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Intergenerational and Sustainable Development

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Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education


This entry introduces the notions of intergenerational development and sustainable development and presents important relevant concepts such as generation, generativity, justice, as well as sustainability. Although the notion of sustainable development is a contested concept and may be political in nature, it plays an important role in industrial and societal development. The concepts of generativity and intergenerativity at individual and family levels can be linked to sustainable development of the society in a holistic manner. The concept of sustainable development is applicable to promote justice within the same generation (intragenerational justice) and that between different generations (intergenerational justice). This entry concludes by relating sustainable development with intergenerational development and highlights viable approaches from the societal perspectives.

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Law, V.T. (2019). Intergenerational and Sustainable Development. In: Leal Filho, W. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education. Springer, Cham.

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