. Figure 1b represents the corresponding social graph. As we can see in Figs. 1a and b, restaurant B is worse than restaurant C in the three attributes, so B is dominated by C. In the same manner, we can see that restaurants D, E, F, G, H, I, and J are dominated by C. As a result, \(u_a\) obtains restaurants A and C as the query result, and he/she can easily choose preferable one from these two restaurants.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A practical example of a GSKSQ

A naive way to calculate a Geo-Social Keyword Skyline (GSKS) is to check whether or not a given PoI is dominated by any other PoIs. However, this approach is computationally expensive particularly when the number of PoIs is large [2]. In addition, because the result of a GSKSQ is dependent on a query, we cannot pre-compute the results of any queries. In this paper, we propose an index structure called Social Keyword R-tree (SKR-tree), which is a kind of aR-tree [5], and supports efficient GSKSQ processing. With the SKR-tree, we can retrieve the result while pruning unpromising PoIs. Our contributions in this paper are summarized as follows: (1) We propose a novel query, GSKSQ, which returns the skyline of a set of PoIs based on a query point, the social relationships of the query owner, and user-specified keywords. (2) We propose an index structure called SKR-tree to calculate a GSKS efficiently. (3) We propose a scoring function to support efficient retrieval on SKR-tree. We design this function based on an idea about user behaviors, and show that this function is optimal w.r.t. the number of node accesses of the SKR-tree. (4) The results of our experiments on real datasets GowallaFootnote 1 and BrightliteFootnote 2 demonstrate the efficiency of our solution.

The organization of this paper is as follows. Section 2 defines the problem of this paper. We describe our algorithm in Sect. 3, and Sect. 4 presents our experimental results. Finally, we conclude this paper in Sect. 5.

2 Problem Definition

2.1 Geo-Social Keyword Skyline Query (GSKSQ)

We define a PoI \(p_i \in P\) as \(p_i = \langle loc,key \rangle \), where i is the identifier of \(p_i\), loc is the location of \(p_i\), and key is the set of keywords held by \(p_i\). When a user u retrieves a GSKS, he/she issues a GSKSQ by specifying a query point and query keywords. A GSKSQ is defined as \(q_u = \langle loc,key \rangle \). In response to \(q_u\), each \(p_i \in P\) obtains attribute values \(p_i{.}G(q_u)\), \(p_i{.}S(q_u)\), and \(p_i{.}K(q_u)\), which respectively correspond to a spatial distance, social relationships, and keywords. \(p_i{.}G(q_u)\) is the Euclidean distance between \(q_u{.}loc\) and \(p_i{.}loc\), which is defined as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} p_i{.}G(q_u) = dist(q_u{.}loc,p_i{.}loc) \end{aligned}$$

Note that smaller \(p_i{.}G(q_u)\) is better. \(p_i{.}S(q_u)\) is the number of users who are friends of u and have checked-in to \(p_i\). So, \(p_i{.}S(q_u)\) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} p_i{.}S(q_u) = |u{.}friends \cap p_i{.}checkin|, \end{aligned}$$

where u.friends is the set of users who are friends of u, and \(p_i{.}checkin\) is the set of users who have checked-in to \(p_i\). For example, in Fig. 1b, \(A{.}S(q_u)\) is 4, \(C{.}S(q_u)\) is 3, and \(F{.}S(q_u)\) and \(I{.}S(q_u)\) are 0. Larger \(p_{i}{.}S(q_{u})\) is better. \(p_i{.}K(q_u)\) is the number of the common keywords in \(q_u{.}key\) and \(p_i{.}key\), and is defined as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} p_i{.}K(q_u) = |q_u{.}key \cap p_i{.}key| \end{aligned}$$

As same as \(p_{i}{.}S(q_{u})\), larger \(p_{i}{.}K(q_{u})\) is better. Based on these three attribute values, we define dominance below.

Definition 1

(Dominance). Let \(q_u\) be a geo-social keyword skyline query. If \(p_i\) and \(p_j\) satisfy that \((p_i{.}G(q_u) \ge p_j{.}G(q_u)) \wedge (p_i{.}K(q_u) \le p_j{.}K(q_u)) \wedge (p_i{.}S(q_u) \le p_j{.}S(q_u))\), we represent this condition as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} p_i \preceq p_j \end{aligned}$$

Furthermore, if \(p_{i}\) and \(p_{j}\) satisfy that \((p_i \preceq p_j) \wedge [((p_i{.}G(q_u) > p_j{.}G(q_u)) \vee (p_i{.}K(q_u)< p_j{.}K(q_u)) \vee (p_i{.}S(q_u) < p_j{.}S(q_u))]\), \(p_i\) is dominated by \(p_j\), and we represent this condition as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} p_i \prec p_j \end{aligned}$$

We now define a GSKS as follows.

Definition 2

(Geo-Social Keyword Skyline (GSKS)). Let P be a set of PoIs, and \(q_u = \langle loc,key \rangle \) be a geo-social keyword skyline query. The Geo-Social Keyword Skyline of P calculated on \(q_u\) is the subset \(P'\) of P, which satisfies that

$$\begin{aligned} \not \exists p_j \in P \ such \ that \ p_i \prec p_j, \end{aligned}$$

for \(\forall p_i \in P'\).

Our objective is to achieve efficient processing of a GSKSQ.

2.2 Baseline

We show a baseline algorithm for processing a GSKSQ in Algorithm 1. In Algorithm 1, we calculate all attribute values of all PoIs at first (lines 1–2). We then check whether or not a given PoI dominates or is dominated by other PoIs (lines 3–9), and finally we obtain a GSKS (line 10).

Algorithm 1 is computationally expensive because of two reasons. First, we have to calculate all attribute values of all PoIs. In particular, it increases computational cost w.r.t. \(p_i{.}S(q_u)\). This is because to calculate this attribute value, we have to check how many friends of the query owner checked-in for all PoIs. Second, the baseline algorithm executes dominance check for all PoIs, and this operation is the main overhead of skyline computation [7]. We propose a more efficient algorithm which alleviates this cost.

figure a

3 Proposed Solution

3.1 Social Keyword R-Tree (SKR-Tree)

We propose an index structure called SKR-Tree to achieve efficient GSKSQ processing. SKR-tree is a kind of a R-tree as illustrated in Fig. 2. Nodes of SKR-tree store information on the three attributes, and are classified to two kinds of nodes, leaf nodes and internal nodes. A leaf node \(n_i\) corresponds to a PoI \(p_i\), and contains:

  • a pointer to \(p_i\),

  • \(n_i{.}loc\), which is the location of \(p_i\),

  • \(n_i{.}key\), which is the set of keywords held by \(p_i\),

  • \(n_i{.}S\), which is the upper-bound social value of \(p_i\).

We detail \(n_i{.}S\), which is the upper bound of \(p_i{.}S(q_u)\) for any \(q_u\), in Sect. 3.2. For example, in Fig. 2, leaf node \(n_A\,(n_B)\) contains a pointer to \(p_A\,(p_B)\), \(n_A{.}key = \{k_1\}\,(n_B{.}key = \{k_2\})\) is the set of keywords, and \(n_A{.}S = 1\,(n_B{.}S = 3)\) is the upper-bound social value. An internal node \(n_i\) is a Minimum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) which consists of its all child nodes, and contains:

  • \(n_i{.}key\), which is the union of the keyword sets which are held by its all child nodes,

  • \(n_i{.}S\), which is the maximum upper-bound social value among all its child nodes’ ones.

For example, in Fig. 2, internal node \(n_C\) is an MBR which consists of its child nodes \(n_A\) and \(n_B\), a set of keywords \(\{k_1, k_2\} = n_A{.}key \cap n_B{.}key\), and 3, which is the maximum of \(n_A{.}S\) and \(n_B{.}S\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

An example of SKR-tree

Given a GSKSQ \(q_u\), we can calculate the three attribute values for all \(n_i\), and we represent them as \(n_i{.}G(q_u)\), \(n_i{.}S\), and \(n_i{.}K(q_u)\). If \(n_i\) is a leaf node, \(n_i{.}G(q_u)\) is \(p_i{.}G(q_u)\). If \(n_i\) is an internal node, \(n_i{.}G(q_u)\) is the Euclidean distance between \(q_u{.}loc\) and the nearest neighbor point in the corresponding MBR of \(n_i\). \(n_i{.}S\) is an upper-bound social value of \(n_i\), and \(n_i{.}K(q_u)\) is \(|q_u{.}key \cap n_i{.}key|\). By using these attribute values, we can execute dominance check between a node \(n_i\) and a PoI \(p_j\). If \(n_i\) is dominated by \(p_j\), PoIs which are pointed by \(n_i\)’s descendant nodes are not in the GSKS, so we can prune the subtree rooted at \(n_i\). This reduces attribute value calculation, node accesses, and dominance checks. Therefore, we can accelerate query processing performance. Note that once SKR-tree is constructed, it is updated efficiently by incremental manner [5].

3.2 Upper-Bound Social Value Calculation

To construct SKR-tree, we have to calculate upper-bound social values, which are defined below, for all leaf nodes.

Definition 3

(Upper-bound social value). Given a leaf node \(n_i\) and a set of all users U, \(n_i{.}S\) is calculated as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} n_i{.}S = max_{\forall u_j \in U} |u_j{.}friends \cap p_i{.}checkin| \end{aligned}$$

For example, in Fig. 3, \(|u_a{.}friends\,\cap \,p_A{.}checkin|\) is 3, and those for \(u_b\), \(u_c\), \(u_d\), \(u_e\), and \(u_f\) are respectively 3, 1, 1, 4, and 2. In this case, \(n_A{.}S = 4\). Note that once we obtain \(n_i{.}S\), it is efficiently updated if the social graph is updated because an insertion or a deletion of a check-in and a friendship affects just a part of social graph.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

An example social graph to calculate an upper-bound social value

3.3 GSKSQ Processing Algorithm

We propose Algorithm 2 to calculate a GSKS efficiently on a SKR-tree.

In Algorithm 2, we traverse nodes based on scores. These scores are obtained by a scoring function F, and higher scores mean higher priorities. We achieve this priority by using a priority queue \(Q_F\), and this queue is initialized by the root node \(n_{root}\) (line 1). At the first of each iteration, we pop and get the top node of \(Q_F\), \(n_{temp}\), and check whether or not \(n_{temp}\) is dominated by PoIs in \(P^{temp}_{GSKS}\), which is an intermediate result set (lines 3–8). If \(n_{temp}\) is dominated by \(p_i \in P^{temp}_{GSKS}\), we prune the subtree rooted at \(n_{temp}\), and proceed to the next iteration. Otherwise, if its child nodes \(n_i \in n_{temp}{.}children\) are internal nodes, we calculate the three attribute values of \(n_i\), and push them to \(Q_F\) (lines 9–13). If \(n_i \in n_{temp}{.}children\) are leaf nodes, we calculate \(p_i{.}G(q_u)\), \(p_i{.}S(q_u)\), and \(p_i{.}K(q_u)\) where \(p_i\) is pointed by \(n_i\). Then, we execute dominance checks for all \(p_i\) against the PoIs in \(P_{GSKS}^{temp}\). After that, we add the PoIs pointed by nodes in \(n_{temp}{.}children\) which are not dominated by \(p_j \in P^{temp}_{GSKS}\) to \(P^{temp}_{GSKS}\), and remove non-skyline PoIs from \(P_{GSKS}^{temp}\) (lines 14–23). We continue this iteration while \(Q_F\) is not empty (line 24).

figure b

3.4 Scoring Function Design

The node traversal order in Algorithm 2 is dependent on a scoring function F. We design F based on two criteria. First one is the number of node accesses. To achieve fast query processing, the number of node accesses should be minimized. Second one is the number of dominance checks. It is intuitively known that if \(P_{GSKS}^{temp}\) has a skyline PoI that dominates many PoIs, we can reduce unnecessary checks. Therefore, we should obtain such a PoI as soon as possible.

Now we address the first requirement and introduce Theorem 1. Proof is omitted due to space limitation.

Theorem 1

Assume that we process a GSKSQ by using Algorithm 2. Let \(n_i\) and \(n_j\) be arbitral nodes of SKR-tree, which satisfy that \(n_i \prec n_j\). If F satisfies that

$$\begin{aligned} F(q_u,n_i) < F(q_u,n_j) , \end{aligned}$$

the number of node accesses is minimum for retrieving the GSKS on the SKR-tree.

Based on Theorem 1, we address the second requirement. Our F consists of three sub-scoring functions \(f_G\), \(f_S\), and \(f_K\), which correspond to the three attributes. As well as F, higher scores of these sub-scoring functions mean higher priorities. Note that, PoIs which dominate larger space potentially dominate may nodes and PoIs. Here, we design F and the three sub-scoring functions as follows.

$$\begin{aligned}&F(q_u,n_i) =&{\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} f_G(q_u,n_i) \cdot f_S(q_u,n_i) \cdot f_K(q_u,n_i) &{} (f_G(q_u,n_i) \ne 0) \\ -\frac{1}{f_S(q_u,n_i) \cdot f_K(q_u,n_i)} &{} (f_G(q_u,n_i) = 0) \end{array}\right. }, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} f_G(q_u,n_i) = dist_{max} - n_i{.}G(q_u), \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} f_S(q_u,n_i) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} n_i{.}S(q_u) &{} (n_i{.}S(q_u) \ne 0) \\ \alpha &{} (n_i{.}S(q_u) = 0) \end{array}\right. }, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} f_K(q_u,n_i) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} n_i{.}K(q_u) &{} (n_i{.}K(q_u) \ne 0) \\ \alpha &{} (n_i{.}K(q_u) = 0) \end{array}\right. }, \end{aligned}$$

where \(dist_{max}\) is the farthest distance among the ones between \(q_u{.}loc\) and all corners of \(n_{root}\), which is an MBR, and \(\alpha \) is a real number which satisfies \(0<\alpha <1\). The reason why F, \(f_S\), and \(f_K\) have 2 cases is that the most natural definitions of them, which is the first cases, do not satisfy Eq. (2) in case that one or more of \(f_G\), \(f_S\), and \(f_K\) is 0.

In addition to this, we refine \(f_S\) by considering a practical characteristic of social relationships. Assume that a user issues a GSKSQ. It can be expected that he/she tends to issue this query in his/her friends’ living area. This is because users on SNSs are more likely to connect with people they already know, or have some offline basis for the connection [6]. In this case, his/her friends tend to check-in to near PoIs to the query point. This suggests that distance between attribute and social attribute values have correlation. To this end, we design a sub-scoring function \(f'_S\), which employs \(f_S\) of Eq. (5) and is employed instead of \(f_S\) in Eq. (3), as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} f'_S(q_u,n_i) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} f_S(q_u,n_i) \cdot {f_G}^d(q_u,n_i) &{} (n_i{.}G(q_u) \ne 0) \\ f_S(q_u,n_i) &{} (n_i{.}G(q_u) = 0) \\ \end{array}\right. }, \end{aligned}$$

where d is a real number which provides the influence of distance attribute. Note that d is selected by some empirical studies.

Based on the above discussion, we finally redesign a scoring function F which we propose in this paper and is described below.

$$\begin{aligned} F(q_u,n_i) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} {f_G}^{d+1}(q_u,n_i) \cdot f_S(q_u,n_i) \cdot f_K(q_u,n_i) &{} (f_G(q_u,n_i) \ne 0) \\ -\frac{1}{f_S(q_u,n_i) \cdot f_K(q_u,n_i)} &{} (f_G(q_u,n_i) = 0) \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

This scoring function is based on Eqs. (3) and (7).

4 Experimental Evaluation

4.1 Experimental Setup

We used two real datasets of Gowalla and Brightkite detailed in Table 1. These datasets include: (1) PoIs which hold IDs and locations, (2) users who hold logs of friendships and check-ins. For each PoI in a given dataset, we assigned five synthetic keywords, and the number of distinct keywords in the dataset is 10,000. To simulate semantic proximities (e.g., the keyword of “restaurant” tends to appear with the keyword of “lunch”), we used continuous five integers calculated by modulo 10,000 as the keywords (e.g., 9,999, 0, 1, 2, 3). For these datasets, we run 100 GSKSQs by the following way. We first pick a random user and choose 1–5 query keywords in the same way employed for PoIs. We calculate the MBR of PoIs which the user has checked-in, and choose a random location from the MBR as a query point. For \(\alpha \) in Eqs. (5) and (6), we use 0.001. All algorithms were implemented in C++, and executed on Intel Xeon 3.47 GHz with 192 GB RAM.

Table 1. Datasets
Table 2. The best d for each number of query keywords

4.2 Experimental Result

Pre-processing. The calculation times of upper-bound social values are only 67.7 s for Gowalla, and 35.2 s for Brightkite. These are trivial times in practice. The calculation for Gowalla takes more time because Gowalla has more users, check-ins, and friendships. In addition, the construction times of SKR-tree are \(4.38 \times 10^4\) s for Gowalla, and \(2.38 \times 10^4\) s for Brightkite. These are reasonable times in practice because we can update them once we construct them. Gowalla takes more time because it has more PoIs.

Results with Different Number of Query Keywords. We run GSKSQs with different number of query keywords to demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithm, and to investigate the impact of the number of query keywords. The result is shown in Fig. 4. We used the best d shown in Table 2, which are acquired from empirical experimental results. We can see that our algorithm significantly outperforms the baseline. It is also seen that both algorithms need longer processing times as the number of query keywords increases. When the number of query keywords is large, the number of PoIs which have the common keywords with query keywords is also large. Hence, the number of dominance checks increases. We here show the pruning rate of our algorithm in Fig. 5. We define pruning rate as a rate of pruned nodes to the entire nodes. According to Fig. 5, the pruning rates for Gowalla are lower than those of Brightkite. This difference is explained by Table 1. The differences of the numbers of users, check-ins, and friendships are larger than the difference of the number of PoIs, and that causes differences of attribute values of social relationships. These pruning rates bring the results that the processing times of the proposed algorithm on Gowalla are in 43%–49% compared to that of the baseline one, while those on Brightkite are in 12%–16%.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Impact of the number of query keywords

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Pruning rates for the two datasets

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we introduced a novel query, GSKSQ. Although this query supports decision making in LBSNS, it requires high processing cost when we use a naive algorithm. To overcome this problem, we proposed an index called SKR-tree and an algorithm which uses this index. Our algorithm optimizes a number of node accesses, and achieves effective dominance checks by considering a practical characteristic of social relationships. The experimental results demonstrate that the performance of our algorithm is better than that of the baseline algorithm.